The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

January - February 2008 Notes

January 16, 2008 
From: Kristina Brunner  
Sent: Wed, January 16, 2008 10:40:01 AM
Subject: ASUS/WAO and More Cold Weather Predicted
Greetings Dr. Gibbens:

Is there any chance someone could visit the ASUS/WAO to verify the condition of the animals before/during the upcoming freeze on Saturday?  My thanks in advance- 
Kind Regards,

Partly Sunny with Showers, High 60°, Low 44°
Cloudy , High 49°, Low 40°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 55°, Low 38°
Mostly Sunny, High 56°, Low 32°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 54°, Low 37°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 63°, Low 47°

From: Kristina Brunner <kbrunner@
Sent: Thu, January 17, 2008 9:14:35 AM
Subject: Re: ASUS/WAO and More Cold Weather Predicted
Greetings Dr. Gibbens:

I completely understand  - I am relieved that attention has now been given to all the WAO animals - I truly believe they are benefiting from the continued inspections.

Thank you so much for working on this case -

Kindest Regards,

From: ""  
To: kbrunner
Sent: Wed, January 16, 2008 8:40:45 PM
Subject: Re: ASUS/WAO and More Cold Weather Predicted

Ms. Brunner:

We've been there recently and confirmed that the facility appears to be in
compliance with our minimum requirements pertaining to cold temperatures
and shelter requirements.

January 24, 2008
From: "" <>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thu, January 17, 2008 9:00:19 AM
Subject: Re: ASUS/WAO and More Cold Weather Predicted

Ms. Brunner:

Because our case against WAO is still open, I'm unable to provide further details at this point. Through that enforcement proceeding, we continue to try to ensure that all of WAO's animals under the jurisdiction of the Animal Welfare Act are cared for and maintained in facilities that meet or exceed the minimum requirements under the Act. I apologize that I cannot provide additional information.

 ----- Original Message -----
  From: Kristina Brunner
  Sent: 01/17/2008 06:15 AM PST
  To: Robert Gibbens
  Subject: Re: ASUS/WAO and More Cold Weather Predicted

Greetings Dr. Gibbens:

That is a relief!  Today is a cold day and its expected to get colder this weekend.  While I wish they would provide more than just the minimum requirements pertaining to cold weather and shelter requirements for the animals, I am grateful they are receiving heat for the second year in a row. 

Were inspectors able to verify whether or not heat was provided to the Talley Road animals as well or were the inspectors only able to check on the Leslie Road animals?

Thank you for checking on the animals - I really appreicate the concern you have shown for them - 

Kindest Regards,


January 23, 2008
From: Kristina Brunner 
To: ; Chris Krhovjak <>  ;
Cc: Robert M. Gibbens <>  ; Domby, Adam <>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 8:40 PM
Subject: ASUS/WAO - Newsletter - January 2008

VIA E-MAIL: <>  

                                            CC: <>
January 23, 2008
RE:  ASUS/ Wild Animal Orphanage – January 2008 ASUS/WAO Newsletter

Dear Sirs and Ma'am:

Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office.
The documentation enclosed herein is additional information to my original complaint regarding alleged misappropriation of funds and mail fraud perpetrated by the non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization’s owners/operators of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); f/k/a the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), f/k/a; f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, f/k/a Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); f/k/a Chimp Aid; f/k/a Cat Haven; and possibly starting up the d/b/a Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society.  I believe this additional information warrants a continued investigation into the referenced charity for diversion of charitable trust funds from their intended purpose and/or gross mismanagement resulting in a significant financial loss or other substantial harm to the citizens of Texas and throughout the United States.

I am in receipt of a newsletter appeal from the ASUS/WAO.  It was sent to an individual living in Lafayette, California, whom is not a contributing member of ASUS/WAO.  She is however, a member and on the mailing list of, another large animal organization, which was undoubtedly sold to the ASUS/WAO.  I have reason to believe Ms. Asvestas probably used “In the News” once again to purchase a mailing used to disseminate this newsletter.

