The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

May - June 2006 Notes

May 1, 2006
Sent to a letter to the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners regarding the use of controlled substances at the WAO.
Letter to Vet Board

I spoke with Linda Howard for over two hours.  We discussed the so-called ‘feral cat rehab center.’ We discussed in detail the CU monkey situation and how Linda’s support changed CU’s mind and decided not to send the monkeys to the WAO after all!  Linda said she would like to visit Skip Trimble in Dallas.

A little humor:
-----Original Message-----
From: SMatthes@...
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 10:00 PM
Subject: Request for Computer Assistance

Linda:  I spoke to Carol about this today and she suggested I contact you to see if we can do something about, what I consider to be, a problem.

When I go to Google Desk Top and Click on Images and then put in Wild Animal Orphanage, I get some good stuff and also get some very bad stuff concerning things like the NJ Tigers and other postings from disgruntled employees.  Is there any way that we can get this stuff off the net? 

Thanks for any help.

Oh, sure Sumner, let's restrict access to the web where only WAO "good stuff" is posted for public consumption.  Where does this man think we live?  China?  Perhaps he should, I don't know, look into all the "bad stuff" on the web to see if it was true?  Yeah right.  At least it gave me a well-needed chuckle! 

May 2, 2006
Linda Howard provided me with Denise’s (SCAT) telephone number.  I spoke with Denise today and explained to her what happens to cats taken to the WAO.  She was shocked.  I suggested she contact Carol and demand to be taken to the Talley facility, to see the ‘Feral Cat Rehab Center’ for her self.  I told her not to take what I have to say at face value, but she should go to the WAO and learn the truth for her self.
Denise said she did not want to talk to law enforcement about the cats taken under false pretext by the WAO, nor did she want to speak to anyone in the media because she did not want to hurt her organization.  She admitted to being so busy and not checking on the feral cats placed at the WAO.  She was dismayed at the idea that the 50 or so cats given to the WAO may all be dead.  Carol did not charge her a placement fee since she and Carol swapped cats routinely.  Denise gave Carol feral cats and Carol gave her adoptable cats (cats that were given up voluntarily by their owners under the WAO’s cat "retirement" program).  Denise told me she no longer wanted to deal with Carol.  Denise shared me her email address so I could send her additional information.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Linda J. Howard
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tue, May 2, 2006 6:34:14 PM
Subject: RE: Pot-bellied pigs
Wow!  Good point about you not being able to work at the DA's office if you were like Carol explained! IMO, Carol is shooting herself in the foot by criticizing you, etc.  I mean you were on her BOD for years... does that mean she picked a crazed druggie to be on the BOD?  :-) 
Denise is a smart woman and one who cares about nothing more than the kitties in her care/guardianship...  I think she'll follow-through and contact other cat rescue orgs. 
It's storming here but fortunately no hail... at least not yet.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Brunner 
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:28 PM
To: Linda J. Howard
Subject: RE: Pot-bellied pigs
I hope so too...  I warned her that Carol might try and label me as a crazed drug user having a breakdown...but I reminded her that I could not work where I did with that type of problem!  Denise agreed.  I got the impression that she didn't want to deal with Carol again... perhaps she had her own suspicions!
What do you think of all this rain?  And HAIL!!  Lots of ping pong ball hail??  Thank God I moved my vehicle into the garage right before it all started... (:   k

"Linda J. Howard" <> wrote:
John put a stop to the Bandera Humane Soceity taking cats there.  Denise may not be aware of that.  Hopefully, Denise will go and see for herself and not let Carol try to tell her that you're just a liar, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:16 PM
To: Linda J. Howard
Subject: RE: Pot-bellied pigs
Thanks, Linda and please thank John for helping us. 
I spoke with Denise at SCAT and she was surprised to learn what happens to the cats at the Talley Road facility.  She said she does not want to send any more cats to Carol and was concerned about the 50 or so cats she sent there already.  I told her that if she still wanted to conduct business with Carol, she should go out to the "Feral Cat Rehab Center" site herself and check out my story.  She was never told that there were tigers, lions, bears, and wolves out at this site.  She was under the impression that two animal care technicians took care of only the feral cats to help them acquire homes once domesticated.  I told her that when I went out there last year in May there were only three or four cats visible and that I wasn't even aware that large groups of cats were taken out there until just recently, and I was the Vice Prez!!  She was concerned and wanted me to know that Carol does business with other feral cat groups in the local area.  I asked if she would be willing to provide me information regarding how many cats were taken out there and whom else takes cats out there and she said she would e-mail me with the results.
She did mention that Carol does business with the Bandera group.  Do you think I should contact this group as well?  Please advise... (:   k

I spoke with Captain Buckaloo, Texas Rangers, San Antonio supervisor.  I briefly explained the situation and I was told someone would be contacting me to set-up a meeting.
Linda Howard sent me photographs of the pot-bellied pigs that were sent to the WAO.  The photographs of the pigs was heartbreaking to see.  I forward the pictures to PETA.  I also sent an email to Jeanette Ferro.  I asked her if she wanted photos sent to her via email.
I faxed Scott (EN) the Cat Haven flier and provide him with a case update.  I also emailed him pictures of the pot-bellied pigs.
Left a voice message for Chris K (OAG) to call me back – thus far no return call.
Mailed two copies of the “Growing Up Lion” DVD to the USDA.  Linda from the USDA called yesterday to say that the first CD I sent her was damaged.

Awaiting word from Linda Howard regarding Carol’s visit with the DOL Wage/Hour Division today.  Linda has not spoken with Carol yet.

May 3, 2006
I spoke with Chris K (OAG/Charitable Trust Investigator) today.  I gave him an outline of what evidence I collected thus far.  He said to submit the material.  I started my second letter to the OAG.
Sent Scott (EN) email with Express-News story link on Exotics (the article was in the Sunday’s paper).  Also gave him link to AWA laws.  He indicated he’w writing a story on the Gonzales recent animal rescue using HB 1852.
I sent Dr. Mahoney another follow-up letter, hoping this last attempt will encourage him to step up and help the WAO primates and big cats:

From: Kristina Brunner
To: James Mahoney <>
Sent: Wed, May 3, 2006 7:28:18 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Issues

Dear Sir:

I am concerned that I have not received a resonse to the e-mail I sent you last month.  Therefore, I sending you this follow-up e-mail in case my last e-mail did not reach you.  Attached are photographs taken at the WAO on December 17, 2005 for your review and consideration. 

I am well aware of what is being said about me by the owners/operators of the WAO.  Please be assured that I am trying to save the lives of the current and future primates (and other exotic wild animals) residing at the WAO.  This is not a personal vendetta and I believe as an former WAO Vice President and Treasurer, I have a fiduciary responsibility to report unlawful activities to the appropriate State and Federal agencies.

Meanwhile, I respectfully request you examine the attached photographs depicting what I believe to be gross neglect and animal cruelty.  If you decline further contact from me after viewing the photographs, please send a reply e-mail and I will comply with your wishes.  If you would like to view some more of the evidence I have or would like to discuss the sitatuion with me, you can contact me via e-mail or my daytime telephone number (210) 335-2369.  I look forward to your response.  Thank you.



Kristina Brunner  wrote:

Greetings Dr. Mahoney:

I don't know if you remember me - I used to be the Vice President, Treasurer, Animal Care Technician, and volunteer at the WAO.  For almost 11 years I volunteered my time and efforts to better the lives of all the animals at the WAO.  I received two WAO award plaques for my support and dedication to the WAO.

Recently I learned Ms. Carol Asvestas held a meeting after I left the WAO on January 7, 2006.  It is my understanding that Ms. Asvestas labeled me as a schizophrenia, drug-using individual that had some sort of mental breakdown at the WAO in December 2005. 

What you may not know is that I am not schizophrenic patient - I have no mental disorders, nor have I ever had a history of mental disorder.  I am not taking drugs, and I did not have a "mental breakdown" in December or any other time.

I have discovered alleged inappropriate and possibly illegal activities at the WAO.  I discovered that Ms. Asvestas has a criminal record and two of her employees have criminal records (to include prison time).  I learned these criminal records pertain to DUI, DWI, drugs, and theft.  I discovered a lot of information from the County records, interviews from the local veterinarians, and from the staff regarding the care and treatment of the animals.

According to an informant, the staff was forced to sign:  false statements, false affidavits, and a  5-page (extremely detailed) non-disclosure and non-compete statement.  I have reason to believe Ms. Asvestas does not want any more of her employees talking to the public (especially me) regarding the care and treatment of the animals, so she forced her employees to sign all these documents in an attempt to keep them quiet. 

I uncovered the fact that Ms. Favour is not the WAO veterinarian, but rather an animal care technician.  If you check the WAO website, you will see that she is now listed under staff tab.  I discovered in December 2005, Ms. Asvestas knowingly placed Ms. Favour as the "In-house vet," in order, I believe, to circumvent the AWA laws.  Despite whatever Ms. Asvestas may tell you, I never in the 10+ years at the WAO saw a veterinarian visiting the exotic wild animals on any weekend/holiday.  I did witness two primates and a tiger die a slow death because Ms. Asvestas told me that a vet would not be able to see the mortally wounded animals until "Monday."  The vets that she uses, when she deems necessary, are not specialized in exotic animal care - they predominently work with dogs and cats.  The dog/cat vets' offices are all closed on 1/2 day on Saturday and all day Sunday.  Truly, there is no true vet care for the 800+ animals at the Talley or Leslie Road facilities, 24-hours, 7-days a week.

