The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

September 2 - 20, 2006 Notes

September 2, 2006

I visited with Norm today.  He seems to be doing a little bit better today.  I watched a DVD of Linda and I visited with his cats.

September 4, 2006

I sent the OAG an email with four attachments:  Bubba newsletter/material; Ron Asvestas’ WAO job titles; and two emails.

September 5, 2006

I spoke with Maritza – I confirmed the meeting for tomorrow and asked if she saw Zeus (tiger who lived with Molly) when she took the last WAO tour.  She said yes!  Carol claimed in an email sent to one of my contact emails that Zeus lived with three other tigers…hmmm.

I spoke with Rita Anderson – it appears the Colorado University monkeys are going to AP after all.

I entered Lulu’s tiger mate in the missing or dead animals certification.

I sent an email to the OAG – the British Colombia SPCA “grant” monies not listed on the WAO’s 2004 990.

September 6, 2006

Big day!  I went to WOAI for the filmed sit down interview with Tanji Patton.   I was glad Maritza was there to talk to me about the interview procedures. 

Tanji asked me to talk to my boss to let her know that after the election, the WAO story will air and WOAI wants air the story with one of her employees featured in the news story.  The interview went well  (6:45pm to 7:15pm).  I focused on the dead animals and the money.

I received an email proving Carol has no idea what animals are living together on the property.  Carol had to turn to Norma (animal caretaker) for assistance in responding to my email.

I spoke with Dawn today.  She is working with the Louisiana OAG regarding the HSUS/Hurricane Katrina case.  Dawn informed the investigator that the WAO has a history with the USDA and she would send the investigator a timeline of the WAO hurricane cats.

September 7, 2006

I received confirmation that it was okay to send WAO evidence directly to the USDA investigator.

I also received a list of questions from the USDA investigator would like me to respond to via email.

September 9, 2006

I finally finished the USDA questions and forward the results to the investigator – Morris Smith. 

          From: Kristina Brunner
          To: Morris Smith
          Sent: Sat, September 9, 2006 4:55:15 PM
          Subject: Re: WAO

Dear Investigator Smith:

The e-mail is in response to your questions pertaining to the Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), d/b/a The Wild Animal Orphanage.

For reference, Animal Care records indicate the Talley Rd. site was removed from the WAO license on August 22, 2002 .  Regarding the filming of Growing Up Lions at Talley Rd. , specifically, do you know if it took place after this date?  It appears to have.

Animal Planet’s “Growing Up Lion” takes place shortly before San Antonio received a record amount of rain.  This rain storm is evidenced in the television program by the local media news inserts covering the San Antonio flood.  This major storm hit San Antonio June 30, 2002 and lasted approximately 8 days. 

The young lions, according to “Growing Up Lions”, were moved from the Leslie Road facility to the Talley Road facility “mid-winter.” Therefore, the filming crew was at the Talley Road facility filming the final portion of the show after August 22, 2002.  (San Antonio flood information:

Can you state that WAO was providing tours to paying customers at their unlicensed facility located at Talley Rd. in San Antonio , Texas after the above date?  If you can, I need the exact dates when you witnessed or have direct knowledge of people touring the Talley Rd. facility. What did you mean helping with tours?   Who guided the tours at Talley Rd. ?  I have a flier showing WAO would be providing a tour on November 20, 2004 .   Did this tour take place?  Did this tour go to Talley Rd. ?  How many people? Who went?  What WAO employee gave the tour?  You mentioned a photo taken on a tour on March 4, 2006 of a bear named Boris?  Did that tour include the Talley Rd. site?

Regarding page 22 of 28 letter (r), you stated you were helping Mr. Prill with tours. What did you mean? Tour guide cards? When were the tours and did they go to Talley Rd. ? 
The WAO did provide tours at the unlicensed facility located at Talley Road after August 22, 2002.  The first tour was November 23, 2002 and the second tour was on December 11, 2004.  With Ms. Asvestas’ approval, I set up the tours and kept her informed of my progress.  Ms. Asvestas was excited individuals from the Bexar County Criminal District Attorney’s Office would be touring both facilities.  Ms. Asvestas told me she was interested in establishing “contacts” within the Criminal District Attorney’s Office. 
On November 23, 2002, I assisted with the Leslie Road facility tour.  I made sure the grounds were clean (removed garbage such as soda and beer cans from tour view); I greeted the guests; I collected donated items; and collected tour fees from the guests.  I stayed with the tour and answered guest questions.  Those individuals desiring to tour the second site followed me to the Talley Road facility in their own vehicles.  Everyone parked their vehicles in front a mobile home (owned by Ms. Nicole Asvestas) on the Talley Road property.  The two animal caretakers at Talley Road, Mary and Michelle Reininger, conducted the tour for approximately 20-30 guests, including children.  Large golf carts were used to ferry a few of the guests and two large guest pickup trucks were used to ferry the remaining guests.  

