The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

July - August 2006 Notes

July 1, 2006
I spoke with Detective Blake Johnson asking he check on the animals living in the quarantine cages, the cougars, several, and the lemur.
From:  Linda J. Howard <>
To:  Kristina Brunner

Sent:  Sat, July 1, 2006 11:01:22 AM
Subject:  Re: Hi Linda
Hi Kris,
More soon -- I only have 2 minutes of connection time remaining!
That's horrible about Amanda.
I'll write again tomorrow evening when we return to the lodge (we drove 10 hours across Uganda today and are now in Western Uganda,) but wanted to let you know that using the phone is fine!  If you can just leave 20-30 that will be great.

Have a great time and Uganda is AMAZING!  There are olive baboons and vervets all around our lodge so I'm in heaven!!!  Our room overlooks the Nile and we can hear hippos!
Talk to you soon,
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Jun 30, 2006 8:37 PM
To: "Linda J. Howard"
Subject: Hi Linda

Greetings Linda:
Well, another late night on the computer - I'm still trying to get all the information regarding the chimpanzee's death straight. 
Amanda apparently died either late last week or early this week.  Dr. Pannell did go to the Talley Road facility and verified Amanda's death.  This information was passed onto Dr. Gibbens (USDA Regional Director) and I've been advised that this death and my complaints are being investigated.  That of course means, no more details until the investigation is over.
The media has been advised and are interested in the story.  I am very tired and have been on the phone and e-mail most of the evening.
I am concerned that I'm using your cell too much.  I checked the $$ remaining and the phone is down to $73.00.  Is this too low?  Should I stop using the phone?  Please let me know!  I will certainly reimburse your phone $$ if I have gone too low.  Thank you very much for the use of the phone - it has been a life saver and a true blessing... 
I'm looking forward to all the wonderful stories of your adventures!  When are you due back???  Soon??  Anyhoo, I'll e-mail you some more later...chow4now...k
July 2, 2006
I spoke with Don Hall (former Best Friends employee).  I learned that Best Friends originally started as a cult group (Foundation Faith of God).  Why is WAO linked with this organization?
July 3, 2006
Subject:Letter from Carol Asvestas

Dear Dawn,

As I explained to you on the phone when we spoke. Originally we transported hundreds of animals to the airport for flights to several shelters all over the United States. We were not given any details by HSUS or anyone else at that time that was in charge of shipping these animals out. We were just a means of transport.

I personally took in approximately 60 dogs and 350 domestic cats. The dogs that were not re-united with their owners were sent to Animal Defense League in San Antonio, who then also manage to re-unite some with their owners or adopt them into good homes. We still have some dogs left that have not been adopted or were surrenders by their owners. None of the dogs at our facility were euthanized. Of the 345 cats we took in, 65 were feral ( we have those at our 102 acres and at one of my staff members ranch, 60 were deathly ill with a combo virus, 31 of those were humanely euthanized by a veterinarian after all attempts were made to treat them failed, these animals were suffering and showed absolutely no signs of recovery, 45 were re-united with their owners, 20 went to Cedar Hill Animal Sanctuary in Caledonia, Mississippi, where they remain, 50 went to the Dallas SPCA who have re-united some with owners and have adopted the rest out into responsible homes. 57 have been adopted out and we have 82 remaining. We are having an adoption day this weekend in order to place more in homes. We are letting adoptees know that we are still actively looking for owners with hopes of re-uniting them.

I do know that some of the animals affected by Hurricane Katrina originally went to Orlando SPCA, FL, San Diego, SPCA, CA, South Mississippi, SPCA, MS, Houston SPCA, Texas and Dallas SPCA, Texas. Those facilities all have networked to get these animals home.
I can assure you we keep very strict records and anyone is invited to come here and see what we do.

Thank you

Carol Asvestas

PS: Are you affiliated with the United States Animal Protection?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: I would like to donate would you send info and pictures of the anim...

Could you tell me where the cats and dogs have gone.

July 5, 2006

From: "Menzel, Kelsey"
To: "Green, Renee"
Cc: "Aceves, Joe" ;"Alcocer, Leticia"; Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, July 5, 2006 3:20:09 PM
Subject: RE: Wild Animal Orphanage

Attached is the current wild animal order.  Passed in August of 2001, it rescinded the 1989 order.  The keeping of wild animals in Bexar County is now prohibited.  The enabling statute, Subchapter E of the Health and Safety Code, identifies several situations that are exempt from the order, including " an injured, infirm, orphaned, or abandoned dangerous wild animal while being rehabilitated, treated, or cared for by ... a person who holds a rehabilitation permit issued under Subchapter Chapter 43, Parks and Wildlife Code."  Accordingly, if Wild Animal Orphanage has the required permit, it is exempt from the Act and the Commissioners Court order.
From: Green, Renee
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 1:27 PM
To: Menzel, Kelsey
Cc: Aceves, Joe; Alcocer, Leticia; 'Kristina Brunner'
Subject: Wild Animal Orphanage
Last week I met with Commissioner Elizondo and Ms. Kristina Brunner (as a private citizen).  Ms Brunner presented us with several concerns regarding the Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO), a non-profit organization with facilities on Leslie and Talley Road.  She is working with different State and Federal agencies to address her concerns. 

One item she presented to us relates to the licensing/registration of these types of facilities.  Attached is our existing 1989 Court Order which prohibits keeping wild animals in the unincorporated area unless the facility is registered as a wildlife rehabilitator. Ms. Brunner states WAO is registered and in compliance this order (Section 4 (6)).  The second document is a bill that was passed in 2001 relating to these types of facilities.  My question is:  If the facility is registered under the existing 1989 CO is it compliant with the new provisions of HB 1362?  I look forward to your response.

As additional information, below is an e-mail from Ms. Brunner with information on individuals/agencies she has contacted:

Dear Renee Green:
I am providing this information in response to a request made by Commissioner Elizondo on June 21, 2006 regarding the Wild Animal Orphanage and HB 1362, effective on 9/1/01: Contact Information:

Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trusts Section
Consumer Protection Division
Investigator Chris Krhovajak
(512) 475-4175
Original Complaint letter sent February 12, 2006
Complaint package sent certified mail on Monday, June 19, 2006

Dr. Robert Gibbens, DVM
Director - Animal Care - Western Region
Animal, Plant & Health Inspection Services (APHIS)
Animal Care (AC)
2150 Centre Ave  - B - 3W11
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8117
(970) 494-7463 (Admin Asst)
Original Complaint mailed on 3/24/06, 1st Addendum dated 4/1/06; 2nd Addendum dated 5/18/06

I have e-mailed Mr. Trimble requesting his authorization to provide his contact information to the County.  I will e-mail you with his response. Thank you very much for looking into this situation.  If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at home - 647-1789. 

Kristina Brunner
(Note:  When I showed Kelsey the HB1362 (Dangerous Wild Animal Bill), I learned that if the WAO is categorized as a "corporation" and "shelter" then the WAO is exempt from the Texas state bill and the state bill trumps the county rules.  Back to square one.)

July 6, 2006
I spoke with Sue today and learned from her I was listed on the BBB Wisegiving website, including my employers’ name.  I expressly told Carol that she could NOT list my place of work on the Internet as my employer does not support this organization.  I told Carol that she could list me as a local government worker, but that was all.  I called Mark Blankenship with the BBB Wisegiving and left a message for a return call.
I spoke with Mike L. who took a tour in March which he taped – he wants to transcribe his visit.
I finally received an acknowledgement letter from the USDA.  The USDA claimed they originally mailed a letter to me dated 4.11.06.  I never received this letter.  I call Dr. Pannell on 4.3.06 regarding my complaint package – she said she’d look into the location of the package.  I called Dr. Pannill again on 4.18.06 since I did not hear back from anyone at the USDA.  I was told the office was having problems micro-phising the package as it was rather large.  I was asked to submit statements pertaining to Talley Road tours.
I contacted via email IDA, PETA, and USAP that letters of support were due to the OAG this week. 
USAP wanted to contact the Prentice Foundation to advise them of the situation at the WAO since Cynthia Prentice was listed on the WAO’s website.
I called Chris K. (OAG investigator).  He said there was a “memo” pertaining to the WAO case on the director’s desk.  He didn’t say whether or not the OAG would take the case; he also told me he was unable to comment further at this time.
July 7, 2006
I received an email from HELP WAO – tried to send a return email, but it was kicked back.
I spoke with Detective Johnson – Sheriff’s Office.  He visited the WAO property and told me that:
1.   Within two months Bubba is supposed to move to Talley Road to be housed with another tiger;
2.   The lemur is supposed to move to Talley Road within a month to a larger new enclosure to live by himself;
3.   Wolves were moved from Leslie Cat Haven area to Talley Road;
4.   Carol told Detective Johnson that she loses an average of 6-7 animals per year;
5.   Carol told Detective Johnson that when an animal dies, it is placed in the freezer until a necropsy can be conducted by a veterinarian;
6.   There were a few water bowels empty or filled with algae—he recommended to Carol that the water bowls have fresh moving water;
7.   Detective Johnson said he saw monkey biscuits only at Talley Road.  He said he saw lots of dog food at both locations;
8.   Detective Johnson said he saw a few pallets of chicken in the meat locker.  He said he saw a lot of bi-product meat at both locations;
9.   Detective Johnson said Carol planned to sell Talley Road to Red McCombs;
10. Detective Johnson said Carol told him she planned to “put down” Princess because she was too old;
11. Detective Johnson said he did not see the “Red Book” that Norma L. kept on animal injuries and deaths.  He was shown a few files that contained “death certificates” from vets;
12. Detective Johnson said only one cougar looked thin;
13. Carol told Detective Johnson she planned to move the ligers to Talley Road soon;
14. Carol told Detective Johnson she planned to move the four juvenile tigers from Leslie Road to Talley Road and move the tigers out of quarantine;
15. Carol told Detective Johnson the tigers were living in quarantine for six months.  When I told the detective that the tigers lived in quarantine for over one year, he said he saw no evidence of that;
16. Detective Johnson said Carol opened up the bear enclosure at Talley Road and the bears are now enjoying the new open space (obviously this was a very recent event – at least my complaint to IFAW helped the bears);
17. Detective Johnson said he saw construction of a new tiger enclosure at Talley Road;
18. Detective Johnson said he did not see the recently received baboons;
19. Carol told Detective Johnson that only one animal died so far this year – a capuchin monkey;
20. Detective Johnson told me that he did not see any animal act that he could prosecute and will write this into his report.

