The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

September - October 2009 Notes

September 4, 2009
From:San Antonio Lightning RG GRIFFING (
Date:Friday, September 4, 2009 9:30 PM





(Corrections as to address and verbage.)












ANTONIO, 78201. THE PHONE NUMBER IS 210-733-1385.






























                                                        RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED
                                                                          RG GRIFFING, DEFENDANT PRO SE
                                                                          1318 GARDINA, #41
                                                                          SANANTONIO, TEXAS 78201

                                                                          BY _________________________________
                                                                          RG GRIFFING



September 14, 2009

Subject:[No Subject]
From:Terry Minchew 
Date:Monday, September 14, 2009 9:59 PM

I am attaching a video which outlines serious concerns over waste issues at the WAO.  I am hoping you have contact info. on a number of offices and agencies who might have interest in this.  Particularly TCEQ, Texas OAG, EPA, CDC, USDA and any other authority you might know of.  If you could please send it out to them as soon as possible we would greatly appreciate your help.
With Our Sincere Thanks
On behalf of all the WAO animals

(unable to upload video to Blogger...too large)

September 15, 2009
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: SMatthes@...
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 12:41:44 -0400
Subject: Information
CC: Ericturton@...; W.westcpa@...; cryermichelle@...; karenmaxfield@; andrewbehaine@...

Carol: As Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of WAO, I need immediate information on the following:

1.   Status of AG Investigation.  Did Eric meet with AG last week?  If so, what was results of meeting?  If not why not?  Also, you were going to email me a copy of the email Eric sent to the AG. I have not received it.

2.  Status of S/A Lightning suit.  Is S/A Lightning reply O.K. with Eric?  Does he plan to state that the S/A Lightning did not present a complete reply to our initial suit?  If not why not?  When does he anticipate this will go to court?

3.  I'm still waiting to hear from Will.  When can I expect an answer to my email?

4.  I have received a bill from Capitol One Credit Card in the amount of $229.56 which covers a previous balance of $98.62 a finance charge of $4.77 a Goggle Transaction charge of $97.17 and a Past Due fee of $29.00.  Would you please send me a WAO Check in the amount of $229.56 so I can pay this statement and close out this Credit Card Account?  Payment is due October 05, 2009.  When I receive the check I will mail you this invoice so that you can support the check.

5.  As I understand your comments in our phone conversation of yesterday, you have advised all employees that they can meet with you and Ron concerning any problems or suggestions.  Further you have stated that if an employee wishes to meet with the board of directors they can do so without you or Ron being present for such a meeting.  Will you please confirm this procedure?

6.  I have come across a Blog that I must contribute to Brunner.  It covers many years up to and including July of 2009 and is very concise and derogatory to WAO and the board. I assume that this Blog has been made available to the AG.  Are you aware of this Blog and is the rest of the board aware of it?   Is any legal action possible to stop its publication on the Internet?  If not why not?

7.  What is status of Talley Road fencing?  As you know I want it finished by Sept 30, 2009. 

I would very much appreciate your immediate email reply to this email.  Any delay or excuses for not fully answering the questions that I have presented will be considered a a personal affront to me as a board member.


Gotta love it!  Sumner is more worried about my "concise" blog than the numerous issues plaguing the WAO.  Funny I never mentioned any one's name or the organization in my blog and yet he was able to recognize whom I was writing about -- namely the WAO!  Once again, Sumner is trying to silence free speech by threatening a lawsuit.  I guess he doesn't want his precious reputation destroyed.  Too late, Sumner. It's too late.

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation,

because your character is what you really are,

while your reputation is merely what others think you are."

                                                                          -John  Wooden

Subject:contradictions to wao website
Date:Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:08 PM

These are a few things I have seen and found to be untruthful, may be of use to you and can be backed up by photos.

please compare to sections of web page.

1. Chimpanzee enclosures- Heavily treed, With "great effort" provide "top quality care for the chimpanzee's. Also who is the "chimpanzee care and welfare team."?

2. Who provides this and why are the cages so bare and lacking of enrichment and where is the "Great effort  that has been made to utilize the expertise of those in the field in order to provide" top quality "care to the chimpanzees that find solace at the sanctuary?
3.  This team of experts is responsible for providing medical attention, "overseeing enrichment programs" and coordinating the intricate task of socializing once singularly housed animal into well-adjusted social groups. All of these cages are practically void of this, not to mention shade from the Texas sun for the outside area. Who is this team of experts?
1." Sanctuary utilizes bio-level safety 2 procedures." Why is the waste being dumped on the ground?
2. "ASUS/WAO strongly believes that the research community should be responsible for the funds needed by credible sanctuaries to provide these animals with "quality housing" and lifetime care." 
3. What happened to the " $90,000" provided by research to build a cage for their retired monkeys? "quarantine monkeys" at Leslie. And why hasn't the cage been touched or worked on in over 3 yrs?  "All once singularly housed primates are integrated into social colonies and are housed in large natural enclosures where they are thriving happily."
1. "Many of these feral cats have been re-domesticated and placed in responsible homes."

"An exchange program has been set up with local animal shelters that do not have the capabilities of housing feral cats. This program consists of a cooperative effort between shelters. Calls for assistance with feral cats are automatically forwarded to the center and in return, when the cats are rehabilitated, the shelter concerned will then find responsible homes for them. This united effort has proven to be very successful."
2. All feral cats are brought out to Talley and never leave. Please keep in mind they ARE very well taken care of by staff but by no means readopted out, or returned to any shelter. She accepts them for no less than $100 dollars per cat.
1." A clinic and quarantine area is available to house incoming animals and sick animals. The clinic is equipped with two separate indoor holding areas, ten outdoor areas, washroom facilities, electricity and water. The clinic contains: medical supplies, record books, squeeze back cages, medical equipment and safety equipment."
2. This is also nonexistent at both property's. The tigers at Talley have been here for so long in their "quarantine" it seems to be more warehousing than quarantine. Also  our clinic at talley is our shed if they are lucky enough to make it there.
3. Solid Waste Disposal:

"All fecal materials from outdoor quarantine enclosures are raked up, double bagged and disposed of through BFI or Waste Management. Indoor buildings are equipped with septic tanks and are cleaned with high-pressure water systems."
4. Please refer to the TCEQ video you may have already received.
1. Taken from web page-

2.  Breeding does takes take place at both facilities which is a concern for employees, but is shrugged off by the director due to costs.  Every year many babies are born but many die shortly of unexplaniedcauses. This can be backed up with photos especially at the Talley rd facility.
Safety Training Course:"All staff will be offered a certified course in the safety procedures for the humane immobilization, capture and restraint of ALL exotic animals including non-human primates when available."
1. This has been talked about but has been put off now for 4 yrs. There is only 2 staff that is able to immobilize any animal that is at either property.
Side note- Does IFAW know about the unfinished bear cages at talley?
None of this will be news to you but hopefully now employees will be willing to come forward to confirm with photos and personal knowledge.

September 21, 2009

From: karenmaxfield@ 
Subject: Board Minutes
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 04:40:54 -0500

Sumner and Carol,

Please look over this rough draft of our meeting minutes and let me know if you find any errors.

Also, in regard to the upcoming meetings with employees that I will be sitting in on, I feel it is important that Sumner know a little of my background to qualify me to oversee the meetings.

I was Branch Manager of a Savings & Loan in Houston for 4 of my 8 years in banking, with extensive training in handling employee relations for a 9-employee branch. I was also a certified financial counselor. I was a peace officer for 11 years, with extensive training in dealing with disputes and in public relations, and was the Sheriff's personal assistant. In addition, I have worked with an Arbitrator handling arbitration cases for the US Post Office and law enforcement agencies for several years, composing all his rulings, and often even evaluating the evidence and composing the rulings for his review. I am the treasurer for my husbands construction company which does on average $5 million in annual work, and keep all the books and do all the accounting for the company. I have 15 years as a Texas Parks and Wildlife Rehabilitator with several training certifications through National Wildlife Rehabilitators' Assoc. and Internation Wildlife Rehabilitators organization, working with 50 to 100 injured and orphaned animals personally brought to me for rehabilitation and release into the wild each year. 

I have also reviewed your email of your concerns and issues the other day as well as Carol's responses.  

I want all the Board to be comfortable with my sitting in on these discussions, and confident I can be an impartial mediator. If you or any of the Board have any questions or concerns regarding my attendance in this capacity please let me know. I will not be at all offended.


From: SMatthes@ 
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 11:28:53 -0500
Subject: Re: FW: Board Minutes
To: karenmaxfield@; michelleanthonycryer@; W.westcpa@

To All:  I still have a problem with this.  I still am not clear about a BOD Meeting that I have notes on that I believe was held on September 21, 2009.  Just a few of the items that I brought up and might refresh our memories, were Chain of Command.  I discussed the need to consider Roberts Rules of Order.  As I recall Andrew stated that those were only suggested rules and did not have to be followed.  We also appointed Ron as the CEO and Carol's position would be designated as Director of Business Development. The motion was approved by a 4 to 1 vote.  I voted against the motion. I brought up the question on the death of wolf and bear.  Carol tried to explain but I believed we needed back up documents to support her explanation. Sending cats to Dallas.  After much discussion this item was tabled pending a review of the Bylaws as to wording on acceptance of animals for their lifetime.
There were other items discussed such as Ron's motorcycle being transported to Corpus-Cristi, his computer "gift" to Nicole.  Terry Minchew's emails and adverse statements, and dearth certificate for a tiger that died last year.
I hope I'm not dreaming all this up. 
Can we all search our minds and see if their was this meeting and if any minutes were prepared and if so does anyone have a copy?

To: smatthes@a ; karenmaxfield@ ; michelleanthonycryer@ ; w.westcpa@ 
Subject: RE: Board Minutes
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 10:35:51 -0600

I do not have any minutes on file: Just FYI - Robert is no longer with WAO. I have brought the computer into the office and Will is now using it. 

I have NO minutes anywhere for this meeting. 

Thank you - Our attorneys spoke to the OAG - We can add Sherman to the board of directors if you all are wanting to. They are knowledgeable of the 990, and they are getting a copy of the newsletter. 

I will send additional information shortly. 