I was told by the same formant that Norma, the Sanctuary Manager, put down a primate because it had swollen testicles and Ms. Asvestas did not want to contact a vet in order to have the animal looked at and treated.  I have another witness, a former employee, that stated for the record, that Norma and other individuals performed surgery and/or euthanasia on the animals at the Leslie Road facility.

I am extremely concerned for the welfare of the animals.  I have a lot of documented proof regarding missing animals.  I have counted over 250+ missing or dead animals based on tour guides I kept from 1996, 1999, and 2002 - animals mainly from the Leslie Road facility.  Goodness only knows how many primates and other large animals died at the Talley Road facility.  I have been lied to on several occasions regarding the circumstances surrounding the deaths of tigers, cougars, and primates by Ms. Asvestas.  I have pictures and statements refuting the statements Ms. Asvestas is making towards my allegations and I stand ready to show you my files.

You should know that the IRS, Texas Board of Veterinary Medicine, OSHA, Department of Labor (Wage/Hour) and other Federal Agencies are looking into this situation. 

I don't know if you are interested, but I can provide you the same material I gave the Board of Directors.  If you happen to be in San Antonio, I would be more than willing to show you the rest of the material I have amassed regarding the activities at the WAO. 

You should know, I considered Ms. Asvestas, at one time a good friend.  I truly believed in what she was doing - until I learned 5 primates died in less than 15 days and Ms. Asvestas attempted to cover-up the deaths with fictional stories.  To me, she she seems to care more about the money than she does about the animals.   I was extremely distressed over what I learned from all the animal caretakers and from the local vets, that I knew I would have to put aside the friendship and try to do right by the remaining animals.   

I have a copy of the taped Emergency Board meeting - it did not go well.  All advisers and staff members were not allowed to attend the Emergency Staff Meeting, even though Ms. Asvestas told me everyone was welcome in an earlier e-mail.  I was not told of the change in plans until I arrived at the WAO for the meeting.  A secret board meeting was held before I arrived and the "board" decided to exclude the advisers and staff.  One of the advisers, Dr. Henry, arrived even though Ms. Asvestas told him the meeting was scheduled for Monday, January 9, 2006.  I, fortunately, contacted him before the meeting and corrected Ms. Asvetstas attempt to keep him from the meeting.  Dr. Henry was forced to remain outside while I was yelled at by Ms. Asvestas, Mr. Asvestas, and their daughter Ms. Melissa Asvestas, in the Office.  The Office blinds were all pulled down, and the door blind was pulled down too.  The connecting office door to the hallway was closed, so the staff could not come in.  The Asvestas hid the staff in the back room, so I could not speak to them.  It was a most uncomfortable situation, but I knew that I had to air my allegations, with the hopes that the Board would correct the situation. 

After the meeting, I received an e-mail from one of the staff members telling me that everything I said was true, things have gotten much worse at the WAO, and the animals were suffering.  The e-mail concluded the the word "help."

I understand that all this information may be overwhelming - please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the issues pertaining to the WAO.  You should know that I am a Human Resource professional (18+ years) and I take this situation very seriously because I believe lives are at stake.  I work for the Bexar County Criminal District Attorney's Office, so please understand I would not be making these allegations known if I did not truly believe that these event occurred. 

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.  I look forward to your e-mail reply.
I’m waiting for a call from “Jennifer” from Colorado University.  She was referred to me by Vernon.
I called Office of Special Investigations (OSI) at Lackland AFB.  I spoke with Michelle Shalloup.  She suggested I go to SAPD since the act occurred off-base (reference – Norma’s husband allegedly performed surgery on Sabu inside his enclosure and then threw the “extra part” into an enclosure containing juvenile lions, calling it “extra meat” for the animals.

[Present Day:  Dr. Mahoney never called me.  This was very disappointing.]

May 4, 2006
From: Linda J. Howard <>
To: Kristina Brunner 
Sent: Thu, May 4, 2006 1:02:51 PM
Subject: FYI

Carol just called and said the woman from DOL said that she is very

impressed, they aren't doing anything wrong and that all their records
are squeaky-clean.  Said the woman talked to Rachel, Mary and Michelle.
Said the woman went through all their time sheets, etc.  Also said the
woman said she plans to come back out to bring her daughter to see the

So much for the DOL doing its job.  What a joke.

May 7, 2006
I spoke with Ellie Dole, now living on the east coast of the United States.  I told her what was happening at the WAO.  She wants to have her name removed from the WAO’s website as a board member.  She said she retired from the Air Force two years ago after she returned from a three year tour in Germany.  She said she has not talked to anyone with the WAO in five years.
May 8, 2006
I received three CDs from Linda Howard.  The CD’s contained photos that were taken by Carol.  
May 9, 2006
I spoke with Brandon (private investigator) and his father, working on a plan to catch the Asvestas’ driving WAO vehicles without drivers license.
I received a letter from the Texas Board of Vet Medicine today.  Excellent news for a change.

Before - Rachelle Farvour listed as a vet

After - Rachelle Farvour not a vet after all

Carol has learned I’ve been speaking with Linda Howard and Rita about the 11 CU monkeys. 
Linda told me that Carol plans to “sue me” if I continue telling people the truth about what is happening at the WAO.  Carol told Linda that I was a lowly DA employee – a clerk.  Boy, does she wish this was so!

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol []
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 11:29 AM
To: 'Linda J. Howard'
Subject: Kristina Brunner
Dear Linda,

I just tried to call you. It seems that Kristina is now contacting advisory board members....Arrg, has she called or e-mailed you?
She is a being royal pain, but i can live with it. Our attorney is going to have a field day with her very soon if she continues.

Carol A.

I cant do anything this weekend it will have to be next weekend because I have to move animals to new enclosures at Talley.
I learned that Ashely Banks, who is on the WAO’s board of advisors, is Sumner Matthes’ daughter.  Nothing like keeping the board in the "family."
May 11, 2006
I spoke with Rita today.  Carol is not getting the monkeys despite her attempts to spin a different tale than what was submitted to CU!  Rita suggested I limit what I tell Linda since Linda continues to have contact with Carol. 
I spoke with Jan (recommended by Rita) today.  She is going to help me find out what happened to the New Orleans cats.  I sent her a picture of Carol and Norma to aid her in finding out what happened in New Orleans.   Rumors are circulating that Carol stole a lot of cats from New Orleans and brought them to San Antonio without BFC paperwork.
May 12, 2006
I spoke with Dr. Tull today.  According to Dr. Tull, the large monkey colony (stumptailed macaques) was originally to be inspected by USDA and the Texas Health Department once per year.  When Carol wrote the USDA and declined to obtain the USDA exhibitor permit, the Texas Department of Health was no longer allowed to inspect the property without Carol’s permission. 
Dr. Tull said that once Carol received over $100k and the monks, she reneged on her agreement to allow inspectors on the property. 
I was told by Dr. Tull that when the animal caretakers (myself, Brandon, Rachel, and community service workers) sprayed the quarantined primates’ feces down the waste drain, we were all violating the bio-hazard waste agreement made between the WAO and the Texas Health Department.  Dead rhesus macaques and their waste were supposed to be double bagged.  I was also told the macaques were supposed to be necropsied if their deaths were unexplained. 
All waste was supposed to be picked-up by BFI.  I have never heard of these requirements before this day.  Dr. Tull did not think these agreed upon procedures would be adhered to shortly after they were supposed to be implemented.
Dr. Tull was not surprised I never heard of these procedures.  I asked if she could send me the agreement made between her office and the WAO.  Dr. Tull said she could send me the SOP that the WAO prepared for her many years ago.
May 16, 2006
I called OSHA (Austin) today.  The WAO case is still not closed.
I called Dr. Pannill – she is checking to see if the 2 DVDs I sent containing the “Growing Up Lion” arrived yet and are okay.
I called Scott today and he said he heard from a source PETA is looking at the WAO.  I provided him with additional information—Texas Health Dept/Dr. Tull.  He would like of the WAO’s SOP pertaining to the macaques living at Talley.
I spoke with the PI’s Bob and Brandon.  They will take the case starting Saturday.  Brandon and his wife will take a WAO tour.
I spoke with BJ with the Animal Defense League.  She would like an email sent to her regarding the monkeys.
Left a message for Joan (TOPS) to call me regarding the IRS.
I spoke with Linda Howard today.  She said she’ll try and get the 2001 990 (WAO tax return) for me.  She forward an email to me saying that Carol plans to visit an attorney tomorrow.

