The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

March - May 2010 Notes

Warning:  The following posts contains graphic pictures and disturbing animal deaths reports. 

March 1, 2010

Subject: Talley Updates
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 06:53:38 -0600

Dr. Finkelstein,

I wanted to update you on the animals at Talley that are currently receiving medications:

  • SABU (Lion): Wound at the base of the tail appears smaller, though I think he hit it on something, yesterday, because it looked a bit bloody.  He has been on amoxicillin (6-500mg capsules b.i.d.) since February 11th.  Would you like us to continue, or stop the meds?  I have attached a picture so that you can see the wound.  Photo taken on Sunday, February 28th.

  • MINDY (Leopard): Tumor in abdomen. Taking 2 tramadol b.i.d.  Seems to be permanently in estrus.  Doing all right for now.

  • ROYAL (Tiger): Trouble with hips.  Has lost weight, since early February.  Hair loss along the back of his neck and between shoulder blades.  Giving him 5-50mg tramadol b.i.d., 5-100mg doxycycline b.i.d., 2 dasequin s.i.d, and 3 Omega 3 tablets s.i.d.  Good appetite, takes meds easily.  Has been taking all four meds since Tuesday, February 23rd.  We discussed Gabapentin, but I have not started him on it, awaiting your instructions.  In my opinion, Royal has not improved in any way, as far as his walking is concerned.

  • BONNIE (Baboon): Her left eye is still pink.  She takes her meds easily and has been taking amoxicillin (2-500mg capsules in the AM; 1-500mg capsule in the PM) very easily.  Will decrease the morning dose to 1-500mg capsule, per your instructions, last night. She has been on meds since Thursday, February 25th.  Her eye has opened approximately 1/8-inch.

  • JUDY (Baboon): The growth on the 4th toe of her right foot is still present and still just as large.  She takes her meds easily and has been on amoxicillin since Monday, February 22nd.  Dose: 2-500mg capsules in the AM; 1-500mg capsule in the PM.

  • STU (Chimpanzee): Stu has not been coughing and does not appear to be congested.  I will try to monitor him more closely, today, to be sure.  He has been taking all of his meds, easily.  Dose: 2-500mg capsules of amoxicillin b.i.d.  I will continue to give him meds, until March 3rd (total 10 days), unless you direct me otherwise.

Thank you!
From: waomichelle@...
To: avianexoticdvm@satx.rr.comCC: waokimberly@...; waonicole@...; waomary@...

Subject: Talley: Stumptail and Rhesus macaque issue
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 07:03:49 -0600

Dr. Finkelstein,

This week, we have noticed an issue with two of our primate groups--one group of 10 stumptail macaques and one group of 7 rhesus macaques.  These groups live side by side in an enclosure attached to the building that also houses the baboons.

These two groups have had issues of hair loss in the past, but it was generally consigned to the lower-ranking members of the troops.  Now, we have noticed that everyone appears to be affected and we have also noticed a lot of scratching with all of the macaques in these two troops. 

The stumptail group is the one that housed Stretch, the macaque who recently died.  I will try to take some pictures, this afternoon.

Thank you,
From: waomichelle@...
CC: waokimberly@...; waonicole@...; waomary@..
Subject: Talley Updates
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 06:53:38 -0600

Dr. Finkelstein,

I wanted to update you on the animals at Talley that are currently receiving medications: 
  • SABU (Lion): Wound at the base of the tail appears smaller, though I think he hit it on something, yesterday, because it looked a bit bloody.  He has been on amoxicillin (6-500mg capsules b.i.d.) since February 11th.  Would you like us to continue, or stop the meds?  I have attached a picture so that you can see the wound.  Photo taken on Sunday, February 28th. 
  • MINDY (Leopard): Tumor in abdomen. Taking 2 tramadol b.i.d.  Seems to be permanently in estrus.  Doing all right for now. 
  • ROYAL (Tiger): Trouble with hips.  Has lost weight, since early February.  Hair loss along the back of his neck and between shoulder blades.  Giving him 5-50mg tramadol b.i.d., 5-100mg doxycycline b.i.d., 2 dasequin s.i.d, and 3 Omega 3 tablets s.i.d.  Good appetite, takes meds easily.  Has been taking all four meds since Tuesday, February 23rd.  We discussed Gabapentin, but I have not started him on it, awaiting your instructions.  In my opinion, Royal has not improved in any way, as far as his walking is concerned. 
  • BONNIE (Baboon): Her left eye is still pink.  She takes her meds easily and has been taking amoxicillin (2-500mg capsules in the AM; 1-500mg capsule in the PM) very easily.  Will decrease the morning dose to 1-500mg capsule, per your instructions, last night. She has been on meds since Thursday, February 25th.  Her eye has opened approximately 1/8-inch. 
  • JUDY (Baboon): The growth on the 4th toe of her right foot is still present and still just as large.  She takes her meds easily and has been on amoxicillin since Monday, February 22nd.  Dose: 2-500mg capsules in the AM; 1-500mg capsule in the PM. 

STU (Chimpanzee): Stu has not been coughing and does not appear to be congested.  I will try to monitor him more closely, today, to be sure.  He has been taking all of his meds, easily.  Dose: 2-500mg capsules of amoxicillin b.i.d.  I will continue to give him meds, until March 3rd (total 10 days), unless you direct me otherwise.

Thank you!

From: Mary Reininger
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 7:10 AM
To: Dr. Finkelstein
Cc: Kim; Nicole; Mick [Michelle Reininger]
Subject: RE: Talley Updates
Dr. Finkelstein,

Update on STU Chimpanzee: he is not coughing any longer; however, he does still sound congested.

To: waomary@...
CC: waonicole@...
Subject: RE: Talley Updates
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 13:54:44 -0600
Continue abx for another 2- 3 weeks and we will reassess then- we still need to consider TB testing and chest rads but it seems the antibiotics have helped a lot

From: Jenna Peters []
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 10:47 AM
To: Dr. Finkelstein
Subject: WAO Update

Dr. Finkelstein,
Here is the info about Bubba concerning his nosebleeds. The first time I saw him bleed was about 4-5 months ago when it was starting to get cold, and we were filling his den with hay. We assumed it may have just been allergies because of the hay and dust. This past Friday (2/26), his nose was bleeding fairly freely around feeding time, and the same thing happened the next afternoon (2/21) when he went forward to eat. The moment his nose/facial area touched the meat, his nose began to bleed again primarily out of the right nostril. I was told today that yesterday (Sunday, 2/28), Bubba's nose did not bleed again, or it went unnoticed. I checked into his medications, and he is taking tramadol, Aller G-3, and Dasuquin. We were told to take him off of the Etodolac because it was causing him to vomit.

I also wanted to give you an update on Sierra-- she is doing very well. She is much more energetic and is even eating. We have not had to give her any more Benadryl since her eyes have lost their swollen/puffiness.

However, I wanted to mention Dobbins, a 17 yr old neutered Sumatran male tiger. We had given him Metronidazole a few weeks ago for 7-10 days because he was very thin. He has still not been gaining weight and we are feeding him more than normal to try and "fatten him up". We don't know if it may be old age or something else.

Jenna Peters
WAO Animal Caretaker

From: Dr. Finkelstein
To: jenna.peters@...
Subject: RE: WAO Update
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 13:52:48 -0600
As long as Bubba doesn’t have any more nose bleeds we will watch…we can consider Vitamin K but the drug is very expensive

I am glad Sierra is doing well. 
Dobbins was placed on metronidazole for his diarrhea which has cleared up.  If he is loosing weight we may need to Immob, examine him and do a blood draw…this will probably get scheduled with time.
I believe Bubba's health improved partly from all the attention he received from the volunteer crews.  As to Bubba's nose bleeds, we noticed that when the weather was a little chilly in the mornings, Bubba would have minor nose bleeds, but other than that he seemed to be responding to his medications and all the love we could give him.

At one point, Nicole was worried that Dee Dobbins would have to be put to sleep due to his decling health.  But, like Bubba, Dee Dobbins started to put on weight after receiving his new meds.  When I left on May 1, 2010, Dobbins looked much better!

What all the animals were lacking was lots of love and attention.  The tigers and lions were facinated by all the volunteers working the property on Saturdays as they provided entertainment to the animals.   The animals clearly enjoyed having all the people around them again and would become excited when they saw all the volunteer work crews working hard to improve their enclosures at the Leslie Road property. 

So, when the volunteer group was denied access to the WAO property on May 1, 2010, I knew the animals' mental well-being would suffer.  For several months the 'social' big cats enjoyed our company, and then suddenly, we were gone.  I can't help but feel that they must have felt abandoned once more. 

March 3, 2010
From: waomary@...
To: avianexoticdvm@satx.rr.comCC: waomichelle@...; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...
Subject: Talley: Toury Baboon Injury
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 23:29:55 -0600

Dr. Finkelstein,

Just following up on the injured baboon I told you about on Tuesday. Here are his stats:

Name: TOURY (intact male)
Species: Olive Baboon
Age: ~10 years old
Weight: ~ 70 lbs

He was bitten by another baboon on Tuesday morning. His injury is on his lower right arm and is approximately 2-3 inches long. He was started on Amoxicillin today (2 500mg capsules in the a.m. and 1 500mg capsule in the p.m.) and Tramadol. I don't believe he will need to be stitched up.