Nicole Garcia

September 21, 2009

Subject:Re: Media Numbers
Date:Monday, September 21, 2009 7:11 PM

Nicole just called...she just heard from Sumner.  He is livid after tonight's special BOD meeting.  Carol was able to completely shoot down your blog info., and the idiot BOD voted in Ron as the new CEO.  Sumner said he voted against it.  Nicole couldn't talk long, she is at her son's doctors office.  I'll let you know if we hear more.

September 22, 2009

From: Nicole Asvestas 
Subject: Between you and I
To: kbrunner@..
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 11:56 PM


I am so sorry. I now understand the battle you were facing on your own. It is really hard to be the daughter of 2 people who are doing nothing for the animals and everything for themselves. This really has become a game that they are playing to keep themselves happy. I dont really know what to do anymore. I tried everything I could to bring what I found to light and unfortunatly I dont know what is left. It is sad, I just realized that I am not allowed to be anywhere near the animals at leslie and I bet if I try, I will be denied. The roars that I hear at night are going to become something I will never hear again. And after talking to you earlier I have no idea how you have had the strength to keep on for 3 years or more. I know its the animals, but how do I make people see what is going on illegally when they have an answer for everything? The long as they say it is okay, then its truly okay. I just dont understand how.
I have been trying for the last 4 months to get through to everyone. My mom truly had us all fooled. And unless someone does something soon, its not going to make a difference is it? I am going to try to get some rest because I need to be strong for Jayden tomorrow. Talk to you soon. And thank you from all of us, for caring so much about the animals. I really thought you were horrible and mean and that is what we were all made to believe.....but your not. You were telling the truth that others wouldnt.

Love ya,
Nicole Garcia 

Nicole gets it.  She gets how hard it is to convince the OAG and USDA that the WAO BOD steals money from the WAO animals for their personal gain as well as slowly killing the animals in violation of the AWA.  Government works need to learn the following axiom...Trust But Verify. Makes me so made they all believe the lying words that drip from the Asvestas' mouths. 

September 24, 2009

--- On Thu, 9/24/09, MikeDereadt@... wrote:

From: MikeDereadt@...
Subject: WAO Concerns
To: n_asvestas@...
Cc: SMatthes@..., karenmaxfield@..., andrewbehaine@..., chris61@..., michelleanthonycryer@...
Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 1:44 PM
Nicole would you please print this out and present it to the WAO Board for me this afternoon. This is all I had time to write because I was given no notification and had to hear of this meeting from other employees.  Please let the board know that we are in the process of moving and I am out of town taking a first load . I have been back and forth but I can be reached by email.  Thanks Mike

Dear WAO Board of Directors         Sept. 24, 2009 
1. Animal Veterinarian care- I as well as others have witnessed lack of Immediate vet care for the animals residing at both properties of the W.A.O.. One example of this is the resent euthanasia of a black bear named poo bear. Yes the vet came out when we noticed a lethargic attitude and labored breathing. the bear was sedated and examined. A short period of time went by as this bear started a pretty quick decline in movement,diet and hydration. Poo bear laid in this stiff position as most of his hind and leftside was not working.Keep in mind a call was made to the vet and she did show up over a week later. My problem is not with the vet but the lack of concern for the comfort and well being of this animal and other animals by carol. I have seen these animals  go  threw this time and time again. Poo bear had broken his teeth out in an effort to pick him self up off the ground, and still was not able to lift him self up. He was mutinied, and necropsies in his cage. Once again the bear was mechanized and then carol was notified I as well as others have not seen carol at any of these euthanasia. The standard response is that it was old and that's that, no sign of remorse or sorrow for the lose of life of these animals which she clam is to always put their needs first. This wears deeply on the staff as we are the ones that see these animals daily. Why do we only use one vet? Are these animals not priority enough to pay a vet after hour consult or are there no other ways of getting a vet out sooner? This is just one of many cases were animals have been put off until there is no other choice but to euthanize. I do understand that these animals have been threw a lot in there lives, and I was under the impression that we are supposed to provide Top quality care and make them as comfortable as possible in their remaining days. To me and others these "policies" are not being full filled.

2. Quality of Food for Meat eaters- Produce cooler and freezer. Once again this is a concern by all staff.

We all have been instructed to feed out meat that we Know is spoiled, green,and in some cases just plain rancid. We have been instructed by the director and manager that this is to be picked threw, rinsed off and fed out first before we use any new meat. This can be verified by all care staff. (This can include several pallets worth.)The freezer at the talley road property is a newer one than that at leslie, so the amount of waste is not as much but by no means at all "FRESH". In most cases the meat from leslie is brought over to talley to be fed out. The freezer at leslie is in such bad shape the meat is constantly thawing out. it does not keep a constant temp to keep this meat fresh. On the same token neither is the produce cooler which breeds mold and fungi's on the occasional fruit and bread supplied, not to mention the walls and floors.

3.Lack of produce for all primates-

This is another big concern for staff. We are constantly having to beg, pled and outright annoy the director and manger to purchase fresh produce for the primates at both facilities. When we do finally get some in ,it is barley enough for multiple feedings, not to mention that the "great deal" they get on the produce is one,  this produce has been damaged already. By this I mean it has either been frozen and thawed no longer edible for humans or has gone beyond the expiration date by far ,so intern it is usually half mushy or mold has already started to consume most of the produce. The last order of watermelons and apples were so severely frozen that out of the two boxes of apples 15 apples were usable. So now we start another order for produce that could take a week to sometimes up to 3 weeks to get. Only to repeat the above statement over and over again. Also there is usually no variation of produce and most that are purchased are water based fruits and vegs.( celery, iceberg lettuce, etc.). Once again these animals are promised by the W.A.O. top quality care. I do also understand that times can be tough and we must watch our spending but why do we buy damaged produce barely edible but spend money on a fish tank costing @ 500 dollars to be installed in the gift shop? Not to mention what it cost to install it into the wall of the gift shop.

4. Desperate repairs needed  -

Orders for repairs have been asked for at the talley rd facility for years now yet to be even considered. I as well as others can say we have not seen the "Manger at this facility for well over a year. We believe it is a case of out of site out of mind. We have cages that are falling down in some cases Herpes positive monkeys have been able to escape and roam around. once again they have been caught up but still no repairs. The barrier fence at talley requested by USDA over 3 months ago . Why is it just barley being worked on a few weeks before deadline when there is over 5000 feet of fence to be put up? Has it been raining for 3 months?. Lockouts needed for tigers and lions for safe and effective cleaning have also been ignored and cages promised to 31 monkeys from research has been put off for three yrs if not more. Tin for the primates to escape the 100 plus degree Texas heat put off. Why? Chimpanzee doors frozen shut have not been fixed not to mention no shade for there outside area as well. The inside of these enclosures are in desperate need as well. Some have no Lighting at all due to burnt out bulbs that have yet to be changed out. These are just a very few things of importance that are being ignored and Why? 

I have a lot more issues and concerns but due to lack of preparation time this is all I've had time for today.  I feel these animal related concerns should be everyone's top priority as they are mine.

Mike Dereadt
Horrible.  Simply horrible.  My heart breaks for the WAO animals.  The WAO Board of Directors never cared about the Talley Road animals.  "Out-of-sight, out-of-mind" is right.  For if they cared about the animals, the directors would have already been out at Talley Road property, saw the atrocities for themselves and then corrected them years ago.  Reading how Pooh Bear died breaks my heart.  I remember Pooh and Eve lived at Leslie Road, before they were both moved to Talley Road.  Eve died Pooh Bear.  What the WAO directors and Dr. Ehrlund did to this bear is akin to animal abuse and should have been prosecuted.  But heck, I guess the USDA/APHIS found Pooh's paperwork to be in order as well.

Then there are the escaping monkeys, poor animal diet, lack of shade etc...the exact same issues I brought forth to the USDA...and what did the government do to stop this from happening to the WAO animals?  Yep, you guessed it...nothing. A-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing.

From: SMatthes@...
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 13:53:10 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: AIR FORCE
To: carol@...; waonicole@...
CC: rasvestas@...; karenmaxfield@...; andrewbehaine@...; chris61@...; michellecryer@...; ericturton@...

Czrol & Board:  Why is this being sent to us?  What this does is confirm that the fencing project was not of enough importance to warrent the physical presence of you or Ron.  I only hope that this project will be totally completed by Sept 30, 2009.  As you recall you promised me that it would be completed by that date as directed by USDA.


Wow.  Sumner's main concern was the fencing?  Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

In a message dated 9/24/2009 10:53:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Dear Board members and Eric,

I have sent this to Eric.

n garcia wrote:
 I am sending emails because I am no longer using my personal phone for business and I feel it is a better way to keep record so it is on file. This is what I sent and the response regarding the Air Force that has worked on the fence project at Talley Rd from beginning to its current status. I have erased his email address due to the fact that his privacy is important to him.
 Thank you,

 */Nicole Garcia/*
Get a clue Sumner...the Asvestas couldn't be bothered with the fence, so Nicole took charge of the project. Can you now focus on the animal abuse?

Today I received an activity timeline of Carol and Ron's Asvestas' work history (more like the lack there of) for 2009 from one of the WAO office workers.  What happened in the office was unbelievable.  I wish I could post this 16-page document for others to see because it shows how dysfunctional this family was during the period of January - September 2, 2009. I promised the sender that I would not publicize this report--but was assured the WAO BOD received a copy of it.  This report substantiates a LOT of what I reported in this blog and what I sent to the OAG for action.  I really feel for the office workers for they apparently went through hell in back with all the screaming and yelling they were forced to witness between the Asvestas.  It truly was a hostile work environment. 

September 27, 2009

Interesting...I wonder what Turton is hiding from the OAG?

From:San Antonio Lightning RG GRIFFING (
Date:Sunday, September 27, 2009 2:25 PM

Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 07:58:16 -0700
From: michelleanthonycryer@

please do not contact me again- i will consider this harassment -delete my email or it will change - ms cryer

--- On Sat, 9/26/09, San Antonio Lightning RG GRIFFING <> wrote:

From: San Antonio Lightning RG GRIFFING <>
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 5:05 PM

Dear Ms Cryer:

I would appreciate an email or phone call ASAP.


We can talk off the record if you like, about some disturbing rumors involving firearms at the Orphanage, that have been alleged to me.

