The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

March - April 2006 Notes

March 2, 2006
Spoke with someone from the INS (Cathy).  I told her I was looking into the residence status of Carol Asvestas, in a civilian capacity (not business or criminal).  She asked me what I was looking for and why.  I explained the situation with the barest of details.  She told me Ms. Asvestas was a permanent resident and was legal to reside and work in the United States.  She explained how the system worked 20 years ago.  The standards set forth 20 years ago was different from the standards set today.  I was told Carol used the last name Bice to enter the US.  I asked if I could provide this same information to other investigators looking into the WAO case and she said yes.
March 4, 2006
Sent undercover tour to check on the animals.  Three puppies in the cat area looked okay.  Tour was told by Brandon Prill that the big cats diet consisted of chicken, and if the cats were lucky, deer carcasses
Tour reported seeing ham and bread in Boris’ enclosure.  Tour thought Boris looked thin.
Brandon told tour that the WAO was at full capacity.
Tour reported only one cougar looked at the correct weight level for its species.  Tour reported all the cougars, except one, looked shockingly thin.
Tour saw Baby and Judy (baboons) and Jake (white crowned mangaby).  Tour reported Jake looking a little undernourished.
Brandon admitted Rex (Growing Up Lion) was dead.  Jambo & Jinx were alive. Jinx (lioness) looked thin to the tour.
Ligers were okay
Tour reported the water bowls were partially clean – not all bowls had been cleaned that day.
March 6, 2006
Spoke with IRS Investigations – the WAO case was turned over to Investigator Jason Gamez.  Received Fed EX package from Joan (TOPS).  I pick up the Matson DVD today which contains WAO acquisition news stories over the last several years.
March 8, 2006
I spoke with a deputy from the S.O. regarding his undercover tour at the WAO recently.  He provided me pictures of the animals as seen on tour. 
March 9, 2006
From:  Kristina Brunner <kbrunner@...>
Sent:   Thu, March 9, 2006 8:21:52 AM
Subjec Re: Pot Bellied Pigs

Dear Ms. Ferro:

Thank you for calling me yesterday, I'm sorry I missed it.  The reason why I called you was to see if you knew for sure what happened to the pot bellied pigs.  According to Ms. Asvestas, in a local civil lawsuit recently, she stated in civil disposition that the pigs were given to two ranches.  She stated that 1/2 of the pigs went to one ranch and 1/2 the pigs went to the other ranch.  I understand you were told that the board members and Ms. Asvestas colleagues received the pigs.  As a former board member, I never received any pigs and I am not aware of any board member receiving pot bellied pigs.

Did you happen to keep any correspondence (e-mail/letters) from Ms. Asvestas regarding the pigs or any other animals taken to the WAO?

You are probably wondering why I'm asking you all these questions.  Simply, I used to be the Vice President and Treasurer at the WAO from 2003 - Jan 2006.  I was told to leave the premise and Board when I tried to confront the Board with very serious allegations regarding financial and animal care. 

It is still my goal to help the animals at the WAO and I need any help you can provide me regarding care and treatment of animals placed in the care of the WAO. 