The November 20, 2004 tour date was cancelled on the account of rain.  The tour was rescheduled for December 11, 2004.  An e-mail was sent to all Bexar County District Attorney (and other County offices) divisions announcing the date change.  This smaller tour group was offered the same deal as the November 23, 2002 touring group – for one price, everyone could go to the Leslie and Talley Road facilities.  This tour was given by another volunteer named Robert Gardner.  Since the tour started late and Mr. Gardner’s tour lasted more than one hour, many guests were not able to go on to the Talley Road facility.  The Talley Road tour group was smaller (approximately 10 people in attendance).  The Reiningers gave the tour again at the Talley Road facility.  Since the group was small and the large golf carts were not operational, the group decided to walk the grounds.  Needless to say, the group was tired and sunburned at the conclusion of the tour. There were only a few children in the tour group.

I have only two photos of the tour group, taken on December 11, 2004 — one in front of Boris’ cage and the other in front of what used to be the concrete enclosure for seven tigers - all located at the Leslie Road facility.  Unfortunately, my digital camera ran out of battery power and therefore I have no other photos of the group.

I have helped past and the current tour guide, Brandon Prill, conduct tours at the WAO’s Leslie Road facility for many years.  Often I was asked by either Mr. or Ms. Asvestas to help out and conduct tours so the tour guide could feed the animals.  Mr. Prill doubles as an animal caretaker.  Normally, I conducted tours after I cleaned all of the animals’ drinking bowls. This meant I would have to arrive at the Leslie Road facility between 9:00am and 10:00am on either a Saturday or Sunday (depending on my availability).  No one else cleaned the bowls during the week, so I was given permission to take care of this chore.  I rarely missed a weekend.  I removed algae, dirt and food particles from each bowl so at least once per week the animals had fresh drinking water.  Even though I conducted hundreds of tours, I would take the tour guide cards with me to ensure I gave out the right names for each animal.  Animals would be shuffled around during the week (as the result of an animal death), so I needed the tour guide cards to make sure I gave out the correct information to the guests.  It is my understanding the information on the tour guide cards can be found in the WAO’s office computer.  The female teenager that worked at the WAO this past summer (2006) used the tour guide cards when giving tours at the Leslie Road facility.  I have a few past tour guide “sheets” (cards are now used instead of the “sheets”) which gives the names of the animals and a brief history of the animals’ origins.  Normally, tours are only conducted at the Leslie Road facility.  Ms. Asvestas did tell me that if large donors are interested in taking a tour at the Talley Road facility, she would personally take them there.  I was with her on one such tour on May 15, 2005.  On this day, Ms. Asvestas drove “her” Ford Explorer (Ms. Asvestas did not have a driver’s license at that time and she was operating a WAO vehicle) with the guests inside.  At first I was following her vehicle until Ms. Asvestas pulled over and asked me for directions to the Talley Road property.  I suggested she follow me and so I led the group to the Talley Road property.  Since I was rarely allowed to go to the Talley Road property (despite several requests to visit), I am therefore not aware of any other “tours” at the Talley Road facility.

Movement of animals from Talley Rd. to Leslie Rd.  Any specifics or proof this happened is needed.  I see Jinx and Jambo are listed, who else?  Who can corroborate the movements?  You will have to look at the photos with me and tell me who’s who and what’s what.

Yes, Jinx and Jambo were originally housed at Leslie Road (2002) and were moved to Talley Road in late 2002 or early 2003.  You can see Jambo and Jinx in the Leslie Road’s quarantine cages on “Growing Up Lion.”  I have pictures of Jambo (you cannot see Jinx in the photo) living at Talley Road facility (taken in 2004).  Today, tour guests can see Jambo and Jinx living at the Leslie Road facility.  On “Growing Up Lion,” the lion cubs are raised and housed on the Leslie Road property.  Six months later, the cubs are taken to Talley Road, where the “Growing Up Lion” narrator stated the animals will live at Talley Road facility for the rest of their lives (2002).  By 2003, the cubs are back at Leslie Road where tour guests could see them until August 2006.  According to an e-mail written by “M&M (Mary and Michelle Reininger) to Ms. Asvestas, the macaques located at the rear of the Leslie Road facility property were to be moved to Talley Road where they remain in small transporters until their new home is completed.  Atti (lion) was expected to move from Talley Road to Leslie Road and will reside with Sabu in the former macaques’ cage.  Lions, ScheiBe and Ami (Growing Up Lion), were expected to move from Leslie Road to Talley Road facility.  Nala, Kovu, and Ifaw lions were expected to move from Talley Road to Leslie Road and would be housed next to Sabu and Atti.  Obi, Shanaynay and Titan were expected to move from Leslie Road to Talley Road.  The e-mail indicates the moves were to take place in August 2006.  Also, Ms. Asvestas’ Bubba Update (July 2006) newsletter on the WAO website, stated she planned to move one of the New Jersey tigers from the Talley Road facility (Marjan – three legged tiger) to the Leslie Road facility to live with Bubba, the white tiger. 