The pictures on my cell phone didn't show up very well. I'll try to get some tomorrow.


March 9, 2010
To: waonicole@; avianexoticdvm@satx.rr.comSubject: call me
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 02:33:03 -0500
From: drfpetemergency@....

Hi Nicole,
I have been trying to get in touch with you- e mail and phone- no luck
I will probably be able to come by Tuesday around 12 or I can wait until after lunch and either vasectomize the barbaries or immob Dobbins - Dobbins may be too weak and he may not survive- I don't know if that is true or not until I perform a PE but he doesn't look too good and I am worried about his kidneys.
I need to know what I am doing BEFORE I leave the ER at 8 am- please call me so I know what anesthetic agents to bring with me. 

We have a HUGE parasite problem that we need to discuss - almost all samples submitted were positive- 3 different parasites
in 3 groups of primates

Did WAO open a lab account at the GI lab or the Simian Diagnostic lab? See previous e mail for links if you haven't yet
I can save you a significant amount of money on lab fees if you get these accounts- If not I will send them all through ANTECH and the charge will be double or triple....since the information is important in light of the sick animals I may have to use ANtech instead of waiting and banking the serum.  Maybe I will know more after I get the histopath results from Lucky. Has Kimberly paid the pathologist?

I am going to bring a tech with me as long as one is available - I will pay them and you can reimburse me or you can pay them- let me know which- I am much more efficient with help.  Until we can train Mary and Michelle to watch anes, take a TPR, draw blood place an iv and surgical prep additional help is GREAT.  I accomplished more then on my own- therefore actually saving you money. 

Please call me in the am to disc.
Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
Great.  More bad news...this has got to be so demoralizing for Nicole to learn she inherited some very sick animals from her parents and the WAO Board.  Thank goodness for Dr. Finkelstein.

March 10, 2010

From: Jenna Peters [mailto:jenna.peters@]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11:48 AM
To: Dr. Finkelstein
Subject: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule

Dr. Finkelstein,
Nicole wanted me to ask if you had been able to check out the "Wild Trax" vitamin supplement and if it would be sufficient? Also, we are going to be ordering more Feline Complete Diet (FCD), but would it be all right to mix the chicken and inedible beef with the FCD every week? We would feed them 6 days/week: FCD, Chicken (mixed w/vitamin supplement), inedible beef (mixed w/vitamin supplement) and repeat.
Cinnamon was looking well this morning; she was climbing and seemed like her normal self.
Jenna Peters
WAO Animal Caretaker
To: jenna.peters@...
CC: waonicole@....
Subject: RE: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 20:38:07 -0600
Thanks for the update…
What exactly is inedible beef?
What would be the ratio of the feline complete diet (who makes that) to the chicken to the beef?
Who makes the Wild Trax supplement?
Websites for each?
What about the Mazuri supplement for exotic carnivores?
If we are feeding a feline complete diet- depending on the source it doesn’t need supplementation…
If we want to add extras for behavior and exercise and teeth cleaning I think that is great – but everything in moderation. Is it a cost issue?

From: Nicole Garcia
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 9:14 AM
To:; jenna.peters@
Subject: RE: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule
Jenna - Please answer the ones I have not.
Mazuri Supplement - we will be ordering tomorrow. The first order did not go through due to credit card issues. Unless you say to order something else.
We do not have a full stock of feline complete diet.

Nicole Garcia

Thanks for the update…
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:36:33 -0600
Subject: Re: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Ariana Finkelstein, DVM wrote:
What exactly is inedible beef? inedible beef are the parts of the cow that humans cannot eat because it was too bloody, was cut wrong, etc. We would be adding the vitamin supplement to ONLY the inedible beef and the chicken.

What would be the ratio of the feline complete diet (who makes that) to the chicken to the beef? Triple A meat out of Colorado makes the FCD. Their website is to see all ingredients and ratios of vitamins, proteins, etc. The carnivores would be receiving FCD 2x/week, chicken w/supplement 2x/week, and inedible beef w/supplement 2x/week. This leaves them one fasting day in which I would like to add bones so they have something to "chew and suck on" on their fasting day. These can be donated from local meat markets and triple a also sells them, but I am not sure about the cost.

Who makes the Wild Trax supplement? Wild Trax Supply makes the supplement which is specifically for exotic felines. The ingredients can be found on the home page of their website at

Websites for each? mentioned above

What about the Mazuri supplement for exotic carnivores? Mazuri would be great also. I talked to a representative who led me to a dealer who can buy these products for us with free shipping and the basic price. I can talk to him concerning the price of the vitamin supplement. I would eventually like to get a leaf eater chow for the ringtailed lemurs (which mazuri also provides) and i got the info/prices for that as well.

If we are feeding a feline complete diet- depending on the source it doesn’t need supplementation…We would not add the vitamin supplement to the FCD, only the chicken and the beef. Not only will this save money overall mixing in the chicken and inedible beef along with the FCD, but I believe it would allow the cats to get a variety of diets- chicken, beef, FCD, and bones.

If we want to add extras for behavior and exercise and teeth cleaning I think that is great – but everything in moderation.  Is it a cost issue? The cost may be an issue for teeth; I would have to speak to Nicole about it. If we could even get "treats" to give them 1-2x/week, that would be great. I can do some research on exotic feline dental care.

To: waonicole@
Subject: RE: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 20:59:10 -0600
I spoke to Katy at the Zoo Nutrition center and came up with the following options= the zoo doesn’t use ANY supplements- they just feed a nutritionally complete diet

Large cats get Nebraska
feline complete 3 days a week
one fast day
one bone day (horse tails)
and two days of ? I lost my scrap paper when I went over to Tally- I will call her and get the info
Bears get
feline complete 3 days a week
one fast day
one fish day- I will get the supplier they are local
and two days of ? I lost my scrap paper when I went over to Tally- I will call her and get the info
and produce also

primates- monkey chow- mazuri or other monkey biscuits
produce including citrus and dark green leafy vegetables
minimal carbs
other enrichment items like browse etc.

let me know if you need more info…

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
From: Nicole Garcia
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule

thank you for this. I will start calling to see what we can do about pricing etc.
Nicole Garcia

To: waonicole@...
Subject: RE: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 21:59:26 -0600
Katie (from the zoo) told me that if it would save you shipping costs – they can ship to the zoo and you can pick up…
Let me know if you want me to further pursue this option

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 05:02:46 +0000
To: waonicole@...
Subject: RE: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule
I will pursue this when I get back
---- Nicole Garcia <waonicole@...> wrote:
this would be great. I should be okay in the finance area next week. Thank you

Nicole Garcia

On Apr 1, 2010, at 11:14 AM, Nicole Garcia <waonicole@...> wrote:
This should show you that we are in fact doing research and communicating with our veterinarian regularly on the animals needs with the money that we have. Our animals are NOT getting top of the line diets but they are not neglected or unhealthy. The animals that have been ill have not been diet related causes.

Thank you -

Nicole Garcia
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 09:28:46 -0700
Subject: Re: WAO Animal Feeding Schedule
To: waonicole@
CC: smatthes@...; w.westcpa@...
This shows nothing our animals have been without - this is unexceptable and I need all requested items faxed to you asap

Michelle Anthony-Cryer
What a b*tchy response!  And what exactly has she done for the WAO animals lately besides b*tch about documents?  Oh yeah, NOTHING.

March 12, 2010
To: waonicole@...; waokimberly@...; waomary@...
Subject: FW: V10-1222 Lucky
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 21:38:24 -0600

Path report- suspect primary cause is parasites…
Small intestine: Hemorrhagic enteritis, lymphoplasmacytic, diffuse, moderate, with complete villi necrosis
Based on this an H2 blocker for all the varvets may be helpful- (famotidine 5 mg ) Pepcid AC ½ tablet by mouth once a day…
This may help with the anemia…
We can also consider using the succralfate…1/4-1/2 tablet dissolved in warm water twice a day for 1-2 weeks for the varvet group…but this may be impossible due to the numbers

I gave Mary Pyrantel and told her to treat all the varvets and repeat it 3 weeks later
The Ronidazole is for the entomeba….
I have samples of metronidazole if you want to start prior to getting the ronidazole in
Let me know
I leave the country Monday am

From: Texas Veterinary Pathology []
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:55 PM
To: Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
Subject: V10-1222 Lucky

I had no idea Lucky died from PARASITES.  This is just too much for me.  My goodness, how many other animals died from parasites at the WAO? 
From: waomary@..
To:; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...; waomichelle@...
Subject: Talley Rd: Animals Checked on March 11th
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 07:25:25 -0600

Dr. Finkelstein,

Here is the list of animals that you looked at yesterday afternoon (March 11th) at Talley:

     Species: Tiger (intact female)
     Age: ~13 years old (could be older)
     Weight: ~250-275 lbs
     Problem: Lost a lot of weight, lame on left hind leg, not eating, dehydrated.
     * Darted her with: 11mLs Pen-G + 2mLs Cyanocobalamin + 3mLs Famotidine
     * If not eating/drinking today, I will dart her with 11mLs Pen-G again + 3mLs Famotidine
     * If eating: will start her on 3-5 500mg capsules of Amoxicillin b.i.d. + 2 150mg tablets of Ranitidine b.i.d. + 2 crushed/dissolved caplets of Sucrulfate b.i.d.
     * Deworm with recommended dose of dewormer (I know it's on the bottle, just can't remember it right now)

     Species: Black Leopard (intact female)
     Age: 17 years old (DOB 03/15/93)
     Weight: ~100 lbs
     Problem: Large mammary mass in her abdomen
     * Continue on current meds: 2 Tramadol b.i.d. + 1 omega-3 s.i.d. and 1 famotidine Mon and Thurs am and 1 Endodolac Mon and Thurs pm
     * You had said you thought you would be able to remove the mass out at Talley using local block instead of taking her to a clinic.