We also talked about the Hurricane Katrina cats.  I learned that IFAW, PETA, and HSUS were in New Orleans, allegedly driving around vans outside the flooded area, picking up animals, and taking them to a private location where most, if not all the animals, were killed and then tossed in a dumpster!  Can this case get any worse???  Supposedly, Norma Lagutchik and Melissa Asvestas were either present when the killings took place, or knew about the details. In any case, Carol Asvestas supposedly has a video of PETA personnel killing the animals and then tossing the bodies into the trash dumpster.  I wonder if she took the video to be used as a possible "blackmail" tool in the future?  Would not surprise me.  If true, it would explain why PETA is not interested in this case. This news is very disturbing on so many levels.  Makes me sick.

I found this article on the web relating to PETA's killing rates:

PETA’s 2005 Kill Rate Jumped To 90 Percent, Plus New Photos

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has just updated their animal-control statistics for 2005, and the numbers aren’t pretty. According to the Virginia state veterinarian, PETA killed 1,946 cats, dogs, and other pets last year, in addition to 141 wild animals. In 2005 PETA managed a startling 90 percent kill rate (up from 86 percent the year before), adopting or transferring out only 215 animals. Added to PETA’s earlier numbers, these new figures tell us that since July 1998 the group has killed over 14,400 cats, dogs, and other pets in Virginia.

Of course, Virginia isn’t the only place where PETA is killing animals. In neighboring North Carolina, two PETA staffers have been charged with animal cruelty and obtaining property (the animals) by false pretenses. Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook allegedly killed cats and dogs, stuffed their bodies into trash bags, and threw them into a dumpster.
We recently acquired additional photos of the crime scene, courtesy of theRoanoke-Chowan News-Herald. Highlights include two new shots inside the “death van” itself, replete with cages, a copy of PETA’s “Kind News,” and pet food from IAMS (which PETA tells people to boycott). There are also several new photographs of PETA’s animal victims. Before you click here, however, be warned — some of these photos are not for the faint of heart.
2005 was also the year of Hurricane Katrina. PETA bragged in October about bringing 32 dogs back to Virginia from the disaster area. Judging by their percentages, we’re guessing at least 29 of those canines have already met their demise.

I heard that PETA has a saying "better dead than fed."  I guess their killing rate bears out this so-called "motto."  Wow.  

May 18, 2006
I spoke with John at the Edwards Aquifer today.  I asked if the Talley Road property was over the recharged zone.  It was not – it is in a flood plain/artesian zone.  I told John about the dead animal animals buried at the Talley property and apparently Red Mccombs development was interested in buying the property to build residential homes.  I suggested I file a complaint form so the case could be looked at more closely.  He allowed me to fill out the form over the phone.  He said he would forward the complain to his supervisor right away.
I prepared another letter for the USDA discussing the lack of vet care at the WAO.

May 22, 2006
I checked with the TNRCC web site – so far, no case number assigned yet.  I faxed the SOP I received from Dr. Tull to Scott (EN).  The WAO does not appear to be following the SOP provided to Dr. Tull.  I looked up a book called Animal Underworld on Friday.  The book contains several pages on the WAO.  Wow, did everyone but me know about the WAO?  Turns out, Alan Green’s concerns were very real. 
Later:  Found RN # on the TNRCC website pertaining to the WAO (RN102911369).  No information provided under this number so far. 
No call or email from the private investigator{

[Much later:  Scott, from Express-News, never did a story on the WAO.]
May 23, 2006
I received a call from the private investigator who took a tour at the WAO.  He said Sabu was no longer on the tour.  He said he saw two white tigers living behind the office in the quarantine area.   He saw two new sick white wolves on tour in the Cat Haven area.  He was able to identify and capture many problems seen while on tour using a video and standard camera.
I called Betty Honn’s Animal Adoption LTD and left a voice message regarding Sabu.
May 24, 2006
I spoke with Theresa from Betty Honn’s about Sabu.  I learned today that Sabu, Bubba, and Princess are still alive and well!  I let Theresa know and she is relieved Sabu is okay.  I sent her an email (pre-approved by my attorney) with pictures of Sabu, the January 7, 2006 Emergency Board Meeting Minutes, my Response Package via email.
I sent Investigator Jumper (Fish and Wildlife) email requesting his last visit report.
I sent a fax to TQEC (Melissa) on animal waste matters at the WAO.  She wanted a copy of the Department of Health Services SOP between the WAO and the State.
May 25, 2006
I spoke with Brian from Tiger Creek.  Sent him email material plus photographs.  He said he was willing to help me.  He’ll also contact USDA regarding care of animals at WAO.
May 26, 2006
I spoke with Christine (last name unknown) from an outdoor life magazine.  She is writing an article about sanctuaries versus private exotic wild animal ownership.  Christine said she would obtain a contact for me from Dateline.  “No promises” she said.  At least she is willing to try!
I spoke with Theresa Honn today.  She said she saw the pictures and Sabu looked sad to her.  I told her he looked and acted sad when I used to volunteer at the WAO.  Theresa said she had not finished reading the material I sent her via email yet.  She said she would call me tomorrow and let me know what she wants to do.
May 27, 2006
I received an email from Theresa – she will call me sometime this weekend.  I provided Linda Howard with an update regarding the status of the case.
Linda suggested I contact Sarah Wry (IFAW) @ and/or Ian Robinson @ and provide them an update on what is happening at the WAO.
May 30, 2006
Today I picked up the photos and tour transcript from my private investigator.  Heartbreaking what is happening to the WAO animals.. 

He was able to get photos of Ron operating his motorcycle without a valid Texas driver's license, proving he does operate vehicles without a license.

May 31, 2006
I spoke with Linda Howard all afternoon.  Carol called her today and told her that Bubba needed to be seen before the end of the month by a vet.  She tried to get Dr. Henry to examine him, but Dr. Henry said he was unavailable.  So Carol called Dr. Ehrlund and she was able to see Bubba.  Bubba was “fixed,” received a steroid injection, blood drawn, toe nails clipped, and his teeth was cleaned.  Carol plans to put Bubba together with the WAO’s 3-legged tiger (probably the Talley Road TOPS tiger that lost its leg).  Dr. Ehrlund told Carol that Bubba could function fine despite his hip problem, but will need to be watched closely during cold winter months.  Since Dr. Ehrlund cannot perform hip surgery, Carol plans to send out an update on Bubba saying he did not need surgery after all. 
June 1, 2006
Linda Howard sent me Bubba’s newsletter which Carol created in April last year.
June 2, 2006
I spoke with Robert (former WAO volunteer) about what was happening at the WAO.  I have a feeling he will not help me by providing me with the video shots he took towards the end of December, 2005.
June 3, 2006
I spoke with Linda for three hours today.  She confessed she was the one that sent me the email from “caringstaffatwao!”  Here is the email she sent me:
[Today:  I remember trying to respond to this email, but kept receiving a return message from the server saying the email address did not exist!  I was so freaked out by this message for about two-weeks, wondering who, at the WAO, supported my efforts.]
From: "" <>
To: kbrunner
Sent: Mon, January 30, 2006 11:40:01 AM
Subject: Thank you


What you have said is true. The staff was put in the position of
choosing sides or losing our jobs.

The board does not care.  The only person any of us have contacted who
cares or understands is Linda.  I think she is an advistory member.

The lying and cheating is bad.  The animals suffer.


Sfaff member
Linda shared with me that the donated pretzels and peanuts for the monkeys were stored in Carol’s house for her own personal consumption.  So while the monkeys were eating dog food, Carol ate the animals’ pretzels and peanuts.  Linda told me that Carol only gave Judy (baboon) “treats” shortly after she arrived.

Oh, and according to Linda, Carol plans to serve me with a “restraining order/protective order.  Now this should be interesting!
June 6-9, 2006
Interesting email from Carol to Linda:
From: Carol
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: Carol Wild animal Orphanage

Hey Linda, I hope everything is well with you. I got a call from Theresa in Nevada last night. She said there was a rumour that WAO was in a financial crunch, had lost its funding from IFAW and was closing. I Just wanted you to know that WAO is  well and thriving, we now have the support of ASPCA, HSUS and many other groups. We have already brought in $900,000 in donations to date for 2006 and will probably make almost 2 million by the end of the year. IFAW just sent us a check so all is very good. The animals are doing great and I am still working my behind off. I Just wanted to make sure I let you know that all is ok so you can pass it along if more rumours pop up. I will be in your area next month, mabye we can go to dinner or something.


Carol Asvestas
I spoke with Linda Howard, Teresa H.,  and Linda F. regarding WAO issues.  I learned Linda Howard also visited the quarantine area numerous times without the so-called required “bio gear!”  Turns out Linda was present during times when Carol and various workers were in the quarantine area without gear as well.  I received a very interesting email from Linda F.  Carol emailed her a slanderous report against me (see below for the email exchange starting from the bottom, up).  Apparently I’m a stalker!!  Oooooohhhh…  So I called SAPD to verify Carol’s stalking tale.  As of 6.9.2006 @ 11:07 am, I have no "stalking" record on file!  Gee I'm shocked. Carol made up another story.  Such a liar!