What evidence has this private investigator got? 

I hired a private investigator to obtain information pertaining to WAO’s animal care and operations/finances.  I have filed a complaint with the Texas Attorney General’s Office based on information I have in my possession. At this time, there is an open investigation against the ASUS (WAO).  The private investigator provided me with an audio tape of the WAO tour; visual tape of Mr. and Mrs. Asvestas driving WAO vehicles without driver’s licenses, and pictures of the animals’ enclosures.

Dead Monkeys, pages 2 of 4 and 8 of 28

How do you know about the deaths of the Macaques and Capuchin monkeys at the Leslie Road facility?  Did you see them dead?  What were the names of the monkeys? How many total monkeys were housed in these cages?  Were you directly responsible for caring for the animals?  How do you know these monkeys did not have any protection from the elements?  Do you have any evidence to prove these monkeys died due to freezing weather as you stated?  Did anyone at WAO ever suggest the cold weather killed these primates? Were all the monkeys you mentioned that died during this time housed in this quarantine housing?  Were the monkeys ever housed inside a building?  Did they stay in these conditions for the entire time between August and December? Where are the photos of these monkeys you mention?  Who took the photos, and date?

Attached to this report is a document titled “Response to Staff Meeting – 010806.”  This document was sent certified mail to one of the WAO Board members, Karen Maxfield (January 2006).  The attached document will explain how I knew about the macaques and capuchin deaths at the Leslie Road facility.  Also attached to this response is a page copy from a “red log book” which I obtained, with permission from Ms. Norma Lagutchik, on December 17, 2005.    This “red log book” contained information pertaining to animal deaths, injuries, and relocations. This page copy contains the names and dates of animal deaths.  Norma Lagutchik was with me when I took pictures of the dead capuchin monkey; the injured capuchin monkey; the baboon’s, (Baby) horrific living conditions; and the remaining non-human primates living in the deplorable squeeze-back cages in quarantine. I have the pictures in my possession and I can make them available for viewing at any time.

Bobcat and Cougar clawing.

Tell me the circumstances of your accident? How did you get clawed?  Were you given a manual or written procedures in the handling animals created to train employees in prevention from being injured? You stated this was prior to Bexar County District Attorney tour?  What is the significance of that statement?  What dates and did this tour go to Talley Rd. ?  You stated Ms. Lagutchik told you she was clawed by the cougar?  How and why did she get clawed?  She said a health report was issued and WAO was required to quarantine the cougar. Did you see, or do you have proof of the quarantine? What did Mary and Michelle Reininger say about the Lagutchik clawing incident when you talked to them, specifically did they say how it happened?