When I questioned him on the final point, he said he in the past he witnessed horrible animal abuse cases and this facility does not meet this criteria.  I asked Detective Johnson if he looked at the chimp area; asked where they buried the bodies; and I asked if he examined the New Jersey tigers still living in quarantine area at Talley Road.  He said no. Carol gave him her personal tour of the property and what a surprise--she didn't show him the entire property!
I spoke with Mimi Hunley (Louisiana OAG) with Dawn on the line.  Mimi wanted Mary Ann’s (Best Friend volunteer) information.  I tried contacting Mary Ann via email but got no response. 
I told Dawn about my disappointing conversation with Detective Johnson.  When I asked him how he got out to Talley Road, he said he drove.  I asked how Carol got out to Talley Road and he said she drove herself.  I repeated “she drove herself?” and he said yes.  I told him she did not have a valid driver’s license to which he paused for a moment then said her son drove her to Talley Road.  Then I heard him say something under is breath something like “this is petty.”  He then told me my second question better be more important than my first question (who drove to Talley).  He put me on hold when he returned I said I hope my second question seemed more “important to him.”  I asked if my name was ever mentioned and Detective Johnson said no, my name was never mentioned.  I sent Maritza an email regarding what I learned from Detective Johnson:
From: Kristina Brunner
To: "Maritza"

Sent: Fri, July 7, 2006 6:42:44 PM
Subject: Wild Animal Orphanage Volunteer Information

Dear Maritza:
I have some important information pertaining to the WAO based on a recent visit from the Sheriff's Office (Det. Blake Johnson):

1.  There are no more primates living in quarantine.  I verified this with my insider.  I was told that the monkeys were moved shortly, after my complaint, to "Talley Road" where the three remaining rhesus monkeys were placed in one cage together.  These types of monkeys cannot be placed in one cage together, especially since all the workers knew one of the rhesus was extremely agressive.  Needless to say, one of the rhesus died.  I have reason to believe this all took place in February 2006.
2.  Another capuchin monkey died recently.  Ms. Asvestas told Det. Johnson that she has the monkey in the cooler and one of the local vets will be conducting a necropsy.  This will be the first necropsy done in years if this story is true....  Anyway, Ms. Asvestas claims this is the first animal death this year.  I asked if she told him about the dead chimpanzee and he said no she did not.
3.  Ms. Asvestas told the detective that she plans to kill Princess the tiger (next to Bubba) soon because she is "old."  It was my understanding that Princess is under 10 years of age.  "Old" for a tiger is 18-24 years in captivitiy.  Det. Johnson said it was not a criminal act to humanely euthanize any of the animals at the WAO - for business purposes or not.   Det. Johnson was not told by Ms. Asvetas the age of the tiger.
4.  Ms. Asvestas told the detective that she plans to move Bubba to Talley Rd within 6 weeks.  He is to be placed with another tiger (3-legged).  Bubba couldn't live with Princess because he kept attacking her for her leg problem - what is he going to do to the 3-legged tiger??  When he asked how long the tigers lived in the quarantine area, Ms. Asvestas stated only 6 months.  I e-mailed the press release to Det. Johnson showing  Bubba's WAO arrival date and yet he still told me he could not prove that the Florida cats lived in quarantine for over one year.  I can however, because Ms. Asvestas, on tape, during the emergency board meeting, told me that the animals only lived in quaratine for six months  - this came out when I confronted her with how long I really knew Bubba lived in the quarantine cages. 

5.  Ms. Asvestas has started using bi-product meat again.  It's a type of beef.   Det. Johnson did not sound like he was a fan of this type of "meat."   Ms. Asvestas stated during the board meeting and in her response to my initial allegations (Dec 2005) that this company that she is now using went out of business.  Of course, I learned from the animal caretakers that she switched to chicken because she didn't want to pay the gas surplus on the bi-products.  Now suddenly, the company is back in business...
6.  The detective did not see the baboons Ms. Asvestas told the insider she received in May 2006.  I don't think he went inside the baboon "house."  It sounded like to me that he walked up to the baboon cages.

7.  Ms. Asvestas told the detective that she is going to move all the big cats to Talley and run a cat and dog shelter at Leslie Road.  She also told him she may keep a few big cats for show - but most of all the animals will relocate.  She also told him that she is going to sell the land to Red McCombs for  a large sum of money.  Ms. Asvestas told him that she told Red McCombs that the longer it took to sell the land , the more the price will go up if she continues to build enclosures out on the property.  Det. Johnson reported several enclosured being constructed.  Ms. Asvestas told him several tigers will move from Leslie Road to Talley Rd very soon (specifically four juvenile tigers currently on tour at Leslie Rd).  He even noticed that the bear enclosure, after 3 years, is partly finished and bears are now using one side of the 3-acre enclosure to enjoy trees and grass.  He was shown a large enclosure for the small lemur currently living in a small cage.  I asked him if he seriously thought she was going to put the lemur in this large cage and he said that was what he was told by Ms. Asvestas.
8.  I asked Det. Johnson if he was shown the "feral cat rehab center."  He said he did not see this "center."  I told him that's because it doesn't exist.  I asked if he saw 65 feral cats and he said he saw only a few cats.  He did not see the mobile homes or feeding stations that Ms. Asvestas claims to have on the property.
9.  Ms. Asvestas told him she has 9 employees total.  According to an e-mail, to a potential donor, written by Ms. Asvestas (I have a copy), Ms. Asvestas claims she has 13 staff members capable of caring for the animals at both locations.  On her website, she claims to have 18 employees capable of caring for the animals.  On the BBB Giving website, she claims to have 9 employees.  Hummm...
10.  The wolves are no longer at Leslie - they were moved to Talley Rd.

11.  Ms. Asvestas told Det. Johnson she loses an average of 6-7 animals per year.  I told Det. Johnson she "lost" that many animals during a two month period last year (death record shows from Oct 30, 2005 - Dec 9, 2005 the WAO "lost" 7 animals).  Det. Johnson was not shown the "red" death/injury book kept by Norma (office sanctuary manager).  Instead, Ms. Asvetas pulled out old files to show him a few death certificates on file.
12.  I asked him if Ms. Asvetas discussed the bio-hazzard level II at the facilities.  He said he learned more than he wanted to know about this subject.  I asked if he saw the "special bags" and he said yes.  He said Ms. Asvestas explained to him that the animal feces were swept up and placed in these bags.  I told him this was not true.  According to Stericycle records, Ms. Asvestas only called for waste pickup approximately three times in three years.  All he could say was "oh."  There are still monkeys at Leslie Road (partially hidden from tour view at Leslie Road near the juvenile lions) where everyone must be suited up in "space gear"  when near the monkeys.  I never saw any workers wearing full quarantine gear near these monkeys.
Det. Johnson said he did not see anything that would constitute a criminal act.  He raved about how great it all looked - except for maybe a few algae clogged and non-functioning water bowls that needed to be cleaned and repaired.  He's filing a wonderful report on the WAO.
Despite his positive County report, his visit and subsequent report to me was extremely informative.  I tried to explain to the detective that he was given information by Ms. Asvestas that could be easily proven false.  He said since he did not "see" anything wrong, there was no reason to investigate further.  He suggested I sue her in court using the civil process since there is nothing criminal to report at the WAO. 
We are not giving up on Princess.  Ms. Dawn Bechtold, US Animal Protection, plans to e-mail Ms. Asvestas to let her know that we are aware that she plans to kill princess.  We are trying are best to keep her alive.  If Ms. Asvestas knows that other folks are aware of her intentions towards this tiger, perhaps she will leave Princess alone.  I will also be notifying the USDA of her intentions. 
I hope this information helps you.  Det Blake Johnson can be reached at 210-335-6075.  I believe he conducted the inspection either Wednesday or Thursday.
July 8, 2006

I was told by a friend of mine that he saw the WAO advertise their hurricane cats for adoption on channel 52, KSAT-12.  Norma did the talking in the “news story” for the WAO.  The cost to adopt a cat was $60 each.  Video of the animals in cages were shown and Norma told the reporter that the animals were spayed/neutered and had their shots.