I feel that as a board member you should be promptly alerted to this situation.

I am at the above number all day

RG Griffing,
Editor, Publisher San Antonio Lightning.
Subject:Fwd: Timeline of events before I was fired
Date:Sunday, September 27, 2009 7:49 PM

In a message dated 9/27/2009 7:23:35 P.M. Central Daylight Time, TMinchew1 writes:

Timeline of events that I believe led to my termination at WAO.

9/2/09  I go to Carol with concerns over poor quality meat that we are having to feed out to the carnivores.  I let her know I and perhaps others also have some issues with herself and Ron and the group would like a meeting with the BOD to discuss these issues. 

9/4/04 Carol informs me that my request for meeting has been denied.  Sumner, Karen and Turtin all said no. 

9/7/09 We hear that Sumner has requested a BOD meeting with staff, excluding Ron and Carol. 

9/11/09 In the morning Carol informs us we will have a staff meeting to discuss policy changes and procedures. I ask if we will be able to discuss some of the staff concerns over meat quality and what not.  She says no...this meeting is just for policies...that is priority right now. I go ahead and write down our issues with the meat and a few other items that need attention and repairs on the blue sheets that we are instructed to use for those things, and I turn it in to the office.  The meeting starts in the afternoon...maybe 2:30. Present: Carol, Melissa, Aaron, myself, new employees Jenna and Kelsey. The meeting is tape recorded and Melissa is taking notes.  As Carol walks in she is holding the blue sheet I had turned in earlier and proceeds to address issues with meat quality...both new girls are given the opportunity to speak to those concerns.  We all feel the chicken is smelly, slimy, green in some areas and overall a disgusting diet and we are all aware that we have several animals who are not in peak physical condition and fear a bad diet might add to their declining health. 

Carol begins her repetitive  account of how we cannot waste is tight...we must sort through the meat piece by piece...rinse it off and then feed it out, which is what we have been doing as instructed sometimes having 8 boxes of waste meat out of a 10 box feed for the day.  At some point in this part of the conversation I mention that these are some of the concerns we would want to talk with the BOD about. This noticeably upsets Carol and she insists...Terry what is it you want to talk about.  ( Carol and I had already had a few private discussions where I had tried to tell her some of my worries, one phone conversation did become heated and I could hear Ron in the back ground prompting her what to say...I'm sure I was on speaker phone.....maybe even being recorded. I feel tensions had been building for several days prior to this meeting.)

Under this pressure I did tell her that some of my concerns centered around Ron and his drinking problems. 

I felt he was drinking on the job...when he even showed up.  He had been absent a lot lately, but would call in his orders to the work crews in the morning. I told Carol that when Ron was present he would leave often for short trips to his home or drive down to the creek and when he returned he smelled strongly of mouthwash. I told her I felt our work environment was tense and at times even felt hostile because of this, and many of us could not trust his judgement or his temper.  As a side note let me explain why we feel this related to the poor meat issue.  If the problem IS money...if that's why we have to feed out the bad meat...because there is simply no money for good quality food....then why is money being wasted on a manager who is rarely there and when he is there is a major source of tension.  In my opinion Ron is a drunk, a bully, a tyrant and a waste of charitable funds.  Of course this was upsetting for the trio to hear, at that point Aaron pushed the tape recorder in front of me and said "Just what are you saying?"  In my anger I leaned into the recorder and said "Ron is an Alcoholic!"  All three stood up in unison and left the room...Carol, Melissa and Aaron.  Leaving myself and poor Jenna and Kelsey sitting alone in some sort of state of shock. I stood and went to the door to find all three in a frenzied smoke break and I asked if we were dismissed.  Carol said No...are you clocked in and I said yes...she said no we were not dismissed, so the three of us sat in silence for several minutes until the group returned. 

After regaining her composure Carol continued with the meeting and did address policies and procedures,  pointing out that we were not to engage in gossip or believe any gossip going around on the Internet.  She did instruct us to visit a site where there were at least 8 statements praising the WAO.  (Side note:  Jenna and Kelsey have both told me since, that they would be willing to testify and give their accounting of this meeting.) (Also it is Carol herself who constantly refers to Ron as an alcoholic, a functioning alcoholic, a working alcoholic, a f---ing alcoholic.  She has had myself and others including community service drive her around during the day searching for Ron at local bars.  We are told to stay clocked in for these personal favors to her.

9/12/09 I slip in maintenance area on oil leak from forklift....injure my right thumb. I report to Carol...she laughs it off...makes fun comparing me to Stephanie, who just recently broke her wrist and middle finger while driving the gator during animal feeding.  Jenna and Henry can verify the oil spill and my injury. This happened in the morning but I did continue to work the full day because I didn't want Jenna to have to work alone.   (side note...I have not been seen by a doctor due to cost, my thumb still hurts today and I am still wearing a brace to protect it.  WAO employees are not covered by Worker's Comp and all we have is a little supplemental insurance policy from AFFLAC, where we have to pay expenses first and then they reimburse.  Ron and Carol still have the full Humana package...but we were not offered that option.) 

9/17/09 The girls and I are loading meat for the days feed and again the girls and I are having a hard time dealing with the fact that this is all we can offer these animals. I turn in a request at the maintenance door to have either Ron or Carol come out and approve the meat before feeding.  Melissa answers the bell and I give her the notice and a conversation ensues about our meat concerns.  Melissa has at times been apart of the care staff and at times I have heard her also complain to her Mom about the meat condition, so I ask her what she thinks of all this. She follows me to the gator where the meat is loaded and thawing and she picks through the meat saying some of it does look bad.  I ask her is it just me or do you think it's wrong to feed this out.  Melissa replies...well Terry...really you are the only one who has a problem with this...Mom has gone to all the other girls and no one else has issues.  She leaves...Carol comes out later and does inspect the meat and once again tells the girls to pick, rinse and feed.  I cannot bear to feed today so while the two other girls get started I proceed to spray out the quarantine area. 

Approx. 11:30 am Ron calls me into the office from the maintenance area.  I as enter the tool room with him he grabs me by the right hand to pull me into the office, but this is my injured hand and I am wearing my brace and as I flinch in pain he lets go immediately.  At this point I can see he is quite enraged. He leads me into the office where Melissa is seated at his desk and Nicole is in her office with the door open.  Heather is in the gift shop, Stephanie is also in the gift shop tending to the domestic cats and Carol is standing near the register.  The door connecting the gift shop and office is partially open. 

Ron proceeds to unload on me such a violent rage filled speech that his face is red and his hands are shaking.  All ears are listening.  Apparently he believes I have stepped way out of line discussing meat issues with office personnel and we (animal care staff )are not allowed to speak to office staff....period. Evidently this is one of many new rules which are often changed on a daily basis.)  He then asks who hired me...I say Carol....then who is your boss...I say Carol, as she has always said I am your boss I sign your check.  Even more enraged he says that from this Monday on he will be the new boss. At which point he calls Carol in from the gift shop and says...tell her...tell her...I am the new boss as of Monday.  He is also yelling to Melissa write her up...write her up.  Then he tells Carol...give her a time she will be written up. Carol comes in...shouts at me that as of TODAY Ron is my new boss.  Then he says if I don't like the way he runs things then I can just leave.  I reply that I love my job and I love the animals. I then asked if I was being written up and Ron said NO...but this was a warning.

 This episode was tape recorded, but honestly you can hardly hear anything I said...just Ron and Carol yelling at me.  Stephanie, Heather and Nicole have all told me they will be happy to give their personal accounting of this incident. 

Later that afternoon Ron and Henry brought all the guns out of the safe next door and into the office right in front of me while I was spraying out the bears.  He then sent everyone home for the day and locked all of the main gates.  The office was closed early...around 3:00 pm.  Melissa was still in the office I think...We saw Ron drive the gator  up to his house, but right ,before he instructed Stephanie and myself to stay until 4:00 to spray for fire ants along the trail...this had never been part of our job description before and we had already told him we had finished the days work with the animals.  After the incident with the yelling in the office earlier and the strange bringing out of the guns and spraying for ants Stephanie and I were getting pretty freaked out.  We called some of the other employees and they all urged me to call the police and at least file a report against him.  I did call, but it took them almost an hour as this was considered a non emergency.  Two patrol cars arrived a bit after 4:00pm and the officers took down all the information....gave me the case numbers and told us both to be very careful and to call if any thing else happened. 

9/19/09 (Sat)  Ron calls me to the office at approx. 11:30 am seated is Carol. Melissa, Ron and Eric Turtin.  Eric pushes a piece of paper towards me and quips, well Terry we meet again. I ignore him as we have a very ugly past from our involvement with the Primarily Primates lawsuit where I was one of the primary whistle blowers in the beginning and he was representing Wallace Swett at that time. Turtin informs me I am being terminated immediately and I am instructed to turn in my keys, my pepper spray and my walkie...which I laid on the table.  He then added that I am also being evicted immediately from my home on the Talley Rd property which I share with my boyfriend of 5 years...Mike Dereadt.  He is also employed by WAO.  Turtin asked if I felt I could be out by the next evening at 5:00pm.  I looked at him and said I have no idea. Melissa was sent to retrieve my belongings from the employee area and I was escorted to the parking lot by Turtin, who I saw just shaking his head as I walked away.  I was not given an opportunity to even clock out and have no idea if they intend to pay me for that half day. 

I have heard that they are telling people I was fired for cause...whatever that means.  Up until that point my file should have be clean.  In four years of service I had never received a write up and in fact had received honors for being a Most Valued Employee. 

I do want my job back if possible.  I love my work...I love the animals and I love most of the people working at the WAO. 


Terry Minchew 

PS  why I really believe I was fired by Ron; 

Back in early Feb of 2009.  I was working, it was around 3:00pm.  Carol called me to her house and begged for me to take her on a search to try to find where Ron's girlfriend lived.  She was sure he was seeing her again even though he swore he was not.  She had heard phone messages between the two.  She begged me to take her to where Belle worked so that we could follow her home and possibly catch the two together.  Again she begged...I have to see it for myself...I need closure....I don't want to involve the kids.  I was against the whole thing but out of pity I agreed.  We took off in her Ford Expedition.  She told me to stay clocked in but I felt too guilty and so I clocked out and we took off to set up the stake out at Belle's place of work. Ace Mart Restaurant Supply on Austin Hwy.  I knew the place already ,she had me take her there before...on the clock...but that time Belle never came out. 