3) SABU:
     Species: African lion (neutered male)
     Age: ~20 years old
     Weight: ~450 lbs
     Problem: Checking on bite wound which occurred last month. Has finished antibiotic course
     * Done with meds, wound is healing well

     Species: Tiger (neutered male)
     Age: ~20 years old (could be older)
     Weight: ~300 lbs
     Problem: Ongoing issues with his hips and his eyes
     * Continue on current meds: 5 Tramadol b.i.d. + 1 Gabapentin b.i.d. + 3 omega-3 s.i.d. + 2 Dasuquin s.i.d.
     * Seemed to be comfortable
     * Checked out his eyes because of wide pupils and ongoing cloudiness (have been this way for ~5 years). You said that you could now see the beginnings of cataracts in both eyes.
     * Also recommended: 2mLs Cyanocobalamin today (March 12th) and 30mLs dewormer

     Species: Olive baboon (intact male)
     Age: ~10 years old
     Weight: ~60 lbs
     Problem: Bite on lower right arm. Still somewhat swollen yesterday.
     * Recommended keeping on 1 500mg Amoxicillin capsule b.i.d. + 2 baby aspirin b.i.d. for another week

6) JUDY:
     Species: Olive baboon (intact female)
     Age: ~24 years old
     Weight: 30 lbs
     Problem: Growth on fourth toe of right foot.
     * Judy had been on antibiotic in case this was an infection, but no change in size of mass. Recommended removal.

7) STU:
     Species: Chimpanzee (vasectomized male)
     Age: ~60 years old
     Weight: ~120 lbs
     Problem: Cough and congested chest
     * Sounding better. Continue on current meds (2 500mg Amoxicillin capsules b.i.d.) for a total of 4 weeks. If still sounds congested continue for an additional 2 weeks. Then re-evaluate.


From: waomary@...
To: waonicole@...; waokimberly@...; jenna.peters@...; waomichelle@...
Subject: Dobbins and Jethro
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:16:38 -0600
Good morning all,

I just spoke with Dr. Finkelstein and she has gotten the lab results back for both Dobbins and Jethro. Please print this out so the care staff can know what the new meds are.

     * Anemic
     * Meds he needs to be on:
     * Amoxicillin Suspension: 2.5mLs b.i.d. for 7 days
     * Tylenol Meltaways: 1 meltaway b.i.d. for the next 2-3 days
     * Kid's Multivitamin PLUS IRON: 1 pill s.i.d.

     * Thyroid levels are fine, elevated white count, hookworms. We will start the following meds and then contact Dr. Finkelstein when he finished the Amoxi.
 March 14, 2010 
From: waomary@...
To:; waomichelle@...; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...
Subject: Talley Rd: Macaque Hand Injury (Todd)
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 07:44:29 -0500

Dr. Finkelstein,

As per our conversation on Friday, this is a followup e-mail concerning the macaque that was injured two days ago.

Her hand was bitten in the palm either late Thursday or early Friday morning. It was swollen up Friday mid-morning and she was doing her best to avoid using it. Friday afternoon we started her on Amoxicillin suspension (2mL b.i.d.) and Baby Aspirin (1 80mg tab b.i.d.). She is taking both well, and is already using the hand to walk again. We will keep her on the amoxi for 7 days. The hand does not look infected and has scabbed over well.

These are her stats. And yes, she does have a male's name, but she is a female.

Name: TODD (intact female)
Species: Pig-tail Macaque
Age: 25 years old (possibly older)
Weight: ~20 lbs


March 15, 2010

Nicole, feeling pressured to join the animal sancutary community, looked into the WAO joining Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries: 
To: waonicole@...
Subject: RE:
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 21:21:52 -0700

Thank you for your great patience! I’m just a bit swamped, as I imagine you are too!

I just finished the operations portion , reformatted.

Don’t faint when you see how long this is! You don’t ever have to print it out. Just type in your answers in the word document, and email it back.

While it looks overwhelming, there are only 58 checkmarks you have to supply. On some of the questions, comments are required. On others, you only need comment if you differ from the guidelines, and remember, no one has to be perfect. Or you may be doing something better! Tell us about it, for sure!  If you do 10 questions a week, it will be done in 6 weeks!

There are a number of attachments required. Those can be emailed to me or faxed. I prefer one or the other. If you can only send them hard copy, please send to my AZ office at PO Box 501 , Payson, AZ 85547.

Believe it or not, I’ve had groups complete the questions in one day, and then take another day to compile the attachments.

If you find you are missing things, I can send samples. If you are missing way too much, give me a call to discuss it. We have the verified status for those providing excellent humane care, but who may not have all the insurance, financial reports, lease or ownership papers in place yet.

After this form, there are specific forms for the felids, the wolves, the monkeys. Each is about 25 questions, but no attachments. Then the site visit!

Phew….I know this is a lot, but then the verification or accreditation is really something to be proud of!


From: Nicole Garcia
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 11:40 AM


I wanted to make sure that you received our application and wonder what the process is and what we will look forward to.

Thank you so much for your time and I hope your week is wonderful.
Nicole Garcia
The Wild Animal Orphanage
Ekgads...58 checkmarks?  Attachments?  Oh my goodness.  The application is over 70 pages long!  I personally believe the WAO has more important things to worry about than joining a sanctuary group at this time.  Sadly, IFAW told Nicole that if she did not acquire "membership" with GFAS, then there would be no more IFAW funding for the WAO animals.  To me, that sounded like blackmail.  It breaks my heart to learn IFAW intends to blackmail the WAO and its animals, unless Nicole capitulates to IfAW's demands--especially during a time when finances are so low and the animals' lives are on the line.  What kind of world do we live in anymore?
March 17, 2010  
From: waomichelle@...
To: waonicole@...; waokimberly@...

Subject: Rabbits
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 21:33:19 -0500


Today, March 17th, Mat and I found that one of the cages containing the rabbits had been attacked
and the rabbits were gone.  The best that I can determine, it was probably wild pigs, as there was a lot of rooting on one side and the cage wall is smashed in.  It looks like they uprooted the entire thing in order to get to the 2 rabbits inside.

I have enclosed a photo so that you can see for yourself.

There are still 3 rabbits in the other area. 

From: waomichelle@...
To: waonicole@...; waokimberly@...
Subject: Rabbit addendum
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 21:40:33 -0500

Sorry, I forgot to add that the door of the cage was opened by me, before I took the picture.  It was closed when Mat and I arrived.  In fact, that whole side is actually bent outward, though it is hard to tell in the photo.

Subject: Special Meeting of the Board of Directors held February 25th, 2010.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 10:42:31 -0500

The purpose of this email is to provide a summary of the actions taken in our recent Special Meeting of the Board of Directors held February 25th, 2010. Let me first apologize for the delay in sending this summary as I have been quite involved in some related legal "housekeeping" issues which have now been cleared to our satisfaction.

First, some explanation is in order:

· WAO is currently operating under Bylaws which were read into the record by Michelle Cryer and approved and adopted February 24, 2007.

· While it is true that WAO is in the process of drafting revised Bylaws which will be reviewed by outside legal counsel prior to adoption by the Board, the existing Bylaws remain in effect.

· The above referenced Bylaws provide, in the next to last paragraph of Article Five: "Officers shall by virtue of their office be members of the Board of Directors".

· WAO has been operating, incorrectly, as though Nicole Garcia was not a member of the Board of Directors.

In summary, the actions taken in our recent Special Meeting of the Board of Directors were as follows:

1. The roll was called and a quorum/majority was present.

2. The Board apologized to Nicole Garcia for her prior exclusion, and cited that the provision requiring her inclusion should have been noted during prior review of the bylaws. The Board reminded however that any prior actions taken or not taken would likely have occurred with her inclusion.

3. The Board agreed that Cynthia Leary-Johnson should be advanced as a potential Board member and vetted accordingly.

4. The Board agreed that it request the resignation of Samuel Sherwood as a member the Board, and failing that, the Board would terminate Mr. Sherwood's position effective immediately. The motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously. Given Mr. Sherwood's unavailability to issue his resignation, his position as a member of the Board was terminated.

The meeting was then adjourned.

A transcript of the meeting will be available to Board members when transcription is complete.

Please call or email with any questions or comments.