Spoke with Jeanette Ferro over the phone regarding the pot-bellied pigs taken to the WAO. 
March 10, 2006
Received DOL-OSHA response letter.   Carol perjured herself!  Called DEA and Texas Pharmacy Board and left messages for return calls.
March 11, 2006
Spoke with my attorney regarding my draft statement.  He made some suggestions on how to make it stronger.  I spent the day working on the changes.
March 12, 2006
Sent Joan (TOPS) the Fed Ex package.
March 13, 2006
Spoke with DEA agent, Val.  I need to send her a package.  Spoke with DOL-OSHA – I need to submit an open records request to obtain the investigation material.
Spoke with the bookkeeper—she is working on her official statement regarding the events she witnessed at the WAO.
March 14, 2006
The former WAO bookkeeper and I met with IRS special investigator Gamez for about 1.5 hours.  He stated this would be a hard case to prosecute because the evidence is hard to obtain from the WAO.  The Criminal side of the IRS cannot go into the WAO like the Civil IRS agents.  Therefore, special investigator Gamez said he wanted to speak with Joan (TOPS).  I gave him my package which I prepared for him. 
Learned from open records that Carol’s baby Anthony, died five months after birth.
Learned from the Texas Pharmacy Board Carol does not hold a license to store or administer Ketamine and other control drugs seen at the WAO.  The board would like a statement from me and suggested I contact the Texas Board of Veterinarian Medicine and advise them of the situation.  I left a message for the Vet Board to call me back.
March 15, 2006
Spoke with the Texas Board of Veterinarian Medicine to advice the board that two employees were performing vet care without a license (Norma and Rachel), which happens to be a Class A misdemeanor.   The Board asked for a copy of my package (which included the OSHA report showing that Rachel was an animal caretaker and NOT the WAO’s in-house vet).
Questions that arose during this timeframe:
1.       What happened to the coatmundies?
2.       What happened to the ocelot?
3.       What really happened to Nino the baby lion?
4.       What happened to Caesar the 18-month old tiger?
Spoke with a volunteer who took his grandchildren to the WAO on March 14 and 15.  He reported:
1.       Bears were only given dog food to eat—no produce.
2.      Monkeys were only given dog  food to eat – not produce.
3.      Sabu was okay.
4.      Beauty & Beast okay.
5.      Cougars looked thin and water bowls were dirty.
6.      Boris looked under weight.
7.      Puppies were gone – Brandon told him they had been adopted.
8.      Cougars and tigers were fed chicken.
9.      Jake appeared okay.
10.   Tigers were moving around—appeared lively.
11.   Baby and Judy were just sitting in the enclosure.
12.   Ron was watched him intently when he left with his grand kids.

Found out later the reason why Ron was staring at him intently was because he thought he recognized him as a County deputy who tried to serve him a warrant sometime back.
March 16, 2006

Mary Ann received email from Anja that Terry left for New Orleans on March 15, 2006.  It just so happened on the day Terry left, the Best Friends investigator arrived.  Since Terry was the main person caring for the cats, no one was able to assist the investigator.  Terry told Anja about Samantha (BFC #1862) – the new story is the cat was adopted-out to another sanctuary.

A volunteer placed a call to the WAO to find out when Terry would return from New Orleans.  He was told that she would return by the end of the following week.  He was told Terry was on her way to New Orleans to “reunite Katrina cats.”  Apparently she is the only one caring for about 130 cats.

March 23, 2006

Carol sent out, what I like to call, a shake-down letter to HSUS claiming she still had some 300 cats and some dogs still at the WAO!  See the letter for yourself!  What a complete farce!

HSUS Letter Re Funding[1]
March 19, 2006

Per Mary Ann, Kathy McDermott was at the WAO for 10 days.  Apparently, the WAO was trying to shift the blame for missing cats, to Cedar Hills.  Mary Ann got the impression the WAO is covering up the missing cats and Best Friends apparently bought their story.  There were a lot of emails between Cedar Hills and Kathy McDermott.  Cedar Hills claimed it never received any paperwork from WAO pertaining to the hurricane cats she received from the WAO.

Cedar Hills contacted Terry for the paperwork.  Terry was supposed to send the paperwork to Cedar Hills.  Terry claimed she already provided Cedar Hills with the paperwork. 

Cedar Hills told Mary Ann they had no idea if the cats had been fixed, so she brought in a vet to determine if the cats needed to be spayed or neutered.    I was told a local university vet came out to check on the health of the cats.  Cedar Hills asked, if Terry sent them the files, then why would the Cedar Hills’ director call in a vet to check the animals to determine if they were spayed or neutered? 

Apparently Terry never sent the paperwork.  So the question is – what did the WAO do with the cats’ paperwork? 

March 22, 2006

I discovered Mike Escamilla was a convicted felon.
Mary Ann prepared a 6-page report regarding the events surrounding the hurricane cats at the WAO.  She gave me permission to forward the report to interested government agencies/media.
Turns out McDermott (Best Friends investigator) only spent 2 days in San Antonio and Terry left for New Orleans the day after she arrived.  Apparently Terry was told to stay away for 7 days so as to not answer any questions that may give light as to what was really happening to the missing hurricane cats.