We drove through the parking lot and Carol spotted what she thought was Belle's car...she had a partial licence number and it was a match.  We positioned ourselves in a church parking lot next door and began to wait. Over an hour later Belle passed us and we quickly pursed and followed her to a trailer behind Vulcan Materials in Helotes Texas...not far from the orphanage actually.  We parked in an area behind a large metal building where we could see the entrance road and the trailer that Belle had gone into.  At that point I was was almost 6:00pm and I had not eaten, so I asked Carol could we leave now.  No...she was adamant...she had to catch them...she knew he planned to meet her today...she had to see for herself. She told me she was prepared to stay there all night if that's what it took.  She was frantically trying to reach Melissa or Nicole on her cell phone to meet us here and relieve me so that I could go home.  I was tired...hungry...and I had to work the next day.  No luck with the girls so she did say lets go over to the Dairy Queen on Bandara Rd...get some food and come back to see if she's still here.  I agreed.  We had no sooner returned and I had just unwrapped my burger for a first bite than who pulled up on his motorcycle with his black helmet, so I could clearly see it was.....RON!  Belle's car was still parked outside the trailer and Ron was headed straight for her driveway.  When he pulled in he was maybe 5 feet from the driver's window where I sat and he starred right at me in shock.  Carol had crunched down in the passenger seat. He said nothing even though the window was down.  He drove around the Expedition...across the road and into a wooded sand lot and disappeared. I was in a panic state.  Carol...he saw me ...he looked right at me...he is going to fire me first thing in the morning.  We left for home, I was so shaken, so scared of Ron and how he might retaliate against me and from that day forward I have known that he has had it in for me and would eventually find a way to get rid of me. Carol assured me that she would never let Ron hurt me...that she would never let him fire me...again reassuring me that she was MY boss and I answered to her alone.  Plus she said this was it...she would finally divorce him.  Of course we all know that did not happen. 

Over the next few days she convinced Nicole to track down  Belle again and discovered that the trailer was in fact where Belle's brother lived, but they were able to find Belle's house, with Ron's company vehicle parked around back in hiding and another incident happened this night and a police report was filed.
September 28, 2009

Below is the board meeting minutes that changed the WAO forever.

September 30, 2009

From: "J. Andrew Behaine" <andrewbehaine@.....>
Date: September 30, 2009 9:34:08 AM CDT
To: Chris <Chris61@..., Michelle Anthony Cryer <michelleanthonycryer@...>, Sumner Matthes <SMatthes@...>, Karen Maxfield <karenmaxfield@...>
Subject: Resignation Letter to the WAO/ASUS Board Members
WAO/ASUS Board Members:
I, Jorge Andrew Behaine, resign from any and all duties of Board Member/ Treasurer at the WAO/ASUS. I do not agree with the course of actions that have been taken place in the last week at the WAO/ASUS by the majority of the board members.

Thank you,
Andrew Behaine

October 1, 2009
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Kristina Brunner <kbrunner@...> wrote: 
For details click here:
Check out the press release here:
Boy did KENS-5 get the story wrong!
I sent this email to several individuals, blindcopy, including Lilac and Carol Baskins to let them know they were both wrong to doubt me.  Never heard back from Lilac (and to be honest I didn't expect I would hear back from her based on her crazy and wild accusations against me), but I did hear back from Baskins:

From: Carole Baskin <>
Subject: Re: FYI: WAO Directors Fired by the Board of Directors
To: "Kristina Brunner"
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 8:33 PM

Thanks.  I saw this yesterday on the Phoenix Exotics chat group.  I lurk there to find out what they are doing to thwart our work to change the laws so that people don't have these animals in the first place.

Are you on the board or currently a volunteer there?

Do you know anything about the person who has been appointed to take over?  I have never heard of her but that is probably a good thing since it means no one has complained to me about her.

For the cats,

Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue
an Educational Sanctuary home
to more than 100 big cats
12802 Easy Street Tampa, FL  33625
813.493.4564 fax 885.4457

OMG...she doesn't really remember who I am...  sigh.

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Kristina Brunner 
Dear Ms. Baskins:

I was the one who originally contacted you regarding the situation at the WAO--you may recall it was during the time the WAO and BCR were working together to relocate tigers from another facility.  I was the Vice President, Treasurer, Chairperson, and volunteer who witnessed the alleged violations of the AWA and misappropriation of funds and reported the activities to the appropriate law enforcement officials.  It appears that my allegations have been proven correct and the board was forced to take appropriate action against the directors. 
At this time, the OAG and the USDA is working closely with the new director in whom I have the utmost confidence.

Kristina Brunner

This email made no sense to me.  I'm done communicating with this person.

From: "Chris Morton" <chris61@...>
Date: September 30, 2009 10:00:00 AM CDT
To: "Michelle Anthony Cryer" <michelleanthonycryer@...>, "Sumner Matthes" <SMatthes@...>, "Karen Maxfield" <karenmaxfield@...>
Subject: Resignation Letter to WAO/ASUS Board Members

It is with deep regret that I am tendering my resignation as second vice president with the board of directors of WAO, affective today 9/30/2009.   Several things have steered me in this direction, foremost my persistent absenteeism, from past board meetings have left me very uneducated on issues and I feel could affect the decision process of these most important proceedings.  Family, health problems, and work schedules have been persistent problems with being available for meetings.  I do hope and pray that the outcome of all the issues at hand will be resolved most amicably which will be mostly beneficial to all the animals at WAO.

Thank you,

Respectfully submitted,

Chris J. Morton
Two staunch supporters of Carol Asvestas, not of the WAO animals, left the WAO and the board.  Yippee!  At least Mr. Morton was honest enough to admit that he was a "board member in name only" since he did not participate in past board meetings and did not know the issues at hand.  As to the criminal Behaine, well he's serving on Carol's new board of director as "chairman."  I have no doubt this is another "in name only board."
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 16:28:30 -0700
From: michelleanthonycryer@...
Subject: Re: Press Release
To: karenmaxfield@...; smatthes@...
i think this sounds good I'm for it and it needs to be done. OK on the banking issue after i left  asus this pm the bank called and said that we need to amend our status of board position - example who is president and what title does each person have now   -the attorney needs to put it in writing and file it at the courthouse tomorrow A.S.A.P or we Will NOT be able to make payroll or buy any food for the animals - this is a huge problem that needs to be fixed by 4:00 banking hours we need another board meeting and the attorney should know if he is the one to file it or can i do it - thanks again Michelle -P.S. Jamie Cryer"s email is j65ac@...if any  needs it

--- On Thu, 10/1/09, <> wrote:
From: SMatthes@...
Subject: Press Release
To: waonicole@...
Cc: karenmaxfield@..., michelleanthonycryer@...
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 2:06 PM

Nicole and Board Members:  I received a call from the AG's office relating to the proposed Press Release. It was suggested that it be rewritten in the manner as shown below.  It is felt that this will clearly show the actions of the BOD.  Further, it will keep the public from thinking that Ron and Carol are appreciated by the BOD.  I can certainly agree with the AG's comments and suggestions.
I hate to say it, but I guess it's time to play hard ball, as we have no idea as to how Ron and Carol will be reacting to all this.
Comments please.
The Board of Directors of the Wild Animal Orphanage has announced the termination of Ron and Carol Asvestas as employees effective immediately. Carol Asvestas has also been terminated as a member of the Board of Directors. Mrs. Nicole A. Garcia, who has worked with the Wild Animal Orphanage over many years, has been appointed by the board as CEO.
As with all changes, this action is requiring a short transition period.  Board members and all dedicated employees are working together to assure that the best possible responsible care is being provided to the animals at the WAO. 
The support of all who have participated in assisting the WAO, over the years, is most appreciated.  We trust that this support will continue for the animals that we all care deeply about. 

In a message dated 10/2/2009 7:13:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time, karenmaxfield@... writes:
If the press release has the AG's approval that is what should be released.

On the job titles, I would recommend Sumner President, Michelle Secretary/Treasurer (since she is near the WAO it allows her to sign as secretary or quickly handle any issues as Treasurer)and myself as either VP or Chairperson. What are your thoughts?

From: SMatthes@...
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 11:15:46 -0400
Subject: Re: Press Release
To: karenmaxfield@...; michelleanthonycryer@...
CC: waonicole@...; Ericturton@..;
To All: OK.  Let's get this bank mess straightened out ASAP.  I'm very interested as to how much is in the WAO accounts.  As to the Press Release, let's get it out.  Jim Anthony has said that the revised one looks OK. As to the designation of Board Officers, I would prefer that Karen be designated as President since she is in the immediate  San Antonio area.  I will remain as Vice President and Michelle should be Secretary Treasurer.
Right now, since we will all be working together these designations really don't make that much difference.  However, I do feel that we need at least 2 new board members so it won't look like the three of us are running the show. We can discuss this as soon as we get the bank thing done and get the items back from Carol and Ron.  I understand that will be done this morning. I advised Eric last night that I DO NOT want anyone to try to enter Carol and Ron's house or property without specific law enforcement present.  I do not want anyone's personal welfare placed in jeopardy over this action.
From: waonicole@...
To: smatthes@...
Subject: RE: Press Release
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 10:53:01 -0500

I believe we were told this am that there is 80,000.00

Nicole Asvestas-Garcia
Well, I noticed right away that Cryer wanted to know who was going to lead the board of directors.  I noticed her email was sent after the 4:00pm "banking" hours and as to her assertions that the board changes needed to be filed with the "courthouse;" to which department or office did she propose to send theses changes?  I am not aware of any "courthouse" office or department requiring the board changes.  Yes, the State Certificate needed to be updated, but that could have been done within a couple of weeks or so.  I have serious doubts the bank called and told her to "amend" the status of board positions with the "courthouse!"  It appears to me that Cryer wanted to push the issue so that someone, perhaps Sumner, would nominate her as "President of the Board."  Cryer must have been sorely disappointed when she was not selected for the Prez or VP positions!