I also have reason to believe Ms. Asvestas used a professional printing company to format, create and mail the newsletters.  I have reason to believe this e-mail address ( <> ) with a point of contact named “Shannon,” helped format past newsletters and may have formatted the current newsletter.  Ms. Asvestas claimed in the January 2008 newsletter “…newsletters and education materials are produced at the sanctuary.”  I am in possession of the original newsletter received by the California resident, and this particular newsletter possesses an envelope pre-cut tear line, with a glue strip adhered to the envelope flap (where the words “Please Act Now, The Animals Need Your Help Today!  Thank You!”).  A clear circle sticker was used to close the newsletter.  And finally, there are bar code lines located on the recipient’s address box and the pre-addressed return envelope.  Past In-House produced newsletters did not have any of these “bells and whistles.”  It is my understanding each batch of newsletters number in the tens of thousands, and unless the ASUS/WAO purchased special printing and paper folding equipment, newsletter-styled paper with clear stickers, and editor computer software, I have serious reservations as to the validity of the claim the January 2008 newsletters were “produced at the sanctuary.”

On the plus side, the newsletter finally contained the disclaimer that all contributions “will be placed in the organizations [sic] general account to be used as necessary. “

Under “New Rescues,” there is a picture of a donkey named “Jack.”  The newsletter claimed “Jack” was “brought to the sanctuary by a local rancher who could not continue to care for him.  He now enjoys the company of the other hoof stock at ASUS.”  Several years ago, the ASUS/WAO possessed two donkeys—“Jack” and “George.”  When I last visited the ASUS on May 15, 2005, both donkeys were allowed to roam freely at Talley Road property.  If “Jack” is truly a “New Rescue,” then what happened to the first “Jack?”

The next picture is of a five-week old kitten allegedly left on the side of the road a few feet from the sanctuary.  I am extremely concerned about the following statements:   “We hope to help with this problem [stray cats and dogs] in the near future by working in collaboration with the Hill Country Animal League.  We are working towards building a low cost spay and neuter clinic on site at the Wild Animal Orphanage.”  In light of the allegations pertaining to the large number of missing or dead cats from this facility, I am very concerned that this wild animal sanctuary is now trying to get into the “spay and neuter” animal business.  There is very little money to be made in this business venture, assuming that it is done legally and ethically, and therefore I cannot imagine the Board of Directors authorizing this new “collaboration” until after the ASUS/WAO is on firm financial ground.   It would not surprise me if this new business venture is to be used to institute a new stream of revenue for the purpose of caring for the surviving ASUS/WAO exotic wild animals.  Most non-profit organizations hold fund raising events, rather than institute another program which may or may not succeed.  The “Cat Haven” project was a complete disaster, and therefore based on past business practices, I would be surprised if a business plan was drafted and approved by the Board of Directors.  Ms. Asvestas is determined to move away from the main mission of the ASUS/WAO of “rescuing and caring” for exotic wild animals—and instead move towards the domestic dog and cat “business.”

The final picture is of Ekaterina and Sierra, two tigers acquired from a private owner in Ohio.  The January 2008 newsletter claimed Ekaterina and Sierra were two of six animals rescued from the Ohio shelter.  The newsletter also claimed “four lions were placed at the Wild Animal Orphanage under a court order.  The International Fund for Animal Welfare kindly assisted with this rescue by making transport possible and offsetting some of the costs of this collaborated effort.”   This is a misrepresentation of what truly occurred (see links below). <> <> <>

There were 6 animals removed from the private owner in Ohio—4 tigers and 2 lions.  The six animals were transported to Big Cat Rescue in Florida, where 2 tigers and 2 lions remained at the Big Cat Rescue facility and the remaining two tigers were taken to ASUS/WAO.  IFAW and Big Cat Rescue mentioned ASUS/WAO on their Internet sites and newsletters, while ASUS refused to give credit to Big Cat Rescue for their part in arranging the animals’ relocation to the ASUS/WAO.  Based on my past experiences, Ms. Asvestas does not like to share “credit” with other animal rescue groups in direct competition with her for donations.   I have reason to believe this not an accidental omission, but rather an intentional one.  If the Board of Directors had an opportunity to review the newsletter before it went out, and assuming they were properly informed of the “rescue” collaboration, then the Board would have caught this error and corrected the newsletter before it was mailed out to the public.