I sent an addendum to the USDA pertaining to Detective Johnson’s visit to the WAO:

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Sat, July 8, 2006 2:03:22 PM
Subject: Addendum to USDA complaint package - Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Dr. Gibbens:

On July 1, 2006 , I contacted Detective Blake Johnson from the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office to see if he could check on some of the animals at the Leslie Road facilty.  While he normally handles animal abuse cases for dogs and cats, after our conversation, he said he was willing to check on the tigers living in the Leslie Road quarantine cages.  I also asked him to check on the serval cats living in small transporters and the lemur living in a cage to small for him to stand up and move around. 

Detective Johnson told me he was not an exotic animal expert.  We discussed how lax the animal cruelty laws were in Texas and my concerns of the high number of animal deaths that occur at the WAO.  We agreed that if the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office showed up at the WAO, Ms. Asvestas might be less inclined to harm any of the animals.  He told me that he went out to the Primarily Primates Institute property when he received complaints earlier this year, and was unable to find any “criminal” problems meeting Texas animal cruelty regulations.  Yet, according to an independent veterinarian report, Primarily Primates did have some serious animal care issues that needed to be resolved.  The animal care problems are now being corrected only because PETA sued PPI in civil court.  Det. Johnson recommended I pursue this route as well.  While I realized there was not much he could do at the WAO facility, I was interested in learning the fate of Princess, Bubba, and the servals, so I e-mailed him requesting a visit of the Leslie Road facility.

Detective Johnson called me on July 6, 2006 to let me know he visited both facilities.  I asked him if he saw the tigers in quarantine at Leslie Road .  He said he did see seven tigers living in quarantine to include Bubba and Princess.  Det. Johnson told me that Ms. Asvestas planned to euthanize the single female tiger next to Bubba (Princess) because she was “old.”  Princess is not an “old” tiger and her overall health when I left was fine.  I think she was going a little stir crazy from living in the small concrete cage, but otherwise did not display any health problems.  There were no veterinarian visits specifically for Princess while I was working there.  I was told that Ms. Asvestas wanted to kill princess because she could not be house with any other tiger due to her paw (she walks with a limp).  There is no medical reason to have Princess put down.  If Ms. Asvestas kills Princess, it would be in violation of her own ACE guidelines and a statement Ms. Asvestas given to officers of the court in a 2003 lawsuit against the WAO, regarding animal euthanasia reasons.  Ms. Asvestas tried to introduce Bubba and Princess together last year.  Mr. Brandon Prill told me this “grouping” did not work out because Bubba kept attacking Princess.  Det. Johnson told me that Ms. Asvestas plans to move Bubba to Talley Road and he will be housed with a female 3-legged tiger.  The move, according to Det. Johnson, is to take place within the next 6 weeks. 

Tigers, including Bubba the white tigers, have been living in quarantine cages since April 5, 2005 .  I asked Det. Johnson if Ms. Asvestas told him how long the tigers lived in quarantine and he told me that Ms. Asvestas said only six months.  I was told by Dr. Ehrlund she visited Bubba and the other tigers in September 2005.  She observed Bubba for about 45 minutes in the quarantine area.  On December 30, 2005 , when the veterinarians from New Guilbeau Animal Station asked Ms. Asvestas how long the tigers lived in quarantine, they were told only two months.  During the Emergency Board Meeting on January 7, 2006 , Ms. Asvestas stated that the tigers only lived in quarantine for 6 months.  According to Det. Johnson, Ms. Asvestas plans to move all the tigers out of quarantine within the next few weeks.  He did not see any monkeys living in quarantine area.  There used to be three rhesus macaques living in quarantine when I left.  It is my understanding Ms. Asvestas decided to group the monkeys in one enclosure.  One animal died because, one of the three macaques, an extremely aggressive animal, killed the weaker macaque of the "group."  All the animal caretakers, including myself, knew about the aggressive macaque.  We knew the macaques could never be grouped together because of this aggressive animal.  We observed this macaque attack its cage mate on numerous occasions – often times for new reason at all.

According to Det. Johnson, the lemur is supposed to move to the Talley Road facility into a very large enclosure.  This surprised me because Det. Johnson also mentioned that Ms. Asvestas preferred to group animals instead of allowing them to live in single quarters.  I asked Det. Johnson if he really thought Ms. Asvestas would be a small lemur in a large enclosure by itself and responded “that is what Ms. Asvestas told me.”

I asked Det. Johnson if the discussion of where the animal bodies were buried came up.  He said no, but Ms. Asvestas told him only one animal died so far this year and its body was in the cooler awaiting a necropsy.  Ms. Asvestas told Det. Johnson that whenever an animal dies, the animal undergoes a necropsy.  I told him this was a false statement because when I spoke with the veterinarians; all three said they had not conducted a necropsy for the WAO in years.  I asked Det. Johnson what animal died and he told me that Ms. Asvestas said the animal was a capuchin monkey.  I asked him if Ms. Asvestas told him about the dead chimpanzee or rhesus macaque that died earlier this year and he said “no.”  Det. Johnson told me that Ms. Asvestas told him that she “loses” about 6-7 animals per year.  I told Det. Johnson that she “lost” 7 animals from Oct 30 – Dec 9, 2005 . And in 2004 she “lost” over 98 animals.   Det. Johnson said Ms. Asvestas told him this was just an average.  I told Det. Johnson that she lost that many almost per month – not per year.  Det. Johnson volunteered that Ms. Asvestas pulled a couple of files from the file cabinet – animal files that contained death certificates from local veterinarians.  I asked if he saw the more current red book that the Office Sanctuary Manager keeps on the dead and injured animals.  He asked why the manager would have a separate book than the files and I told him that Ms. Asvestas does not keep accurate records on all the animals.  He said he did get a manifest of the animals, but he was unable to provide me a copy of the inventory list.  He said it would be hard for him to match up the animals on the list with the animals on the properties.

I asked him if he saw the bears living in the small quarantine cages and he said the bears were roaming free in a large enclosure – with the exception of two bears.  He said their cages were open, but they were still in their quarantine cages.  This was an unexpected surprise to me because Ms. Asvestas stated that she did not want to finish this enclosure until an agreement to sell the land to Red McCombs. [“9.4 The bear enclosure is temporarily on hold until the resolution of the Talley Road land situation.” - March 19, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes].  The bears were forced to live in small quarantine cages until McCombs agreed to the WAO’s asking price of $3 million. [“10. Land developers are interested in the Talley Road property.  Developers are willing to purchase the land for approximately 1.5 million, but die to the large number of animals and enclosures currently on the property, the WAO is asking for $3 million.  Tabled for the next meeting” – March 19, 2005 Board Meeting Minutes].  It appears Red McCombs has reached an agreement with Ms. Asvestas after all.

I asked Det. Johnson if Ms. Asvestas told him she plans to sell the Talley Road facility to Red McCombs and he said yes.  Ms. Asvestas told Det. Johnson that she wants to sell the land for 2.5 million dollars.  If the deal goes through, Red McCombs must agree to buy the land and pay for all new replacement enclosures at the new proposed site.  Det. Johnson noticed a lot of construction going on at Talley Road facility.

Ms. Asvestas told me earlier last year she was looking to buy land away from San Antonio – at first I thought she wanted to open up another place for touring – later I found out she wanted to own a “closed” facility – not open to the public, but allow only individuals that donor a lot of money to tour the new “facility.”

Det. Johnson was told by Ms. Asvestas that she plans to turn the Leslie Road facility into a dog/cat shelter.  She also told him that she’ll keep a few big animals around for show.

Det. Johnson did not mention whether or not the serval cats were still alive.  I do know Ms. Asvestas had 9 servals on April 5, 2005 , and only 3 servals were left on May 20, 2006 .  I was told by Mr. Brandon Prill that at least one serval escaped its enclosure during the summer of 2005.

Det. Johnson did say that he was convinced Ms. Asvestas would have no problems euthanizing any animals.  She made the comment to him that if any animal ever got out its enclosure it would be shot and killed.  Based on this statement, he believed she would have no moral dilemma in killing any animal on her property.

Det. Johnson said that he did not see anything that could cause him to write up Ms. Asvestas for criminal animal abuse and reiterated that I should seek relief from the civil courts.