From: Linda J. Howard <>
To: Kristina Brunner <kbrunner@... >; LINDA_F...@...
Sent: Fri, June 9, 2006 1:15:48 PM
Subject: RE: Carol Wild animal Orphanage (response)

For all the times I have been to WAO, I've only seen the staff wearing the Bio-Safety gear one time and that was because someone from Yerkes was there visiting.  I have been in the quarantine area (including by myself) many, many times.  To say that no one is allowed in the quarantine area is simply not true. That "rule" just seems to surface when there is something in the quarantine area that Carol doesn't want anyone to see.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 12:30 PM
To: LINDA_F...@...; Linda J. Howard; teresa
Subject: Re: Carol Wild animal Orphanage (response)
Greetings All:
I'm sending this e-mail to you all because I wanted to be sure that everyone was on the same page with me.  I attached a copy of the death record that Norma (the WAO Office Sanctuary Manager) kept on the animals.  If anyone needs pictures, please do not hesitate to e-mail me and I will send them to you...k
Thanks for sending this to me, Linda...below is my response to Ms. Asvestas'' e-mail highlighted in blue...
 ----- Original Message ----
From: LINDA_F...@...
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:18:39 PM
Subject: Fw: Carol Wild animal Orphanage
Here is the last email from Carol, I haven't responded to it yet....
 Thanks for blowing the whistle.....     Linda
----- Original Message -----
From: Carol
To: Linda F...@...
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 6:31 AM
Subject: RE: Carol Wild animal Orphanage 
Dear Linda,

If you are referring to the package that Kristina Brunner is sending out, I urge you not to take any notice of these unfounded allegations. 
A little info on Ms. Brunner, she was a board member who volunteered for us one day a week. We have very strict safety policies and we bend the rules for no-one. When I was in new Orleans rescuing animals from the Hurricanes, (she was not in NO - she had just left for Colorado on December 17, 2005, the same day I questioned the care of the animals living in quarantine, to pick up dogs at another shelter or so she told me on the day she left...) she violated safety standards by entering a restricted quarantine area that housed infected primates. She was not supposed to be in the area, (Carol knew I worked each weekend in quarantine to help Brandon, whom by the way, never worn bio safety garb - I never saw Rachelle wear this garb either.  Even the plumbers, community service workers, and other staff entered this area w/o the "garb") she was not wearing any safety garb and refused to leave the area when asked by a supervisor (there was no "supervisor" on-site until I asked Carol if Norma could return to help "Jake" the White Crowned Mangabey.  I was told by Norma, long after I left quarantine to help "Baby" the Baboon at the other end of the property, that Carol did not want me working in the quarantine area - I wasn't surprised.  Norma and I agreed that Carol did not want me to know what was happening in the quarantine area - and asking a lot of questions.  I asked Norma if Carol wanted me to leave the property too, and she said no, Carol just didn't want me back in quarantine anymore). I challenged her over the phone and told her to leave. She had a fit and threw a temper tantrum, she was then told again to leave by the supervisor and was escorted off the property (A complete fabrication - I never threw a "temper tantrum" - I was not happy that Carol was more concerned I'd go to the media over the lack of care given to the animals, rather than taking care of them.  I was also unhappy that Jake was given very little means of keeping himself warm during the cold weather, but I did not at anytime throw a so-called "temper tantrum."  Carol and I did speak on the via cell phone about "Jake's" care, but Carol never told me directly I had to leave quarantine or the WAO facility.  Carol and I ended our conversation with Carol reminding me she had a Christmas present for me and she wanted to know if I would be in next weekend.  She also wanted to know if I could work longer hours in the hurricane cat room to give relief to the overworked domestic cat caretakers.  We were both very friendly on the telephone.  After this call, I left the WAO and did not return until 1/7/06 for the Emergency Board Meeting). Kristina then called an emergency board meeting claiming our animals were uncared for (after interviewing the vets and the employees), we had no money and so on and so. She then filed complaints with OSHA, WAGE AND LABOR BOARD, FISH AND WILDLIFE, PARKS AND WILDLIFE, USDA and a strew of other agencies, all of which came out and found absolutely nothing wrong (These agencies can be contacted to verify by anyone with doubts I will gladly furnish numbers) (Carol failed to mentioned she was given a cease and desist order from the Texas State Vet Board for falsely advertising an in-house vet on literature and the WAO website).
She was voted off the board because of her irrational behavior (According to Carol Asvestas/Laura Mireles' letter delivered by a mail courier to my place of employment, dated January 7, 2006 at 3:30pm, I was removed from the BOD because I did not first "presenting [sic] my grievances to the board before contacting veterinarians and other animal related agencies with unsubstantiated allegations"). Since then she has taken to stalking my kids and parking outside the sanctuary office for hours. Police reports have been filed and we are in the process of obtaining a restraining order (I called the San Antonio Police Department today at 11:07am and spoke with Kathy in Homicide (Homicide handles stalking).  Kathy told me there were no police reports filed against me - at all).  
 As for the frozen dead capuchins, I have no idea what that is about. We lost one capuchin while I was away, it wasn't Theresa's, it was one (two) in our old colony. Unfortunately animals die (On December 17, 2005, I found one dead in the enclosure and took its picture.  I took another picture of a dying capuchin and learned from Norma that the monkey died either that day or very early the next morning). We did lose Theresa's capuchins, one shortly after arrival (according to the Sanctuary Manager's death log the first capuchin died on December 8, 2005 - 27 degrees outside - not including the wind chill factor - in quarantine) and the other several months ago (the second capuchin died on December 9, 2005 - 34 degrees outside - not including the wind chill factor). Both were old, not in tip top shape and both had been seen by a vet (only one monkey was old - the other monkey was very spry and agile - and when I spoke with the three WAO vets in December 2005, the vets told me they did not exam either capuchin monkey). I can assure you our animals get the best of care and we are not and have not been in dire straights for years, if we were I would be the first to ask for help. We have a quarter of million dollars in the bank, we send out 500,000 mail outs each month. We are, as I have said better today than we have ever been before. We are currently working with the Dallas SPCA who has also funded us. They also got a complaint, James Bias visited and is aware of Kristina's tactics (I left a message for James Bias to call me, but he never did, so I never spoke to him) and so did Kathy Mc Dermott from Best Friends (a volunteer from Best Friends filed a complaint report with BF against the WAO - I was asked by BF to provide them with any information I had regarding the Hurricane cats.  The most damaging information came from the BF volunteers, not me).
 Unfortunately in the world of animal rescue, there are always those that think they know better, and when they are asked to follow procedures they believe they are above the laws because they are board members or volunteers. None of this worries me, it just takes up precious time that could be spent on other important things and believe it or not it helps us, because every agency that has been out has given us a wonderful report and know exactly what Ms. Brunner's motives are. If you didn't get the package or info from Ms. Brunner yourself then I have to assume you got it from Rita Anderson, who also received the package, instead of calling and asking us about it, she took it upon herself to send it to the University of Colorado, who was going to retire several primates to us. It wouldn't surprise me if she has sent it to others, who in turn will send it on without questioning it. Ms. Brunner works for the DA's office in Human Resources and on several occasion has represented herself as being with the DA's office. (I have never told anyone that I was representing the DA's Office regarding this case.  If asked if I worked for the DA's Office (Carol used to brag to everyone that she had a board member that worked for the DA's Office, namely me), I also told the person(s) that I was acting independently of the DA's Office and that this situation does not involve the DA's Office at all)  This is misrepresentation and will create her problems if she is not careful. I actually feel sorry for people that have nothing more to do with their time other than to try and create problems for those that are working hard to solve some of the worlds problems.
 I don't need to know where you got the information. I do know is that anyone involved in this harassment campaign, will end up in the middle of a law suit. Kristina has been warned by our attorney twice (it is my understanding that her former attorney served me the one and only letter as a favor for a friend of Carol's - I have not been contacted twice - just once.  It is also my understanding this attorney no longer wants to represent her) and a restraining order will be in affect by the beginning of next week, followed by a law suit.
 I have no doubt that Kristina will not be last to do this. Everytime we fight legislation, confiscate animals or refuse to bend rules for people, we leave ourselves open for this kind of campaign, but it goes with the territory and we will not be intimidated by actions such as these.
 Anyone who has any doubts about the care of our animals, our financial stability or anything else, has to do only one thing, come out and visit or call me.
 If you want to chat, my cell number is 210-255-0552
Carol A.
-----Original Message-----
From: LINDA_F...@...
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 6:32 PM
To: Carol
Subject: Re: Carol Wild animal Orphanage
Hi Carol,
Thanks for some clarification about the alarming report I was made aware of. Teresa is distraught at seeing pictures of her 2 dead frozen capuchins at your place. Whenever funding is cut to any sanctuary it causes problems. I'm sure you are doing the best you can and will take care of all the animals you are responsible for. I hope you would not hesitate to alert groups, people and the media if you find yourself in a position of not being able to give the proper care and food all these animals need and deserve...
There is disturbing information "out there" about neglect, a lack of proper feeding to the animals and corners being cut. People like myself have placed trust in you and your decisions to be sure the animals are well cared for.... I urge you to be realistic and cry for help if that is what is needed. The animals lives are depending on that....
Linda Faso
----- Original Message -----
From: Carol
To: Linda F...@...
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: Carol Wild animal Orphanage 
Hey Linda, I hope everything is well with you. I got a call from Theresa in Nevada last night. She said there was a rumour that WAO was in a financial crunch, had lost its funding from IFAW and was closing. I Just wanted you to know that WAO is  well and thriving, we now have the support of ASPCA, HSUS and many other groups. We have already brought in $900,000 in donations to date for 2006 and will probably make almost 2 million by the end of the year IFAW just sent us a check so all is very good. The animals are doing great and I am still working my behind off. I Just wanted to make sure I let you know that all is ok so you can pass it along if more rumours pop up. I will be in your area next month, mabye we can go to dinner or something.
 Carol Asvestas
[Today:  Wow, after re-reading this again, four years later, I still can't help but laugh over Carol's description of the events that took place in 2005.  Was she on drugs or was she drunk (or both??) when she wrote these emails?  Makes me wonder just how many people she told this complete fabrication!  What is even more disturbing were the number of people who backed Carol from James Bias (Dallas SPCA)  to the folks from ASPCA, HSUS and IFAW.]