And finally, I also noticed checks should be made to “Wild Animal Orphanage,” yet the 2006 990 states the organization’s name is the “Animal Sanctuary of the United States.”  This could be rather misleading to the public interested in donating to this facility and claiming the donation on the personal tax return.

I believe the January 2008 newsletter may constitute as mail fraud and I hope your Office will look into this serious allegation.

Again, thank you for your time and attention to this case.

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner

January 28, 2008
From: "Domby, Adam" <>
To: kbrunner@...

Sent: Mon, January 28, 2008 8:44:31 PM
Subject: Re: ASUS/WAO - Newsletter - January 2008 - Additional Information
Keep me apraised.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device

---- Original Message -----

From: Kristina Brunner  
To: <>; Chris Krhovjak <>; Robert M. Gibbens <>
Cc: Domby, Adam; <>
Sent: Mon Jan 28 20:50:19 2008
Subject: Re: ASUS/WAO - Newsletter - January 2008 - Additional Information

RE:  ASUS/ Wild Animal Orphanage – January 2008 ASUS/WAO Newsletter Follow-up

Dear Gentlemen:

Today at 12:30pm I contacted the Hill Country Animal League (HCAL) and spoke with "Katy," a representative of this organization.  I asked Katy if she could give me additional information pertaining to the new low cost spay and neuter facility to be built at the Animal Sanctuary of the United States.

Katy did not recognize the name "Animal Sanctuary of the United States," so I read the January 2008 newsletter article.  Once I finished, Katy said she was aware of a collaborated effort between the HCAL and the WAO.  Katy told me there were conversations between the HCAL and the WAO to build a low cost spay and neuter facility since San Antonio has a very large stray dog and cat population, but nothing definite had been agreed upon.  Katy told me the WAO planned to use an existing building for the low cost spay and neuter clinic at its main property.

I mentioned I lived nearby and knew the WAO as the place where you could tour and see the wild animals.  I made the comment that it sounded like the WAO wanted to get more involved with domestic animals and wondered if people would still be able to tour and see the wild animals.  Katy told me she was disappointed to learn the WAO planned to move all the exotic wild animals to the "other large property" so the animals would have "larger places" to live.  According to Katy, the main property would be strictly used for domestic animals and the other property would be for the wild animals.  I repeated her comment that the WAO planned to move all the animals to the other property and she said yes that was what she was told.  I made the comment that it would make sense to move the big cats since the little cats might be afraid of the larger animals.  Katy chuckled and made a comment in agreement.

Katy suggested I speak with Jennifer to learn more about the proposed plan to build a low cost spay and neuter clinic at the WAO.

Later today, another individual contacted ASUS/WAO to learn more about the HCAL and ASUS' plan to build the low cost spay and neuter clinic.  The person that answered the phone transferred the call to Ms. Asvestas.  Ms. Asvestas confirmed the story in the newsletter and told the caller the clinic was "under construction as we speak."  Ms. Asvestas added that the clinic would not be built all at one time, but in increments as the WAO received donations.  Ms. Asvestas told the caller that the clinic is being constructed in conjunction with "another animal organization" that became "overloaded."  Ms. Asvestas did not disclose the name of the other "animal organization."

The caller asked if there would still be tours of the WAO and Ms. Asvestas assured the caller that there would still be tours.

Ms. Asvestas also told the caller that the old office building for the WAO was going to be torn down and the clinic would be built in its place.  At one point, Ms. Asvestas told the caller that the new building would be a "holding area" and then she said it would be a "clinic."

Ms. Asvestas told the caller that the WAO is "working with several vets" and that they expect to do between 4,000-5,000 spay/neuter surgeries per year (for both dogs and cats).   Ms. Asvestas told the caller she expects the clinic to be operational "by the end of the year."