From: Kathi McDermott <>
To:     Kristina Brunner  
Sent:  Mon, March 27, 2006 9:51:02 AM
SubjecRE: Wild Animal Orphanage Report

Hi Kristina,

I spent one day with Terry.  The next day, she left for a transport and to reunite 7 animals with their families.


Kathi McDermott
Community Program Manager
Best Friends Animal Society
5001 Angel Canyon Road
Kanab, Utah 84741
(435) 644-3965 X4406

A better world through kindness to animals

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent:  Saturday, March 25, 2006 5:06 PM
Sub  : RE: Wild Animal Orphanage Report

Dear Kathi:

Thank you for responding to my inquiry so quickly.  I appreciate that you personally looked into the situation.  It's good to hear the remaining cats at the WAO are alive and well.  I understand that Ms. Asvestas is working with you to find the missing cats  currently unaccounted for.  Did you have an opportunity to visit with Terry Minchew during your visit at the WAO? 

Kathi McDermott < > wrote:

Dear Kristina,

I spent two full days at Wild Animal Orphanage.  The cats looked healthy, the cat rooms were clean, and it was obvious that their caregivers were doing the best they can to make the cats comfortable.  Most of the cats were outgoing and affectionate, and none appeared to be overly traumatized.  WAO continues to facilitate reunions, and Terry obviously cares about the cats.  Carol & Terry are working with us to review paperwork, correct any errors, and make sure we can account for all of the cats.

Thank you again for contacting us with your concerns.

Kathi McDermott
Community Program Manager
Best Friends Animal Society
5001 Angel Canyon Road
Kanab , Utah 84741

A better world through kindness to animals

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:16 PM
To    :
Suct: Wild Animal Orphanage Report

Dear Ms. McDermott:

I am just following up with you regarding the report I e-mailed you a few weeks ago.  Please provide me an update of your inquiry based on the information I sent.  Thank you very much....k

Well, so much for any help from Best Friends.  I guess they really don't care what happened to all the missing hurricane cats and dogs.  This is very disappointing.

Spoke with Ken Hooper, USDA Investigator.  Dr. Pannill will get the WAO complaint.  There was no other vet available to look into this case.  He reported to me Dr. Pannill visited the WAO the last day he and I spoke last.

March 29, 2006 
Left another voice message again fro the Texas Pharmacy Board. 

Received a response letter from the Texas Board of Vet Medicine:

Well, it's a start.

March 30, 2006
Spoke with Dr. Tull (Texas Health Dept).  She told me she and Dr. Pannill were unable to inspect the WAO’s Talley Road property because Carol did not renew her USDA permit for the property.
March 31, 2006
I spoke with Anne Driscoll with the Texas Pharmacy Board.  My complaint was received and entered into the “system.”  The entry was filed under “practicing without a pharmacy license.”  She said an investigator would contact me shortly.
April 3, 2006
I spoke with Dr. Pannill, USDA, regarding WAO issues.  She said she would have to speak with her supervisor regarding my complaint.   She was unable to check the animals at Talley Road since it did not have an exhibitor license, but she could check the animals at the Leslie Road facility. 
Dr. Pannill was interested that DA personnel and their family members took two tours of the Talley Road facility.  She was also interested in learning that animals were moved back and forth between the two properties.  Apparently, Carol told her that the two facilities were completely separated.  When I told Dr. Pannill this was not true, she sounded surprised to me.  Dr. Pannill told me I could contact her regarding any additional information I might have in my possession.   Dr. Pannill said she was taken to Talley Road by Carol years ago.  She also said the most they could probably do to the Asvestas’ is to cite the WAO for USDA violations pertaining to Talley tours and moving animals between the two facilities. 
According to Dr. Pannill, Carol’s actions did not warrant immediate removal from the WAO.  Dr. Pannill suggested I contact Skip Tremble regarding HB 1362 (Dangerous Wild Animal Bill).
April 3, 2006
I spoke with Joyce Manahan, US Attorney Office, District of NJ.  She asked me questions regarding the WAO finances.  She told me she would contact the IRS special agent regarding financial information pertaining to the monies the State sent the WAO for the 24-New Jersey tigers.  She told me she would be contacting me again in the future.
I sent an email to Skip Trimble.