In regards to signing the payroll checks, surely, there was more than one board director authorized to sign the payroll checks, right?  Or did the Asvestas have total control of the WAO monies as I asserted to the Texas OAG?

October 3, 2009
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 3:11 PM
To: Robinson, Ian
Cc: A’Brunzo, Gail; Fried, Barbara
Subject: Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild ANimal Orphanage's Change in Management
Importance: High
Dear Mr. Robinson:

On October 1, 2009, the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild Animal Orphanage's Board of Directors terminated Ronald and Carol Asvestas' employment and board seat as the result of an on-going investigation into alleged misappropriation of funds.  The Board of Directors appointed Ms. Nicole Garcia as the sanctuary's new director and she is fully cooperating with the Texas Office of the Attorney General's Office and the USDA .

As you may recall, I contacted you regarding the dire situation at the WAO in hopes that IFAW would have some influence with the Board of Directors in completing the Illinois University Black Bears and New Jersey tigers' enclosures (see email listed below).  Sadly, the bears and tigers are still living in what I consider to be "warehouse" cages--not the large spacious enclosures promised.

Now in light of recent events, the ASUS/WAO's financial situation has become rather grim.  The WAO is in desperate need of financial assistance as the WAO's bank accounts are dangerously low due.  I believe this would be an excellent time for IFAW to offer the remaining three board of directors and the new WAO director a grant that would enable the WAO to meet its financial obligations as well as finish the bears and tigers' promised enclosures. 

I pray you will contact Ms. Garcia at 210.688.9038 to ascertain the seriousness of this situation and provide immediate financial assistance to the animals before the onset of winter.  Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner

From: "A'Brunzo, Gail"
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: "Robinson, Ian"; "Fried, Barbara"
Sent: Sun, October 4, 2009 11:15:46 AM
Subject: RE: Animal Sanctuary of the United States, dba The Wild ANimal Orphanage's Change in Management

Dear Ms. Brunner,

Dr. Robinson is out of the country until mid-month but I've been in contact with him to discuss.

We are very sorry to hear about the recent troubles at WAO and don't intend to desert them. The request for the grant must come from the new director and the Board, however. At that time I can discuss the situation and details more fully with them.

Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. Hopefully things will settle out to be what's best for the animals.

Best regards,

Gail A'Brunzo 

Gail A'Brunzo
Emergency Relief
International Fund for Animal Welfare
290 Summer Street, Yarmouth Port MA 02675
Ph: 508.744.2197
Mobile: 774-487-0617 
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Kristina Brunner
Subject: IFAW Emergency Relief Grant
To: "Nicole Asvestas"
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 3:30 PM

Greetings Nicole!

Please contact:

Gail A'Brunzo
Emergency Relief
International Fund for Animal Welfare
290 Summer Street, Yarmouth Port MA 02675
Ph: 508.744.2197
Mobile: 774-487-0617 
Gail just sent me an email saying IFAW will stand by the WAO's animals in their time of need.  Please contact Gail to request an emergency grant to help tie the animals over for the winter. 
Boy was I wrong about IFAW...hindsight you know... 
From:  Nicole Asvestas
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: IFAW Emergency Relief Grant

Wow…thank you so much you are a blessing
Nicole Asvestas-Garcia

From: Kristina Brunner
Subject: Re: IFAW Emergency Relief Grant
To: "Nicole Asvestas" 
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 6:24 PM
You are most welcome, Nicole -

I just pray Gail keeps her word and I think she will once you explain the situation.

I asked for their help three years ago and they brushed me off - maybe it just wasn't the right time for IFAW to help back then, but now it is!

I'll be praying for you and the animals!  By the way, how is the lioness doing?  All better?  



From: Nicole Asvestas
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Sun, October 4, 2009 7:21:12 PM
Subject: Re: IFAW Emergency Relief Grant

So, today was amazing. There was a tone of enrichment time. Savo is doing well, blood was drawn and I haven't heard of the results yet but she was laying around up on a ledge today which I have not seen in a long time. I went to talk to her this morning and she was as vocal as could be. Everyone is doing well. We watched Katarina and Sierra play with their new found enrichment supplies and they all had a blast. It was a tear jerking moment for me. Tasha and Tiny and Boris had fun with theirs and I got to see Zeus play more than ever today

Unfortunately I couldn’t spend all day outside but it was an experience and a half.

I hope IFAW helps also. We need all the help preparing for the winter that we can get.

Nicole Asvestas-Garcia
October 4, 2009

Based on Mr. Turton's actions on September 28, 2009, his departure was no loss.  He was working for the Asvestas and the WAO animals, so it was no wonder he wrote such derogatory information about Nicole.  And so the drama continues.

October 5, 2009

I cannot help but think that some of these diet requirements are rather low for many of the WAO big cats:

From: m.reininger@...
To: waonicole@ ...; j65@...
Subject: Feed Schedule for Both Properties (Meat)
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 09:27:07 -0500
Nicole and Jaime, 
Here's the feeding schedule for  meat eaters that will be used at Talley and can be used at Leslie too. I've included the total amount that each cat/canine should receive on a weekly basis according to normal or winter feeding. The total amount fed to each animal can be adjusted according to weight, body condition or activity level. I wasn't sure if Loki and Silver were being fed dog food or not, but when we get the canine mix, we should try to switch them to that.
Currently at Talley, we are going through 14 boxes per day or 84 boxes per week. During winter feeding, the weekly amount will increase to 92 boxes per week.
Also, we would need roughly 3 boxes of canine mix per week to feed the wolfdogs and fox at Talley. 
TIGERS - fast once per week [Talley = 33; Leslie = 24 (I'm including Beauty with the tigers)]
03/16-11/15: total per week per tiger = 50 lbs (4 days at 10 lbs each, 2 days at 5 lbs each)
11/16-03/15: total per week per tiger = 55 lbs (5 days at 10 lbs each, 1 day at 5 lbs each)
LIONS - fast once per week [Talley = 10; Leslie = 4]
03/16-11/15: total per week per lion - 30 lbs (6 days at 5 lbs each)
11/16-03/15: total per week per lion - 35 lbs (5 days at 5 lbs each, 1 day at 10 lbs each)
LEOPARDS - fast once per week [Talley = 2]
03/16-11/15: total per week per leopard - 18-21 lbs (6 days at 3-3.5 lbs each)
11/16-03/15: total per week per leopard - 24-25.5 lbs (3 days at 3-3.5 lbs each, 3 days at 5 lbs each)
COUGARS - fast once per week [Talley = 1; Leslie = 6]
All Year: total per week per cougar - 30 lbs (6 days at 5 lbs each)
BOBCATS/SERVAL/CARACAL - feed 7 days per week [ Leslie = 5?]
All Year: total per week per small cat - 14 lbs (7 days at 2 lbs each)
WOLFDOGS - feed 7 days per week [Talley = 4; Leslie = 2]
All Year: total per week per wolfdog - 21 lbs (7 days at 3 lbs each - canine mix)
FOX - feed 7 days per week [Talley = 1]
All Year: total per week per fox - max of 7 lbs (7 days at 1 lb each - canine mix)*
*Usually substitute one cup of dog food once or twice per week
Where are the bones to be given out during fasting?

October 6, 2009
From: SMatthes@...
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 10:41:51 -0400
Subject: AG Visit and Emails
To: waonicole@...; karenmaxfield@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; W.westcpa@...
To All: I have just spoken to Jim Anthony regarding his visit to WAO.  He will be there at 9:30 AM tomorrow October 6, 2009, and also at 9:30 AM on Friday, October 9, 2009.  He would like to have Karen and Michelle there along with Will and John if possible. I provided the AG with Will's cell phone number and will be contacting him today.  
During our discussion the Mr. Anthony stated that he wants us continue to provide him with all appropriate emails as we have been doing since the transition.  However, he cautioned that they are basically open to the public and that they should contain only information that can be support by factual documentation. Please keep our emails very professional and factual so that we cannot be criticized.  Personal comments or conjecture should not be included in any email that will be furnished to the AG. 
Also, he will be discussing the Lawsuit that we have ongoing.  Please be prepared to provide any information that he may ask for regarding this matter. In addition he will discuss the hiring of an attorney.  If you have any recommendations by name please have them available to him. 
From: waonicole@...
To: smatthes@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; karenmaxfield@...
Subject: RE: AG Visit and Emails
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 11:12:27 -0500

Sumner, Karen and Michelle, Please do not copy any responses to this email to the AG I will explain. This is important just got off the phone with Will.

Thank you

Nicole Asvestas-Garcia

The Wild Animal Orphanage
P.O Box 690422
San Antonio, TX 78269
PH: 210-688-9038
FAX: 210-688-9514
I'm sure this email was primarily directed to Sumner and Cryer as they both have a tendency to CC people that should not see what they have written!

Good grief, I spent thousands of dollars trying to save the WAO, and now Sumner is demanding his $225.56 back!  Priorities, Sumner, where are your priorities.  Should you save the Orphanage first before putting your paw out for cash?

To: smatthes@..., karenmaxfield@..., michelleanthonycryer@...
Sent: 10/4/2009 1:25:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Resignation

Dear Board of Directors, After prayful reflection this morning, please be advised that I hereby resign as legal counsel and attorney of the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, Inc. dba Wild Animal Orphanage, effective immediately. It was a pleasure working with the dedicated group of individuals that comprise the board. Unfortunately, I am unable to work with the individual the board has chosen to head the management of the sanctuary at this time. I truly hope the board conducts a comprehensive search to determine the permanent executive director of the sanctuary. There are many qualified, competent individuals out there who can manage this organization, unlike the current ‘temporary’ executive director. As an example of her ineptness, the primary reason the Jefferson State Bank did not approve my request for a $4-6,000 advance to meet payroll on Friday was because of a telephone call made by Nicole after I spoke with the bank that completely ‘spooked’ the bank according to the senior loan officer I was dealing with regarding the request. Unfortunately, I have witnessed this level of incompetence on an almost daily basis since she was put in charge.  
At the present time there is an outstanding balance due of $2530.00 for legal and professional services rendered by myself to ASUS, Inc. My office will fax to the sanctuary office an itemized statement tomorrow reflecting the above amount. Payment is expected upon receipt of the statement by ASUS, Inc.    