Needless to say, the thought that the Asvestas plan to allegedly relocate the approximate 125 exotic wild animals from the Leslie Road facility to the Talley Road property (and in affect remove all evidence of any animal coming into the organization), concerns me greatly.  Once the animals leave the Leslie Road facility, the ASUS/WAO will no longer require a USDA exhibitor permit at the Leslie Road property.  That means the Talley Road facility will continue to operate as an unlicensed/unregulated property.  I am also concerned the 100+ animals will end up be warehoused until either an enclosure opened up due to "attrition"; a new enclosure is finally built for a group of animals; or the animal dies while housed in small isolation cages.

I am also concerned more unwanted dogs and cats, taken to the WAO's new "shelter and clinic" may end up abandoned at the Talley Road property, as was the fate of many cats that used to be housed at the Leslie Road's "Cat Haven, " all the hundreds of feral cats taken to the property for "rehabilitation"  and the Hurricane Katrina and Rita cats that were deemed "feral" by Ms. Asvestas and eventually dumped at this property.

Building a new clinic has got to be expensive and it looks like the ASUS/WAO is relying on funds from their newsletters to build this new clinic.  I have no doubt the ASUS/WAO will not obtain the proper City permits to build this new "clinic" as they did not obtain any permits for the other structures built on either property.  Failure to obtain the proper permits puts visiting veterinarians and ASUS/WAO staff at risk, along with all the animals housed in new building.

If the ASUS/WAO is relying on donated funds to build this new clinic, then what type of care can we expect the surviving ASUS exotic wild animals to receive this year (i.e. food, new shelters, improvements made to shelters, veterinarian care)?  HCAL is able to operate their spay and neuter clinic from donations from their thrift store.  I cannot imagine HCAL providing all the funds needed to operate a second site at the ASUS/WAO--therefore ASUS/WAO and other animal organizations' donations will probably be needed to operate this new "clinic."

I cannot imagine the current ASUS/WAO board of directors approving this new clinic in light of the cash flow problems the ASUS Vice President mentioned in several of his e-mails to the Office of the Attorney General.  How can the ASUS/WAO afford to start up this new project, but  at the same time claim they cannot afford unemployment insurance, vehicle insurance, property insurance, health care insurance for the workers, Talley Road perimeter fence, etc?

Ms. Linda Howard, former board member, told me Ms. Asvestas wanted to get out of the exotic business and move into the domestic animal business.  It appears the ASUS/WAO is moving in this direction.

Again, I thank you for your kind consideration regarding this case.  If you required additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner

From: Christopher Krhovjak <>
To: Kr
istina Brunner
Sent: Wed, January 23, 2008 11:47:43 AM
Subject: Re: ASUS/WAO Additional Informatmion - 122707


>>> Kristina Brunner 1/23/2008 11:46 AM >>>

Greetings Chris:

The USDA did request the same video material and I forwarded the CD to them several weeks ago.  I can mail a copy of what I sent the USDA this week.  Also, I just received another newsletter requesting donations from the ASUS/WAO and will provide analysis to your Office via e-mail.

Hope you are doing well and are staying warm! 

Kind Regards,


Christopher Krhovjak <> wrote:

Ms. Brunner:

In reviewing the file, I came across this followup email.  If you think the videos would be helpful to us, please send them.  Thanks.


>>> "Kristina Brunner" 12/26/2007 7:28 PM >>>

Greetings Everyone:

I attempted to send the videos tonight via e-mail, but unfortunately the files are too large.  If you would like a copy of the video attachments, please let me know and I will burn a CD and mail it to you.  My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Kindest Regards,

Kristina Brunner  

From: Lauren Silverman <>
To: kbrunner
Sent: Fri, February 29, 2008 5:58:07 PM
Subject: RE: Re: I can't go undercover without you

Hi Kristina,

I am so sorry for my delay in response to you. I am looking into what you've relayed to us in your email below. Believe it or not, we actually receive hundreds of similar requests for assistance every month! I recognize that this is important and I promise that we'll respond to you as soon as we can. Thanks in advance for your patience.


