Thanks to Zuzana, lots of WAO inspection reports conducted by the USDA can now be found in one place on the web page!
NEW ! USDA Inspection Reports
December 9, 2008 Leslie road facility
January 2, 2008 Talley road facility
January 1, 2008 Leslie road facility
September 18, 2007 Leslie road facility
June 26, 2007 Talley road facility
April 24, 2006 Leslie road facility
Now more people can see what is really going on at the WAO.
Greeting Adam:
Good news!! The USDA/APHIS finally released several pages of USDA Inspections! Still missing a few documents, but heck, baby steps, right?
Hope you are doing well and I'll keep you posted on the latest developments --
Kind Regards,
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information which is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. Email addresses are confidential and should not be forwarded to anyone unless permission is granted from the sender. --- On Mon, 3/2/09, Domby, Adam <> wrote: From: Domby, Adam <> |
March 3, 2009
March 10, 2009
Tiger cub to San Antonio-area animal orphanage
© 2009 The Associated Press
March 3, 2009, 4:09PM
SAN ANTONIO — An 80-pound pet Bengal tiger cub that grew too large for her owner to handle has a new home in the San Antonio area.
"Vivi" has been donated to the nonprofit Wild Animal Orphanage.
KSAT-TV reports the 5-month-old female cat was getting her vaccinations Tuesday. Video of the process showed Vivi laid out and being examined.
Veterinarian Loretta Ehrlund says Vivi appears to be in good health.
Orphanage director Carol Asvestas (as-VES'-tus) told The Associated Press that the owner didn't want to give the tiger up, but could no longer control the growing cat.
Asvestas says such animals, even in play, "can do a lot of damage."
The name of Vivi's owner, from Rio Grande City , was not released.
On the Net:
March 10, 2009
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 2:53 PM
To: Shari StClair
Subject: Re: question
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 2:53 PM
To: Shari StClair
Subject: Re: question
Greetings Shari:
When I get home tonight, I'll review the VCR tape to see what other stories are listed with Noel, the "miracle Christmas cougar" to see if I can figure out the date it was aired. I know Noel arrived late November 2008 and I thought the storied aired early December 2008. I'm hoping to narrow the date home later tonight.
Thank you so much for following up with Noel. A friend of mine contacted the "sanctuary" that sent Noel to the WAO last month and she was told the sanctuary does not follow-up on animals placed at other sanctuaries. This is very disturbing considering public donations from WA was used to treat and rehabilitate the cougar cub.
In any case, I will get back with you tonight with an approximate air date.
Kind Regards,
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information which is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. Email addresses are confidential and should not be forwarded to anyone unless permission is granted from the sender. --- On Tue, 3/10/09, Shari StClair <> wrote:
Did you say you saw the story on KSAT 12? I can’t find it in our archive. Would you happen to remember the date Noel arrived? That would help me track the story down.
March 11, 2009
Lies, lies and more lies. Carol Asvestas refused to tell the truth about what really happened to little Rex.
March 13, 2009
got a reply from james munoz, asking to interview me. I think that means us. Maybe they will do a story.
Sadly, the interview never took place. Sad.
You are awesome! Thanks for not forgetting the pigs!!! I pray you receive a response soon! Hugs....k
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information which is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. Email addresses are confidential and should not be forwarded to anyone unless permission is granted from the sender. --- On Thu, 3/12/09, <> wrote: From: martinemar500@... |
You are totally awesome, Z! Still makes me mad knowing what happened to Rex and Carol lying to folks on how he died. Rex was a wonderful cub and I still miss him... Again, many thanks - k CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information which is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. Email addresses are confidential and should not be forwarded to anyone unless permission is granted from the sender. --- On Fri, 3/13/09, Z <> wrote: From: Z |
I learned today that Eric Turton, WAO attorney, told James Anthony just recently that he would not agree to either a finding of wrong doing by ASUS or to the payment of any attorney fees by ASUS to the AG. Apparently, Anthony "reluctantly" agreed to those two "ground rules" for the upcoming meeting on April 14th.
Needless to say I find this news disgusting. There was SO MUCH wrongdoings at the AG turned its collected backs not only on the animals, but on all the people who donated their hard earned money that simply went to the WAO Board directors' pockets and not to the care of the WAO animals. So while the WAO animals are forced to eat rotten meat, contaminated dog food, and drink polluted water, the directors get to go off and celebrate that they got away with "murder." Makes me sick.
March 26, 2009
Thanks for checking Dr. Gibbens -
Kindest Regards,
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information which is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. Email addresses are confidential and should not be forwarded to anyone unless permission is granted from the sender. --- On Thu, 3/26/09, <>wrote: From: <>----- Original Message -----
Hmmm....more lies from Carol Asvestas as some of the NJ tigers are still living in quarantine cages after all these years!! Oh, and what do you bet Carol lied about how Tarzan died too...