Here's a picture of James Bias (left) receiving the "Excellence
in Non-Profit Leadership" 2011 for the Dallas SPCA.
How sick is this?

In the hopes of exposing what is happening to the WAO animals, I reached out to Dateline NBC praying someone will want to cover this story:

[Present:  I never heard back from Dateline.]

June 10, 2006
Carol called Linda Howard yesterday.  Linda told me that Carol told her that the WAO owes Ron and Carol $181,000 since the two did not receive wages over the years.  I still believe Ron and Carol plan to cut and run when the money is in the bank.  According to email from Carol to Linda F., the WAO has a quarter million dollars in the bank right now.  Carol told Teresa the WAO will make $2 million by the end of the year due to mailouts.
According to Linda Howard, Carol will be staying in a hotel this weekend by “herself.”  Ron and kids not allowed.  I believe Carol will either party all weekend on the Riverwalk or plans to meet another man she has been reportedly been seeing for a while--and it all will undoubtedly be paid for by the animals.
June 12, 2006
I received ABC Primetime information from Kimberly.  Kimberly is the one doing a story on “false sanctuaries.” 
June 13, 2006
I spoke with Melissa from the TCEQ today.  She called BFI and learned that BFI no longer handles the WAO account any longer.  Apparently, the WAO now uses Stericycle.  Melissa told me the WAO account is active with Stericycle, but she is having trouble getting a service list for the WAO.  She will contact me when she receives the list.
I created an email account using G-mail.  I sent Carol an e-mail asking if she would be willing to accept old frozen meat with freeze burn.  Carol wrote back she could use the meat for the animals.  Not surprised she was willing to accept old meat to feed the animals.
I emailed Melissa with TCEQ with the Talley Road animal listing originally prepared by Mary & Michelle Reininger.  She was interested in the dead animals listed on the report.
June 14, 2006
I spoke with Dawn Bechtold with US Animal from 6:00pm to 11:17pm.  She called Mike Ahlers (CNN) and conferenced me in on the call.  Mike Ahlers said he was interested in the story. 
I sent Dawn the emergency board meeting package via email.  I still need to san photos and other documents pertaining to this case so I can email them to Dawn.  Dawn said she would forward the entire package to Mike.
Mike Ahlers asked me to call him tomorrow.  I will speak with Dawn tomorrow so I can be conference in again with other rescuers in California.
June 15, 2006
I spoke with Mike (CNN).  He provided me with a name of the person to send my material at CNN.  I spoke with Dawn – we researched BFC # from Mary Ann’s (BF volunteer) website.  While I was on the phone, Dawn left Carol a voice message to have her call her back regarding the hurricane cats.
June 16, 2006
I spoke with Mike Ahlers and he asked me to forward my contact information so someone can contact me regarding this story.
I spoke with Dawn – I emailed her the BFC 1852 poster. 
My name is Samantha, and I am a beloved family member.  My home, which used to be on Timoleon Street in New Orleans was damaged by high flood waters.  My elderly owner had to be evacuated without me.

I was taken from my water damaged home and house temporarily at Best Friends Animal Society in Tylertown , MS .  I was then shipped to The Wild Animal Orphanage in San Antonio , Texas .   I have since disappeared and no one can find any trace of me.  My owner has tirelessly tried to find me, but to no avail. Sadly, my owner was told in January 2006 by a Wild Animal Orphanage domestic cat caretaker that I was feral and taken to a “wild cat center.”  My owner and a Best Friend’s reunification volunteered tried very hard to find me, but with no luck.

We discussed media strategy.  I will email Lauren at Animal Defense League to see if she can obtain the BCF records on the cats sent to the WAO and their current status.  I sent Dawn information pertaining to the WAO reference found in Alan Green’s book.
I met with my private investigators at 11:30pm.  I paid $700 cash and received video tapes, auto plates owned by WAO and driver’s license info on the Asvestas’.  As suspected, no valid driver’s licenses were found on file.  And sure enough, Ron and Carol were filmed driving WAO vehicles!  I will contact KSAT-12 regarding this new information.
June 17, 2006
I took private investigator’s photos to Walgreens so they can be placed on a CD.
I prepared my USDA addendum certified letter today which focused on the WAO’s dog/cat shelter operation; water and feed problems; and problems with the lemur cage.  I mailed the addendum along with the tour CD by certified/return receipt required mail.
Mary sent Carol an email requesting info on the “Animals in Your Will” program.
Dawn requested information from Carol regarding the WAO animals.

WAO held a board meeting today.  Item #11 is rather humours!  Carol, once again, provided the board with fictitious information.  I cannot wait to see this "restraining order" she plans to obtain against me.

[Present Day:  Carol lied to the board - I never parked outside the WAO; there was never a restraining order issued against me by the WAO; no statements against me was shared with the OAG; and no one contacted my previous employer regarding WAO issues (for obvious reasons as Carol would not want the DA looking into the WAO along with the OAG]
June 18, 2006
Sent email to the private investigator.  I noticed an error on the DPS letter – so I let him know I needed a new letter.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kristina Brunner
To: Dawn
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 4:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Cat Adoption] Carol's e-mail response

Okay, now I got it in writing... 50 cats left at the WAO.  So, where are the additonal 350 cats Carol said she had on Friday???  Oh, and Carol is still in San Antonio - she checked her e-mails at her "party house."  You know, the one with the pool!  It's close to 100 degrees today, so she's probably enjoying the pool right now!  chow4now...k
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Virginia Garcia
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 3:58:27 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Cat Adoption]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carol <>
Date: Jun 18, 2006 12:49 PM
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Cat Adoption]
To: Virginia Garcia
Dear Virginia,

We have 50 cats looking for good homes. Please call the office 210-688-9038 and ask them to put you in touch with Terry, she takes care of the cats.
I am out of town at this time so I cant help much, but I know Terry will.


Carol Asvestas

-----Original Message-----
From: Wao [mailto:]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:27 AM
To: carol
Subject: [Fwd: Cat Adoption]
-------- Original Message --------
Cat Adoption
Sat, 17 Jun 2006 13:54:10 -0500
Virginia Garcia

Dear WAO:
I heard from a friend of mine that you may have cats up for adoption.  Is this true?  We are looking for a new cat to replace my dad's cat that recently passed away.  So for Father's Day, we thought we'd bring home a new cat.

If you do have cats available for adoption - how many do you have? Lots or just a handful?  Do you have any tabbys? Is there an adoption fee and if so, how much?

Please let me know as soon as possible! 

Thank you,

June 19, 2006
I spoke with KSAT-12’s assignment producer.  He said he would call me tomorrow.
I spoke with Dawn and she conferenced me in with the KSAT-12 person.  Dawn is going to ask Carol for records pertaining to the hurricane cats under the Texas Open Records Act.
I sent an open records request to the Bexar County Adult Probation today via fax.  I provided the department with a list of employees and asked if the department if it could identify those WAO employees who performed community service at the WAO.
I called Glenn at Animal Care Services.  I asked him if the Animal Sanctuary of the US (WAO)’s new dba Whiskers and Wags Humane Society has a license to operate a “shelter.”  I was told no  I told Glenn that the WAO’s cat room had me concerned and so he is going to send out a cruelty investigator to get on the new “humane society.”  He is curious about the operation.  However, he may not have any control over it if it is ordered in violation for it may fall under the County’s jurisdiction.
June 20, 2006
Linda called me today to let me know she plans to speak with John B. to see if Denise (SCAT) really signed a statement against me for Carol.  Later:  Linda spoke with John and he said he would ask Denise if she wrote the letter on behalf of Carol.  I asked Linda if she could ask John if he’d be willing to speak on camera about the WAO’s non-existent “Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center.”  Linda said she would ask him.
I spoke with my attorney, told him about KSAT-12 and that Carol is telling people that Denise (SCAT) signed a statement on her behalf stating I called her representing the District Attorney’s Office.  I told him this was not true.  When Denise called me at work, she heard how I answered the phone and it led her to ask if the DA’s Office was involved.  I told her “no” for I was working this case on my own.  I asked my attorney if I should tell my boss about what Carol is saying about me.  He said yes.
I spoke with the first assistant and told him about KSAT-12’s interest in the case and I told him about Carol’ allegations against me.  He was not happy.  He told me I was walking “a fine line” and I better not involve the District Attorney.  He said he thought I would just report the WAO to the proper authorities and not “stir up” trouble.  I assured him I was not abusing my work time and would be very careful what I said or did in the future.
I spoke with Linda Howard and asked if John would be willing to talk to KSAT-12.  She said she would ask him.  Now that she is getting ready for her trip to Africa, she is focusing a little less on animal projects.
I spoke with Shari at KSAT-12 (Special Projects Producer).  She wants to visit with me ASAP.  She wants an exclusive story!  Oh, and she’s an animal person--yay!
I spoke with Sue today – she works with Dawn.  She plans to call the Bexar County DA’s Office request a warrant to seize temporary control of the WAO so animal cruelty case can be thoroughly investigated.  She is preparing her open records requests.
I sent an email to Melissa (TCEQ) requesting an update on the waste management records she requested from Stericycle.