Lauren Silverman
Federal Legislative Specialist
The Humane Society of the United States

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:45 PM
To: Lauren Silverman
Subject: Fw: Re: I can't go undercover without you

Dear Humane Society:

I too received the same e-mails requesting financial assistance for animal undercover work conducted by HSUS undercover investigators.

My name is Kristina Brunner and I have been working on the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild Animal Orphanage investigation case without any financial backing from anyone for the last two years. I tried to solicit assistance from several large "animal rescue" (AR) organizations, but each time I was told to keep the group "informed of my progress"-- including HSUS. 

Ms. Ferro, along with many other AR groups/former owners, placed THOUSANDS of animals at the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild Animal Orphanage. The groups/owners were PROMISED these animals would receive life long care at the WAO (as stated on their web page). Sadly, this is not the case (see attachments).

As the WAO's former Vice President, Treasurer, Board Chairperson, and Animal Caretaker, I believed it to be my fiduciary responsible to notify the proper law enforcement agencies of the serious allegations of ANIMAL WELFARE ABUSE and MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. The USDA, Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, and the Texas AG's Office have been investigating the WAO for two years (this month). The AG's Office was kind enough to release 333-pages of records pertaining to this case (I was told this was just a very small part of the investigative file), and what the documents contain is staggering and very upsetting -- clear misappropriation of funds and animals unaccounted for are documented in the Texas records.

Despite all the investigations, the WAO is now "remaking" themselves once again by entering into the dog and sat shelter business. This new business venture places the animals at the WAO's USDA license property at extreme risk as the WAO plans to drop its exhibitor's license and move the 100+ animals to its second unlicensed, unregulated, with no perimeter fenced, property--out of sight and apparently, out of mind.

This means the USDA, Texas OAG, TCEQ, and other agencies will not be able to inspect the property in order to ensure the health and well-being of the animals and to ensure the WAO's large animal burial pits are not reopened (as first discovered by the local media) unless they have a warrant to inspect the private property.

I have worked tirelessly without any donations, investigating court records, county records, and city records. Numerous investigative teams recorded the health and condition of the USDA licensed property over the last two years, all at my expense, which were forwarded to law enforcement personnel. Despite all the man hours and funds spent on this case, the WAO still receives animals and now is in the process of "reinventing" itself, by opening a spay/neuter clinic on the proposed site of the dog and cat shelter, at the end of this year.

Sadly, I have lost faith in large AR groups because no cares about the "local" Texas animals. Sure, the whales in Japan get the headlines, but when it comes to really making a difference in the local community, every AR group I contacted turned a blind eye to this case. What is worse, each large animal rescue group admitted hearing the same allegations over the years, yet did nothing to stop what was happening to the animals. This case could have ended months ago with the help of groups like the Humane Society of the United States, standing in the gap and supporting the animals. Several more large animals died last year at the licensed facility -- 2 lions, 1 tiger, cougars, and servals. While this may not seem to be a big deal to such a large organization like HSUS, it means the world to me because I knew these animals - I tried to save these animals--and I failed.

So, instead my pleas and the pleas of a few determined, caring individuals willing to step out and testify on behalf of the animals, have gone ignored and it breaks my heart to receive e-mails from HSUS requesting funds to help fund HSUS investigators.

The WAO animals need your help today. I am willing to share all the information I have with your organization, including the records obtained from the AG's Office and the USDA. I have done the leg work. I have the videos and I have the documents. I cannot continue to investigate this case alone--the animals and I really need your help. I have no where else to turn at this point -

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
San Antonio, TX 78251
(xxx) xxx-xxx

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information which is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. Email addresses are confidential and should not be forwarded to anyone unless permission is granted from the sender.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeannette Ferro
Sent: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 5:53 pm
Subject: Re: I can't go undercover without you

I know this message wasn't written by Brian, nor will my reply reach Brian. However, since Brian represents HSUS, I will ask HSUS to help me with an undercover investigation in a case that the USDA, the IRS, and the TX AOGs office has dragged their feet on for over a year now. Many animals have died and were buried in the "animal burial pit" and I fear many more will join them before the authorities do something, if anything, to help them.