On December 11, 2004, I arranged to have employees from the Bexar County Criminal District Attorney’s Office, take a special tour of both the Leslie and Talley Road facilities.  Prior to the tour guests’ arrival, I went around the Leslie Road property to ensure the grounds looked okay.  I made sure all the tour barriers were fixed, picked up any soda or beer cans thrown on the ground, and I picked up any meat wrappers left around the enclosures.   When I approached the street fence line, two female animal care technicians asked me to help them corral a bobcat into a dog carrier.  I made several attempt to corral the bobcat by myself into the dog carrier and was unsuccessful each time.  I finally decided to give up and as I turned to exit the bobcat enclosure, the cat jumped me from behind and grabbed onto my scalp and the right side of my face.  I was able to pull the cat off me and immediately left the enclosure.  Both animal caretakers told me they were surprised at what happened to me.  It was not until the animal caretakers asked me if I was okay, did I realize that I sustained injuries to my scalp and right side of my face.  I felt the scratches on my face and I felt the puncture wounds on the top of my head.  The animal caretakers suggested I go to the cat “clinic” to remove the blood of my face and sterilize the wounds with soap and water. As I approached the WAO office, I was stopped by two guests wanting to know if I was clawed by a tiger or cougar.  I assured them if I had been clawed by a tiger or cougar, I probably wouldn’t be alive today.  When I entered the WAO office, Ms. Carol Asvestas saw the blood on my face and asked me what happened.  I told Ms. Carol Asvestas I was clawed by a bobcat.  Ms. Asvestas asked if anyone saw my wounds.  I told her a couple of guests waiting for the tour saw the wounds and commented about the injury.  Ms. Carol Asvestas asked me what I told the individuals, so I repeated to her what I had told them.  Ms. Carol Asvestas said “good” and not to tell anyone I was clawed by the bob cat.  Ms. Asvestas suggested I clean up my face before going out again.    Not wanting to get the Bobcat into further trouble, I agreed.  I proceeded to the cat “clinic” where I found rubbing alcohol in one of the cabinets.  I poured the alcohol on my scalp and face, in an attempt to disinfect the wounds.  When I went to the restroom, I was surprised at how awful I looked in the mirror – the claw marks kept bleeding, so I ended up carrying around toilet paper and dabbing it to my face in an attempt to stop the bleeding while on tour.  When I started volunteering at the WAO (1995), I was told by Ms. Carol Asvestas that if an animal clawed or bit me at the WAO, the animal would have to be euthanized, the head removed, and then the head would be sent to A&M to see if the animal had rabies.  I was also reminded that rabies shots were plentiful and painful.  I was told by Ms. Carol Asvestas that if I ever had to seek medical care, I should see Ms. Carol Asvestas first because she was a “registered nurse.” [I have since learned from an oral deposition (Patricia T. Williams and Walter C. Williams vs Carol Asvestas and Animal Sanctuary of the United States, Inc. d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage {Cause No 2003-CI-03399}), Ms. Asvestas was not a licensed nurse in England, rather she worked for a mental hospital and participated in an “in-house” nursing program.  Ms. Asvestas claimed she came to the United States to “actually do proper nursing over here.” Ms. Asvestas stated she was a “registered nurse for the mentally subnormal, so it’s totally different over there.  I came over here actually to do—to take my – further my nursing.” Ms. Carol Asvestas is not a registered nurse in the United States.]  I was also told that if I need to seek medical treatment from a hospital or clinic, I was to avoid telling the attending physicians where and how I obtained the wounds in order to protect the animals.  Not wanting to see the bob cat euthanized in 2004, I elected not to seek medical treatment.  I experienced pain to my scalp and face for several days, but I was careful to take care of the wounds so it would not become infected.   I have since learned the WAO does not have Texas Worker’s Compensation Insurance for the workers.  When I spoke to several animal care technicians at the WAO in December 2005, (as part of an investigation which I started in my capacity as Vice President of the WAO), regarding alleged inappropriate animal care procedures, I learned several employees have been bit or clawed by Big Cats, (tigers, lions, cougars, etc) and primates.  I asked if the WAO paid for the cost of medical treatment and I was told “no” by all those questioned.    I was never given nor have I seen a “manual or written procedures” in handling animals. 

Ms. Lagutchik was clawed by a cougar (sometime in Oct/Nov 2005).  She did not make a report of the incident on the day of her injury.  When Ms. Lagutchik sought medical treatment, a health report was issued by the attending physician and the WAO was required to quarantine the cougar that scratched her.  Since no record was made at the time of injury, Ms. Lagutchik was unable to identify the cougar that scratched her.  Therefore, Ms. Asvestas directed Ms. Lagutchik to place a transporter with food, at one of the enclosure’s openings, in the hopes of capturing a cougar with claws.  Ms. Lagutchik told me that the cougar in the transporter was not the animal that scratched her and she felt guilty for quarantining an innocent animal for a long period of time.  I was shocked to learn that an innocent animal was forced to live in a small transporter for several months because it was unlucky enough to enter the transporter for food.  Ms. Lagutchik said she felt guilty about what she did, so she fed the cougar extra food each day.   The cougar was supposed to be released back into the general cougar population at the start of the year (2006).  This incident was well known among the animal care technicians.  The Reiningers and I discussed the unfortunate incident on December 23, 2005.  Their comments include surprise that the first cougar entering the transporter had claws.  Since many of the cougars were declawed, the Reiningers believed that more than one attempt would had to been made in order to capture a clawed cougar.  Unfortunately, I do not have any photographic evidence showing the cougar living in the small quarantine transporter — which was visible to touring guests.  I did file a complaint with the US Department of Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  I reported the incident regarding the cougar clawing to OSHA and Ms. Asvestas responded to OSHA’s corrective notice that she “did not know that we had to make this report [sic] we did report incidents to animal control, therefore please find enclosed accidents reported on OSHA 300.  We will comply with this in the future.  Attachment A/B” (Inspection Report #309751634)

3 of 4 and 22/28  Specific deaths related to non compatibility?
As a reference, WAO is only required to keep disposition records for 1 year.
Do you have any evidence to prove and can you give specific examples where non-compatible animals were housed together that directly caused the death of an animal or extremity amputations?  Such as names, dates, how long were the animals together before they became non compatible etc…I am assuming you are attributing the death of Rex to non-compatibility.  Any proof why he died?  Can you/we even prove when or if he died?  When did he die?  You said Millie attacked a tiger and it died.  What was it’s name? 
You said you have photos of an injured monkey, and a young monkey that died the same day. Pg. 22 of 28 letter q. I might be interested in those.