On July 6, 2006 I sent an e-mail to a WAO employee asking for help because only the workers truly know what is going on at both facilities.  I sent this e-mail knowing that I would probably not get a response since all the workers signed a 5-paged nondisclosure agreement that contained a lot of legal threats of being sued if that person released any information without advance approval from Ron or Carol Asvestas.  So far I have not received a direct response from her.  I did receive another anonymous e-mail several hours later with an attachment.  I have included this attachment.  It looks like what I have heard is true – infected monkeys are reproducing and some of their offspring (or very small monkeys) may have escaped from their enclosure.  Also, it looks like animal repairs go unattended.  Since the director of construction, Ronald Asvestas, does not have a valid driver’s license, I am not sure how he travels to the Talley Road facility.


Kristina Brunner

Click to enlarge
July 9, 2006
I spoke with Mary Ann about the Katrina cats that the WAO took in – she said she would call Mimi Huntley (LA OAG).  I emailed Mimi to let her know to expect Mary Ann’s call.
July 10, 2006
Linda Howard returned from Africa!  Rita sent info on Pat Craig from the Rocky Mountain Sanctuary in Colorado.  She suggested I call him for advice.  Apparently, he has heard of Carol too.
Hopefully IDA letter to the Texas OAG went out today.
July 11, 2006
Contacted by APHIS inspector Morris Smith today.
Linda Howard called me to let me know that Carol called her today to see if she was back.  Carol told Linda that she had to put a $1500 retainer fee down for a lawyer to defend her from an OAG complaint so she could “straighten this thing out with the AG.”
Also, someone named “Julie” was sending Carol emails, faxes, certified mail concerning the WAO animals.  Carol called her a “ball buster” that told Carol she wasn’t buying Carol’s bull-shit.  Carol told Linda she has a dossier on me and mailed it to this “Julie.”  I would love to see this dossier!!  Need to find this “Julie.”
Linda told me Carol and Detective Johnson laughed over my concerns regarding the WAO animals.  Carol told him I was a crazy and overwrought.  Carol commented to Linda that when Detective Johnson saw the blood in the cooler, she told him it was thawed out meat.  The way Carol said this to Linda gave her the impression that It was really WAO animal blood.  Detective Johnson told me my name was not even brought up as I asked him if I was discussed in any way and he said no.  So, who was telling the truth?
July 12, 2006
I sent Morris Smith a list of names of people that took a tour at both properties starting November 23, 2002.
July 13, 2006
I checked with Central Filing to see if there were any criminal records on Michael Escamilla Jr.   As of today, he was pending “assault/resisted arrest.”  I called OSAHA – the WAO record is now closed and I can request FOIA information. 
Jan is waiting for a package sent to her by Carol regarding the WAO.  We have doubts a package was even sent.

A while back I contacted Lisa with PETA, requesting PETA's assistance in getting this case started with the OAG.  I requested Lisa, on behalf of PETA, to write an endorsement letter to the Texas OAG.  Sad to report, no letter was generated on behalf of the WAO animals...

From: Lisa Wathne <>
To: Kristina Brunner

Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:33:19 PM
Subject: Re: Important Message - WAO and OAG


We don't have your original complaint to the AG (dated 2/12/06, I believe), only the addendum dated 6/8/06. Will you please send me the original complaint and I'll write to the AG today.

Lisa Wathne
Captive Exotic Animal Specialist
People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals

----- Original Message -----
From: Kristina Brunner
To: Lisa Wathne
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 3:58 PM
Subject: Important Message - WAO and OAG

Greetings Lisa!

I just learned the fate of the WAO investigation may be on the Charitable Trusts Section Division Chief's desk.  I was told by Investigator Chris Krhovjak that there is a "memo" on the director's desk concerning the WAO.

Please, if you plan to do a letter, the time is now!!  Could you fax a letter requesting an immediate investigation into the WAO's business practices?  The director is returning from vacation on Monday and I'd really like for your fax to be on top of his desk for him to read upon his return.

Here is the information:

John Vinson (Investigator Chris Krhovjak)
Texas Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trust Section
PO Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711

FAX:  (512) 332-0578

Thank you very much in advance for your help.  The USDA has finally opened up an investigation and now it is critical for the OAG to open one as well . 


Kristina Brunner

July 14, 2006
Linda Howard called me.  Carol asked her yesterday if she knows Halley from Connecticut.  Linda asked if she meant Colorado University.  Linda told me that Carol said “Halley” called her.  She had a copy of my package.  Halley thought Carol should know that a WAO board advisor confirmed my allegations—that she had a back stabber on her board.  Linda said she told Carol that she did not know anyone named “Halley”  Ron apparently told Carol that Colorado University was looking for any excuse to give them regarding why the WAO did not receive the CU monkeys for money.  Carol told Linda that she doesn’t want to accept any more animals and the ones she has will die a natural death, then she will close the WAO.  This has me very worried - what does  "die a natural death" mean to her?? 
I spoke with Maritza today.  She told me she took a tour today with her intern.  She saw Tag, sedated and left in the center of his enclosure, alone, in the searing heat.  She told me there was a water sprinkler sprinkling water on his body.  No vet present.  Also three monkeys were sedated and left in the heat, unattended, again with no vet in sight.  Norma was the tour guide and would not say who sedated the animals.  Maritza and the intern thought the animals’ condition looked bad.  The temperature was in the mid-90 degrees with the neat index near 99 degrees.  The tour was told that Jake and the Patas monkeys will be living together in a new enclosure at Talley Road.
I called Dr. Pannill and advised her of the situation.  She asked me to email her with the sedation information.  WOAI would like to speak with Dr. Pannill off the record.  I carbon copied WOAI on my email to the USDA.  Dr. Pannill called me back at 6:44pm.  She indicated the USDA investigations supervisor would be available Monday afternoon or Tuesday to discuss this situation.
Dr. Pannill and I discussed Tag and the monkey sedation situation.  Dr. Pannill indicated that Carol and Cindy Carriscco (Austin Zoo) were cited by the USDA for sedation problems and moving tigers without a vet present.  The WAO was fined this year!  I never knew!  She also said when she asked Carol about some of the animals listed as dead, Carol told her that the animals were either living at Talley Road or the animals’ records were at Talley Road.  Either scenario, Dr. Pannill said she was unable to verify the location of the animals.  Dr. Pannill told me that when she asked Carol where the animals were taken, Carol replied “Talley Road.”  (NOTE:  Talley Road is not licensed by the USDA/APHIS and therefore not inspected)
July 16, 2006
I heard from Linda Howard today.  Carol told her that she has hired an attorney to sue US Animal Protection, Dawn, and Sue for making slanderous statements to the Texas Attorney General’s Office.  Since Dawn mentioned she’s working with the Louisiana AG’s, I’m assuming Carol wants to discredit Dawn and is making false threats again.  Linda said Carol’s new attorney is “Al Shiere.”  I could not find his name in the Texas or Louisiana state bar web sites. 

I prepared two open records requests – one for the USDA and the other for OSHA, to be mailed tomorrow.

July 17, 2006

I spoke with Shari at KSAT-12 today.  She would like contact information.  I spoke with Maritza at WOAI today.  Maritza was not thrilled I mentioned KSAT-12 in an email to the USDA.  Also, she does not want to be part of the story, just report the story.

I spoke with Jackie Freeman.  She will be overlooking this case (USDA-AG).  She is familiar with the WAO because she used to inspect the property.

Morris Smith (USDA inspector) is still in Idaho, but is reviewing all the material I sent him.

Dr. Pannill sent my Friday email to Ms. Freeman. 

July 17, 2006
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 17:21:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kristina Brunner 
Subject: WAO Follow-up
To: Lisa Wathne
Greetings Lisa!

Just a quick follow-up to see if you were able to forward the TX OAG a letter in support of an immediate investigation.  The situation at the WAO seems to be getting worse.

We learned last week Carol sedated a large over weight tiger named Tag during the hottest part of the day - high 90's.  He was left in the hot sun, no shade, and water sprinkler was turned on him.  Needless to say, no vet, and tours were conducted while the tiger was left unattended.  Tag and Rungby were supposedly moved to Talley Road.

Two days later, the same thing happened to three monkeys - Jake, the White Crowned Mangabey and two Patas monkeys.  Carol plans to put the 2 males and 1 female non-human primates together at Talley Road.  This is probably a death sentence for Jake. 

Animals seem to die in large numbers during the summer (when temperatures get above the high 90's) and the winter (when temperatures get below freezing).  I totally forgot about the bonnet macaques that lost parts of their tails and toes/fingers after a freeze.  Too many just flat out died from exposure. 

Sad thing is, I just heard about the CU monkeys going to API and like the WAO, it seems they do not offer heat blowers during the cold Texas winters.  While we may have hot summers, we also have very cold winters.  I've lived here since 1988 and every year I've had to deal with freezing winters (water pipes freeze, roads closures, etc).  We are always told to bring in our pets, cover our plants and pipes...  I just can't understand why the monkeys get less consideration!  Sorry if I'm venting - it's just so frustrating that people allow animals to suffer when it is not necessary.  Anyhoo, I know Rita Anderson is working hard to see that the CU monkeys get the proper care they deserve.  Can PETA lend a hand and let API know that monkeys can die from extreme cold exposure (ie. WAO monkey deaths in November/December 2005)? 