March 31, 2009
Interesting article -- I guess I now know why PETA turned its back on the WAO animals...
Why is PETA suing animal rights organizations?
If dressing up like clan members, exploiting women in protests, investing in the animal industry, or euthanizing 80-97% of 'rescued' animals doesn't change your mind about PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, perhaps their recent lawsuit will get your attention.
Why is PETA suing animal rights organizations?
March 30, 2:59 PM · Add a Comment
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If dressing up like clan members, exploiting women in protests, investing in the animal industry, or euthanizing 80-97% of 'rescued' animals doesn't change your mind about PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, perhaps their recent lawsuit will get your attention.
Is PETA suing KFC as part of their KFCruelty campaign? Are they suing Lowes for selling moustraps? PETA has decided to take it easy on these guys and instead go after the Friends of Animals animal advocacy organization's primate sanctuary.
I mentioned FoA in an earlier post on a new cookbook the president has released offering essential vegan recipes for various occassions. Foa Also hosts "Vegan Means," a site to help those curious about veganism to make the transition.
I asked FoA's Dustin Rhodes why on Earth would a self-proclaimed animal rights organization sue another animal rights organization, his response: "In essence, we do not know."
Friends of Animals is an organization whose work is wide-spread and far reaching. I wonder sometimes if people realize how costly it is to run a nation-wide spay and neuter program, print various animal rights literature, conduct legal actions for various non-human animals, run an animal sanctuary with 450 animals in Texas, support Marine Animal Rescue in California, write and publish cookbooks and animal rights books....Right now, money should be feeding mouths at PPI [Primarily Primates], not legal fees
PETA is disclosing their actions as in the best interests for the animals, but is an organization which lauds euthanasia as the most humane alternative going to shelter these animals?
PETA’s latest attempt at shutting PPI down alleges that PPI is in violation of the “dangerous wild animals” statute. The suit asks the Court to force PPI to get rid of all of its “dangerous wild animals,” including its chimpanzees, African lion, and baboons. However, the “dangerous wild animals” statute does not apply to animal shelters such as PPI. Although PETA’s own recruitee, Mr. Hensley, admits PPI is an animal shelter, his attorneys, who are being funded by PETA, insist that PPI is NOT an animal shelter.
FoA shells out legal fees
"Get rid of"? Where on earth are the primates who fill this sanctuary supposed to go? According to the Primarily Primates homepage, PPI offers rehabilitation and care for the primates: "Many are cast-offs from the pet trade and biomedical research institutions. Individuals who have been accepted into the refuge include chimpanzees once used in space training and testing protocols by the United States Air Force and Oliver, a chimpanzee once paraded on television shows as the "humanzee" due to a habit of walking upright."
I asked Rhodes how this lawsuit was effecting FoA and PPI and there is no doubt, the outcome of these needless lawsuits are very real: "Whether we are in a recession or the next great depression, that does not alter our responsibilities to animals in any way; donations have dropped off (as they probably have for every non-profit in the country) as people struggle in their own lives, with their own responsibilities. It’s one thing to be very frugal and careful with how we use resources; it’s quite another when Friends of Animals must literally throw money away to feed a senseless lawsuit. Right now, money should be feeding mouths at PPI, not legal fees."
Shelters across America are in trouble
I'm known to push "opening your schedule, not your wallet" when it comes to activism however in these hard times, sanctuaries and animal rights organizations (who don't have a $30,000,000 annual budget like PETA) are feeling the pain. If you're looking perform a simple act to help some sanctuaries care for living animals, donating to sanctuaries like Friends of Animals, Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary, or the Maple Farms Sanctuary would sincerely help the management of these shelters to feed and shelter their animals.
Rhodes tells me, "First and foremost, PPI needs support. Ideally, people who are able could do whatever they could to sustain PPI during this difficult economy; it’d be wonderful if Friends of Animals did not bear this entire financial responsibility. Even small donations to PPI matter. Secondly, people can boycott PETA—an organization that’s worked tirelessly to destroy Primarily Primates. Write letters, e-mails, call PETA: tell them to stop their assault on PPI."
Friends of Animals (Primarily Primates)
Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary
Maple Farms Sanctuary
It is not clear whether PETA’s motivation is personal vendetta, greed, or a movement to shut down all animal sanctuaries, but this latest assault against PPI threatens every animal sanctuary in the state of Texas. As a $30 million per year organization, PETA can afford to file all the frivolous lawsuits it wants, hire as many lawyers as it wants, and make all of the frivolous arguments it wants. However, PETA is hard-pressed to explain how this lawsuit helps any of the animals in PPI’s care. We are asking for your help to stop it.
