The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

February 23 2010 - February 28 2010 Notes

Warning:  Graphic photographs can be seen in this posting.

February 23, 2010 

Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 05:56:47 -0600
Subject: Big Cats Seen at Leslie Rd on 2/21/10 & 2/22/10
From: mary.reininger@..
To: waonicole@..; waokimberly@.. jenna.peters@...

Good morning,

The following is a list of the big cats at Leslie that Dr. Finkelstein saw on Sunday and Monday.

Could one of you please print this info out so that everyone is on the same page concerning meds for the big cats at Leslie? This is the most current list of meds for them. I've also included the recommended course for Sierra and for Karie (caracal).

LULU (tiger female):
     * Sucrulfate - done with course. Is not vomiting and is eating well.
     * Vitamin B shot (the one that is in the safe) - 2 mLs . Needs a shot this week. If unable to get it to her, try to give in a meatball.

TSAVO (intact African lioness):
     * Sucrulfate - 2 tabs b.i.d.
     * Prednisone - 1.5 tabs b.i.d.
          ** Need to watch Tsavo for neurological signs such as ataxia, in case this is too low of a dose of Prednisone.
     * Vitamin B shot - 2 mLs -- as with Lulu.

BUBBA (neutered white tiger male):
     * Tramadol - 5 tabs b.i.d.
     * Dasuquin - 2 tabs in evening only
     * Aller-G3 - 2 gelcaps in evening only
     * Vitamin B shot - 2 mLs -- as with Lulu..
     * Concerning pancreas - will wait until can knock him down again and recheck his values before starting him on pancreas as he has not lost weight since last May and his stool is well formed and does not look greasy or fatty.

KITA (intact tiger female):
     * Vitamin B shot - 2 mLs -- as with Lulu.

LANCE (neutered tiger male):
     * Tramadol - 6 tabs b.i.d.
     * Gabapentin - 1 capsules b.i.d.
     * Dasuquin - 2 tabs in evening only
     * Aller-G3 - 2 gelcaps in evening only
     * Famotidine - 2 tabs Monday and Thursday a.m. only
     * Entodolac - 1 capsule Monday and Thursday p.m. only
SIERRA (intact white tiger female):
     * Amoxicillin - 7 capsules b.i.d. in food
     * Famotidine - 2 tabs in a.m.

BORIS (new tiger male):
     * Born in 1994 (16 years)
     * Needs to be neutered
     * Unknown if blood tests have been done or if he has be dewormed

GIZMO (new tiger male):
     * Born in 2005 (5 years)
     * Needs to be neutered
     * Unknown if blood tests have been done or if he has been dewormed

SARAH (intact cougar female):
     * Has a reddish pink-colored mass between her legs
     * Will check on when the cougars are sedated next

COUGARS (general):
     * Cut back the amount being fed to them by 1/4 for two weeks and then cut back by another quarter so they will lose weight. All are very overweight.

KARIE (intact caracal female):
     * Looked at sore that is on her right thigh just above her and on the inside of her thigh
     * Recommendation: Dilute Nolvasan (blue liquid in small bottle) at the ratio of 1 mL to 30 mLs of water. Try to spray on sore b.i.d.
So many of the big cats had been without medical care for years.  It was not surprising that the animal care medical bills started to mount up once the new WAO vet started examining and treating the animals.

Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 06:09:46 -0600
Subject: NHPs Seen at Leslie on 2/21/10 & 2/22/10
From: mary.reininger@...
To: waonicole@...; waokimberly@..; jenna.peters@...

Good morning,

This is the list of NHPs that Dr. Finkelstein looked at on Sunday and Monday. Please print this out so all of the care staff knows what is going on with Parker, the vervet that is in the transporter in the former clinic building. He is the only NHP currently on meds. He is not to go back with his troop for a while.

Dr. Finkelstein hopes to be able to get Parker vasectomized before he goes back in with the troop. So please do not put him back in with the troop until he is re-checked and the vasectomy is completed!

