The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Introduction: November - December 2005 Notes

The following entries include dates and events transcribed from my work journal which I started on November 26, 2005.   This is not an all-inclusive journal as the investigative case moved incredibly fast for the first two years.  I tried to jot down as much information as I could in this journal.  The purpose of the journal was to keep a log of all the dates and times I spoke to various individuals or agencies regarding the WAO case.
November 26, 2005
Learned one of the Arizona monkeys froze to death.
December 3, 2005
Learned the other Arizona monkey “hanged” himself while living in the metal squeeze-back cage from Mike D.  Apparently the bottom shelf was not fully extended and the primate was found hanging in his cage, his head wedged between the steel shelf and the steel cage wall.
December 6, 2005 (8:45am)
Called Norma Lagutchik at work because I had a bad feeling about the quarantine monkeys.  Asked if they were okay as the weather was freezing cold and the primates had no heat provided (blankets, straw, heaters).  I also asked if the birds (parrots and small birds) were okay as they too had no heat provided.  The temperature that day was below freezing. 
Norma was talking to me with Ron present.  Norma said all animals were okay and that she personally checked on them.  I asked if Baby (baboon) was also taken care of.  Norma said she would move her (transporter) to a warmer location.  Like the other animals, she had no means of keeping warm since she was denied blankets, hay, and other heat devices.
December 10, 2005
Learned three monkeys died from the cold weather in the quarantine area.  This information was confirmed by Brand Prill, WAO employee.  He didn’t want to talk about the deaths.  I brought fruits and vegetables from home and HEB was kind enough to discount produce for the monkeys ($1 per large box of bananas).
December 17, 2005
Juvenile Probation work crew assisted in the Hurricane Katrina/Rita cat  and quarantine room.  The workers told me several cats were either very sick or recently died from an upper respiratory infection.
After the probationers left, I went to the quarantine area to give out the fresh produce (which I purchased thanks to a kind donation of $100 given to me by a friend).  I observed the primates living in the squeeze-back cages looking very depressed and shivering hard.  The White Crowned Manageby (Jake) was shaking so hard he could barely hold onto a piece of orange slice that I gave him.  He had trouble chirping a greeting to me because he was so cold.  I went inside the WAO's warm office to talk with Brandon (animal caretaker).  He agreed with my concern that Jake may freeze to death if something is not done to protect him, but he could not help him without Ron or Carol’s approval.  When Ron walked into the office, I asked him if he could help the monkeys, living in the quarantine area, receive some heat.  Ron blew up, screaming that he did not want to get involved.  He said he did not want to get in the middle, this was Carol’s area and I needed to speak with her.  I pointed out she was on the road, so he yelled for the staff to get Carol on her cell phone. 
I spoke with Carol and she said the monkeys were fine and that shaking from the cold was good for the animals because it kept them warm.  I told her Jake looked ill, and in response Carol wanted to know why I was in the quarantine area in the first place.  I explained I was giving fruits and veggies to the monkeys.  She wanted to know who said I could feed the animals produce.  I told her I was given permission by Norma.  Carol told me she would call and tell Norma to return to the WAO (she had just left for the day) so she could take a look at the monkey.  I learned from Norma later in the day that Carol told Norma to return to the WAO because “I don’t want Kristina going to the media about these monkeys.”
I tried to call Norma’s cell, using a  WAO office phone, to give her a “heads up” but Carol already called her.  While speaking with Norma, Carol called the WAO office.  I hung up with Norma and spoke with Carol once again.  Carol said Norma was on her way back to the WAO and I didn’t need to concern myself with Jake anymore.  I explained that I didn’t want to see this monkey die from the cold.  Carol told "we have not had any animals die from the cold."  I pointed out that three monkeys died this week alone from the cold weather.  Carol became very defensive and demanded to know what animals died from the cold.  I told her a total of five monkeys died recently from cold temperatures.  Carol said the temperature never dropped below 40 degrees and that the monkeys can live without freezing in 40 degree weather.  She also said only two monkeys died and the cause of death was "old age."  I asked about the Rhesus Macaques (Arizona) and she responded “who told you he froze to death?”  I told her it was obvious since the monkey died right after freezing temperatures hit the San Antonio area.  Carol told me both Arizona macaques died due to “complications” with their vasectomies two days after they arrived.  I told her that was impossible because I saw them two weeks ago.  Carol responded “I’m not going to argue with you.”   I responded saying that I was concerned about Jake, to which Carol assured me once again,  that Norma would be there soon to take care of him. 