Will West

March 22, 2010
To: waomary@...; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...; waomichelle@...
Subject: RE: Talley: Jazmine (tiger)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 21:51:50 -0500
Well- it looks like Mary does a great job at record keeping…
Sorry I wasn’t there- from the information provided- Jazamine appears to have died from cancer- without a complete gross this is hard to say… but based on CS and lack of response and how skinny she was this is my best guess

The Macaque MUNCHEE appears to have died from childbirth/trauma from a wild animal…
(Consideration for electric fencing in the future?)
It seems the record keeping is going well- great job on documentation Mary

I appreciate the fact that you didn’t send this to me while on vacation…I was checking e mail and I would have replied if I received it

Based on the fact I have not received any more information on Jethro and Dobbins- I am assuming both are doing ok? 
Can you confirm this? 
Do you want me to get you in contact with Katie from the SA zoo for more help with diet info and purchasing…. 
Let me know 
Thanks for keeping me in the loop
Ariana Finkelstein, DVM

From: Mary Reininger []
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 7:39 AM
To: Dr. Finkelstein; Nicole; Kim; Mick
Subject: Talley: Jazmine (tiger)

Dr. Finkelstein and Nicole,

I'm attaching the death record for Jazmine, the tiger that had been ill at Talley.

Animal Death Record-JAZMINE

From: waomary@...
To: waonicole@...;; waokimberly@...;
Subject: Talley: Munchee (long-tailed macaque)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 07:35:29 -0500


I have attached the death record for Munchee, the long-tailed macaque at Talley who died last week. She died sometime between the afternoon of March 14th and March 15th.

I'm also sending this to Dr. Finkelstein so she can have a record of her death.

Animal Death Record-MUNCHEE

I included the death reports, not because I'm into gory pictures (made me physically ill to see the pictures) but because the records shows that there were undoubted a lot of deaths of this nature, prior to Nicole and the new vet taking over the animals' health care.   It is highly unlikely that animal deaths, such as "tumors," "falling" or "childbirth" started happening only when Nicole took over.  At least we now have records as to what really happened to the Talley Road animals.  God only knows how many animals died at Talley Road for the last 10 years.

And, there are more injuries to report...

Thank goodness there were no pictures...

From: waomary@...
To:; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...; waomichelle@...
Subject: Talley: Monkey Injuries
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 08:05:21 -0500

Dr. Finkelstein,

Over this past weekend we had four monkeys that received injuries and are now on amoxicillin suspension. Here is their information:

1) Name: ANNIE (intact female)
    Species: Baboon (Guinea/Hamadryas mix)
    Age: 1 year old
    Weight: ~6 lbs

    Issue: On Friday (03/19) noticed she was not using her left arm, no injury seen and no swelling. On Sunday, she was still not using the arm much. We think it's possibly something to do with her left wrist.
    Treatment: Decide to start her on amoxicillin - 1mL b.i.d.

2) Name: CHAPPY (intact male)
    Species: Long-tailed Macaque
    Age: ~13 years old
    Weight: ~20 lbs

    Issue: On Saturday (03/20) afternoon a bite wound was noticed on the left side of his head and his right eye was swollen shut.
    Treatment: Started him on 2mL of amoxicillin b.i.d. Takes well from syringe.

3) Name: SUNDANCE (intact male)
    Species: Long-tailed Macaque
    Age: 6 years old
    Weight: ~20 lbs

    Issue: Not using his arm on  03/20 and then noticed bite wound on his left palm Sunday morning (03/21).
    Treatment: Started him on 2mL of amoxicillin b.i.d.

4) Name: BOBBIE (intact male)
    Species: Long-tailed Macaque
    Age: 15 years old
    Weight: ~20 lbs

    Issue: Noticed in a photo taken Saturday afternoon (03/20) that his right eye had a lot of mucus draining from it.
    Treatment: Started him on amoxicillin 2mL b.i.d. on Sunday.

April 1, 2010

To: waonicole@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; w.westcpa@...
Subject: WAO
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 16:09:02 -0400
From: smatthes@...
To: Nicole and Michelle:  All right ladies: Let's all calm down.  I really don't understand this constant bickering between you two.  Let's try to keep in mind that we should all be working for the same goal which is the proper operation of the WAO. In-fiighting, back and forth, will not help to accomplish this goal.  Everyone needs to understand that this is a business we are trying to run and, as a business, we all must try our best to act as responsible adults. 
We asked NIcole, our CEO, for specific information relating to the proper feeding of our animals and I trust she will be able to provide this information with the assistance of our vet.  If the information is not immediately available then it should be provided to us as soon as possible with consideration of the workload at WAO. 
The care and welfare of the animals  is of special concern to me and I expect a full and complete report as to the current and future status of the animal feeding program.  However, I fully understand that a time frame may be required to obtain the proper information.  
As to the problem of completing past BOD Minutes I simply don't understand the reluctance to have someone putting these minutes into a professional typed set of minutes as we have done in the past.  It would be nice if you could all agree as to when this can be done and who will do it.
I still have high hopes that the WAO problems can be worked out, but this apparent inability to get along with each other has to cease, right now, or we may very well find ourselves in the sad position of not being able to recover from the mess we inherited six months ago. 
Let's all try to get along for the good of WAO.  Please feel free to comment on this email if you feel your comments will help to improve this obvious unsatisfactory situation. 
April 4, 2010

Probably one of the hardest things to do was to advise Nicole that the WAO board of directors should either contact the media to let the world know that the WAO is in danger of closing, placing the animals' live in peril (like Pat Craig did in 2006) or file for Chapter 11, bankruptcy as soon as possible.  We talked about the WAO's current financial challenges at length.  I am convinced that if the Board doesn't do something soon, it will spell the end of the WAO as we know it today.

Nicole was already in contact with ASA to see if this organization could help her place many of the Talley Road bears, big cats and chimpanzees since the WAO was not prepared to give many of these animals the quality of life they so deserve.  Nicole assured me she would contact Sumner and let him know how serious the WAO financial situation was and that something needed to be done soon, else the WAO would be forced to close its doors forever.

Below are emails I sent Nicole to aid her in persuading the WAO board of directors to take immediate action and save the WAO from closure:

From: Kristina Brunner 
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 10:56 PM
To: 'Nicole Garcia'
Subject: FYI

Something to think about - k

Chapter 11 - Reorganization
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:17 PM
To: 'Nicole Garcia'
Subject: Pat Craig



April 7-9, 2010

From: Nicole Garcia
To: Sumner Matthes   William West; Michelle Cryer  Sent: Wed, Apr 7, 2010 11:22 am
Subject: USDA
Dr. Panill visited yesterday to look at the fence progress. While she was here, I requested that she do an inspection of the animals due to some complaints and concerns that were expressed to the Board of Directors. She will be sending a certified letter to us in regard to what she found. She did not find anything to be concerned with in the area of animal neglect or anything that she finds to be lacking. She actually stated that the animals look good and healthy and happy. She has witnessed all of the changes that have taken place, we are going to be looking into getting some liver added to 2 diets for Tsavo and Bubba after we talk to Dr. Finkelstein about it.

Let me know if anyone wants to contact her and confirm. This was not an official inspection.

Nicole Garcia

To: waonicole@..; michelleanthonycryer@...; w.westcpa@...
Subject: Re: USDA
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:43:49 -0400
From: smatthes@...

Nicole:  Is Myrna Leal still employed by WAO? Since it was her email that initiated the questions about proper care and feeding of the animals, and It is becoming apparent that some of her accusations were wrong , I was wondering if she has been fired or if you have discussed her email with her.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Nicole Garcia wrote:
Myrna Leal put in her 2 week resignation and stated that she was moving back to Mexico with her family. 2 days after this, she came into the office with a hostile attitude and stated that since no one could fire her because she resigned she was going to say what was on her mind. When she started yelling in the office, I asked her to step outside and take some time and we were ending the conversation. Later that night, she emailed the board but I have not been forwarded a copy of the email. I would prefer not to see the email. Before I knew about the email, I accepted her resignation active immediatly and asked her to leave. She has since been here at WAO speaking to different employees apparantly to request that they write letters as well. We do have employees that are unhappy with rules and policy changes that are talking about quitting, I have tried to speak to everyone about these issues but it seems that if it is not their way, they are not happy. Mary, Michelle, Mike, Jenny, Chad, Charlie and Matt, Kim and Marsha are all happy.

I dont want to address the issue with Myrna because as far as I have been told, she has left and moved as of yesterday. Since USDA and our Vet state that the animals are well, I dont feel the need.

Let me know if you feel otherwise.

On a good note:

The military will be at Talley tomorrow to help Charlie and Chad complete the fence and work on other items. I contacted Americus Diamond yesterday for an item donation request for raffle and they approved a 3,000.00 diamond pendant that they are donating. We also have a gentleman that owns a construction company that wants to fully sponsor and pay for a fundraiser.

Things are looking up and hope to talk to you all soon.

Nicole Garcia

On Apr 7, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Michelle wrote:
I don't think the question was about employees being unhappy of course we would like happy employees - but the question was the primates with no

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

From: Michelle
To: Michelle
Cc: Nicole Garcia; Sumner Matthes; William West
Sent: Wed, Apr 7, 2010 4:25 pm
Subject: Re: USDA
Sorry hit the send button - ok concern with primates having no produce for 2 weeks food suplements bears on dog food chicken being feed enclosures being finished and the tigers in quartine - I know there will be employee drama at times but this is seperate- animal concerns need to be addressed

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

On Apr 7, 2010, at 3:49 PM, smatthes@... wrote:
Michelle:  As I remember the proper food item was discussed by you and I during a phone call last week.  It was my understanding that you would get together with Nicole and the vet if necessary to determine the exact status of animal food and the need for additional finances to obtain proper food if necessary.  This action was needed to obtain correct information relating to the email received from Myrna Leal.  I do not know if you took that action and if you did what are the results of your investigation?  Based on Nicole's email it would seem that some of the accusations are unfounded.  However, I would like some assurance that the proper food is being fed to the animals and that funds are available to continue to provide proper nutrition as recommended by our veterinarian and the vet from USDA.  At this point I feel that ONLY the Issues with Animal Care, included in the email from Myrna Leal are action items.  All other items relating to he said/she said are of no real concern to me at this time.