GEORGE (vasectomized olive baboon):
     * TB test in right eyelid was checked -negative

KALEB (vasectomized hamadryas baboon):
     * TB test in right eyelid was checked - negative

PARKER (intact male vervet):
     * Checked on tail amputation - he's leaving the sutures alone
     * Amoxicilllin - 1.75 mL b.i.d.
     * Children's Tylenol (2-6 yr olds) Meltaways - 1 tab b.i.d.
     * HEBuddy Children's Multivitamin plus Iron - 1 tab in morning only
     * Lixitinic (sp?) - 1 mL b.i.d.
     * Extremely anemic
     * He took the Meltaways and Multivitamin well. The lixitinic and amoxi he took with a piece of bread and jam.
     * Update of 2/22/10: TB test in right eyelid is negative

PENNY (intact female ringtailed lemur):
     * Checked on bare patch and troublesome area around rear end. Suspected diarrhea.

     * Pyrantel - 1/4 mL each for deworming. The pyrantel was given to each of them on a small piece of bread this afternoon, but each did take a bit directly from the syringe.
     * Dr. Finkelstein is going to be checking on dietary requirements because all three look somewhat thin.

GOBLIN KING (intact longtailed macaque):
     * Checked on hair loss around face and arms/legs
     * Suspect may be over-grooming but could also be a possible drug reaction, mange or staph infection?
     * We are to keep an eye on and let Dr. Finkelstein know if is/becomes itchy for him or gets red or scabby.

CINNAMON (intact female barbary macaque):
     * Just rechecked on ear infection. Finished antibiotic course a few days ago.
Breaks my heart that the lemurs were noticably thin and one of the vervets was anemic.  I have a feeling many of the primates that died at the WAO were also anemic due to the steady diet of dog food given to the monkeys day-in-and-day-out for several years.

Carie's treatment plan:
From: avianexoticdvm@satx.rr.comTo: waonicole@...; waomary@...; waomichelle@...
Subject: caracal
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 23:14:05 -0600

Leslie rd- Caracal small spot approx 1 inch on right cranial aspect of thigh- mild erythema present and fur loss- doesn’t appear painful or irritated
Start on dilute nolvasan   spray if possible BID
Watch if gets larger start on cephalosporin

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
Thank goodness Dr. Finkelstein is making sure even the small cats receive the best of care.

More problems at Talley Road:

From: waomary@...
To:; waonicole@...
CC: waokimberly@.; waomichelle@.
Subject: WAO-Talley: Stretch (Stumptail Macaque)
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 07:47:37 -0600

Dr. Finkelstein,

One of the stumptail macaques at Talley is having some issues. He has lost weight and is weak and shaky when he walks. He also did not seem to want to use his right arm and has lost a lot of hair. I did not see any obvious wounds.

I started him on Amoxicillin last night. I gave him one capsule (500mg) in a jelly sandwich and he ate most of it. Should he be getting a larger dose than this?

His stats:

Species: Stumptail Macaque
Sex: Male (intact)
Age: 16 years
Weight: 20 lbs



February 24, 2010

From: Dr. Ariana Finkelstein
Subject: RE: Sierra Tiger
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 23:03:02 -0600
Sorry I haven’t responded sooner- my exam is attached for your records
Thanks for the up date Mary- your notes are very helpful
I have a hard time communicating by phone- I find the most responsive people are Mary and Michelle and they always pick up or call me back- I have communicated a lot with both of them….
Here is the short story- long story attached

Blood work was relatively non remarkable- EXCEPT for an elevated Bili rubin possibly from not eating or possibly from Chlangiohepatitis  or other related liver problem- if infectious it should respond to the amoxicillin

Urinalysis has a lot of blood, protein, White blood cells and bilirubin

This is suggestive of a urinary tract infection – also should respond to amoxicillin though a longer course is needed – up to 4 weeks

The protein in the urine may be an early sign of kidney disease and needs to be rechecked
Fecal contains giardia cysts – we need to add metronidazole and treat the other cat in the enclosure as well

Blood work—mild left shift with normal WBC
Giardia cysts seen
Start metronidazole
Protein in urine
Hematuria, pyuria

Amoxi 500 mg 7 caps by mouth twice a day for 4 weeks
Famotidine 40 mg daily for 1 week
Metronidazole 500 mg 6 tablets 2 times a day for 7 days- I have this if you want to make arrangements to pick up
Add Benadryl if her eyelids remain swollen 300 mg  3 times a day for 24 hours- I have this if you want to make arrangements to pick up

If she doesn’t start eating – we should consider giving her an appetite stimulant
Also we will need to consider abdominal radiographs, and possibly abdominal u/s if she is not improving.
Call or e mail me with an update daily for the next several days or until she is recovered. 