June 21, 2006
My direct supervisor came into my office at 8:50am to ask me why I still was involved in the animal case.  She said she thought I would write two letters then I would be done.  I told her at that time, I thought the two letters (USDA and OAG) would be sufficient.  I told my supervisor that the two letters were not enough.  My supervisor told me I had to “get out of this.”  I needed to pass this case on to someone else.  I became emotionally upset when my supervisor suggested I drop the WAO case and I told her I could not drop this case as there were hundreds of animal lives at stake.  It became clear to me that if I did not drop the WAO case, it could affect my current employment.  My subordinate heard what my supervisor said to me on her way out of my office (and he was very surprised as to what he heard), that it wasn't "I couldn't drop the case, but that I didn’t want to drop the case."  She warned me that “my actions had consequences” and that I “would have to live with my decisions.” 
I was devastated.  At 9:05am my supervisor returned to my office, this time appearing more friendly towards me.  She told me she was “worried about my health – "just look at you – this case is making you sick.”  I told her I had a good support group.  I also told her I was taking better care of myself and turned over a lot of my case to others that were experienced in animal abuse cases.  I told my supervisor that none of this would be an issue if I worked for a different employer.  I admitted that yes, this case was making me sick--especially since I got the impression she was suggesting I choose between my job and reporting the WAO problems to the proper authorities.  My supervisor said she thought once I wrote the letters, I would be “out.”  I explained I was the main witness with all the evidence and that this case could take years to resolve.  My supervisor reiterated that I should take better care of myself and I told her I was taking better care of myself.
Later while on leave:
I met with Commissioner Paul Elizondo (Precinct 2).  He asked Ms. Green from Infrastructure Services (Environmental Director) for the County to join the meeting.  I explained I was interested In HB 1362 which regulates exotic wild animals in Bexar County.  Commissioner Elizondo thought the regulation was a good idea and asked for information pertaining to the USDA and OAG case.
I spoke with Shari at KSAT-12 – we are meeting tomorrow. 
I received some good news – Dr. Katz with In Defense of Animals, will sign a letter requesting the OAG investigation the WAO.  Diana from IDA provided valuable information to me.
Dawn is helping with open records request.  Jan is ready to sent Carol an email with questions regarding her “wish list” on the WAO website.
I just learned WAO hired a (felony) thief – Kristy (Rios) Ramirez – she only served about 120 hours of community service hours for her crime. 
I spoke with an individual from HSUS with Dawn on the phone line -  Carol is “shaking down” HSUS for money that was supposed to support to remaining hurricane cats and dogs living at the WAO (see a copy of the shake-down letter in the March 16, 2006 entry).  I sent Dawn a copy of the letter Carol sent to HSUS so she can forward the letter to her HSUS contact.  Unfortunately, HSUS already paid Carol the shake-down monies to the tune of $47,500 on April 5, 2006.  HSUS was suckered into paying Carol for care of animals she did not have, for at the time the WAO received the large check, the WAO had less than  150 hurricane cats and only about 3 dogs (a far cry from the amount of animals reported by Carol in her March 2006 shake-down letter of approximatey 300 cats and a handful of dogs, huh?)  Oh, and now the WAO has about 50 cats...yep, HSUS got suckered!  So where was the accountability?  Huh? 

June 22, 2006

I visited with Shari at KSAT-12.  I showed her all the evidence I had collected thus far.  I provided her a list of all the missing animals.  She wants to speak with her boss to determine the direction of the story.  She wants the OAG and USDA packages I sent the agencies.  I will also provide her the package that started the entire investigation into the WAO. 
Dawn called the Sheriff’s Office to see if someone would go out to check on the animals at Talley Road as she believes the animals are not receiving health care.  We had received a report that a chimp named Amanda was not receiving medical care from a vet for a very serious open wound.

Wow.  The Reiningers don't know what to do?  How about calling a V-E-T?!

I sent Dawn cat pictures.  She had a difficult time reaching anyone at the USDA and OAG.  Not surprising to me at all!  Linda Howard let me use her cell phone to make calls to the USDA and OAG.
June 23, 2006
I spoke with Deputy Ramirez from the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office regarding the Talley Road facility.  He was unable to visit the property yesterday since there was a pad lock on the gate.  He told me he has been out to the property before on a non-animal related incident relating to the occupants living on the property.  Deputy Ramirez said he was concern with entering the property at night because he can hear all the chimps and other animals and he’s concerned an animal might be loose on the property. 
I made a joke “unless you can find a way to catapult over the fence” to which he replied “or someone else” – we both laughed.  I told him that I did not think it would be a good idea to climb over the fence unannounced as he might be shot as an intruder.  He agreed that this was a good idea and he did say if he could be of any help in the future, to call him again.  I thanked him and hung up the phone. 
Unknown to me, my supervisor was standing outside my door, hidden from view and was listening to my conversation with the deputy.  Apparently she started listening into my conversation at the part where I was discussing the idea of “catapulting over the fence” to the conclusion of my call.  My supervisor did not announce herself and so I had no idea she was eavesdropping on my private conversation. 
About 5 minutes later, my supervisor came into my office demanding who I was talking to earlier.  I told her I was speaking with someone from the OAG office.  She asked if I used my desk phone and I told her no, I was using a cell phone given to me by a friend as it was a long distance call.  I even showed her the time and number I called.  I even offered to call the OAG so she can confirm my call to the OAG.  She said no that’s okay and left my office. 
I went to my subordinate’s office to let him know that in the event I received calls from the OAG or USDA, I would be taking the call in the stairwell for privacy purpose because I believed I was being accused of something, but I wasn’t sure exactly what.  That is when my supervisor walked into my subordinate’s office and I told her that in order to avoid being accused of “something,” I would be taking any law enforcement calls and other related agencies’ calls in the stairwell on my borrowed cell phone.  I told her I was upset that she was listening in on my telephone conversations.  She said when she walked by my office the first time, she heard me say something about going over a fence, so she said she turned around and stood outside my door to listen to my conversation to make sure I was not “compromising” the office.  She said she did not want me to receive special treatment.  She accused me of using the desk phone and I told her yes, he called me on my work phone and not my cell phone (his choice) and the call lasted less than 10 minutes.  When I told her I did not understand why my calls warranted her easedropping , she repeated “no, you don’t get it.”  I told her that other DA employees were allowed to make short private telephone calls, which can be heard by others, to which she repeated “you don’t get it.”  I told her no, I guess I don’t get it, for I haven’t done anything wrong.  My supervisor told me “no you haven’t done anything wrong.”  She also told me I need to be careful about how my voice carries into the hallway and perhaps I should close my door when I am on the phone.  I told her that if I closed my door, then everyone will wonder what I’ doing in here, and I believed it would make the situation worse.  I told her the best solution was for me to take my calls in the stairwell.  My supervisor told me “that’s fine.” 
I later found out that my supervisor went behind my back and told my subordinate that he is to stay out of the animal case—needless to say; this made him feel very uncomfortable.  I told him that if he wanted to know more about the animal case in the future, he was welcomed to call me at home any time.  My subordinate agreed this was a good idea. 
I believe, based on what transpired recently, my job may be on the line and so I guess I will start to look for a new position within the County.
I was on a conference call earlier today with Dawn and the OAG.  I told the investigator that my expanded complaint package was mailed to the OAG on Monday (later I discovered the package was actually mailed over a week ago).  He said he would look around the office and call me back when he found it.  I let the OAG investigator know that KSAT-12 was interested in the story.  Dawn also told him that CNN was also interested in the story and may want to speak with him.