From: Michelle  
To: smatthes@... <smatthes@...>
Cc: waonicole@... <waonicole@...>; w.westcpa@... <w.westcpa@...>
Sent: Wed, Apr 7, 2010 5:12 pm
Subject: Re: USDA
I sent a fax to Nicole thurs with these exact items on the list and still have not had one item answered !!!! I am not really concerned with the he said she said but the proper representation of a CEO and not being involved in the drama and coments coming in a respectfull form - I wish I would hear something more from Nicole I work till 7 if you need to get ahold of me

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 16:34:33 -0700
From: michelleanthonycryer@...
Subject: Re: USDA
To: smatthes@...
CC: waonicole@...
I waited for an email all day from Nicole - it never came - these item need to be answered - Nicole we need your response - thank you

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

From: Michelle
 To: smatthes@..
 Cc: waonicole@...>; w.westcpa@....> Sent: Wed, Apr 7, 2010 5:12 pm
 Subject: Re: USDA

I sent a fax to Nicole thurs with these exact items on the list and still have not had one item answered !!!! I am not really concerned with the he said she said but the proper representation of a CEO and not being involved in the drama and coments coming in a respectfull form - I wish I would hear something more from Nicole I work till 7 if you need to get ahold of me

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

On Apr 8, 2010, at 10:35 PM, smatthes@... wrote:
Nicole:  Have you replied to Michelle's email?  If not please do ASAP.


Date: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:38:21 pm
To: smatthes@...
Cc: waonicole@...
From: Michelle <michelleanthonycryer@...>
Subject: Re: USDA
Thank you sumner I still have not heard anything from Nicole

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

From: waonicole@...
To: michelleanthonycryer@...; smatthes@...
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 03:50:34 +0000
Subject: Re: USDA

I faxed the responses back to guilbeau station.
Wow!  Not one person responded to Nicole's good news.  You may recall, Myrna was the employee who popped positive for drugs--the one I recommended to have her employment terminated back in December 2009.   Also, if Cryer was so concerned about the animals, how come she did not come out and visit them thus far this year?  Reads like Cryer is all about drama and very little about real hard work performed at the sanctuary.
From: waonicole@...
To: smatthes@...
Subject: RE: (no subject)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 16:03:03 -0500


I emailed the board regarding employees that were not happy with the change in who I chose to be supervisor over the scheduling of staff and the location that we were going to have everyone working at in different times. Jenna did not want to work at Talley and I made it clear that everyone would be switching schedules. Anytime I make changes whether it be hiring new staff or scheduling or event dates and fundraiser ideas - I would have to run it through Jenna for permission and I am sorry but I am not okay with not being able to make decisions as a CEO with an employee telling me what they are going to do when it is supposed to be equal for all employees. Jenna is a good employee and works hard for the animals but there is a level where she is easily threatened by Mary and Michelle and anyone else who gives their opinion on how things should be done. Jenna is very book smart but if I choose to go with advice from Mary and Michelle on animal care and concerns I should be able to do that because I know they have been here for 15 years and have hands on experience. Changes were made at the Leslie road location with regard to meds, animal care and scheduling with the advice of Mary and Michelle because the way Jenna was handling things was not the best method and we tried her way for 3 months with her advice. There are going to be many changes here over the next year until we all figure out the correct way of doing things, just like with Terry Minchew - if the staff cannot find a way to work together and stick with us as a team, they need to move on. Another issue Jenna brought to my attention was:

She put together a calendar for the WAO and I was very impressed with it. I told her she did a great job, the only thing I needed her to change were the ages of the animals needed to be removed because we did not have factual documentation to show that these ages or stories on the animals are true (since a lot was false from prior management). This is because if someone takes the calendar and claims that this information is not true, we will get into trouble with the OAG just as prior management did. Jenna stated that she is tired of me changing everything but Sumner, I have to protect this sanctuary not make staff happy. Please talk to Mary and Michelle about this if you are truly concerned that we are losing a good employee.

I value everyone here and wish that you would contact Mary and Michelle or any other employee out here at your will and get to the truth of the animal care.

There is enough food and supplement for another month and every time we get low I find a way to make it happen. I have a group that is now going to help us purchase produce when needed and there is enough meat for a month plus more that comes in daily from Walmart and HEB. We started a new program. This does include red meat as well as other variety.

I will be speaking to IFAW next week about our situation as well as 3 large donors and we have mailed a newsletter out as of yesterday and I have been out talking to the public daily. We also have 2 people who want to host an emergency fundraiser and pay for the entire event.

The USPS will mail another batch of newsletters next Wednesday.

I am also meeting with 3 different banks personally about financing next week on Monday Tuesday Wednesday on the loans.

The rest will is going to have to answer and I am mailing the invoices that we talked about yesterday.

Sorry this email is so quick but I have many things to finish before 5pm.

Michelle 210-
683-2937 and if you want any other employees numbers I will have Kim email you a list - let me know.

Nicole Garcia
April 8, 2010
-----Original Message-----
From: Nicole Garcia
To: Sumner Matthes
Sent: Thu, Apr 8, 2010 2:27 pm
Subject: (no subject)


I would like us to consider doing a nationwide appeal, not stating that we are closing but that we are in major need of funds or we might face this reality.

I can do a press release which will also give us media attention and advertisement. Thought I would run this by you first. The above article is not what I want to say exactly but we are facing a crisis in the area of money and fundraising is going to get better but we need more time. The above appeal actually saved this sanctuary. What do you think.

I need your correct mailing address again. Thank you very much - can you please put pressure on the board to contact the female that i sent the resume on for a board position.


Nicole Garcia
To: waonicole@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 16:17:38 -0400
From: smatthes@...
Nicole:  At this time I am against doing this press release.  As I recall they got a whole bunch of bad publicity when they did this.  I still need to see what you have on Will that we discussed yesterday.  Also, need an update on the request for 250K that was supposed to be submitted to Jefferson Bank,  If that fell thru then are you planning to try to get a loan from Bank America which I understand that  we now have an account?

Need the exact financial status of the WAO as of today to help me in making some very serious suggestions and recommendations.  How much is in the bank?  Is money available to properly  feed the animals for at least 30 days?  Do we have enough to make payroll for the next 30 days?

I think we need to hold off on bringing anyone else onto the board until we have sufficient time to determine what our course of action is going to be.  I hope by the middle of next week we will be able to determine what we are going to do about the board's  current or new membership.

I was quite upset about the email I received on the resignation of another employee.  I was quite impressed with her presentation at the BOD meeting and don't quite understand what has happened to loose her.

Have you considered contacting IFAW to see if they might consider helping with this problem by a possible take-over?  Also I understand that Lynn Cuny may have some interest. How about Kristina Brunner?  Since she was totally involved in the downfall of the WAO perhaps she can come up with some ideas as to hoiw we can save it.

This is a very difficult email for me to write but I'll be damned if I'll let the WAO and the animals suffer if I can find anyway to solve this dilemma..


Address:  5649 Old Ranch Road
                Sarasota, FL. 34241 

I am really worried about how serious the board of directors and the workers are in saving the WAO from closure.  It is very clear to me that these board directors and workers have no idea what they are doing and sadly, they are putting the animals' lives at risk.  For once, I don't know how to advise Nicole, as this was a terrible decision on Sumner's part not to go public with the WAO's financial situation.

April 15, 2010

I'm happy the staff is interested in learning more about vitamin and mineral enrichment powders.  I am doubly happy that the Talley Road animals are finally receiving health care!  I am absolutely thrilled the new WAO vet is so proactive in the animals' health care treatment.
From: waomary@
To:; waonicole@; waokimberly@; waomichelle@...
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:39:34 -0500

Dr. Finkelstein and Nicole,

I was searching on the web the other day and found this vitamin supplement for exotic felines. It is called Oasis FT and is manufactured by Apperon It seems reasonably priced (25lbs of supplement for $89.99) and you only use ~1 ounce of the supplement for a 500lb big cat.

Dr. Finkelstein, do you think this would be a good alternative for us to use? It had Vitamin A in it, but I don't remember if this is the type that is absorbed easiest?

Anyway, here's the link to the product info. It has the prices and amounts used on a daily basis on this page.

Thank you,


From: Nicole Garcia
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 2:46 PM
To: waomary@;; Kimberly Meyer; waomichelle@...
Subject: RE:

Thank you very much for this and if Dr. Finkelstein approves this then we will order next.