Thanks for "listening."  I know you must get e-mails like this all the time...  I do appreciate all your help...take care....k
Sad to report, I never received a response to this email. 
From:  Kristina Brunner
To:  DRCTBD@...
Sent:  Mon, July 17, 2006 9:25:52 PM
Subject:  Re: Carol Asvestas
Greetings Dawn:
Welcome back!!!  
This poorly written e-mail is almost the one Rita Anderson got a few months back.  Do not respond to this e-mail because it will just add more fuel on the fire and will be non-productive in the end.
Here are my thoughts on her comments:  While the BCSO did not write her up for animal cruelty, we did learn some very important information.  And we know have it on record that she lied to a law enforcement officer.  This will help in a lawsuit against Ms. Asvestas.  He encouraged me several times to file a civil lawsuit against WAO since the standards of animal cruelty is a lot lower (ie Primarily Primates vs PETA).  OSHA wrote her up for not maintaining proper records and reporting animal injuries.
Wage and Labor Board, again, reported interesting and conflicting information that can be used against Ms. Asvestas in court.  Like her criminal employees, the Escamillas, possibly paid under the table.
Fish and Parks  inspector witnessed the dead capuchins in the cooler and was told the animals would be buried soon.  Of course, these were quarantined animals that should have received a necropsy and picked up by Stericycle but were not.  Again, more conflicting information that will come out in court.  And possibly lead us to where all the dead bodies are buried.
I have no knowledge about Parks and Wildlife.  I submitted a complaint and received no response from them.  Carol said P & W visited her before I even sent them a complaint letter in an e-mail to others, so I believe Carol is just throwing this organization out there.
There has been no IRS investigation on my request - I filed a complaint with criminal IRS and the special agent is awaiting information pertaining to the OAG complaint.  Again, something Carol is throwing out there.
Two vets she uses often raised very serious issues with me pertaining to the care of the animals back in December 2005.  And the third vet told me she killed animals whenever Carol asked her to - even if the animal was not sick or aggressive.  Funny, she didn't mention the Texas Vet Board?  This investigation resulted in the removal of her false "in-house vet" on her web site...  She also didn't mention the USDA...  or the Texas OAG... hummmm...  Guess she doesn't want you to know about these organizations.
This is another attempt to scare you off.  Let's ignore this and let her think you have dropped this issue.  Meanwhile, I would suggest sending a certified letter requesting the status of the open records requests.  I wouldn't use e-mail because it is hard to prove if she read it because there is not signature.  She could ignore the e-mail and say she never got it.  You could say in the certified letter that by the WAO providing this information, you will learn more about the operations of the organization and put some of your concerns to rest...  Perhaps this will encourage her to be more open with you...  it's worth a shot. 
And so the drama continues!!!!   k

DRCTBD@... wrote:
From: "Carol" <>
To: <DRCTBD@...
Subject: RE: [Fwd: I would like to donate would you send info and pictures of the anim...
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 07:03:40 -0500
Dear Dawn,
Whilst I have absolutely no qualms with you or your organization as I do not know anything about you. I do have a problem with the fact that you are being fed misinformation. I suggest that before you circulate or give someone else this information you make sure your facts are correct. This is nothing more than another attempt on Ms. Brunners part to create problems for the WAO. All of the agencies she has made false reports to have found our facility to be a well run, stable sanctuary with extremely high standards. So far those agencies have been as follows: The animal cruelty division of Bexar Counties Sherrifs Department, OSHA, Wages and Labor Board, Fish and Wildlife, Parks and Wildlife, IRS ( who audited us in the latter part of 2005) not one, but three different veterinarians.
I can assure you the allegations are all false and Ms. Brunner will be facing a law suit shortly along with anyone else who choses to defaim the reputation of WAO. You may check with anyone of these agencies at any time. If you still have any doubt about the care and wellfare of the animals, you may of course as can anyone else, come out and visit both facilities. On this note I will close and hope you chose to use good judgement.
Carol Asvestas
-----Original Message-----
From: DRCTBD@...
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: I would like to donate would you send info and pictures of the anim...
We have just received some disturbing news, regarding lions you plan to kill. These animals are healthy and one simply has a deformity. We were saddened to hear these healthy animals will be die.
It was actually two tigers, Bubba and Princess, that Carol wanted to destroy. 

July 19, 2006
From: Kristina Brunner
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:32 PM
Subject: Follow-up on WAO incident on 07-14-06

Dear Dr. Gibbens and Dr. Pannill:

Today I was able to review the undercover tapes and would like to revise my e-mail sent to you on 07/14/06. 

There were two tours taken by the undercover investigators  - 7/12/06 and 7/14/06.  The following is an account of what I observed on the tapes:

Tag was sedated on 7/12/06 before 12:00pm.  He was seen by the tour, in his enclosure, laying unprotected in the hot sun.  He had a sprinkler spraying water on him.  The tour guide, Ms. Norma Lagutchik, states on video that Tag was sedated because he was injured.  Ms. Lagutchik directed the tour away from Tag saying he needed to be left alone and moved the tour to the cougar area.  Ms. Lagutchik was caught on tape saying under her breath, "thank God he's still breathing."  I did not see anyone keeping an eye on the sedated tiger.

It looks like three monkeys were sedate on 7/14/06 - it was hard to distinguish if there were two macaques or three macaques twitching in the small animal transporter.  One macaque had a large pool of saliva forming under its head.  The monkeys were laying on towels bunched around the bodies.  Brandon Prill, the tour guide, could not explain why the monkeys were sedated.  Mr. Prill stated on tape Ms. Lagutchik sedated the animals at the WAO; the WAO has veterinarians on staff; and there were only four animal caretakers - two at Talley Road and two at Leslie Road.  The tour saw Tag on Friday.  No visible wounds were captured on film.  No comment was made by the tour guide regarding Tag's previous health condition on Wednesday.

The WAO started moving animals around the Leslie Road facility.  By Friday, Molly and Zesus were moved to the ligers (Beauty and Beast) enclosure, the the ligers were moved into the now vacant tiger enclosure.  Mr. Prill indicated there were be more moves in the future.

Bananas were seen in the monkey enclosures.  The lemur was moved from the very tiny cage into what used to be the bobcat cage.  The three bobcats were moved into the serval enclosure.  There are now 3 bobcats living with four servals and one caracole.  Last year there were 9 servals and one caracole.

A worker was seen making repairs on the capuchin enclosure. 

Mr. Prill said the big cats are fed chicken for six months, then beef for six months.  (Since the Bexar County Sheriff's Office detective reported a large pallot of beef bi-products in the cooler, this must be the 6-month beef period.)

When asked if the WAO is accepting volunteers at this time, the person was told was no.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information regarding this statement.  Thank you.

Very Respectfully,

Kristina Brunner

July 20, 2006

I received the WAO’s 2005 IRS 990. It contained so many errors. 

1.       I’m not listed as a board member;
2.       Ron received $15k (NOT approved by the board of directors in 2005);
3.       Financial numbers are wrong and the carryover amounts are wrong too;
4.       Carol did not accurately list the “party house and furniture” expense;
5.       Carol did not accurately list the correct amount of enclosure construction expenses; etc.

I will send the AG’s Office the 2005 990 along with notations pertaining to all the errors found on the document.

July 21, 2006

I spoke with Heike Heath from the Animal Defense League.  ADL received last October 45 dogs from the WAO (Hurricane Katrina dogs).  She said she did not receive any money for the care of the animals from the WAO.  ADL did receive funds from other sources such as HSUS.  Heike said they did not receive a lot of money from the other sources; most of the monies to support the dogs came from generous donors in the local community.  Out of the 45 dogs taken to ADL, 15 dogs were reunited with their previous owners in Louisiana.  Except for 4 dogs, the rest of the animals were adopted out to the public. 

Carol Asvestas called ADL on July 20, 2006 asking ADL if they could take in 40 cats from the WAO.  Since ADL was at full cat capacity, the answer was no.

I learned from Linda Howard that Carol was expected to receive bears, tigers, lions and baboons soon.  Linda said a gentleman that took Baby (baboon) to the WAO, plans to place one more baboon soon.  Both animals, according to Linda, are expected to relocate to Peaceable Primates this fall (Oct or Nov ’06).

July 22, 2006

I spoke with Linda Howard.  She said that Carol has plans to obtain two statements from two individuals that allegedly claimed I used the words “representing the DA’s Office and working this case.”  As if.  I also learned that Carol drinks every night at the VFW.  Apparently she drinks wine at the VFW by herself because she is lonely.  She is also living at the WAO paid-for “party house.”  Linda said Carol wants to leave the WAO and open a bar/restaurant in the future.  She also said IFAW wants to send her to England to do some more “under cover” work by checking out European animal care facilities. 