June 25, 2006
I hand-carried the requested information to Shari at KSAT-12 today after work. 
June 26, 2006
I spoke with Melissa with TCEQ.  She was able to obtain the Stericycle records.  The WAO requested a pick-up 3 times from 2003 to present.  The last pick-up was in January 2006.  The medical waste company records show in January 2006, 50+ pounds of waste was collected.  There is no explanation as to what type of “waste” was collected.  According to the SOP, all quarantine waste and animal bodies are to be picked-up by the medical waste company.  Also, needles and gloves are to be placed in the red containers and then picked-up by the waste company.  I believe this is what was picked-up in January 2006 because I remember red containers were pretty full of waste when I last saw them in December 2005.  The two monkeys that died on 12.17.05 were not in quarantine, so I believe these are the monkeys Investigator Jumper (US Fish & Wildlife) saw in the cooler when he visited the property in December 2005.  So where are the bodies of the dead quarantined monkeys buried?  Melissa plans to contact the WAO’s vets to learn when they last performed a necropsy on the quarantined monkeys.
I spoke with Kim L. from Primetime.  She already completed her animal sanctuary story and would not be able to add any material relating to the WAO case.  She said she may use me for technical assistance in the future.
June 27, 2006

Here is my letter to IFAW (Dr. Robinson) and his response – so much for anyone taking this case seriously.  It took him almost 10 days to respond to my email!  I seriously doubt I’ll ever hear from Dr. Robinson again regarding the situation at the WAO! I guess he really was in Carol's "pocket."
From: "Robinson, Ian" <>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tue, June 27, 2006 11:28:14 AM
Subject: RE: Alleged Problems at the Wild Animal Orphanage 
Dear Kristina 
I am sorry to hear of the breakdown of your relationship with Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) and resignation from the Board.  This is sad news, especially after so many years of loyal service and support, not to mention hard work as a volunteer. 
 I have read your e-mail and assure you that I will give its contents careful consideration.  IFAW has a duty to ensure that our donors' money is properly spent, and to this end there is a very thorough procedure which is followed with all grants awarded by IFAW.  This procedure is in place to do our utmost to ensure that money given is spent in the way specified in the grant agreement, and that no money is wasted, misappropriated or diverted to other uses.  I will ensure that this procedure is properly followed and that all IFAW grant money is properly accounted for, as is my duty as program manager.
I have not visited WAO since November 2003.  However, I fully intend to visit again in the next few months, and at that time will bear in mind the contents of your e-mail.  I will ensure that I have the opportunity to draw conclusions on the health and welfare of the animals kept at both Talley Road and Leslie Road, as this will be a major reason for my visit.
 I thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention, and once again express my regret that such a long association should end so sadly,
 With Kind Regards
 Ian Robinson
 Ian Robinson BVSc Cert SHP Cert ZooMed, FRCVS
Emergency Relief Program Manager,
87-90 Albert Embankment
Office:  +44 20 7587 6762
Fax:     +44 20 7587 6718
Mob:    +44 7801 613 516
Home:  +44 1366 328 565
A "breakdown in my relationship" with the WAO?  Are you kidding me? I can tell already this person does not have a clue as to what is going on at the WAO and will not be there for the WAO animals in their time of need. Very, very disappointing.

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: 18 June 2006 21:11
To: Robinson, Ian
Subject: Alleged Problems at the Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Mr. Ian Robinson:

I was the former Vice President, Treasurer, and Board Chairperson for the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), a division of Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); Chimp Aid; Cat Haven;, and the Whiskers and Wags Humane Society.  I was a nominal board member – Mr. and Ms. Asvestas had complete control over the finances, operation, and animal care.  None of the Board Officers had any input or control over any aspect of the ASUS and it’s dba’s.
 I was a hands-on volunteer at the Leslie Road facility for almost 11 years.  I worked closely with the animal care technicians one day per week, helping feed animals, clean and repair water bowls, and clean out the quarantine area.
In 2005, I became aware of serious problems with the WAO.  I called for an Emergency Board Meeting after investigating into the allegations made by the staff and former staff members.  I spoke with three local veterinarians Ms. Asvestas used the most, and became extremely concerned with what I learned from them.  My investigation led to the Bexar County Courthouse, where I learned additional alarming information.
The Emergency Board Meeting was held on January 7, 2006.  I taped the meeting with full knowledge of all the board members.  The meeting was disastrous.    I ended up tendering my resignation to be effective the following Saturday, January 14, 2006, since the board was not interested in correcting the many financial and animal care problems.  Several days later, a letter from Ms. Asvestas and Ms. Mireles, was delivered to my workplace (Criminal District Attorney’s Office), indicating I was no longer on the board effective January 7, 2006 because I spoke with the veternarians/animal care staff and was advised to stay away from the WAO.
 I have since continued my investigation into the WAO business and animal care practices and discovered additional alarming information, which is why I am now contacting you via e-mail.  In this e-mail, I will only focus on the IFAW donation monies.
I am aware that IFAW has given the WAO large sums of money for animal enclosures and care.  I have acquired information which I believe warrants an immediate investigation into donations made by IFAW to the WAO – I believe donated monies were diverted from their intended purpose resulting in substandard care for the WAO animals.

In order to put this complaint in perspective, I have provided some personal information obtained from open records at the Bexar County Courthouse on Ms. Carol Asvestas: 
 Criminal History:
Criminal records filed with the Bexar County Central Filing Section
-    Theft by check (1/13/96)
-    Driving while intoxicated (5/31/92)
o    $200 fine
o    90 days in jail
o    120 hours community service
o    2 years probation
 Employment History
-         Worked in the retail/sales industry in England
-         Worked as an entertainer (singer/dancer) in a traveling European troupe
-         Worked as a “nurse in training” at Broham Hospital (Mental Hospital)
-         Worked as a bar waitress at Chicksand ABS, England
-         Worked as a bar waitress at Chelsea Bar, San Antonio, Texas
-         Ran the “Horse Sanctuary” from1981 – 1986 (Boerne, Texas)
-         Currently owns and operates the Wild Animal Orphanage

Bankruptcy Information:
1.  Original Filing Date:  9/1/2005
     Chapter 7 Filing (Joint)
     Petitioner:  Carol Asvestas
2.  Original Filing Date:  9/1/2005
      Chapter 7 Filing (Joint)
      Petitioner:  Carol Asvestas
3.   Filing Date:  12/16/1993
      Chapter 13 Filing (Joint)
      Petitioner:  Aaronger Plumbing; Aaronger Drain Cleaning; Aaronger Pumping; Aaronger Services; Carol
4.      Filing Date:  2/14/1996
         Chapter 7 Filing (Joint)
         Petitioner:  Aaronger Drain Cleaning; Aaronger Plumbing; Aaronger Pumping;          
         Aaronger Services; Carol Asvestas
 The following information supports my allegation of misappropriation of funds by Ms. Carol Asvestas: 
Bears’ Fundraising:  On September 1, 2004, Ms. Carol Asvestas agreed to take 13 North American Black Bears from the Carle Foundation Hospital in Illinois.  She agreed to build a 3-acre natural area for the bears.  The Illinois medical researchers provided $100,000 to build the quarantine cages and the remaining amount needed to be raised by public donations.  The $100,000 amount was not listed on the 2004 Schedule B, Form 990.  International Fund for Animal Welfare donated a large sum towards the bears’ new enclosure.  Ms. Asvestas sent out a newsletter appeal on October 28, 2004, requesting funds to build the natural enclosure.  The public generously donated money to build this new enclosure. 
During the March 19, 2005 Board Meeting, I inquired about the status of the bear enclosure.  Ms. Asvestas stated that the WAO wanted to sell the Talley Road facility land to developers some time in the future and until negotiations were made and formalized, the bears would not receive the promised enclosure, despite WAO having conducted fundraising for said bear enclosure.  Ms. Asvestas told me she was in the process of negotiating with land developers – her asking price was at least $1.5 million for the Talley Road property at that time.  She told me that the land developers did not want to pay this amount, so she told the developers that the price of the land would go up each time she built a new animal enclosure.   As of today, 22 bears (she has received more bears since September 2004) still live in small quarantine enclosures.  I am concerned about the bears being in substandard conditions and additionally concerned about what is tantamount to donor deception.  Donors responded to fundraising appeals which claimed that their donations would be providing for a large naturalistic enclosure for the bears.  The appeals suggested that the enclosures would be built imminently.
24 Tigers from New Jersey:  In November 2003, IFAW made international headlines when it conducted a joint rescue operation with the Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) and local authorities to relocate 24 Bengal tigers.  I also understand IFAW donated a large sum of money for the tigers' new enclosure.  Ms. Asvestas also received a large sum of money from all the television news coverage and newsletter appeals in 2003.
Since the WAO acquired these animals, three tigers were euthanized and one tiger had its leg amputated.  The deaths of the tigers and the tiger's leg amputation were rather suspicious to me.
It is my understanding that several tigers were relocated from the small quarantine cages and placed in a “2-acre enclosure” in August 2004. The remaining cats languished in the small quarantine cages for well over another year.  Ms. Asvestas stated to the Board of Directors on January 7, 2006, several tigers would be moved from the Talley Road quarantine cages into a new enclosure as soon as a few details were completed.  To this date, I still do not know if this was accomplished.
Also, I have no idea what happened to all the baby tiger cubs that were born at the Talley Road facility.  According to several news reports, which I discovered after I left the WAO, three of the New Jersey tigers were pregnant when they arrived at the WAO.  I do know that one female had four cubs (3 lived and one was stillborn).  I do not know how many cubs were born to the other two tigers. The tiger cubs were no longer at the Talley Road facility in May 2005.  
You see, even when I was in good standing at the WAO, I was not allowed to visit the Talley Road facility unless Ms. Asvestas gave her approval.  I was only allowed to visit this site no more than twice per year. 
Betty Honn’s Animal Adoption Ltd:  I as told that IFAW donated over $100,000 to the WAO for new animal enclosures that would house lions, tigers, and wolves.  Shortly after the Betty Honn’s animals arrived in San Antonio, Ms. Asvestas euthanized a lion, and at least two wolves – but not before she went on television requesting monies for medical care for these same animals.  When I left the Board in January 2006, these same tigers were still living in small quarantine cages and the sole surviving lion can be found in a small enclosure, on tour, at the Leslie Road facility.  Obviously, he is not living in a ½ acre wooded enclosure he was promised.
 When I left the WAO, all big cat quarantine cages were full at Talley Road.  Two NJ tigers were taken from Talley Road facility and transported to the Leslie Road quarantine area for some reason.  All the Leslie Road quarantine cages are full too.  Tigers have been living in small, cement enclosures for over a year now.
 I have recently learned IFAW donated approximately $30,000 for a lion enclosure.  If the money is truly spent on a new lion enclosure, it will probably be for the Betty Honn lion, named Sabu.  This seems rather redundant, since IFAW already paid money to the WAO for his new enclosure.
 I am sure IFAW donated more money to the WAO – unfortuantely while I was at the WAO, I was not privy to this information, even though I was the WAO’s Vice President/Treasurer. 
 I am aware that Ms. Avestas is making slanderous comments against me in an attempt to discredit my allegations.  Despite this, I will continue to move forward, as a voice for the animals living in substandard conditions at the WAO.  This is not a personal vendetta against Ms. Asvestas or anyone at the WAO -- I believe as a former WAO Vice President and Treasurer, I have a fiduciary responsibility to report these inappropriate and possibly illegal activities against the animals. 
 I encourage you to go on a no-notice visit to the Leslie and Talley Road facilities to ascertain the validity of my claims.  Do not take the word of Ms. Asvestas that the IFAW donations were truly spent IFAW approved projects.  Please go and visit these facilities as soon as you can.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.  If you require further information regarding the health and welfare of the animals not discussed in this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (210) 647-1789.  Also, if you require photographs and the board meeting minutes, please let me know and I will e-mail them to you right away.  Thank you.
I met with Maritza from WOAI today.  I showed her the WAO case material.  She said I gave her a lot of material, but it would take a lot of time to research.
I sent Lisa W. (PETA) and email requesting her help in contacting the OAG.
I was told Dr. Pannill was unable to check on the 20 year old female chimp named Amanda yesterday.  I do not know if Amanda is still alive or not.
June 29, 2006