According to Ms. Lagutchik (December 17, 2005), Ms. Asvestas did not maintain proper care and death records for the animals living at both facilities.  For that reason, Ms. Lagutchik felt the need to keep a log of all the animal deaths, injuries and moves.  Ms. Lagutchik told me she kept the records because she knew the WAO was not keeping the records and she wanted to “cover” her actions.  The latest incompatibility was last year (Summer 2005) when Ms. Asvestas placed the cougars acquired from Florida in the large cougar enclosure.  I witnessed cougars attacking the Florida cougars – especially one particular cougar.  The attacked cougar had several wounds that were in various healing stages.  When I witnessed the cougar attack, I immediately reported the problem to Ms. Asvestas. She became inpatient with me – and reluctantly agreed to check on the injured cougar after I told her an ongoing tour would see the cougar being viciously attacked by another cougar.  As we were walking towards the cougar enclosure, Ms. Asvestas told me the cougars would have to get along or else “nature would have to take its course.”  I took this to mean if the attacked cougar did not integrate, then it was okay for the other cougars to kill it.  When I asked if we could at least separate the cougar from the other cougars, Ms. Asvestas reluctantly agreed to separate the animal.  Ms. Asvestas also told me that I “should not get to emotionally involved with the animals.”  She told me that she would eventually open the connecting door to the two cages and the cougars would have to get along or else.  Ms. Asvestas concluded by saying she was not going to build an enclosure for just one cougar so it would have to get along with the other cougars. 

I am attributing Rex’s death to non-compatibility.  Rex was housed with other larger tigers and lions.  He was too little to be left alone with the other animals.  Unfortunately, I did not learn of Rex’s death until last year (2005) because for years I was given the impression he was at Talley Road.  When I did not see him on tour at the Talley Road facility in May 2005, I realized something was wrong.  Ms. Lagutchik, and Ms. Mary and Michelle Reininger should know when Rex died.  I cannot recall the name of the tiger that Millie killed in approximately 2003.  Ms. Mary and Michelle Reininger should know the name of the animal since it was their mistake (failed to secure the internal gates connecting the two animal enclosures) which resulted in the Millie attacking and killing the tiger.  After the tiger died, Lulu and her mate were moved from what is now a lion enclosure (next to the Barbary monkeys) to the now empty tiger enclosure.  Lulu’s mate (I cannot recall his name) died a few months after moving into this enclosure.  The tiger’s tail was bitten off by either Molly or Millie and he was not removed from its enclosure so it tail could be treated and monitored.  From what I could see, the tail looked horrible and in my opinion, it did not heal properly — the tiger was listless and I rarely saw him get up from behind the concrete shelter.  A few weeks later, I learned the tiger died.

Please let me know if you require any additional information.  I can be reached at (210) 647-1789 or (210) 833-6705. 
Very Respectfully,
Kristina M. Brunner

[Present Day:  Below is a copy of the USDA/APHIS investigation report regarding the death of little Rex:]

More disturbing information pertaining to the WAO which I was not kept in-on-the-loop, probably because I was actually at the WAO on weekends and Sumner Matthes was not.  Can't have the VP/Treasurer asking questions, now can we?

From: Kristina Brunner
To: Maritza N…@...
Sent: Sat, September 9, 2006 9:03:26 PM
Subject: (Wild Animal Orphanage)

Greetings Maritza:

I've been going through Linda Howard's old e-mails and I came across e-mails between Carol Asvestas and John Lockwood (  See attached.

Before you read the attachments, you should know that the WAO relies on carcasses from hunters during hunting season (winter).  Ms. Asvestas told me several years ago to solicit carcasses from the tour guests.  When I used to work at the WAO (Aug - Jan), I would be the first one to arrive at the WAO office and it would not be unusual to find a dead deer hanging on the WAO gate.  However, about two years ago, Carol instituted a hunter's log book.  Ms. Asvestas showed me the hunter's log book and told me she would only accept carcasses from licensed hunters.  She told me that the Texas Parks and Wildlife wanted to make sure the WAO was only taking in “legal” meat and that the WAO was required by law to have hunters, when donating carcasses, to fill out the log.  This did not include meat donations made if it was already processed.  I was at the WAO on more than one occasion when a hunter arrived with a carcass and I was asked by Ms. Asvestas to assist the hunter with the log book.

On May 20, 2006, Mr. Brandon Prill (animal caretaker and tour guide) told my private investigator and his wife, while on tour, that the WAO feeds chicken, beef, pork, and deer carcasses.  Brandon was asked how they got deer carcasses and he said "hunters brings them in for free."    Again, reading these e-mails has made me realize how much I was in the dark as Vice President and Treasurer.