July 23, 2006
From:  Kristina Brunner
To:  Jan
Sent:  Sat, July 22, 2006 3:11:06 PM
Subject:  Re: [Fwd: Possible donation]
I did contact IFAW and learned from an insider that my information was passed onto Carol, whom painted me as a wacko, so my complaint went unheard...  Not surprising...  I will try them again at a later point once the USDA investigation is almost finished!
We got the WAO staff on video tape saying they sedate and medically treat the WAO animals.  The big cats are fed chicken for six months, then beef. And there are only two people taking care of the animals at Leslie Road and two people taking care of animals at Talley Road...  I saw monkeys that were sedated and had a bad reaction to the ketamine and a tiger was sedated in the hot sun, with no shade covering his body - but he did have a water sprinkler shooting water on his body.  This all breaks my heart...  The WAO is moving a lot of animals around and I am worried some might start disappearing soon...k

Jan wrote:
Also, the booklet she included shows photos of the IFAW working.  I saw no WAO insignia on anything.  Have you contacted the IFAW to ask if they actually worked with Carol?  Perhaps they can help.  Jan
On 7/21/06, Jan wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janellen Smithers
Date: Jul 21, 2006 12:17 PM
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Possible donation]
Dear Carol,
We have looked over your booklet and the tax returns. Your stories are
heartbreaking and we cried for the animals.  When I get home, I will share your info with everyone else.  The women here felt strongly that the minutes for at least the last year and even better for the last two years would strengthen this case.  The booklet is really not enough to get a feel for the inner workings or your organization.  We gained so much insight by looking over the minutes from the other organizations that sent them.  Out of the three already chosen, getting to read the minutes caused several women to sway their votes. So, I encourage you strongly to send them to me.
It is fine to send them to this address again as I will be here until Tuesday and there was no problem with FedEx. 
Thank you,

Jan is thinking of coming to San Antonio undercover as a wealthy donor.  I finished my 2nd addendum to my original complaint letter to the OAG.  Mary Ann said she will send me the cat inventory list (3 batches, 229 cats from Best Friends) plus email traffic from BF volunteers.

July 24, 2006

I received from Jan the 2005 IRS (readable) 990 plus the new ASUS booklet.  WOW!!  Lots of material and possible mail fraud.  I notified WOAI via email regarding the new material.  Sent email to IRS Special Agent regarding the $15k “loan” made by the WAO to Ron Asvestas.
Linda told me that Scott from Peaceable Primates Sanctuary (still under construction) will house a male baboon (mentioned above) with the WAO until a new enclosure for the three baboons (Baby, Judy, and Caleb) can be built.  The male baboon is supposed to arrive with the tigers, lion and bears.  Linda tried telling Scott what might happen to the bears and big cats, but he told Linda he was in no position to confront Carol since she has two of his monkeys for safe keeping.  Linda told me that Carol told her the new arrivals are supposed to be from Michigan.  WAO is supposedly receiving funds from IFAW to build the big cats’ new enclosures (yeah, right).
I noticed Linda’s name is no longer listed on the WAO’s website as a board advisor.  I sent this information to Linda via email.

Sue, from the US Animal Protection, told me that Christopher K. from the OAG left her a voice message that the OAG was looking into the WAO and was unable to comment on the case further.

July 25, 2006

Dawn conference called, with me on the line, Susan Bongiorno from Connecticut today.  She was a volunteer for Stealth.  We spoke for about 4 hours regarding the WAO hurricane cats’ case.  She sent me emails pertaining to the hurricane cats and dogs taken to the WAO.

July 26, 2006

I received a lot of material from Susan which I need to sort through – pictures and text.  I have a meeting with Maritza (WOAI) tomorrow.

July 27, 2006

I received even more material from Susan.  I spoke with Jan after meeting with Maritza.  Maritza thinks she will be able to do a story, but first she wants to speak with Jan.  I spoke with Linda today – she has not heard from Carol in a couple of days.

July 28, 2006 (12:25am)

Linda’s husband, Norm, called to tell me Linda committed suicide late last night.  I am in complete shock.  I spoke to Linda twice yesterday, the second time I felt there was something seriously wrong, but Linda assured me that she was okay.  The first time I spoke with her, I was at home, and I told Linda I would have to call her back as I was on my way out the door to pickup up feed supplies for my dogs.  There was something in her voice which gave me pause, so I called her while driving, I called her to ask if she was okay.  She said she was fine, but she wanted things back they way they were before she found out about her husband’s infidelity.  She told me she was afraid I would be mad at her because she wanted her husband back.  I told her if they got back together, it should be on her terms and that I would support her in whatever she decided to do.   She mentioned to me that she dyed her hair blond and that it didn’t look to great.  She wanted to fix her hair before her husband came home.  I suggested we go to a hair stylist that evening, but Linda said she wanted to be home when Norm arrived.  I suggested we get together for a movie or lunch on Saturday, and she said that it was a great idea.  That was the last time Linda and I spoke together. 

Norm told me that Linda told him several times during the week that Linda told him she was planning on committing suicide.  Apparently, Linda shared her thoughts and plans with a friend living in California.  I never knew about these plans, for if I knew, I would have done everything I could to stop her (which is probably why she chose someone living out of state to confide in).

I will miss speaking with Linda because she was my source of strength to carry on – I don’t know if I can continue on this case without her.  I wish she had talked to me. 

July 28, 2006

Later:  I called Norm to see how he and the cats were doing.  He told me he wants to keep the cats because that is what Linda would want him to do.  He asked me if I would like to come over Saturday so I can review and copy Linda’s documents/emails pertaining to the WAO.

July 29, 2006

Norm called me at 12:00pm and I went to his house at 1:00pm.  Norm and I spoke for hours about Linda.  We cried a lot and we remembered the good times we shared with Linda.  I really miss her.  Norm let me review Linda’s files and I found a lot of good information that we downloaded onto a CD. 

I met John Bauchman from Voices of Animals.  John confirmed what Linda told me about his dealings with the WAO and the so-called “Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center.”  He told me he took a lot of cats to the WAO.  At first, the WAO did not charge him a fee, but later on he was charged $100 per cat and the cats must have up-to-date shots (rabies and distemper) and tested for feline aids and leukemia.  John said he visited Talley Road and did not see the “center” nor did he see the hundreds of cats that should have been living on the property.  He said when he asked about the feeding station, Carol, who was conducting the Talley Road tour, drove John and Linda to a vacant mobile home on the property (near the TOPS tigers’ quarantine cages) and told John that is where the cats sought shelter and received food.  She told him there were feeding stations under the mobile home.   I told him when I was on the property 2003-2005 (about four visits total), I saw no evidence that this mobile home was converted into a “feral cat shelter.”  I also told him I never saw any “feeding stations” under this empty mobile (that used to house macaques).  I pointed out that there was a lattice that surrounded the bottom of the mobile home which I helped paint in November 2003.  So how could the workers check on the cats and refill the cat “feeding stations” with cat food and water if the lattice was in place? 

And since the mobile was filthy and contained a lot of “primate stuff,” I seriously doubt any cats ever entered the mobile home (doors were closed, so how could the cats get in to keep warm?) as there were no liter boxes and no cat feces.  The building smelled of primates, not cats.

John said he now knew the WAO was running a feral cat scam and would not send any more cats to the WAO.  John gave me his email address and asked me to keep him updated on the WAO case.  I had hoped John would volunteer to help me with this case since his name is well-known in the San Antonio animal community.  Oh well, I guess I’m still on my own again.

July 30 – 31, 2006

Not doing so well.  I miss Linda.


[Present Day:  As I review and type-up my notes, I am flooded with all the emotions I experienced during my first six months of the investigation.  I never realized how hard it was to read my notes regarding the passing of Linda Howard.  I still miss her very much and I hope she is overseeing the relocation of the WAO animals as they leave the San Antonio area.]
August 1, 2006
I responded to APHIS investigator Morris Smith’s email.  He had questions pertaining to the WAO and all its ‘doing business as’ names that Carol uses.
August 2, 2006
I received another email from Morris Smith – I sent him an attachment pertaining to all the WAO’s dba’s.
August 3, 2006
I sent a response to another email to Morris Smith pertaining to the dba’s and the history of the “Horse Sanctuary.”  He indicated he is working on a subpoena and he said he “needed to know who I’m [sic] dealing with.”
I spoke with Joan M (Ne.w Jersey tigers) regarding the WAO and the 2005 990.  She heard Carol recently picked-up four young tigers from Missouri.  She gave me the name Wayne Oxford.  There is a Wayne Oxford that represents Exotic Animal Adventures in VA. 
I spoke with Dawn and Sue.  I advised them to work with Dawn’s lawyer on the Angel dog case.  I advised her to be careful with emails, removing email address on outgoing messages, and to be careful when leaving voice messages, etc.  Dawn is feeling blue right now.
Wow!  I started reviewing Linda Howard’s emails.  All I can say is what a hypocrite Carol is – I’m totally stunned.
August 4, 2006
I finished reviewing the emails on Linda’s CD.  Today, I learned from Adult Probation, Carol performed her community service (as part of her DWI conviction) with “Back to the Wild” – a non-profit organization located in Ohio.  When I asked Linda last month were Carol performed her community service, she told me Carol told her that she performed her CS hours at a senior citizen’s home, entertaining the seniors with song and dance.
August 7, 2006
I received an email from Melissa Story (TCEQ).  The WAO received a Notice of Violation in July 2006 for burying animals.  Ron and Carol Asvestas took Melissa to the Talley Road “burial” site.  WAO has to report the number of buried animals and their species.  Something tells me that the Asvestas will NOT be forthcoming to list all the dead animals dumped in the burial pits. I'd wager they never even kept accurate records of all the dead animals dumped in the pits.