Sincerely, Eric Turton

From: SMatthes@...
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 14:32:55 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Resignation
To: waonicole@...; karenmaxfield@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; W.westcpa@...

To All: This saves us the action planned to terminate his services.  To me, this is an excellent example of an individual who should be considered as a disgrace to the legal profession.  To publicly make such outrageous and derogatory statements in his Resignation email could be considered as totally unethical and certainly are inappropriate for a person who was our legal representative.

We must do total due-diligence on the next attorney that we may be required to retain.

For those who may wish to review the Public Disciplinary History of Mr. Turton you can review his history at Members Directory. 

Sumner D. Matthes
Vice President
WAO Board of Directors 
Nicole:  FYI. For the Record: Item 4.  I did not ever receive this check.  To avoid any further late charges I paid the bill from my personal account.
From: SMatthes@...
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 14:51:25 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Information
To: waonicole@...

If we still have enough money I would appreciate being reimbursed on this.  No hurry.

From: waonicole@...
To: smatthes@..
Subject: RE: Information
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 16:23:39 -0500

We will cut a check for reimbursement just let me know.


Nicole Asvestas-Garcia

The Wild Animal Orphanage
P.O Box 690422
San Antonio, TX 78269
PH: 210-688-9038
FAX: 210-688-9514
The word is out...  
In a message dated 10/6/2009 7:03:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, anmlpepl@... writes:

    Rumor has it that the Wild Animal Orphanage board ousted
Carol & Ron Azvestas on Friday,  & that they are holed up in their
mobile home,  refusing to leave.

    Can you tell me what is going on there?

Merritt Clifton
P.O. Box 960
Clinton,  WA  98236

Telephone:  360-579-2505
Fax:  360-579-2575
E-mail:  anmlpepl@...

[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing
original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,
founded in 1992.  Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the
decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal protection organizations.
We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity.  $24/year;
for free sample,  send address.]

From: SMatthes@...
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 18:09:41 -0400
Subject: Re: Wild Animal Orphanage
To: anmlpepl@...
CC: waonicole@...

Merritt:  Good to hear from you, it has been awhile.

I will try to get you up to speed on the Wild Animal Orphanage.

First:  The BOD did not "oust" Ron and Carol.  Our original legal vote was to place them on 90 day administrative leave., 

Unfortunately, this was not acceptable to them and they immediately proceeded  to the WAO offices and removed computers, records and various other things essential to our conducting an in house investigation.  These items have essentially been returned as a result of legal action. This unacceptable action by Ron & Carol resulted in the BOD holding another meeting at which it was voted to terminate them.

They are not "holed up in their mobile home".  They own a regular house adjacent  to the WAO where, to the best of my knowledge, they are living.

We have published a statement regarding this matter on our website:

I have discussed this with Nicole Garcia (Carol's daughter) who has been appointed as CEO and is aware of this email and stated that she would be glad to talk to you if you wish to pursue this matter

Sumner D. Matthes
Vice President, BOD
ASUS/Wild Animal Orphanage
Tel: 941-924-2505. 
October 9, 2009
From: SMatthes@...
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 00:43:46 -0400
Subject: Concerns
To: karenmaxfield@...; michelleanthonycryer@...
CC: waonicole@...

To All:  I have just read the emails from Karen & Michelle regarding the overall operation procedures and policies for the WAO.  I have just a little concern about these items.

We, as the BOD have the overall governing responsibility of the WAO operation.  We have all worked very hard during this difficult time and I sure don't want to loose any control at this point.

Since we appointed Nicole as CEO, I have told her over and over that "she is the boss of WAO".  We can really only have one CEO and she has the responsibility as placed on her by the BOD.  Job descriptions should be forthcoming from the BOD which must detail the duties and responsibilities of each employee of the WAO.  This should be high on our priority list. 

We, as a BOD, must at all times oversee the WAO operation to assure that we never again allow it to get into a condition that we have found over the past few weeks. 

However, I certainly do not want the BOD to micro-manage the WAO.  The day to day overall operation is the responsibility of the CEO.  If the BOD in their constant overseeing ever finds that the CEO is not performing her duties in the proper manner then we should step in and get it right.

We are in a whole new era at WAO, and we have placed a heavy burden on Nicole.  Let's do all we can to help her until  the current problems are resolved.

I have a lot of faith in Nicole, and she certainly does not need any unnecessary criticisms during this transition period. 

As to the assignment of personnel, it was my understanding that the BOD would suggest which operations would need specific supervision and management. As an example, financial, animal care etc.  Once that was determined the BOD would coordinate with Nicole and make recommendations as to who would assume these individual management duties.  Job descriptions would then be prepared. 

I started my review today and hope to have it completed by this weekend.  I really don't see the big rush on this as it needs lots of thought and input to assure we cover all our bases.

I do trust that we are a true team on this and any other items of concern that come up.

We certainly failed as a BOD, in the past, to oversee the WAO operation.  We now are well aware of our shortcomings and I believe that as a team this will all work itself out. [Emphasis added]

Yes, the entire WAO board of directors failed to protect the animals and assets at the WAO.  Sadly, other than Sumner, not one single board director admitted fault in its ultimate demise.  No responsibility and no accountability.

October 10, 2009

WAO vet wants to kill!!

To: waonicole@...; m.reininger@...; texvet@...
Subject: little horse
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 17:13:54 -0400
From: texvet@...

I visited with this little guy Thursday. I found that the breathing difficulty is severe and that is is upper respiratory and not believed to be contagious at all. The condition is a cicatrix of the larnyx and the prognosis is poor.

Essentially, something is causing a blockage. Those something's could be a growth or tumor, an abscess (but not likely), a foreign body (like a piece of baling wire from hay or even grass awns that get caught and then form a granuloma.

Treatment would be a permanent tracheostomy. This could be done. It would result in a permanent opening in the wind pipe below the larynyx high on the throat part of the neck. There can be some complications from this procedure especially the first 6 weeks of healing. It will require some nursing care.

Long term it works pretty good if no cancer is involved with the cicatrix. Ideally you'd like to have the horse scoped with an endoscope. That would be expensive.

The procedure is likely to be about 800-1200 dollars, a bit more than I originally anticipated.

Previous to this, you already know that this pony suffers from founder and you properly employ a farrior to trim the feet frequently to keep him reasonably sound.

That and with this current situation that has developed, it might be relevant to consider euthanasia for this little guy as both conditions are chronic.

Loretta A. Ehrlund, DVM
Heritage Veterinary Medical Center
9793 Culebra Ste 109
San Antonio, TX 78251

Life is not about avoiding the storms. Life is learning to dance in the rain. 

From: waonicole@...
To: texvet@...; m.reininger@...; michellecryer@...
Subject: RE: little horse
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 18:33:25 -0500

Thank you for this information. I would like to know if the estimate you gave is an overall cost for the whole procedure. I am going to contact someone on monday to see if they will be able to fund this cost. Elmer is very important to us so can you please let me know what the care schedule for this procedure would intail so we can discuss this with all the caretakers and board members?

Thank you again for your help.

Nicole Garcia

The Wild Animal Orphanage
P.O Box 690422
San Antonio, TX 78269
PH: 210-688-9038
FAX: 210-688-9514
Thank goodness Nicole decided to save Elmer rather than kill him as Dr. Ehrlund recommended!  Under the new vet's care, Elmer's health improved.

Nicole asked if I could help her define the roles of the WAO operations, financial, and CEO positions.  I worked on these job descriptions months ago, in the hopes that someday they would come in handy.  Glad I did!

From: kbrunner@...
To: waonicole@...
Subject: Job Descriptions and Organizational Chart
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 20:12:35 -0500
Greetings Nicole:

Attached are the new proposed organizational chart and the director of finance job description. 

Needless to say, by having a director of finance and a facilities operations supervisor, frees you up to concentrate on the animals and special projects. 

I'll work on your job description (CEO) next -- it will include special projects, animal health and welfare issues, supervising staff, etc. 

I have a friend with the Alamo WorkSource that can help find a finance director at no cost to the WAO.  I can also find out how much it would cost to post with the and the SA Express-News, so your posting can receive widest distribution.  Just let me know if and when you are ready to recruit for this position.

At least you can show or send this material to the OAG letting them know you are interested in obtaining the best qualified staff to help organization and run the WAO.

This material is for your use -- no need to say where you got the material (keeps the meowing down to a minimum from certain parties).  Your thoughts?


From:  n Garcia
To:  kbrunner@
Sent:  Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:32 PM
Subject:  RE:  Job Descriptions and Organizational Chart
I think that you are helping more than you should. It makes me feel lazy? Just kidding, thank you so much and don’t worry I make sure you get credit for a lot of what you give me.

Love you

Nicole Garcia

The Wild Animal Orphanage
P.O Box 690422
San Antonio, TX 78269
PH: 210-688-9038
FAX: 210-688-9514

From: kbrunner@...
To: waonicole@
Subject: Re: Job Descriptions and Organizational Chart
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 15:01:52 -0500

Lazy -- no way -- you have enough on your plate, that if I can relieve you of some HR admin stuff, then it's my pleasure -- don't worry about giving me credit for this -- I don't want to see you fail, and so this is my gift to you.  Needless to say, the jd's may need some tweaking, but at least it gives you an idea of what the WAO was sorely missing!

I hope you have a wonderful week and remember, priority #1 is to secure funding -- you have the charm and talent to see this through, so good luck and I look forward to hearing some really good news soon!


October 11, 2009

To: smatthes@ 
Subject: FW: Your Sprint Web Transcript
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 17:06:15 -0500

Just a side note. They still have our Sprint data cards and a laptop computer. I will be filing a police report again for all of the items not yet returned. I was waiting on the serial numbers for all of our laptops before doing so but I will do this on Monday. 

I have verified that our data card is still being used which is theft again. I will send a detailed list of items that still have not been returned and look for the receipts to these items as well. These unemployment claims were filed online and in the future I am sure the IP address will follow to our laptop or data card to prove unauthorized use once again. 

The transcript below shows that these cards that were not returned are company property and still being used.

Nicole Garcia
October 12, 2009

Nicole is off and running and working late into the night! 