[Much later:  I never heard from Joyce Manahan again.]
April 4, 2006
I spoke with Wanda Murray at OSHA.  She conducted an on-site WAO visit.  She spoke with each employee in the employee break room.  The break room is not a private area and the walls were very thin.  So needless to say, the investigator said the employees were not very forthcoming.  She told me the Asvestas’ were surprised to see her.   They thought that by filling out the complaint form, that they were no longer under investigation.  While Carol was introduced as the director of administration, Wanda told me she was surprised that Ron did all the talking for Carol. 
Wanda said she gave each employee her business card.  She did say she was surprised almost all the workers told her they were “contract” workers.  Ms. Murray said she did not categorized them as “contract” workers because they took directions from the Asvestas’, were paid by the hour, and used WAO equipment to accomplish their work.  Plus, the workers had no control over their work schedule.
Ms. Murray did cite the Asvestas’ for failing to comply with OSHA recordkeeping.  She told me to expect a letter from her with the final results.  She also gave me instructions on how to request the investigative files under open records (Case #309751634 & 205663420.
I spoke with Skip Trimble today.  He told me the USDA would not be able to provide assistance.  He suggested I speak with Vernon.  I told him I already spoke with him regarding the WAO issues.  I told Skip I planned to go public with my story.  He told me a public out-cry may get the attention of the OAG and Bexar County DA’s office.  He said the DA’s Office and Bexar County Commissioners Court had the power to slap an injunction on the WAO and under discovery learn how many animals lived at both facilities.  Unless the County takes action, then HB1362 is not going to help the WAO animals.  He said he will help the DA’s Office or Commissioners Court with the necessary paperwork to amend the County policy regarding exotic wild animals within the County limits.  I told him that I didn’t want the facility to close, but instead, I wanted to see a change in management.  Skip told me that due to the small enclosures the animals were forced to live in, with very little stimuli, the animals were better of dead.  He also told me the WAO receive funds from the Kronkosty Foundation.

I need to check into this Foundation.
April 5, 2006
I spoke with Peggy Fikac from the Austin Express-News Chief Editor.  She was interested in the WAO story and will assign a local investigative reporter to cover this story.
I spoke with Lisa from PETA.  She wants to visit with me either this weekend or next week regarding the WAO.

April 7, 2006

When I first saw this email listed in my email in-box, I thought gee, this must be a late April Fool's Day joke from Sumner.  I mean, really, I'm on his email buddy list?

From: "SMatthes@...”
Cc:;;;;;;; kbrunner@...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Sent: Fri, April 7, 2006 9:26:30 PM
Subject: Sarasota in Defense of Animals (SDA)

PLEASE show your interest in the protection and welfare of animals by attending SDA meetings to learn how you can be a part of the animal protection movement.  SDA has upcoming events to make plans for such as the annual picnic at our sanctuary on May 13th.   Become an animal activist by participating in SDA activities. 

Quarterly SDA Meeting
7 p.m.
Thursday night, April 13th, 2006
Selby Public Library
Downtown Sarasota

Public is invited
Members bring a friend
The animals NEED each & every one of us

April 8, 2006
WAO held a board meeting on April 8, 2006.  Interesting!

April 10, 2006
Spoke briefly with Erica from DOL (Wage and Earnings).  She said she would send a letter to Carol today.

April 11, 2006
I followed-up with Chuck at the Texas Board of Veterinarian Medicine.  He told me the case was still active and that the Board will probably submit a cease and desist letter to WAO.
April 12, 2006
I spoke with Peggy again (Austin Express-News).  She said she forward the story to Scott Huddleston in San Antonio.  He should be contacting me this week.  Scott is a general assignment reporter.

[Much later:  No reporter from the Express-News covered this case.  Another disappointment.]
April 14, 2006

Carol Asvestas doesn't want to accept responsibility for her actions--she just wants the money!

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