Nicole Garcia

To: waonicole@; waomary@; waokimberly@; waomichelle@...
Subject: supplements and scheduled
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 17:57:18 -0500

Based on the math it will treat 1 250 lb cat for 800 doses- how many cats are their total? That is 0.10 per cat per day …

How much is it to feed the whole diet- Nebraska or Dallas Crown or some other complete meat diet daily for the same size cat- these are complete diets and DO NOT NEED ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENT.  So if these are feed 5 days a week, with one bone day and one fast day, then ANY additional supplement is not needed.  If we are using days of chicken or beef (we need to analyze cost per cat when this is fed also so that we can look at the entire cost)

Vitamin B complex and C are water soluble

Vitamin A, D, E and K are also fat soluble – these can be overdosed in large quantities and lead to nutrient excess…so again can we visit the entire diet- what we are feeding on each day, when we fast, when it rotates are we feeding whole carcass ever- ie deer or rabbit or swine, etc or fully formulated diet- Nebraska, Dallas crown, Triple AAA etc, how many animals etc.  WE can discuss this further on Monday during lunch if we decide to stop and take one…

ZEN makes HealX – a GREAT supplement – it stimulates the immune system and is totally natural this is also an option

On Monday I think I will be vaccinating the hoof stock (will I be doing the cats at Tally also?)- can we review how many- I do not have a Tally road hoof stock file- just fox, tigers, wolves, primates and bears on the computer- I believe I have a printout …I have filed it and can locate it if I need to but one for the computer would be quite helpful especially for doing charts-

Do we know how many horses/minis/alpacas/llamas etc there are so I can plan accordingly?

Also do we have adequate restraints? Cross ties? Halters, lead lines etc?

Do we need to purchase any of these prior to Monday?

Do I need to bring a tech that can handle large animals or is your staff comfortable with that?


Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
From: waomary@
To:; waonicole@; waokimberly@; waomichelle@...
Subject: RE: supplements and scheduled
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 07:49:35 -0500

Number of meat eaters:
BIG CATS---(weighing 200-600 lbs) --- TOTAL = 71
Lions: 4 (Leslie), 10 (Talley)
Ligers: 1 (Leslie)
Tigers: 24 (Leslie), 32 (Talley)

MEDIUM CATS---(weighing 60-200 lbs) --- TOTAL = 9
Leopards: 2 (Talley)
Cougars: 6(Leslie), 1 (Talley)

SMALL CATS---(weighing less than 50 lbs) --- TOTAL = 5
Bobcats: 3 (Leslie)
Caracal: 1 (Leslie)
Serval: 1 (Leslie)

Wolfdogs: 2 (Leslie), 4 (Talley)
Arctic Fox: 1 (Talley)

Big Cats = 71
Med Cats = 9
Sm Cats = 5
Canids = 7

Hoof stock at Talley are:
1) Miniature donkey - JACK (gelded) - ~12 years old - 300 lbs

2) Donkey - JACE (gelded) - ~10 years old - 350-400 lbs

3) Miniature horse - ELMER (gelded) - ~12 years old - 250 lbs

4) Llama - HAWKEYE (neutered) - 10 years old - 250-300 lbs

5) Alpaca - ALI (neutered) - ~17 years old - 150 lbs

6) Guanaco - MELLY (female) - ~9 years old - 200-250 lbs

7) Llama/guanaco hybrid - PRINCESS PEPE (female) - 5 1/2 years old - 200-250 lbs

8) Llama/guanaco hybrid - BLANCA (female) - 4 1/2 years old - 200-250 lbs

9) Llama/guanaco hybrid - PIERCE (neutered) - 3 1/2 years old - 200-250 lbs

I have one halter that will fit the llama group and several halters that should fit the equines.

I do not have cross ties, but do have one lead rope.

If you would want to bring a tech, that would be fine with me as long as it's okay with Nicole. The only ones who are "difficult" are the llamas when getting them into a halter. If we are able to get them into the pen though, it hopefully won't be too hard.

Domestic/Feral Cats:
If we want to vaccinate any of the domestic/feral cats at Talley, I would like to do the FeLV/FIV testing on them also, but don't know if we have gotten any more of the tests?

April 21, 2010
From: Kimberly Meyer
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 11:20 AM
To: Nicole Garcia; Dr. Ariana Finkelstein
Subject: One of long tailed macaques in Quarantine

Jenny just told me that one of the long tailed macaques in quarantine has a bone sticking out where its tail has rotted off, and at least one of them in quarantine is urinating darkish blood. 


To: waokimberly@...; waonicole@...
Subject: RE: One of long tailed macaques in Quarantine
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:13:50 -0500

We didn’t discuss this this am- do you want me to take care of this on Tuesday?  Have we started him on antibiotics and pain meds?

How much does he/she weigh. Can we separate the one that is urinating blood out or at least figure it out and start on antibiotics?

Can someone get a urine sample? (Move the monkeys out of the area where the sample is, wear gloves, pull urine up in a syringe and transfer it to a red top tube without a serum separator then send to Antech for a urinalysis)
Amoxi dose is 1 cc epr 10 lbs of the 50 mg/ml suspension- let me know age, sex, and name of each animal with a photo if possible…

Let me know their weights- please e mail both addresses so I get the info- I am working again tonight so don’t call until after 3 pm please.

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
April 22, 2010

I love it when Nicole and Dr. Finkelstein collaborate together to discuss great ideas on how to raise money for the WAO animals, especially since the health care bills are mounting:

Proposal by Dr. Finkelstein for a fundraiser for the orphanage to help pay down our vet bills.

Dr. Finkelstein called me this morning about an offer that would help us pay down our vet bill and benefit the orphanage.

The plan would be to have a low cost vaccination clinic with a  free physical exam included here at the orphanage on a Tuesday (since we are closed for tours on that day).

We can offer a package for dogs to include rabies, heartworm test, distemper/parvo (DAPPV) with or without bordatella, and even a fecal test and deworming if it us positive.

We can also offer a cat package with vaccinations to include rabies, FVRCP  +/- feline leukemia vax,  feline leukemia /FIV / HW testing,, fecal and deworming if positive.

We will need to call IDEXX to see what  costs would be to get the snap heartworm tests for dogs and the FELV/FIV/HWT for cats so we would know what we need to charge. We can get these cheaper that Dr. Finkelstein can.

We could advertise on the website and do flyers or something about it and stating that they can reserve a spot for their pet through paypal with a 5.00 fee as an RSVP so we know how many to expect and get an idea of the turnout. They are welcome to bring extra pets with the understanding that we could run out of vaccine and the test kits, etc. if a spot is not reserved. I can also advertise through AAPAW .  This would be for rescue groups only- no privately owned animals (your staff and my staff can be an exception)

She talked about having one or two of her technicians here to read fecal exams and draw blood for heartworm tests and said that one test an hour would pay for their time. We would also need some of our staff to assist the technicians and Dr. Finkelstein with holding animals.

We could use the 5.00 reservation fee to purchase the heartworm and FELV/FIV tests. Then at the end of the day we can pay for Dr. Finkelstein for her time, the fee for all the rabies and other vaccines, the technicians, the supplies and use all proceeds to cover our vet bills with Dr. Finkelstein.

We would need to do a letter stating that we commit to this proposal and set a date and time, and we would need to start advertising to get RSVP’s.

This would be for rescue groups and (NO individuals this may get the local vets in an uproar- rescue groups only- don’t worry I will be able to find them…) If it is a success, we could do it quarterly or something if we wanted to.
April 25-26, 2010
From: SMatthes@...
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:16:02 -0400
Subject: AG Meeting
To: michelleanthonycryer@...; waonicole@...

Michelle and Nicole:  I'm sure we'll have additional thoughts on this and we all need to work to get it resolved if we possibly can.
Thoughts on AG Meeting held April 22,2010.
1.  We are obviously broke.
2. We must obtain money from some source. I find it hard to believe that a bank would loan us any money based on the conversation as to value of the land we would use as collateral.  How would we pay it back?
3.  We need to see the list of vendors to which we owe money and how much each is owed. Is information sent to AG by R&C now current or have we paid off some of these vendors? 
4.  A schedule (budget) must be established to determine the EXACT financial status of WAO.  This schedule must  be prioritized as to pay off.
A.  Payroll
B.  Animal Food
C.  Animal Care
D.  Vet Care
E.  All other operating costs.
F.  All other accounts payable.
5.  Even with this being done I still have some very serious doubts that sujfficient funds can be raised to continue the operation of WAO.
6.  If the WAO can not continue to operate due to lack of funds the problem of  disposition of the animals will be a real problem. 
Possible solution:  Determine the amount of funding that we will need to get us through 2010.  Attempt to obtain such funds from any and all sources.  Insure that any and all funds received are utilized  for the purposes as outlined in the schedule above. 
We also must get additional members on the BOD.  This will also be a very difficult task as their qualifications must be vetted.  We don't need anyone on the board that has not been made aware of the problems.  Anyone selected must have the good of the WAO as their first priority. 
I hope with the support of the AG our lawyer and someone who can handle the financial accounting we can turn this thing around.  I'll sure do all I can to see that WAO survives. 

From: Mary Reininger
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 10:17 PM
To: Dr. Finkelstein; Nicole; Kim
Cc: Mick
Subject: Talley: Huggie B (Bear) Hip/Leg Issue

Dr. Finkelstein,

One of our Black Bears in having a problem with his right hind leg. It seems to possibly be an issue with his hip? When he walks he drags the paw on the ground, bending the toes.

He's had this problem for a few days and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I don't believe it's getting any worse though.