From: Carol Asvestas []
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 1:31 PM
To: John Lockwood; Sarasota In Defense of Animals / M Bar M Ranch Sanctuary; Styack; Cmilburn;;
Subject: Re: Use of our name on your Website

I am glad you decided to remove all reference to the Wild Animal Orphanage from your website.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, we will NOT accept any meat from hunters at any time in the future. So if you have infact dropped meat off to us in the past, then kindly refrain from doing so in the future.
I can also assure you that our fundraising practices are based upon the organizations ethical values. We certainly would not compromise these values over a few pounds of meat or a few contributions that might be made by hunters. I would turn down a million dollars before doing so. I believe this should answer all of your questions.

Carol Asvestas

John Lockwood wrote:

Dear Carol,
As of this morning, reference to "The Wild Animal Orphanage" has been changed.

I full well know that you do not "depend" on donations of meat from those who hunt.  And I have seen the carcasses that have been left at the gate from those who wished to leave the meat for the animals that can use it.  It is also true that each donation left by myself and several others were not solicited by your organization, but they all were gladly accepted.  My question is, will you now refuse any donations of carcasses, regardless of how they come to your facility, or only those donated by hunters? Or will you only refuse donations of carcasses but not monies if it comes from hunters, or will you refuse any donation from a hunter because you are against it 100%?  It would be useful information?  Maybe you should also explain to those unsolicited donors that you do not wish to recieve any contributions if it is any way or form coming from someone who hunts.  I do want to say that I'm not trying to be confrontational on this subject, but to try to find out the facts as I wish others would have done before criticizing something they know nothing about.

I respect your right to be against hunting as much as I expect you to respect my right to hunt. I also believe that in no place did we mention that we were affiliated with your organization, only that donations of carcasses could be made to it as an option or that anyone had to ask permission first if they could make a donation.

Dear John,

I have been out of town for the past week or so. 

First let me make it clear that we do NOT depend on meat from hunters to feed our animals. We were absolutely amazed that you would even contemplate including us in your ventures, which I find highly offensive to this organization, without first asking for permission. This organization is 100% against any form of hunting. If at any time we have accepted meat from hunters (I can assure you it would have been on very few occasions) it has been simply because someone has brought it by the sanctuary and dropped it off. It has most deffinately been unsolicited.
We depend on public contributions. I have already had numerous donors call and threaten to stop donating to the sanctuary because you led them to believe we supported your venture....not true. I am requesting you make sure your web master remove our name as soon as possible. If we lose donations because of your actions, we will file a lawsuit. I suggest you honor our request immediately in order to avoid such litigation.

I cannot make it any clearer, we will not accept any meat from hunters.
We will join in the campaign to prevent your project from getting off of the ground.

Carol Asvestas

-----Original Message-----
From: John Lockwood [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Use of our name on your Website

As I wrote yesterday, we will make the changes. I have sent the 
information to the webmaster, but I cannot control his schedule.  
I'm sure it will be changed as soon as possible.
As to the food requirements of your shelter, it has been a concern of mine long before the concept of live-shot was born.  I and many others who have donated carcasses to your organization feel strongly that what the shelter does is a noble and worthwile cause.  I am sure that hunters provide a large portion of meat donations to your facility, or at least they did last year.  I'm just asking if you won't accept donations from hunters who may have taken an animal by means of the live-shot system, or if won't accept them from hunters who take animals from a exotic game ranch, or exactly what would be the criteria for accepting carcass donations to your facility.

I just need to be clear where you will draw the line.

John Lockwood:  I note that at 9:20 AM (est) on November 26, 2004,you have not yet taken action to remove all references to the Wild Animal Orphanage from your Web site.  I suggest that you immediately contact your Webmaster to delete such references immediately.  As to the food requirement and sources of the Wild Animal Orphanage, this is absolutly none of your business or concern to you or anyone affiliated with you.

It would be most appreciated if you immediately totally divest yourself and your Website from the Wild Animal Orphanage. Trust me when I tell you that failure to act as requested will most certainly result in legal action being brought against you.

Sumner D. Matthes
Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) Board of Directors

September 13, 2006

I learned another WAO employee, Michael Escamilla Jr. (little Mike) is now in jail serving a 90-day sentence and must pay a fine.  I requested to review the file from Central records (under open records).

I sent the USDA an email – baby llama born at WAO; employee bit by WAO animal (Leslie Road); and a large order of darting equipment for the Talley Road property.  I requested confirmation of the last email I sent the him (Saturday).

September 15, 2006

I received an email from Morris Smith – he met with Carol Asvestas.  "Carol agreed to provide documents to me the week after next.”  After he reviews her records, he will call me.