Melissa Story <> wrote:
Ms. Brunner 
On July 25, 2006, I made contact with Mr. & Mrs. Asvestas at the Leslie Road facility.  I questioned them about the burial sites and neither of the two denied it.  I then went to the Talley Road facility and was shown where the animals were buried.  I explained to them that an NOV would be sent to them requiring they deed record the burial sites.  I have also requested some records from their facility.   
No, I have not seen any promotional material from the facility.  
Once I complete the investigation, a letter will be sent to you. 
Thank you for your patience. 
Melissa Story
TCEQ - Region 13/San Antonio
(210) 403-4071
I forward this information to Maritza. 

More information regarding Carol’s community service hours:  I spoke with a civil attorney to find out if a community service restitution worker can perform duties for an Ohio-based non-profit organization.  It was suggested I contact “Back to the Wild” to see if they have any records on Carol the probationer.  I also checked with Adult Probation to find out if the out-of-state non-profit was on the approved work site listing.  I sent my emails – now I wait.
I sent an email to the Austin Zoo because I thought I saw Freckles (jaguar) on their web site.  So, I sent an email requesting information on their jag and any black-spotted leopards living at the Austin Zoo.  I sent a fax to the Better Business Bureau Wisegiving president because I want my name removed from the BBB WG webpage (ASUS/WAO). Don't understand why they did not respond to my first request back in June!  I’m awaiting a response.
August 8, 2006
Removing my name and place of employment from the WAO's BBB link took a lot more work than I originally thought, but I think I finally got the job done.

"Blankenship, Mark" <> wrote:

Dear Ms. Brunner:

We believe we have complied with your wishes to have your name removed from the Animal Sanctuary of the United States report on our web site.  While we thought this had been addressed last week, we saw that at least part of it had not, and for this please accept our apologies.  Your name and profession in the report has been excised, and we have inserted in its place, the new chair of its board of directors that we obtained from the organization.  We will also be adding her profession / business affiliation on obtaining a clarification that should be available shortly.  Below is a link that you may go to see the altered report:

Your bringing this to our attention is appreciated.  Thank you for your understanding.


Mark Blankenship
Research Analyst

 Give with Confidence SM

When you see this Seal on a charity’s website, direct mail appeal, or other publications, you can be sure that the charity meets the Alliance ’s rigorous Standards for Charity Accountability.

For more information about the Charity Seal program and for a current list of Seal participants, visit

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 9:37 AM
To: Blankenship, Mark
Subject: Re: BBB Wise Giving Alliance

Dr. Mr. Blankenship:

Thank you for your prompt reply and correction to the BBB web site.  The problem appears to be the link on the website.  When you click on the BBB Wise Giving seal, the viewer is taken to:  Unfortunately, my information is still attached to this link.  How can your outdated link be removed from this site?

Again, thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Kristina Brunner

From: "Blankenship, Mark" <>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tue, August 8, 2006 12:38:31 PM
Subject: RE: BBB Wise Giving Alliance
Thank you for bringing to our attention regarding the charity seal link on the Animal Sanctuary Web site.  We have corrected this link so that it now connects to the amended report that no longer includes your name.

In view of the concerns that you raised in the past month, we are contacting the organization in order to complete an updated evaluation in relation to our charity standards.  We note that your letter alleged, in part, that “inappropriate use of charitable funds and inadequate animal care.”  If you could be more specific about your concerns, this would help us in taking this into consideration in our updated evaluation.  In providing this information, please also confirm if we have permission to identify you as the source in our follow-up with the organization. 

We appreciate your interest in promoting charity accountability –


Mark Blankenship
Research Analyst

 Give with Confidence SM

When you see this Seal on a charity’s website, direct mail appeal, or other publications, you can be sure that the charity meets the Alliance ’s rigorous Standards for Charity Accountability.

For more information about the Charity Seal program and for a current list of Seal participants, visit

No response from Back to the Wild.  I spoke with an employee from the Adult Probation Office regarding Carol’s community service hours and how probationers are treated at the WAO.  I forwarded this information to Maritza (see below):
From: Kristina Brunner
To: Maritza Nunez
Sent: Tue, August 8, 2006 8:11:31 PM
Subject: WAO - Ms. Carol Asvestas

Greetings Maritza:

Well, no response from Back to the Wild.  I did speak with Carol Christian from Adult Probation though and learned some startling information.

I asked if she had any information pertaining to an approved community service site called Back to the Wild (BW).  She told me that a co-worker remembered the name - a facility apparently located many years ago on the Southside of San Antonio.  The facility was located somewhere in a commercial building off of Probandt Street. No one knew what type of work was performed at this facility.  Adult Probation basically trusted the probationers to complete their assigned hours. 

According to Ms. Christian, Carol Asvestas was assigned to perform community service at the Texans Against Drunk Driving by County Court 6 on Nov 10, 1993.  I asked Ms. Christian if Ms. Asvestas could change her CSR location and was told she wasn't supposed to, but for some reason her probation officer let it slide past him.  Ms. Christian told me she would try to find any old records pertaining to this case.

I did learn that Ms. Christian and her CSR probation officers received numerous complaints against the WAO.  According to her, the CSR workers assigned to the WAO were used to clean the Asvestas house, make repairs to their home, cook their meals, etc.  Only one probationer wrote a formal complaint letter in 2003 - the rest just issued verbal complaints.  The last complaint made to adult probation was in 2005 regarding the use of CSR workers to build the Asvestas' daughter's apartment house located on the Asvestas' private property.  I asked twice to confirm this and both time Ms. Christian indicated that the workers verbally complained of working on the apartment house in 2005.

I asked why the Asvestas continue to receive CSR workers and was told that when they do cut the workers off, Carol Asvestas starts a letter campaign to all the local judges requesting the return of the CSR workers.  Each time this happens, a judge feeling sympathetic to the WAO, orders Adult Probation to allow workers to return to the WAO.

I asked what happens when a worker complains about the treatment or work assignments while at the WAO, and was told that the workers are reassigned to a different facility.

If I ever receive an e-mail from BW, I will send it to you!



August 9, 2006
I received an email from Back to the Wild (Ms. Rutger).  She said in the email that she never met Ms. Asvestas and believes I have the wrong facility because she “was not yet using volunteers to assist us at our rehab center in 1993.”  I emailed her back asking if she ever had a working Texas location.  I’m awaiting her response.
I also learned today that Carol plans to leave tomorrow to acquire more big cats from Michigan.  She is supposed to be gone for approximately 10 days.
I learned the F350 truck is still registered to one of the WAO’s old dba “Wildlife Sanctuary.”  It has a lien against it with Compass Bank.
I sent an email to Morris Smith asking if he is still working the WAO case and to let him know that Carol is leaving for Michigan to pick-up more animals.
I sent an email to Melissa Story asking if she still needed a list of animals I believed to be dead and buried at Talley Road.
From: Mona Rutger
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, August 9, 2006 11:22:03 PM
Subject: Re:

Dear Ms. Brunner:  Our Rehabilitation Center is a privately-owned family operation and quite small.  We are not a branch or part of a larger company, etc.  We are just Federally and State licensed to rescue and rehabilitate injured wild animals.  The center exists on our personal property where we live.  We also provide educational programs to school children, youth groups and adults on how to take better care of the earth than past generations.  We have grown quite a bit over the years and now have a staff of over 40 volunteers, but that has just developed in the past five years or so.  Good luck with your investigation.  Sincerely ~ Mona Rutger

Mona Rutger
4504 Bardshar Rd.
P.O. Box 423
Castalia, OH 44824
Phone: 419-684-9539

Today I received from the OAG – Charitable Trust Division a Civil Investigative Demand and Request to Examine letter dated August 9, 2006.  The OAG wants all my material!  I will have to have it ready for pickup by August 24, 2006.  Not a problem!
I amended the animal death list and forward the entire certification statement to TCEQ.
August 11, 2006
I faxed the animal death list with past WAO tour guides to Melissa Story.
From:  Kristina Brunner
To: Rita
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Here is the e-mail I spoke of...