His stats:

Name: HUGGIE B (neutered male American black bear)
Age: 18 years
Weight: 400 lbs

Thank you,


From: waomary@...
To:; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...
CC: waomichelle@...
Subject: Drugs we are low on
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 22:26:54 -0500

Dr. Finkelstein,

We are running low on the following drugs:

1) Tramadol -- have roughly 5-6 days remaining

2) Amoxicillin [50mg/mL] -- have one bottle remaining of the powder

3) Pyrantel? Dewormer (The quart bottle you gave me last Monday) -- used all of it when deworming the bears at Talley on Tuesday (04/20)

Question concerning the Pyrantel -- Do I need to deworm them again in three weeks or will once take care of them?

Thank you,


From: waomary@...
To:; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...
CC: waomichelle@...
Subject: WAO: NHP Injuries in April
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 22:09:04 -0500

Dr. Finkelstein,

This is a list of animals at Talley that have been injured at WAO during April and have undergone amoxicillin treatment.

At Talley-----
1) KALEB (vasectomized male Hamadryas baboon)
          Age: 8 years
          Weight: ~55 lbs
          Date of injury: 04/09/10
          Nature of injury: 2 inch laceration on his right wrist occurred on afternoon of 04/09
          Treatment: Amoxicillin --> 1 500mg capsule b.i.d. 04/10-04/18
                 Tylenol Children's Meltaways --> 1 tablet b.i.d. on 04/10 and 04/11
          Notes: Wound healed up well

2) BOBBIE (intact female Rhesus macaque)
        Age: 22 years
        Weight: 20 lbs
        Date of injury:04/19/10
        Nature of injury: Apparently got into a fight with Fifi; the left side of Bobbie's face had a couple of lacerations on it, her lip was also torn
        Treatment: Amoxicillin --> 2mL [50mg/mL] b.i.d. 04/19 - 04/26
        Notes: Wounds healing well

3) FIFI (intact female Rhesus macaque)
        Age: 22 years
        Weight: 20 lbs
        Date of injury: 04/19/10
        Nature of injury: Apparently got into a fight with Bobbie; the left side of her face had a   couple of lacerations on it
        Treatment: Amoxicillin --> 2mL [50mg/mL] b.i.d. 04/19 - 04/26       
        Notes: Wounds healing well

4) KIT (neutered male domestic cat)
        Age: 11 years
        Weight: 10 lbs
        Date of injury: Injury occurred prior to 04/20/10.
        Nature of injury: noticed a bite wound on Kit's bum by his anus. Looked infected.
        Treatment: Amoxicillin --> 2mL [50mg/mL] b.i.d. 04/20 - 04/30
        Notes: as of today, the wound is healing well

At Leslie-----
1) SPARTA (intact male vervet)
        Age: 15 years
        Weight: 15 lbs
        Date of injury: 04/24/10
        Nature of injury: Wounded in fight. Laceration on his upper left thigh.
        Treatment: Amoxicillin --> 1.5mL [50mg/mL] b.i.d. 04/24 pm -04/30 pm
              Tylenol Children's Meltaways --> 1 tab 04/24 pm, 1 tab 04/25 am, 1 tab 04/26 pm


Greetings Nicole:

When Dr. Finklestein checks on the injured vervet, can she also check on Beauty?  Besides the lump on the shoulder blade, she is also looking thin.  Didn't really hit me until I was going through the pictures I took yesterday.  I think she may have lost more weight...k

From: Mary Reininger
To: Dr. Finkelstein
Cc: drfpetemergency@...
Sent: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 6:32 am
Subject: RE: Talley: Huggie B (Bear) Hip/Leg Issue

Freddy seems to be doing better. On Saturday, one of the caretakers at Leslie told me they were only giving him the Tramadol, since he was doing better? I thought this was odd, he was given the Amoxi (2 500mg caps), Tramadol (3 tabs) and Famotidine (20mg) both days that I was there this weekend (Sat and Sun).

We can vaccinate on Tuesday if it doesn't require immobilization. Will this be just the big cats?

Do you think you could come out to Talley on Tuesday? There are a couple of animals I would like you to take a look at.

Thank you,

To: waomary@...; waokimberly@...; waonicole@...
Subject: Re: Talley: Huggie B (Bear) Hip/Leg Issue
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:16:36 -0400
From: drfpetemergency@...

NO ONE SHOULD STOP MEDICATION UNLESS I SAY OK- that is meant for you to pass on to whoever said they stopped the amoxi without asking- we could create a resistance problem then I have to change to MORE EXPENSIVE drugs!

Please finish the course for 10 days for Freddy  EVEN IF HE IS DOING BETTER

You would dart only large cats with the rabies- hit or miss = total of 34 doses

If I need to come out there on Tuesday- that is ok- please get it cleared with both Nicole and Kim... I will include them in this note

I will also order the drugs as discussed today.


Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
There they go again.  One would think the animal caretakers should know better than to withhold medication from the animals.  One would be wrong.  I think this is another case of the Leslie Road workers being lazy and not wanting to do their jobs.
From: Mary Reininger
To: Dr. Finkelstein; Dr. Finkelstein <drfpetemergency@...>; Nicole <waonicole@...>; Kim <waokimberly@...
Cc: Mick <waomichelle@...>
Sent: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 6:39 am
Subject: Talley: Squeezy Cougar
Dr. Finkelstein,

The cougar at Talley has not been eating for the past few days. She doesn't seem to be interested in any food. We've tried chicken, cornish hens, beef and turkey. She had not been eating and has lost some weight.

Name: SQUEEZY (a.k.a. NOEL)
Species: Cougar (intact female)
Age: ~2 years old
Weight: ~60 lbs

Thank you,

To: waomary@...; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...
Subject: Re: Talley: Squeezy Cougar
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:18:57 -0400
From: drfpetemergency@...

If you can please start him on the Pen G by dart 5 cc
Famotidine 2 cc by dart then start oral meds if he is eating tomorrow Amoxi 500 mg PO BID, Famotidine 20 mg PO SID let me know if you can do this and if this helps

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM
Marsha and Nicole worked out a great deal between Ancira Auto and Magic 105.3!  When people visit Ancira and takes a test drive, the driver will receive free admission tickets to the WAO.  This promotion is paid for by Ancira and will be advertised on Magic 105.3!  This is a total win-win for the animals!  Way to go ladies, way to go!
Subject: FW: Ancira and Magic 1053 logos
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:28:00 -0500


Here is a copy of what the free passes to the Wild Animal Orphanage for the Ancira test drives would look like. Thanks!


Marsha E. Adams
Wild Animal Orphanage
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 210-688-9038
Fax: 210-688-9514
April 27-28, 2010

To: waomary@...; michelle.reininger@...; waonicole@...; waokimberly@...
Subject: how is everyting?
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 21:25:48 -0500
Hi all, 
Just checking to make sure the vaccine got onto ice.  IS the cougar and bear improving? 
Did Gracies foot heal up ok?
Is herpes kitty getting her new meds? 
Did you contact AWSBC to see if they could take any of the cats?  Would you like me to do that?

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM

From: waomary@..
To:; michelle.reininger@...;; waokimberly@...; drfpetemergency@...
Subject: RE: how is everyting?
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 07:23:45 -0500

Hi Dr. Finkelstein,

Squeezy (cougar at Talley) is eating now and seems to be doing better. she's taking the meds well in a chicken drummy.

Huggie B (bear at Talley) was still dragging the foot some yesterday afternoon. Will check on him again today and let you know how he's doing.

Kim told me the rabies vaccine got put in the fridge and I will pick it up today.

Gracie and Herpes Kitty I will check on today and also will confirm that the vervets and capuchins got all of the Ronidazole.

April 29, 2010
In a message dated 4/29/2010 5:01:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, michelleanthonycryer@... writes:

This is a request for a mandatory board meeting of the wild animal orphanage /asus . To be called at 7:00 pm on 04/29/2010 : Agenda-1- Elise Matthes As BOD member And Repositioning of bod Members - 2-  Acceptance of Mr West BOD resignation &  Removal Of Will West And Nicole Garcia From all bank accounts  for WAO/ASUS and Michelle Anthony-Cryer on any and all accounts. -3- Elise Matthes as Bod Member and at times proxy for Sumner Matthes.  - All  please confirm, again this is a mandatory meeting   thank You MIchelle Anthony-Cryer    

From: SMatthes@...
Subject: Re: Mandatory Bd Metting 04/29/2010 7:00 pm
To: michelleanthonycryer@...
Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 4:06 PM

You  don't mean to take you off the bank accounts do you?

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010 4:11:43 pm
To: smatthes@...
From: michelle anthony-cryer <>
Subject: Re: Mandatory Bd Metting 04/29/2010 7:00 pm

Yes. Any and all bank accounts  -Sorry

From: Nicole Garcia
Subject: Re: Mandatory Bd Metting 04/29/2010 7:00 pm
To: ""michelle anthony-cryer", "smatthes@... "
Date: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 4:39 PM

I was not given 24 hrs notice for this meeting and am not available for this. I am also requesting that we speak to Buck Benson before appointing a family member on the board since we were advised that Mr Anthony was not okay with this in November. Why are we not discussing the resumes we have for people outside of relation from the board. I can’t attend a meeting without speaking to the attorney on these matters because of what was done 2 days ago.

Thank you.
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:45:30 -0700
From: michelleanthonycryer@..
Subject: Re: Mandatory Bd Metting 04/29/2010 7:00 pm
To: waonicole@...; smatthes@a...
This is your 24 hour notice and our attorney will not be used for these items we do not have the funds!!