From: n garcia
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 9:19 PM
To: A’Brunzo, Gail; Robinson, Ian
Cc: Sumner Matthes
Subject: Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Ms. A'Brunzo,

I know that IFAW has worked closely with The Wild Animal Orphanage over the years and I would like to speak with you personally about the things that have taken place. We are in a (very positive) transitional period with all of our focus on the animals. There are a lot of things that need to be taken care of immediately to better the lives of these animals; therefore, I am requesting that IFAW consider awarding our sanctuary an emergency grant to help us make it through this transition.

Thank you for your kind consideration regarding this most important matter.

Nicole Garcia
Chief Executive Officer

Subject: RE: Wild Animal Orphanage
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 16:45:11 -0400
To: waonicole@
Hi Nicole,

I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We have multiple disaster responses going on. I have both your numbers and will give you a call tomorrow.


Gail A'Brunzo
International Fund for Animal Welfare
290 Summer Street, Yarmouth Port MA 02675
Ph: 508.744.2197
Mobile: 774-487-0617 
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: waonicole@
To: smatthes@
Subject: FW: Wild Animal Orphanage
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 15:59:38 -0500

Just so you know. This is what I received.
Nicole Garcia

From: Kristina Brunner
Subject: Re: IFAW Emergency Relief Grant
To: "Nicole Asvestas"
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 7:43 PM
Thanks for this wonderful uplifting email, Nicole.  I am so happy that you are spending time outside the office and with the animals--I believe it's important to connect with the animals on a daily basis so you never forget who you truly work for --

And thank you, thank you, thank you, for helping Savo - I truly believe she has a chance now!

Keep up the wonderful enrichment programs, Nicole -- you and the staff are doing some wonderful work out there!!

Hugs (and tears),

From: waonicole@
To: kimber.meyer@...; waoheathernoe@...; waonicole@...
Subject: List of things
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 23:23:30 -0500

Okay so first I want to say that you are both doing a wonderful job. I think that it would be impossible to accomplish all that I need to get done in a day without you all there.

First, If Will is in the office before I am: Please let him know that we need to cut a check for Kizmet at minimum wage for her hours worked. I think its 7.25 per hour. She will be in after 10am to pick this up. I would like her to sign a paper that states that she has received this or just have her sign the portion of the check stub (very bottom) that we keep for her file.

----  We need to contact some surrounding Taxidermy/Cold storage places that take care of deer. Ask them if we can possibly get the stuff that they take out of the deer to feed to our animals. We might not have a lot of luck with this but we can try anyway, do not call the one that is in Helotes next to Lesters.

----  I would like the caretakers to give us an inventory of the items and food that we have for Leslie Rd.

----  Please also ask them for a list of things that they would like to discuss at the staff meeting.

----  Please also contact ADT Alarm company and change the contact information for emergency calls (alarm goes off) to my cell phone personal 317-2626 and orphanage 255-0552 and notify them that Ron and Carol and Melissa Asvestas no longer work for WAO. Ask them if there is a safe code just in case we accidently set the alarm off - MASTERCODE is 1952.
The file for them is in our paid by check cabinet.

---- Contact Versa Cold and ask for Christy - I talked to her last week she stated that they might have some chicken stuff to donate soon. Please follow up with her and her number is 633-5000.

---- Please get some email addresses and contact information for 4 electrician companies

---- Heather: we need to please make some tshirts for staff: just a white shirt with WAO staff on the front, nothing special- you can put names on it if you want to.

---- Bexar County Building permits: call 335-6700 and ask if they have any records on file for building permits requested for the address of 9626 Leslie Rd San Antonio TX 78254 or Wild Animal Orphanage/SA Wildlife Emergence Centre - spelling correct. If so, how do we get copies of this. WE NEED THIS FOR TCEQ ASAP.

---- Please contact Cargill Meat and ask them what we normally order from them and what products do they offer meat wise for exotic animals.

---- Can someone also follow up with Ben E Kieth, I still have not been contacted by a representative regarding produce, please ask them to call me on 255-0552.

---- Please follow up with Banana Distributing and ask for Jim or Jeff? I emailed him a copy of our produce feed schedule and he was supposed to get back to me with pricing.

---- Please ask Henry and Jamie to write statements:
       What took place with Mike Escamilla - If they dont remember he was in on October 1 at 8:00am and never showed at Talley Rd. I need the same from Mike D and Mary/Michelle Reininger (Ask the girls on Wed. they are out of town).

---- Heather, I need a statement from you about Mike Escamilla and the phone calls you received regarding him on the 1st and the one about Melissa and Ron Asvestas. by Thursday morning please.

---- We also need to call feedstores, other than Lockhille Feed and ask them if we order 2 pallets of Monkey Chow at a time, what kind of price break will they give us if its every 3 weeks.

---- Please ask Henry if he knows anything more about the welding machine that mike E has in his suburban.

---- At some point:


Alphabetize Paid by Check files (IMPORTANT)
File everything that is sitting on top of the filing cabinets in my office
We need trays for the following: Receipts/Checks to be posted/to be filed
We need to get the office organized

---- Please call Marlin and ask him to bring our computer back. (Heather - this is all you)
---- Please contact Sean at the box 320-1200 and ask him how we get access to our remote back up info and let him know we will have a check signed for him at 1:00pm.
---- Please send someone to the post office at or after 10:00am.
---- Dumpster places: Please get me emails for someone in charge of Rolloff Dumpster use and I also need information of someone in charge of their construction landfill services (3)
---- Metal/Steel recycling places: need a list of places that I can email or call. (4)
---- People who mulch stuff or nursery places where I can take brush and dispose of it (3)

I know this seems like alot and its an unorganized list but not all of it has to be done immediately, but please try to do what you can between everything else. I am sure that Myrna can probably help out.

We all need to look our best on Wednesday for media, they will be filming as much as they can and they are giving our story at least 1 1/2 minutes.

If anyone has any ideas, we are doing a newsletter on our "new beginning" and we need to create poster boards of communication for our gift shop.

Call me with any questions I will be working but will be in the office at 9:30am.

I am going to need someone to designate an hour to me so that they can type up the animal list that I need. I have to have it ready for the Current by 11:00am. I am so tired right now and need to get some rest.

Thank you guys,

Nicole Garcia

From: SMatthes@...
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:17:48 -0400
Subject: BOD Responsibilities and Required Action Items
To: waonicole@...; karenmaxfield@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; W.westcpa@...

To All: I think we are definitely on the right track with our Policy Files and our Job Descriptions.

In reviewing the Policy Files I have noted, and will suggest, some recommended changes but nothing that must be acted on immediately.

I also have reviewed the "Chain of Command" organizational  chart and I do have some specific comments regarding it.

1.  I am in favor of an Administrative Assistant working directly for the CEO. This will take a good bit of administrative  duties off the CEO. After looking at the current job description for the Administrative Assistant I believe we need to review the job description and make changes where necessary to coincide with the suggestions I have outlined below.

2.  I'm not at all sure that we need a "Sanctuary Manager".  As we all know it is not a good management practice to have too many bosses in the "Chain of Command".  It would seem that the CEO, along with an Administrative Assistant, could assume most of the duties now included in the Sanctuary Managers job description.  Some of the other duties could be picked up by other sections and staff.

3.  I definitely believe that we must hire a CFO and, if necessary a Financial staff assistant. We must maintain correct and appropriate financial records.  I believe that Will West should be employed as our CPA with specific duties in support of the CFO, to include, but not be limited to a monthly review of financial procedures and a monthly report to the BOD to include Profit and Loss Statements for the month and for the year to date.  Also a budget must be initiated and maintained with information to the BOD for possible budget restraints or expansion.

4. We may want to consider an Animal Care Coordinator  be assigned from the current staff.  This would be strictly an information  coordinating  position whereby all employees can express suggestions for all matters relating to the care and welfare for the animals. 

5.  Finally but most important is the area of fund raising.  We need to establish a Fund Raising manager who could work directly with the CFO.  The job description would encompass only the task of fund raising to assure that sufficient funds are available to operate the sanctuary.

In the near future we must review the salaries of all staff.  This ties in directly with our budget and fund availability. With the recent transition additional funds should be available for use in this review.

Also, although we have just hired a new attorney, I trust that all of us are fully aware of how expensive this can become if allowed to get out of hand.  We must all take special care to only become involved with legal issues as a last resort.

I'm sure we all will have other ideas regarding the transition.  We should bundle all of them up and then have a BOD meeting to review and approve those which we feel are appropriate.

Also, it is imperative that we obtain a least 2 new BOD members.  They should be from the San Antonio area.


October 12, 2009

Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 09:46:13 -0700
From: kbrunner@
Subject: KSAT-12 Update
To: waonicole@

Greetings Nicole:
I spoke to Shari regarding the questions to be asked during the interview.  She understands there would be certain questions you cannot answer due to liability.  She will work with you on this.

It appears the main focus will be on the WAO's "New Beginning."  This will be a positive story.
Good news is KSAT has the lion-share of news viewers and KSAT will also put on their website your request for winterizing materials!  So if you want to add anything (towels, cleaning supplies, etc), than now is the time to add.

Also, you may want to go through the website and remove any in factual information as tv viewers will be directed to the WAO's web site.

Don't worry about the other news stations - they will still show so they are not left behind in big news.  WOAI still wants the exclusive when the OAG and USDA reports come out.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance -



From: n garcia <waonicole@
Subject: RE: KSAT-12 Update
To: kbrunner@
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009, 12:28 PM

are they going to talk to caretakers to? just so I can have them here

Nicole Garcia

Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:13:27 -0700
From: kbrunner@
Subject: RE: KSAT-12 Update
To: waonicole@

Up to you - I believe the story will focus on you and the changes you are making, but the camera man may want to take shots of the monkeys or big cats being fed!  May want to have the staff wear WAO tee-shirts (weather is supposed to get up to the mid 80's on Wednesday) as part of your advertising strategy.  I see nothing wrong with having the staff on hand to at least watch as the day of the Orphanage takes a "new direction!"  History in the making...



From: n garcia <waonicole@
Subject: RE: KSAT-12 Update
To: kbrunner@
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009, 2:08 PM

Thank you - is there any way to get a list of questions that will be asked so I can prepare myself.