I called Norma back on her cell phone.  She was on her way back to the WAO.
While waiting for Norma to arrive, Brandon and I donned safety gear and went back to the quarantine area to check on Jake.  Brandon agreed that Jake looked ill and was shaking very hard.  As we were returning to the WAO office, one of the staff members came outside to tell us that Carol just called and told her that Brandon and I better not be in the quarantine area.  Once in the office, Carol called again and spoke with Brandon then hung up.  Brandon told me Carol sounded upset and we were instructed to wait for Norma in the office.  Norma arrived and spoke with Carol twice on the WAO phone before deciding on a plan of action.  I had hoped Jake would be brought into the office.  Instead he was left outside.  A dog carrier, placed at the bottom portion of his squeeze-back cage was removed (it was covered inside and out with urine and feces), cleaned, and returned back to the bottom portion of the metal cage.  I personally cleaned the dog carrier and was disgusted with the smell of all the urine and feces that accumulated.  The carrier was then stuffed with towels.  Jake was then locked in the bottom portion of the metal squeeze-back cage containing the dog carrier.  The dog carrier was supposed to entice Jake to use the “house” to keep warm. 
Disgusted, I went to feed the rest of the WAO monkeys.  While feeding the capuchins, I saw a dead monkey laying right in front of the enclosure for the public to see.  The monkey looked very young and skinny.  After exclaiming my disgust of leaving the dead body in the cage for the public to see, Norma decided to pull the body out. 
I also observed another monkey, in the same enclosure with a gash under his arm.  The gash, at a distance, looked to be about 2 inches long, 1 inch wide and about ½ inch deep.  The capuchin looked like he was in extreme pain.  When I tried to take a picture of the monkey, four other monkeys surrounded him.  It was obvious that they were trying to protect the injured monkey.  I was able to get a picture of the him, but not of his wound because the other monkeys had him in a protective circle.  The last time I saw this monkey alive, he and three other monkeys were on the ground, walking towards a large blue barrel.  The injured monkey entered the barrel and three monkeys took up defensive positions in front of the barrel, preventing me from taking a picture of the injured monkey.
I also saw Baby (baboon), in a filthy transporter, lonely and cold, with hardly any fresh water in her "bowel."  Baby and her transporter was “hidden” off the normal tour trail.  I gave her fruits, veggies, and encouragement because it broke my heart to see her living in this small filthy transporter.  She was never moved into a warmer area as promised to me by Norma.  I took several pictures of her filthy transporter.
For a greater understanding regarding this incident and events that occurred in December 2005, please read the staff meeting memo (December 27, 2005) and then read my response to the memo (January 2006) --both are very enlightening.
[Present Date Note:  As I review these documents once again, I cannot help think what would make the animal caretakers lie and submit false signed statements to the WAO Board of Directors, Federal investigators, and the Texas OAG.  The workers' lies and the manipulations caused this case to go on far too long, endangered and cost the lives of far too many animals, and caused a lot of good people to lose far too much money.]
December 18, 2005
Called Karen Maxfield and briefly advised her of the situation.  Asked if she was available to participate in an upcoming emergency board meeting around January 8, 2006.  She said absolutely.
Called Norma to let her know I made contact with Karen Maxfield.
December 19, 2005
Learned from Norma that the injured monkey died from his injuries.  Norma acted/sounded odd on the phone.  We spoke of the Texas Parks & Wildlife inspection visit today.  Norma said she didn’t show the inspector Baby's living condition  nor did she discussed WAO problems with him because she was afraid of losing her job.  She said she was afraid if she left the WAO that the animals would suffer.  She thinks that she can help save the animals by making small changes.  I spoke with Norma at length, explaining to her  that she had absolutely no influence in preventing Carol Asvestas from euthanizing healthy animals or forcing her to obtain medical care for those animals that needed help.  I pointed out that she was unable to save the three monkeys that froze to death and that she was powerless to save Bubba (white tiger), Princess (Bengal tiger), and Sabu (lion) from being euthanized if and when Carol decided to give the order to kill them.  I also told her she was powerless to stop Carol from bringing in more dogs and cats to the WAO.  Norma said she would quit her job before that happened again.  I asked her why she wanted to wait for that day to come when the animals needed her help now.