I spoke with Dr. Gibbens (USDA) via a three-way call with Dawn.  He asked for information regarding Amanda’s health condition at Talley Road.  He also wanted pictures and information relating to Jinx and Jambo and the telephone number of the animal caretakers at Talley Road, so the USDA inspectors can call them to open the gates when they arrive at Talley Road. 

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thu, June 29, 2006 6:01:20 PM
Subject: Serious Injury to Wild Animal Orphanage Chimpanzee

Dear Dr. Gibbens:

Amanda, 20-year old female Chimpanzee, residing at 3511 Talley Road #6, San Antonio, Texas 78253, appears to be suffering from a serious wound to her stomach area. The injury seemed to have occurred almost two weeks ago.  I believe the animal caretakers  administered drugs without supervision of a licensed veternarian in an attempt to treat the animal.  It is my understanding Amanda is not eating very much.  I do not know if Amanda is still alive or if she has been buried on the property.  Here is a listing of some of the Chimpanzees at the WAO.  I do not know if the WAO received additional Chimpanzees that may not be on this list:

Here is a list of their animals (

NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio

NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio

NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio

NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio

NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio


NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio

NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio
NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio

NSRRP / Wild Animal Orphanage, San Antonio

Thank you, Dr. Gibbens,  for sending someone to go out and check on Amanda.  I really apprecicate it.

Very Respectfully,

Kristina Brunner

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: DRCTBD@...

Sent: Thu, June 29, 2006 10:30:10 PM
Subject: Pictures of Jinx and Jambo (Lions)

Dear Dr. Gibbens:

Attached are photos of Jinx and Jambo - stars of "Growing Up Lion."  When the lions first arrived in San Antonio, they were maintained in the quarantine area at the Leslie Road facility.  The lion couple had two lion cubs that were born in these quarantine cages.  Only one cub survives today, a male lion called Amy.  After the shooting of "Growing Up Lion,"  the adult lions were moved to a large enclosure at the Talley Road facility.  The lions were housed separately, but next to, the lions from the Born Free Foundation.  The male lion, Jambo, was neutered, so he lost his mane shortly after he moved to the Talley Road facility.  Jambo now looks like a large female lion. 

After Ms. Asvestas put down Milly, tiger at the Leslie Road facility, she moved Milly's former "roommate," Molly in with Zesus.  Zesus' former "roommate" was also put down by Carol at the same time.  This left an open enclosure, so Ms. Asvestas moved Jinx and Jambo to this cage.  Jinx and Jambo, I assume, are still alive and live at the Leslie Road facility. 

The first photo depicts Jambo at the Talley Road facility.  I took this picture while on tour with my office.  I was unable to take Jinx's picture because she was hiding from the group.

The subsequent photos are taken of Jinx and Jambo at the Leslie Road facility.  Jinx and Jambo were moved either late 2004 or early 2005. 

Also, a "golden/cream" colored tiger from New Jersey was moved from Talley Road into the quarantine cages at Leslie Road sometime in 2005.  In May 2006, the tiger was still in the quarantine cages according to a private investigator I hired to take photos at the WAO.  Unfortunately, I only have one photo of this tiger, which I attached, from the Talley Road facility on the day she arrived in San Antonio.

Again, thank you for all your assistance regarding this urgent matter.  I really appreciate it...


Kristina Brunner
Jambo at Talley Road - 12.11.04

Jambo at Talley Road - 12.11.04
Jambo at Leslie Road - 030406

Jinx at Leslie Road - 08.07.05

Jinx and Jambo at Leslie Road - 03.04.06

Golden Tiger fell behind the shelter box - 11.03.01

June 30, 2006
I learned from an email, that Amanda was dead.  I was too late in passing on the information to the USDA investigators.  I failed her.
I notified KSAT-12 and WOAI about the latest development concerning Amanda. 
From: ""
To: "kbrunner..."
Sent: Fri, June 30, 2006 8:29:08 AM
Subject: Re: Wild Animal Orphanage Chimpanzee - Amanda

Thanks Kristina.  After our phone conversation yesterday, I talked to our inspector and learned that she had been to WAO on Wednesday.  Amanda had already died.  We will be looking into the circumstances as part of our investigation of your complaint. 

Robert M. Gibbens, DVM
Director, Western Region
USDA, APHIS, Animal Care
2150 Centre Ave.
Bldg B, MS 3W11
Ft. Collins, CO 80526
Later the same day:
From:  Lisa Wathne <>
To:  Kristina Brunner

Sent:  Fri, June 30, 2006 6:01:47 PM
Re: Chimpanzee Update

Please don't feel bad. The fact of the matter is that Amanda is lucky to be out of the clutches of WAO. Death is never the worst thing that can happen to an animal. And her death may serve to spur the USDA to investigate your concerns more diligently.
I'm sorry if I already asked you this but how did you know that Amanda was ill? You must still be in contact with someone on the inside?

I've printed out your complaint to the OAG and will read it this weekend. I'm sure at the very least we will urge them to give your concerns the utmost consideration, etc. I'll send you a copy of our correspondence with them.
Lisa Wathne
Captive Exotic Animal Specialist
People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals
(Current Note:  I did not receive a copy of the correspondence and when I requested records several months later from the OAG under the Public Information Act, there was no letter from Lisa Wathne or PETA on file.  
From:  Kristina Brunner
Sent:  Fri, June 30, 2006 6:04:35 PM
Subject:  Wild Animal Orphanage and the TX Office of the Attorney General
Dear Dr. Gibbens:
I submitted a lengthly complaint package to the Texas Office of the Attorney General this month.  This package requests the immediate investigation into the WAO for alleged diversion of charitable trust funds from their intended purpose and/or gross mismanagement resulting in a significant financial loss or other substantial harm to the citizens of Texas. 

I requested the Texas Attorney General’s Office to assume temporary custodianship and remove the current owner/operators of the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS), f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), a division of Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); Chimp Aid; Wags and Whiskers Humane Society; and Cat Haven, until such time new management can be established.

It is not my intended purpose to have all the animals euthanized or relocated to other sanctuaries.  Virtually all other sanctuaries are at their full capacity and the 800 plus animals would have no where to go, which is why I believe if new management is place, the animals could and would receive the proper care they need - all within the AWA guidelines.

Listed below is the OAG contact information:

Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trusts Section
Consumer Protection Division
Investigator Chris Krhovajak
(512) 475-4175
Original Complaint letter sent February 12, 2006
Complaint package sent certified mail on Monday, June 19, 2006

Again, thank you for your assistance.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if your require further information.


Kristina Brunner

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