From: SMatthes@...
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:46:42 -0400
Subject: Emergency Board Meeting
To: waonicole@...


This emergency meeting was called because 24 hours is actually too long to wait.  As you know the WAO is in peril and in danger of closing.  However, your unwillingness to attend will be honored.  You are hereby given notice that an emergency mandatory meeting will be held for the WAO at 7 p.m., April 30th, 2010 for the purpose of proposals for new board members who are family members of other board members and to take action on banking.

There are no funds for more attorney's fees.  Please understand the WAO is broke.  However, if you so desire, you may hire your own attorney to represent you and be responsible for payment of fees charged.

Mr. Anthony has been advised as of this date that family members are being proposed for board membership.

The WAO by-laws do not mention family members serving on the BOD and Roberts Rules of Order that defines the protocols of boards, states that IF the by-laws do not cover family members, then it is legal for more than one family member to serve.


In a message dated 4/29/2010 8:39:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, waonicole@... writes:

I’m attending a funeral Sumner. Not trying to be unattending. Why could no one communicate with me? Sorry, I could not attend, I am with family dealing with a loss and this evening I could not avoid.

From: SMatthes@...
Date: April 29, 2010 8:19:57 PM CDT
To: waonicole@...
Cc: michelleanthonycryer@...
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting
Nicole, please re-read my e-mail honoring your request for 24-hour notice.  As you can readily see in my e-mail, the meeting has been re-scheduled for 7 p.m., April 30th which is tomorrow.  You have been given 24-hour notice.

April 30, 2010

I suggested Nicole not attend this board meeting because it was a farce and as far as I was concerned it was Matthes and Cryer's planned decision to destroy the WAO and that Nicole should stay out of this mess.  I recommended instead that she voice her concerns so that it would be a matter of record, forever.  
From: waonicole@...
To: smatthes@...; michelleanthonycryer@...
CC: csuroiu@...; bbenson@...
Subject: Regarding the Board Meeting scheduled for 4/30/2010
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 19:05:21 -0500

I sent a text message at 6:30pm to Michelle Cryer stating I would not be attending this meeting and that I would send this email shortly. 

I want everyone to know that I thought very long and hard about all that I am going to state below. I am thinking of The Wild Animal Orphanage and the animals and I am only acting on the concerns that I have, so that I can continue to do my best to protect the WAO in all ways possible.

Sumner and Michelle, you both have been discussing board items together and you have not kept me apprised as to what was discussed. Two days ago I received a fax from Michelle Cryer which contained board minutes from a meeting that was held without my knowledge and I was not asked for my input on any of the items discussed. Without prior discussion, the minutes stated Mrs. Elise Matthes was placed on as a board member and Michelle Cryer was voted to fill the seat of board president.  This action was taken without the full board present, and therefore you did not conduct the board meeting in good faith.

There was also discussion that Michelle Cryer contacted Jefferson State Bank and removed myself and Will West from the bank account. Not only did this make me look incompetent when the lender contacted the WAO regarding our requests for lending and prior note arrangements; I think that this may have put a dent in the understanding that Jefferson State Bank and WAO were looking for lenders that were interested in financially helping the organization. Without any notice Michelle Cryer contacted Jefferson Bank and made changes that I am not by any means against, but do feel that it should have been handled in a much more professional manner.

Next, you may recall last year we all had a long discussion that family members should not hold board positions at the same time because of the conflict of interest and appearance which was apparent under prior management. We also agreed that this was a MAJOR conflict of interest regardless of who the person(s) were or how wonderful they were, for it looks horrible to the donors and to those who may have been following the WAO’s past history in the news. I feel that Elise Matthes is a wonderful person but my concerns have nothing to do with Elise Matthes, this is strictly a business matter which needs to be resolved immediately.

I was always told that Mr. Anthony could not comment on our final decisions but rather voiced what may or may not be a good idea and I remember the entire board as well as our attorneys agreeing that any prospective board members or changes would be run through the attorneys and then made available to OAG's office before final changes were approved.

We have let our attorneys review past resumes so that they can gather opinions from others, insuring we are acting on good faith. I fear that appointing Mrs. Matthes without following this procedure is going to look horrible and possibly put a bad taste in the mouth of those who are ALLOWING the WAO to continue. Are we prepared to answer these questions before presenting to the board the additions of “family members?”

1.) Why is the board in possession of two resumes, for at least 1 month, from candidates very much aware of WAO history and present concerns, yet no one has contacted these individuals or acted on the resumes at all when we ARE IN DESPERATE NEED of qualified individuals that have the power to help our sanctuary?

2.) Why is there such an emergent rush to add another family member to the existing board when we have not attempted to fill the board positions with those who are not related and have no history with WAO?

3.) Why are we having emergency board meetings about these items when we have not had any board meetings about planning and strategizing on how we are all going to work together as a team and ACTIVELY help the sanctuary? We have not had any board meeting on the regarding the 2009 990 that is due in 15 days, payroll issues, accounting concerns, or any of these MAJOR issues?

I have decided that it would be in the best interest of the WAO if I did not attend tonight’s board meeting for I do not believe it is currently acting in good faith.   Please read my reasons before reacting. I cannot support Elise Matthes’ nomination to fill a board position until we/I speak to the attorney at my own cost (this is to protect WAO, not myself).  We must follow the proper board selection procedures agreed upon last year. Also from what I understand, Sumner would not be able to vote in the matter of Elise Matthes proposed appointed as a board member since it is directly related to a family member (I will forward the information that I am following if needed but regardless, until I hear that this is okay from the OAG and attorney - I will vote against motion so as we do not upset those who can close the WAO if they choose to do so).

Michelle Cryer being appointed as President: Michelle Cryer cannot vote from what I understand since the motion directly pertains to her.  Making and approving this motion was not acting on good faith and it weakened the WAO’s credibility.

There was a meeting that was held and I was given the official board meeting minutes that were not valid from Michelle Cryer, which stated that that the two board members already made up their minds and both agreed on the agenda prior to the start of the “board meeting.”  In my opinion this was not a lawful or professional act.  

I also do not want to do anything that is going to hurt the WAO any further, therefore; I will not attend a future board meeting until I am assured that we are going to conduct the board meetings in a professional and lawful manner. If there is a board meeting to be held with regard to other agenda items that are of extreme importance that we HAVE to discuss, I will attend without question.

In conclusion, I feel that you as board members have not taken the time to look at everything before pulling the rug out from under me as a CEO. I would like the opportunity to speak without interruption on the matters that are of great concern right now. I can do this in writing if you prefer so that you can review all of the facts before assumptions are made.

After which, I will request a board meeting to review the resumes of the candidates for the board.  I do not believe it is in the best interest, at this time to discuss the motion pertaining to Ms. Matthes’ nomination to the board and Michelle’s nomination to fill the president seat.   I will speak with the attorney on Monday to assure that I as CEO am not taking part in anything that could harm WAO or be considered an improper procedure.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.  Let’s focus what is truly important right now—the survivability of the WAO.  WE NEED TO VET THE PROPOSED BOARD CANDIDATES and discuss my concerns pertaining to the 2009 990 and financial situation.  By ignoring qualified board candidates, I feel we are missing out on quality people who can make a difference.

We need to be working as a team and this is crucial.
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 19:14:56 -0700
From: michelleanthonycryer@...
To: waonicole@...; smatthes@...; bbenson@...
To whom it may concern : The board of Directors of the Wild Animal Orphanage  convened at 7:04 p.m. , April 30,2010 at which time the BOD voted unanimously to terminate the employment of  Nicole Garcia as CEO affective immediately. Nicole Garcia is to turn in any and all property belonging to the Wild Animal Orphanage within 24 hours. An official letter of termination will be forthcoming and will be sent to Nicole Garcia by certified mail.     
Michelle Anthony-Cryer  Board of Directors President 
Clearly, this was the real intent of the Board of Directors, to get rid of Nicole, so Cryer could seize control.  I was even sent a copy of the employment termination email by Cryer, so as to make the point I wasn't welcome back at the WAO either.  Gee, there's a shock.  In my opinion, I think she was afraid I would find out something at the WAO she did not want me to know; perhaps just how complicite she was in fleecing the WAO, right along with Behanine and Asvestas? So, my investigation into the WAO Board of Directors' continues.  I expect the OAG will allow this "illegal" seizure to take place--after all, they are only "observing" the situation, right OAG?

May 3, 2010
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 05:10:03 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Nicole Garcia Termination

Nicole Garia this your offical letter of termination. You will also be mailed an offical letter if termination.

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

Begin forwarded message:
From: michelle anthony-cryer <michelleanthonycryer@...>
Date: May 2, 2010 9:51:03 PM CDT
To: bbenson@...,
Cc: smatthes@...
Subject: Nicole Garcia Termination
This is the Offical letter of Nicole Garcia's termination. If you have any questions or concerns Please contact Sumner or myself. Thank  YOu
Michelle Anthony-Cryer  Board of Directors President  
Wow, Cryer used two big words in the same sentence in the termination of employment letter!  Amazing!  Seriously, I have no doubt this letter was prepared for her as I'm sure she has no idea what she wrote in the letter, based on her past writing samples.  What is equally disturbing is that not one board director ever complained or documented  concerns regarding Nicole's work performance, exempt for Cryer of course in all her email rants (as seen in previous blog posts). 

To Continue the Story to the end, Click HERE.

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