Yea!!  I hear Sumner and Carol are very unhappy with the OAG.  Apparently the OAG wants 6 years of records.  Since I know there are very little "board" information available, it should be interesting to see what they eventually send.  Oh, I am now also known as "a complaining frustrated person."  It's nice to be loved...  (:  k
 Rita wrote:
Thanks for sending.  I'll read the attachment when I'm through writing to you.
 CONGRATULATIONS on getting a case opened!!!!  I'm thrilled beyond words.  This is indeed great news.  Keep me posted on progress.
 You really are a WARRIOR!!!!!!
"They say I give 'em hell.  Well, I just give 'em the truth, and they think it's hell."
                        Harry Truman

Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 18:45:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kristina Brunner
Subject: Here is the e-mail I spoke of...
To: Rita

Oh, btw ~ almost forgot...I received my miracle today...the TX OAG wants to review all my material!!!  A case has formally been opened in regards to the ASA/WAO/kids on the river/Primates of the US/Cat Haven/Feral Cat Rehab Ce/Horse Sanctuary/Wags and Whiskers Humane Soceity, etc, etc, etc!!!  Yippy!!!  Finally, progress!!!!
 Take care...k
[Present Day Note:  Boy was I naive to think the OAG would actually take this case seriously.
August 12, 2006
I spoke with Susan (Stealth).  Apparently Marilyn (Stealth) posted on the Stealth bulletin board some rather unflattering comments about me.  Susan said she would email me more info pertaining to the hurricane cats case.  I sent her an email with the Feral Cat Colony email attachment  which, in Carol’s own words, explains why she wants all incoming cats tested for feline aids and leukemia. 
August 13, 2006
I spoke with Dawn today and gave her an update on the animal case.  I spoke with Mary Ann and she emailed me the Best Friends cats (BFC) listing.
August 14, 2006
I was sad to learn Carol plans to move around about 22 big cats and monkeys (between Talley and Leslie Road properties).  I sent an email notifying the USDA and the media of the mass animal relocations.
From:  Kristina Brunner
To:; Morris Smith <>
Sent:  Mon, August 14, 2006 7:27:11 PM
Subject:  Wild Animal Orphanage - Moving Animals
Dear Dr. Gibbens and Morris Smith:
I recently learned that Ms. Asvestas plans to move a lot of animals very soon.  Animals to be moved include:
Leslie Road facility macaques are being sedated and placed in transporters and taken to Talley Road.  The macaques will live in the transporters until a new enclosure is built. It is my understanding the  WAO has not started building this enclosure. I have reason to believe the macaques are already being moved from Leslie Road to Talley Road.
A lion named Atti currently residing at the Talley Road facility will be moved to the Leslie Road facility and housed with Sabu.  Both lions will occupy the macaques’ former enclosure.
The juvenile lions, to include Ami (from Growing Up Lion) currently residing at Leslie Road will move to the Talley Road facility and occupy the former leopard enclosure.  In 2002, Ami was shown on the television show "Growing Up Lion" living at the Leslie Road facility and was filmed moving into his "new" enclosure at the Talley Road facility.  A short time later, Ami along with other lions were moved back to Leslie Road (where he currently resides) and so now the WAO plans to move him back to the Talley Road facility.
3 lions (Kovu, Ifaw, and Nala) currently residing at the Talley Road facility will be moved to the Leslie Road facility and will also occupy the macaques’ former enclosure.
Titan (Corpus Christi tiger), Obi and Shanaynay will move from the Leslie Road facility to the Talley Road facility.  According to Ms. Asvestas' press release Titan [and Thor, along with two wolves] were supposed to be already living at Talley Road.  What I did not know was that Ms. Avestas planned to relocated the two tigers to the Austin Zoo shortly after the animals arrived in San Antonio.  Ms. Asvestas was fined this year by USDA/APHIS $750 for actions leading to the death of Thor.  The tigers are expected to live in Atti's former cage at the Talley Road facility.
6 tigers will be moved from their enclosure next to Borris the Russian Brown Bear at Leslie Road facility to the soon-to-be vacant juvenile lion enclosure.  This move will free up 3 concrete-floored enclosures next to Boris.  It is my understanding Ms. Asvestas plans to return this Wednesday, August 16, 2006 with more animals.
The last two TOPS tigers from New Jersey which arrived in San Antonio in November 2003, will remain in quarantine.  They cannot go in with other tigers nor can they share a common cage wall with other cats.  I am concerned for these animals' safety since Ms. Asvestas will not be able to integrate these animals with other groups of tigers. I'm not sure if these are the same two tigers from the Talley Road facility now living at the Leslie Road quarantine area or if there are two more tigers living in quarantine cages at the Talley Road facility. 
Before most of the animals can be moved, several big cat enclosures and automatic water dishes/lines must be repaired and it could take several days before all the work can be done.  Since animal sedations are performed by Ms. Lagutchik and the Reininger sisters, there will probably be no veterinarian on site to monitor the animals' health and progress, especially during the extreme heat when these moves take place.
I am extremely concerned for the health and welfare of all these animals being sedated and moved during the heat of the summer.  Ms. Asvestas uses ketamine on all the WAO animals, to include the macaques, and therefore I'm concerned that with the combination of this drug along with the heat of summer, several of the animals may not survive.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.  If your require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (210) 647-1789.
Kristina Brunner
August 17, 2006
Maritza said she planned to go on another WAO tour.  She wants to see if Carol is really moving animals in 100 degree temperatures.
I spoke with Brandon (private investigator) asking if he could obtain Carol’s (bought and paid for by the animals) SUV license plate number.  He said he could get the information.
August 18, 2006
So far no response from Maritza.  No response from Brandon.  I did receive an email from Rita with contact information for the regional HSUS director.  I left a message for Chris K (OAG) to find out if I have to duplicate the cassette tapes or would his office pay to have the tapes duplicated.  I mailed a personal check to OSHA for copies of records I requested under FOIA.
August 21, 2006
I faxed to the media “inside” information pertaining to animal move planned and the number of domestic cats left at the WAO.
Sent email to USDA with attachments pertaining to the movement of animals between the two properties (a violation of the WAO's permit).
From:  Kristina Brunner
To:  Morris Smith ;
Sent:  Mon, August 21, 2006 6:31:39 PM
Subject:  Wild Animal Orphanage - Moving Animals from Talley to Leslie Road
Dear Sirs:
Attached is evidence which I just received showing animals moving from Talley Road to Leslie Road and vise versa.  Now that I see the physical proof, I am extremely concerned the non-human primates are undoubtedly sedated with Ketamine, in the 100 degree weather, by Ms. Norma Lagutchik (WAO employee) without the supervision of a trained and licensed vet. 
I am also concerned with the high number of big cats moving from one facility to the other.
---------You may also be interested in the information listed below: ------------
Ms. Brunner -
I apologize...the NOV means Notice of Violation. 
As far as how many animals are buried there, I don't know at this time.  This is just some of the records that were requested.
Deed Recordation -  They are to report to the County (Bexar) the burial of waste which will be included in a deed.
I hope this will answer your questions.
Have a nice day.
Melissa Story
TCEQ Region 13/San Antonio
(210) 403-4071 
Again, thank you for your attention to this matter.  Please feel free to contact me at any time - (210) 647-1789.
Kristina Brunner  
Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge
I learned that the USDA/APHIS investigator wants to speak with O'Connell tomorrow.  I called O'Connell to see if he and his wife received the WAO magazine that listed me as a board member. 
Jake sent me a signed statement concerning the receipt of the book.
August 22, 2006
I met with Morris Smith today -- he was interviewing O'Connell and Solis.  I was told he already interviewed Andrews yesterday.  I let him know that I sent the USDA an email proving that Carol was moving a lot of animals between the two properties.  Smith said they are not supposed to do that. 
I spent some time preparing folders for all the material I'd acquired for the OAG. 
I also learned the WAO is no longer sending out material with my name on it .  Turned out Jake did have a copy of the WAO magazine (his wife kept the magazine for over a year) and he provided me with his copy. 
August 23, 2006
The private investigator called and gave me "Carol's" Expedition SUV license plate number (paid for by the WAO).  It is still registered to the WAO.  Crol listed the Expedition as an Explorer on the 990s.  Finished preparing the OAG material.
August 24, 2006
IRON picked up the files to make copies of the material for the OAG as required by the Civil Investigative Demand letter provided to me earlier.  
August 27, 2006
WAO held another board meeting.  This one was very interesting!  A must read from beginning to end.  Especially the end--pay particular notice to the highlighted material and then ask yourself does the board run the WAO or does Carol run the WAO?

Sent Melissa Story (TCEQ) a follow-up email inquiring as to when the records will be available to the public. 

August 31, 2006

I learned Carol has an appointment with an ATT producer tomorrow – I think she is planning on running some ads.

I spoke with Maritza today.  She toured the WAO yesterday.  This time there were no tranquilized animals and as far as she could tell, there were no animals scheduled to move.  She was surprised to capture on tape, the tour guide Norma, saying there were only two people taking care of the animals (presumably at Leslie Road).  Norma was quoted as saying “that’s all we can afford.”  Wow – so what happens when the employees take their scheduled days off?  Is there only one person caring for over 100 animals?

New arrivals seen on tour:  Lucy (new baboon – Linda told me the baboon's name about a week ago); two wolves and two bears.  I don’t know how many big cats came from Michigan.

Lulu (Bengal tiger) is still alive!  Thank goodness!  Maritza cannot remember if she heard the name Melia (tiger).  Sultan and Siad (spelling?) are now occupying the enclosure where the juvenile tigers used to live earlier this year.  Bubba occupies the enclosure next to the two tigers. 

There are only 17 cougars and 13 domestic cats left. 

Maritza asked when I could come in for the sit down interview – it is scheduled for next week, Wednesday at 7:00pm.

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