I'm talking about the Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio. I personally sent over 100 mini pigs there with, originally, $4,500 that I was told was needed up front to build a barn and erect fencing on acreage that was to be dedicated to these animals to afford them to live out their lives in peace. I later sent $500 of my personal money along with 3 pieces of my jewelry that I was told by Carol Avestas raised $1,500 more. Just months after their arrival on January 31, 2000, I was told by the professional transporter who was delivering some large exotic cats to the WAO, when he asked how my pigs were doing, that Carol Asvestas told him, "I got rid of them." He tried to find out more, but Carol cut him off by repeating, "I got rid of them."

Over the years, Carol told me she gave half the pigs to one of her nearby board members and she kept the rest. The story then changed to she gave all of the pigs to two nearby board members. She now states that she gave all the pigs were to a laborer who did some work for the WAO. I have also since found out that the WAO used (until the authorities stopped the program) laborers who were criminals, most, if not all, Mexicans. I have also heard from rumors by workers at the WAO that the large exotics, including the cats supposedly who should not be fed pork, were indeed fed pork shortly after my pigs disappeared.

In additon to my rescued pigs, I also sent a little abused Cappuchin monkey who always held dearly to his little blue security blanket, several fox, and several wolves, all from a neighboring LA parish in another animal cruelty case. None of these animals are at the WAO today, as many, many other animals are no longer at the WAO today. Up until recently when the public found out differently, the WAO always professed to be a 'no kill' sanctuary.

One of the things that makes this case so frustrating, other than the time it has taken to get anyone to do anything about it, is the fact that the WAO purchased a 100 acre piece of property with public funds donated to the WAO for the care of the animals. Since the additional piece of property is not open to the public, the ridiculous law states that agents of the USDA cannot enter the property to check on any animals kept there. Naturally, when Asvestas and her husband, Ron, want to get rid of any animals, that's where they send them. I totally do not understand how a law can prevent anyone from checking on animals given to a nonprofit animal rescue organization, the land and animals kept there all be publicly funded, and no one is allowed entrance to the property to check on the condition of those animals.

The USDA and the TX OAG have repeatedly asked for a list of all the animals buried on the annexed property, but no list has been given to them. Carol even states the WAO kept no records of animals at the WAO, how they died, when they died, or anything else about them. That is totally absurd, not to mention criminal and illegal. They claim ignorance and that they are *now* keeping records. Carol, herself, has injected controlled drugs into animals to kill them. Carol is not licensed, nor is anyone who works for her, licensed to have, certainly not use, control substance drugs. One of the vets she uses, all dog and cat vets, by the way, and none of them familiar with treating wild and large exotics, found out that Carol falsified the credentials of one of her workers in order to get controlled drugs from one of the vets. It's amazing that no one at the vets office bothered to ask for verification of these credentials before sending whatever drugs Carol requested for years. I am told this has now stopped.

According to the paperwork that the OAG has already released for public records, I KNOW they have enough to criminally charge Ron and Carol Asvestas and the board members of the WAO, but after close to, if not over two years now, nothing has been done. The case is still active. If the case was about humans, of course, this case would have long since gone to trial.

We need hard evidence and the truth about the conditions of any animals that may be at this annexed property in an effort to push the USDA and TX OAGs office into charging these people with cruelty to animals and fraud to the public. I personally have tried for years to get someone to go in there to help me get to the truth, and to date, no one has stepped forward.

I know this is not a big national news event for HSUS, but I also know from years of doing animal rescue and working with many organizations across the US, that this sanctuary is only one of many doing such things, and something needs to be done on a federal level to stop it as well as to stop all the abuse to the billions of farmed animals. ALL animals are worthy of our help and protection whether they make headline news or not.

Will you help me help these animals and find out the truth about them?


Jeannette Ferro
xxxxx xxxxx Road
Xxxxx, LA 70714
xxx-xxx-xxxx - home
xxx-xxx-xxxx - cell

Note:  I never received any assistance from HSUS and I never heard from Ms. Silverman again.

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