Source: Priscilla Feral, FoA president:
Author: Adam Kochanowicz
Adam Kochanowicz is an examiner from Omaha, Nebraska. You can see Adam's articles on Adam's Home Page.
Why is PETA suing animal rights organizations?
March 30, 2:59 PM · Add a Comment
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If dressing up like clan members, exploiting women in protests, investing in the animal industry, or euthanizing 80-97% of 'rescued' animals doesn't change your mind about PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, perhaps their recent lawsuit will get your attention.
Is PETA suing KFC as part of their KFCruelty campaign? Are they suing Lowes for selling moustraps? PETA has decided to take it easy on these guys and instead go after the Friends of Animals animal advocacy organization's primate sanctuary.
I mentioned FoA in an earlier post on a new cookbook the president has released offering essential vegan recipes for various occassions. Foa Also hosts "Vegan Means," a site to help those curious about veganism to make the transition.
I asked FoA's Dustin Rhodes why on Earth would a self-proclaimed animal rights organization sue another animal rights organization, his response: "In essence, we do not know."
Friends of Animals is an organization whose work is wide-spread and far reaching. I wonder sometimes if people realize how costly it is to run a nation-wide spay and neuter program, print various animal rights literature, conduct legal actions for various non-human animals, run an animal sanctuary with 450 animals in Texas, support Marine Animal Rescue in California, write and publish cookbooks and animal rights books....Right now, money should be feeding mouths at PPI [Primarily Primates], not legal fees
PETA is disclosing their actions as in the best interests for the animals, but is an organization which lauds euthanasia as the most humane alternative going to shelter these animals?
PETA’s latest attempt at shutting PPI down alleges that PPI is in violation of the “dangerous wild animals” statute. The suit asks the Court to force PPI to get rid of all of its “dangerous wild animals,” including its chimpanzees, African lion, and baboons. However, the “dangerous wild animals” statute does not apply to animal shelters such as PPI. Although PETA’s own recruitee, Mr. Hensley, admits PPI is an animal shelter, his attorneys, who are being funded by PETA, insist that PPI is NOT an animal shelter.
FoA shells out legal fees
"Get rid of"? Where on earth are the primates who fill this sanctuary supposed to go? According to the Primarily Primates homepage, PPI offers rehabilitation and care for the primates: "Many are cast-offs from the pet trade and biomedical research institutions. Individuals who have been accepted into the refuge include chimpanzees once used in space training and testing protocols by the United States Air Force and Oliver, a chimpanzee once paraded on television shows as the "humanzee" due to a habit of walking upright."
I asked Rhodes how this lawsuit was effecting FoA and PPI and there is no doubt, the outcome of these needless lawsuits are very real: "Whether we are in a recession or the next great depression, that does not alter our responsibilities to animals in any way; donations have dropped off (as they probably have for every non-profit in the country) as people struggle in their own lives, with their own responsibilities. It’s one thing to be very frugal and careful with how we use resources; it’s quite another when Friends of Animals must literally throw money away to feed a senseless lawsuit. Right now, money should be feeding mouths at PPI, not legal fees."
Shelters across America are in trouble
I'm known to push "opening your schedule, not your wallet" when it comes to activism however in these hard times, sanctuaries and animal rights organizations (who don't have a $30,000,000 annual budget like PETA) are feeling the pain. If you're looking perform a simple act to help some sanctuaries care for living animals, donating to sanctuaries like Friends of Animals, Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary, or the Maple Farms Sanctuary would sincerely help the management of these shelters to feed and shelter their animals.
Rhodes tells me, "First and foremost, PPI needs support. Ideally, people who are able could do whatever they could to sustain PPI during this difficult economy; it’d be wonderful if Friends of Animals did not bear this entire financial responsibility. Even small donations to PPI matter. Secondly, people can boycott PETA—an organization that’s worked tirelessly to destroy Primarily Primates. Write letters, e-mails, call PETA: tell them to stop their assault on PPI."
Friends of Animals (Primarily Primates)
Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary
Maple Farms Sanctuary
It is not clear whether PETA’s motivation is personal vendetta, greed, or a movement to shut down all animal sanctuaries, but this latest assault against PPI threatens every animal sanctuary in the state of Texas. As a $30 million per year organization, PETA can afford to file all the frivolous lawsuits it wants, hire as many lawyers as it wants, and make all of the frivolous arguments it wants. However, PETA is hard-pressed to explain how this lawsuit helps any of the animals in PPI’s care. We are asking for your help to stop it.
Source: Priscilla Feral, FoA president:
Author: Adam Kochanowicz
Adam Kochanowicz is an examiner from Omaha, Nebraska. You can see Adam's articles on Adam's Home Page.
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