I received an email from Norma to my Cynthia Rum account.  When asked about your four tigers, Apollo, Athena, Melia and now Dobbins, Norma claimed Medusa died so Dobbins was added to the group.  Medusa died in 2004 (between February and July 2004), because she was supposedly too aggressive towards Dobbins.  Dobbins used to live with Lokki.  I know there were two tigers living in between the ligers and the 3-tigers enclosures (hidden cage)  When I left on December 17, 2005, there were 3 tigers living together and two tigers living behind them.

From: "Carol" <>
To: "'Cynthia Rum'"
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Tiger Photos (second request)]
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 13:33:32 -0500

You are welcome

-----Original Message-----
From: Cynthia Rum
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 11:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Tiger Photos (second request)]

That's great!  Thank, you Carol.

From: "Carol" <>
To: "'Cynthia Rum'"
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Tiger Photos (second request)]
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 08:47:33 -0500

Dear Cynthia,

The other tigers name is Dobbins.....So many I get so confused. Sorry.


Carol A.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cynthia Rum
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 5:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Tiger Photos (second request)]

Thank you very much, Carol.  I look forward to hearing from Norma
sometime next week!

From: "Carol" <>
To: "'Cynthia Rum
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Tiger Photos (second request)]
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 11:36:18 -0500

I may have got Zeus mixed up but Norma is out of town and she will be
back next week, I will make sure that she gets you the correct name
of the fourth one if it is not Zeus.


Carol A.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cynthia Rum
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 3:32 PM
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Tiger Photos (second request)]

Thank you very much for responding Carol!  Please thank Norma for
giving us such a great tour!

I have to admit to being a little confused - Norma indicated Zeus
lived with Molly near the baboons.  Has something happened to Molly?  She
was/is a really cute tiger.  Please let me know if I got the names
wrong!  Thanks


I checked county records and learned Karen Maxfield bought land elsewhere and may have sold her previous land.  Animal Sanctuary of the United States’ doing business as certificate (County Clerks Office) was obtained by Raymond H. Hernandez, and not by a director from the WAO’s Board of Directors.  Who is Raymond H. Hernandez?  A community service worker, perhaps?  I have never heard of this person, yet he is listed on the certificate as a ‘member.’  The other dba known as the “Wildlife Care Center” was created by Joe Fury in July 6, 2001, which is very odd.  Joe Fury used to work for the WAO until he was discharged.

September 18, 2006

Raymond H. Hernandez also obtained another dba for Carol called “The Animal Crisis Team.”  Turns out he does have a criminal record – served time for possession.  He must not have served his entire 10 year prison sentence. 

I also received today a package at the door.  The package contained 6-pages outlining all the additions, losses, and moves that occurred at Talley Road over the last several years.  It was horrible to read.  So many losses.  I will notify the USDA and OAG of this internal document.  Just awful to read.

Not wanting to send the above listing to the USDA/APHIS, Carol Asvestas had this "modified" listing (below) typed up in case she had to eventually release the number and species of animals that died at the WAO.  What is interesting is this listing does not match the above listing created by the WAO animal caretakers!

I find the above report highly suspect as Rex's age of death was listed as "3 years"! I have no doubt the death causes and ages were "doctored" so folks would not learn the truth as to what really happened to the WAO animals out at Talley Road.

I spoke with Dr. Capaldo (Executive Director – New England Anti Vivisection Society)for about two hours tonight regarding the WAO.

I would like to speak with attorney, Lisa Vance, as she handled the PETA case against Primarily Primates.  I need some ideas on how to save the WAO animals.  Can she help me?

September 20, 2006

I learned Talley Road is expecting more primates – terrible news.  I sent an email to the OAG, USDA, and TCEQ regarding the “adds and losses” Talley Road information I received on September 18, 2006.
From: Melissa Story <>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, September 20, 2006 1:54:01 PM
Subject: Re: Wild Animal Orphanage 
Ms. Brunner - 
On September 18, 2006, I sent a Notice of Violation (NOV) to the WAO facility, citing violations for failure to obtain adequate permits/authorizations from the TCEQ to dispose of the dead animals, etc. 
As you have previously requested a copy of my written NOV, I will send you a copy Letter. 
Melissa Story
Environmental Investigator
TCEQ Region 13 Office
(210) 403-4071