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM

February 25, 2010

From: waokimberly@...
To: waonicole@...; waomary@...; waomichelle@...;; waojenna@...
Subject: Info from Dr. Finklestein
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 16:07:11 -0600

Just passing on info from Dr. Finklestein.  She was mentioning that since Sierra has Giardia that it would be a could idea to send in fecal samples on everybody.  However, she wanted to call the lab and see if they could offer us some discount for doing X number of fecals so as to not break the bank.  What do ya’ll think.

From: waonicole@...
To: waokimberly@...; waomary@...; waomichelle@...;; waojenna@...
Subject: RE: Info from Dr. Finklestein
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:37:54 -0600
I think this is needed.

Nicole Garcia

From: Kimberly Meyer
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 12:12 PM
To: Dr. Ariana Finkelstein
Subject: FW: Info from Dr. Finklestein

Nicole said that the fecals are needed.  Just wondering if the lab gave you a discount or if you have heard back from them yet?  Let us know what it will be.

From: Dr. Ariana Finkelstein
To: waokimberly@...; waonicole@...; waomary@...; waomichelle@...
Subject: RE: Info from Dr. Finklestein
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 13:40:45 -0600
O&P with giardia code T808 use for anyone with diarrhea
O&P only code T 805

Oh my goodness, so many WAO are sick.  So while Carol Asvestas and Michelle Cryer were having a great time gallivanting around together on the WAO's dime, the WAO animals were left behind to suffer in silence?!  How disgusting. 

I just pray no worker contracts giardia from Sierra.

From: Mary Reininger []
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:19 PM
To: Kris
Subject: Cougars

Hi Kris,

Lexie is not one of the cougars that is still alive. The cougars still with us are: Goliath and Little Joe (males) and Hillary and Chloe (females). There is another male and female in with this group that I'm not absolutely positive who they are, but I believe they are Freddy C. and Sarah who were from the same place that Bubba came from in FL. We also have Noel (a.k.a. Squeezy) over at Talley.

Hope this helps!


February 26, 2010

From: waomary@
To:; waonicole@waokimberly@
CC: waomichelle@...
Subject: Talley: Stretch (Stumptail Macaque)
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 07:56:21 -0600

I've attached photos of Stretch, the stumptail macaque that was found dead on Tuesday morning.

These were his stats:

Name: STRETCH (intact male)
Species: Stumptail Macaque
Age: 20 years old
Weight: 20 lbs
Tattoo #: 275 (chest)

The photo of his head shows the area which I think may have been an old bite wound.


From: waomary@...
To: avianexoticdvm@satx.rr.comCC: waonicole@...; waokimberly@...

Subject: Talley: Bonnie Baboon's Eye
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 07:33:24 -0600

Dr. Finkelstein,

I've attached a photo of Bonnie's eye for you to see. The upper lid is swollen and the eye is pussy. Her right eye has a mature cataract in it that she's had for some time.

Her stats are as follows:

Name: BONNIE (intact female)
Species: Olive Baboon
Age: ~27+ years old
Weight: 35-40 lbs

I believe you said to dose her as Judy (750mg/day)?

Thank you,


From: avianexoticdvm@satx.rr.comTo: waonicole@...; waomary@...; waomichelle@...
Subject: caracal
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 23:14:05 -0600
Leslie rd- Caracal small spot approx 1 inch on right cranial aspect of thigh- mild erythema present and fur loss- doesn’t appear painful or irritated
Start on dilute nolvasan   spray if possible BID
Watch if gets larger start on cephalosporin 

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM

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