Nicole Garcia

Subject:RE: KSAT-12 Update
From:Kristina Brunner 
Date:Monday, October 12, 2009 2:36 PM

Sorry - media rarely gives out questions in advance - you get to wing it!  

Don't worry -- she'll be asking basic questions like;
What prompted the change in management? What is your background at the WAO? What changes do you plan to make (animal care, web site, policy & procedures, etc) What is the current health condition of the animals? What is the WAO's financial status? Are the investigations (OAG and USDA) still on-going?  Status? What do you need to get through the winter? Are you still open for tours?
Just general questions.  You are well-prepared and you will do just fine. 
It's okay to be nervous - just remember to put on your game face when the camera is rolling.  This is your opportunity to sell the new WAO and obtain the necessary funds for the animals (so no pressure)....

October 13, 2009
From: waonicole@...
CC: smatthes@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; karenmaxfield@...; rsonsino@; bbenson@
Subject: TCEQ - Wild Animal Orphanage
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:04:52 -0500

Dear Mr. Chris Dziuk,

We met with a Septic Engineering company this morning and they are currently at our Talley Rd facility. Our long term goal is to attempt to put all on animals on some sort of vegetation with out the worry of concrete (I have to check on requirements for this though). The gentleman from Van Delden Wastewater Systems did verify that there is a proper tank on Leslie Rd and we are going to test everything thoroughly as soon as possible. He did not find any overflow or issues that should be of concern. We are still going to do a complete test on all pipes leading to this tank.

Since he is currently at our Talley Location and will contact me with his suggestions and plans in the morning by email and I will follow up with everyone in the morning.

I am still waiting to hear from the sanctuary managers that I contacted in the area, to return my call. I have left a message for Building Permits in Bexar County twice today but I will make a visit personally tomorrow if I have to.

Thank you,

Nicole Garcia
Chief Executive Officer
The Wild Animal Orphanage

From: karenmaxfield@...
To: waonicole@...
Subject: RE: TCEQ - Wild Animal Orphanage
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:06:47 -0500

You are right on it girl! Good job.

October 16, 2009
To: waonicole@...
Subject: method of animal disposal
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 11:26:13 -0400
From: texvet@...
HVMC has only disposed of one animal for WAO this year. That was the wolf that was found deceased by WAO staff and brought here for necropsy and found to have heartworms (cause of death). That carcass was sent to Bluebonnet Pet Crematory.
WAO has an account w/ Bluebonnet I think. They are able cremate animals of about 200-225lbs at most. They will come to you when you call them.
I do not know what is done w/ your larger animals. The last I heard, is that Bexar Co. required that they be taken to a landfill. I don't have any idea of which one or who to contact. One or two years ago, I heard that some were taken to a larger crematory over Austin way. I have no idea of that facility. 
Carol even thought about getting a crematory and license. That may be a good idea because owners of pet horses have a difficult time dealing w/ deceased loved ones. If WAO did do a crematory, you should put word out that you could also do horses, etc. Of course for a fee for income to your facilty. 
Currently, I recommend large animal owners to Burghein Holley @ 210-264-6293. They will pick up  and have a back hoe machine for digging and property that they will bury large animals on for a fee.  I don't know of any other way anywhere near Bexar Co.
I really don't see why you couldn't bury them yourselves on your own property. Cattle owners do that or just let them lie until the buzzards and nature take course. But Carol was pretty adamant that WAO could not do that so there may be sanctuary regulations involved no doubt. 
The two tigers that were sent to TVMDL to help help w/ diagnosis were of course euthanized at WAO prior to transport and arrived intact at TVMDL. Media accounts saying otherwise are made up lies. You have the report from TVMDL that states that the entire animal in each case was received and examined organ system by organ system including the skin (hide)which is an organ. TVMDL has an onsite crematory that is capable of disposing of large animals as much of the work they do is for horses and cattle. All of the carcasses they receive are eventually (after all testing is completed) disposed of in this manner with no ashes returned.
I am glad we were allowed to do those last two necropsies as they helped to confirm Vitamin A deficiency to be problematic to WAO feeding system. [empahsis added]
Loretta A. Ehrlund, DVM Heritage Veterinary Medical Center 9793 Culebra Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78251 210-509-1707 Texvet@...
Life is not about avoiding the storms. Life is learning to dance in the rain.
Wow!  More proof Dr. Ehrlund never bothered to find out the real reason why the WAO animals were dying until the media spotlight was focused on the WAO--poor diet, go figure!!! 

I guess it was just easier to print up death certificates than treat the WAO's ailments.
From: n garcia
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Fri, October 16, 2009 2:38:50 PM
Subject: Video Editing Help

Hi Kristina
We heard on the news that Extreme Home Makeover is looking for something to do here in the South Texas area. The caretakers here at The Wild Animal Orphanage have put together a video and were wondering if there is anyone could help us with some video editing. It's on a mini dvd and the deadline is tonight at midnight! Your help would be much appreciated.

Nicole Garcia

From: wcfelix2@n...
To: waomyrna@...
CC: waonicole@...
Subject: Video Link
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 23:08:50 -0500

Hey Myrna,

Below is the direct link to the video.  It has been successfully uploaded to the site (VIMEO) but we are just waiting for the host site to make it viewable. Check the link in about 30 minutes and call or text to let me know if you can view it.  I will keep checking it as well.

From: kbrunner@...
To: waonicole@...
Subject: Re: Video Link
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 17:53:50 -0500

Terry did a great job!  Thank you for sharing the video - it was great seeing the animals again!



I received a call this evening asking if I could help edit the Extreme Home Makeover letter.  Since the deadline was midnight, I worked late in the evening, editing the letter originally written by one of the animal caretakers:
From: kbrunner@...
To: waonicole@...
Subject: Re:
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 22:31:32 -0500

here it is!

Dear Extreme Home Makeover,
All of us here work at an orphanage, but not just any orphanage, but one for displaced exotic wild animals. These animals deserve so much more than they have right now, and sadly we do not have the funds or resources to provide beyond their basic needs.
The Wild Animal Orphanage was established approximately 28 years ago and it has steadily grown from just a few animals to over 500 animals housed between two separate properties in San Antonio, Texas.  Unfortunately, recent changes to management revealed financial challenges which the current staff must deal with in order keep the Orphanage operational and open to the public.  
The staff has been working extremely hard in instituting the necessary changes to the animals’ regiment, to include diet changes, enrichment toys for the animals, and of course, the necessary medical care for our special needs animals.  We have been working extremely hard, often chipping in our own money to pay for the enrichment and food items our animal friends did not receive for so many years—but sometimes feels like it’s not enough. 
We are blessed to have the support of our community as were featured recently on KSAT-12 (ABC affiliate).  We are literally “starting over” and we could really use an “Extreme Home Makeover” for our animals.  Our wish is to have an on-site animal clinic to treat our special needs animals. 
Previous management turned our old “clinic” into a storage area allowing it to become a rat-infested, run-down building.  Therefore a new clinic must be built so we can treat our animals on-site.  Bubba, a white tiger with a heart of gold, is one of our special needs animals whom require regular blood tests and special medical treatments.  If he had a clinic on-site, he would not have to travel to his veterinarian--his veterinarian could treat him at home, thereby alleviating the stress and discomfort he feels when he is sedated and moved.  We want to provide the best for our animals, like Bubba, but unfortunately we do not have the resources to accomplish this particular goal.

We love our animals so very much and we want to provide the best for each and every one of them.  Please help us make our special dream come true by helping us build a state-of-the-art medical clinic for our animal friends. 
No doubt you receive thousands of requests for an “Extreme Home Makeover” each year.  We just hope you select our Orphanage as one of your special make-over projects.  It would truly be a blessing for our animal friends and for the San Antonio community.  Please visit our website to learn more about us.  Thank you very much for considering our request!
Kindest Regards,
Nicole Garcia
Chief Executive Officer

Board of Directors
Karen Maxfield
Sumner Matthes
Michelle Cryer

Animal Caretakers
Michelle Reininger
Mary Reininger
Terry Minchew
Mike Dereadt
Jeanna Peters
Stephanie Mantini
Myrna Leal

Staff and Volunteers
Heather Noe
Kelsey Dyer
Kim Meyer
William West
Jamie Cryer

And of course, all of our wonderful animal friends thank you too!
Non-human primates
We gave it our best shot.  Sadly, the WAO was not selected for a 'sanctuary' makeover.

From: Pigford, Joe
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 8:18 AM
To: Brunner, Kristina
Subject: RE: 


Thanks for forwarding the KSAT news clip.  I did not see that, but I am glad that you remembered me with a courtesy copy.  Looks like a blessing that is long overdue and the results of concerned citizens & friends of the WAO like yourself.  The clip indicates that more than humane treatment can be expected for the inhabitants as well as a more open invitation for public assistance and participation.  That's good.

I know that a lot of these positive changes are because you stepped forward to "right the wrongs" at the WAO, and kudos to you in this regard.  Thanks so much again and be blessed.  I will share this with my wife who prayed for better treatment of the animals.


October 17, 2009
From: SMatthes@
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 13:24:37 -0400
Subject: Quick Questions
To: waonicole@

Nicole:  Need a little help on these so I can get up to date on the lawsuit:

1.  Did we ever find the 600 page report that Carol got from then AG?

2.  Do we have an official letter of resignation from Carol or Ron?  (I believe I saw one from Carol. I've just got so much stuff on this that I can't seem to locate it.)

3.  Please update me on the loss of the Ketamine.  Has it ever been found?  Has drug enforcement been involved? 

4.  Do we have an accurate list of items and documents that Carol and Ron removed form the office and have not returned?

5.  I can't seem to find Tammy Bruch Click listed as an attorney in Texas.  She's the one that is handling the lawsuit.  Can you find out anything about her?

Did we ever get a copy of the Leslie Rd. land Plat so that we can determine what land was deeded over to the WAO?

How far back do your payroll records go? I may have to have Will or someone go over prior year payroll checks to determine exactly how much Ron and Carol have been paid.



Sadly, it appears Sumner is the only one still interested in the 600-page report from the Texas OAG.  It also appears not one single board director, other than Sumner, is interested in obtaining an update to the lawsuit.  Sumner and the rest of the board should have been asking questions years ago.  They did not and so now they are late too late in joining the “party.”

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