>>> Kristina Brunner  9/20/2006 >>> 
Dear Dr. Gibbens and Investigator Krhovjak: 
The following information pertains to the on-going case regarding the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/ba “The Wild Animal Orphanage.” 
First, I reviewed the "Assumed Name Certificates" on the Bexar County website and discovered most d/b/a’s pertaining to the San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Center, Inc were, in part, obtained by individuals no longer associated with the ASUS or WAO: 
Animal Crisis Team d/b/a was obtained by Raymond M. Hernandez on June 17, 2002.  (Mr. Hernandez was convicted of possession of a controlled substance and served time in prison.  I believe Mr. Hernandez may have performed his community service restitution work at the WAO.)  Mr. Hernandez is listed on the certificate as a member of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States 
The Wildlife Care Center d/b/a was obtained by Joe Fury on July 26, 2001.   (Mr. Fury is a former WAO employee and whistleblower. A long-time WAO former board advisor, Linda Howard, indicated to me Joe Fury has active warrants for his arrest in California for failue to pay child support - I have not been able to confirm this information with California authorities.  Ms. Howard also told me Mr. Fury performed community service restitution work at the WAO).  Mr. Fury is listed as a member of the San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Center, Inc. 
Feral Cat Rehab Center d/b/a was obtained by Joe Fury on July 26, 2001.  Mr. Fury is listed as a representative of the San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Center, Inc. 
Chimp - AID d/b/a was obtained by Joe Fury on July 26, 2001.  Again, Mr. Fury is listed as a representative of the San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Center, Inc. 
Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS) d/b/a was obtained by Elizabeth C. Lange on February 26, 2001.  Betty Lange used to be the WAO Secretary in the late 1990's.  I learned from the former long-time WAO Board Advisor, Ms. Linda Howard, Ms. Lange left the WAO several years ago because she did not agree with Ms. Asvestas business practices. 
Cat Haven Sanctuary d/b/a was obtained by Ms. Carol Asvestas on November 6, 1996.  According to my research, this is the only active ASUS d/b/a Ms. Asvestas obtained from the Bexar County Courthouse.
I have no idea why Ms. Asvestas only obtained one d/b/a personally and had the rest obtained by individuals no longer associated with the ASUS or the WAO.  
Second, and most importantly, I am in possession of a document titled “Additions and Losses (Talley)” prepared on September 18, 2006.  I am unable to determine whether or not this document is authentic.  However, based on the timeframes where additions, losses, or transfers took place, I am able to verify certain acquisitions, losses, and transfers (between Leslie Road and Talley Road facilities), did indeed take place. 
This report confirmed my belief there is a lack of medical care (animals allowed to suffer from illness or injury without treatment), animal escapes (two wolves shot this year after an escape), lack of personnel to care for the animals (water supply lines {"lixits"} not checked daily resulting in animal deaths), animals are placed with other dangerous animals (i.e. high number of wolves’ deaths); high number of tiger euthanasias; and the animal care technicians are practicing veterinarian medicine without a license at the Talley Road facility.  It also confirms animals are being moved back and forth between the Talley and Leslie Road facilities. 
Assuming this report is correct, the non-human primates are breeding at the Talley Road facility.  I also noticed that either Mary or Michelle Reininger (presumed authors of this document) failed to include the additional tiger births that took place in early 2004.  Ms. Asvestas and Dr. Lambert reported to the media on December 24, 2003 (film crew covered the recent birth of 3 baby tigers), that two  tigers acquired from New Jersey (3 tigers total arrived pregnant) were due to deliver tiger cubs in the early part of 2004.  
Understandably, I am concerned with the high number of macaques’ deaths at the Talley Road facility – especially since there appears to be a lack of evidence indicating that the animals’ bodies were properly examined and disposed of according to Bio-safety Level II provisions as stated on the ASUS – Primate Sanctuary of the United States’ website:
Primate Deaths:
All dead animals will be double bagged and placed in an independent freezer until a necropsy is performed on-site. BFI will remove the cadaver for incineration.
Finally, I am also very concerned about the White Crowned Managbey (Jake) and the surviving long-tailed macaques living in temporary cages at the Talley Road facility, with winter fast approaching.   I have learned the Talley Road facility is expecting another shipment of monkeys sometime next week and these non-human primates will live in small metal cages throughout the winter months.  It is my opinion that an immediate intervention is required to prevent the deaths of these and other animals residing at this facility.  
Ms. Story:  Please update the list I provided you earlier (certification of the missing or dead animals)  to include the additional "loss" animals from the Talley Road facility.  I have reason to believe the "loss" animals are also buried at Talley Road.  Thank you. 
Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding this information.  I can be contacted at (210) 647-1789.  Your continued assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. 
Very Respectfully, 
Kristina M. Brunner
Note:  Please excuse the quality of the attached report - this is how I received it - it looks like one page was cut-off on the left margin. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok just read additions and losses. Not the revised copy. does anyone else see how many primates fall and break their necks? seems strange to me that too many primates fall clue primates live in trees in the wild and are great climbers, so it should make it easy to climb around in a fenced enclosures.