I told Norma I was taking a stand now because I did not want to let the monkey deaths go in vain.  I could not stand by and watch while more animals were killed and I could not let Carol get away with lying and cheating the public out of their money.
I did learn from Norma that Dr. Ehrlund evaluated Bubba months ago and stated that he cannot undergo surgery, that he is as “good as he’s going to get.”  This means Carol has been printing Bubba t-shirts and requesting funds for his “surgery” knowing that Bubba's health condition cannot be corrected.  What is worse is she plans to kill him soon because he cannot be paired with another big cat.
Norma also said Ron and Carol are furious with me.
December 20, 2005
On this date, I had an appointment with Dr. Lambert and Dr. Henry from the Guilbeau Station Animal Hospital.
I told them what I observed at the WAO in November/December 2005 .  I forgot to tell them about the cougar that was placed in the transporter.  Norma told me she was scratched by a cougar in November 2005 and had to report to a hospital for treatment.  In response to the medical report filed, Carol gave the order to caged the first cougar, with claws,  that entered into a transporter rigged with chicken pieces.   Carol claimed it was this cougar that scratched Norma, when in reality it was not the same animal.  This innocent cougar was kept in a small transporter until January 1, 2006.
Dr. Lambert and Dr. Henry told me that Carol previously contacted them to find out why I wanted to speak with them.  She called them twice, desperately trying to reach them before my scheduled appointment with the vets.  There was only one person I told about my upcoming meeting with the vets – and that was Norma.  Apparently Norma's job was more important than saving the lives of Sabu and Bubba.  Anyway, I asked the vets to check out my accounts of what transpired at the WAO.  I showed them the photos I took of the monkeys in quarantine, the dead capuchin, and Baby’s living quarters.  The vets agreed to go to the WAO Board of Director’s emergency meeting which I scheduled for January 7, 2006.
I spent approximately two hours discussing the WAO situation with both vets.
December 20, 2005
The original complainant (Sandra) and I called the Texas Parks & Wildlife investigator regarding the WAO investigation.  I ask if there was anything the TP&W could do for the animals.  Investigator Jumper said this was beyond his area of expertise and he would consult with the USDA.

December 21, 2005
Scheduled an appointment with Dr. Ehrlund for December 23, 2005, from 9:30am to 10:30am.
Went to the County Clerk’s Office to review WAO records and liens against the Asvestas.  Learned I could obtain same information from the Bexar County website.
December 23, 2005
Met with Dr. Ehrlund and explained the situation.  She said she put down animals which she felt were “questionable."   She said if an animal required a special diet and it cost of the diet took away from the other animals' care, then the special needs animal should be put down.  I told her the WAO received about $5-10k per cat and shouldn't those monies be used to care for the animal?  She paused for a moment and then said she did not know money accompanied the animals, so in that particular situation, yes, the animals should be allowed to live.

We discussed Bubba (white tiger) and she said that based on her 1 hour observation of Bubba, there was no medical reason to put him down.  She said she watched him eat, clean himself, and sleep.  She said there was no reason why he can’t live with his current condition.  She said she observed him in September/October.  We discussed the meat given to the big cats.  She indicated that giving the big cats chicken only will cause renal problems.  She went on to say that big cats should not be on a chicken only diet.  I told her that the monkeys mainly ate white bread, and when available, dog food.  Dr. Ehrlund brought up ways to fund raise or obtain meats and produce using the Girl Scouts to help acquire these items. 

Based on our short conversation, I got the feeling Dr. Ehrlund did not want to get involved in this case.  I invited her to attend the emergency board meeting in January 2006 anyway.  She said she would try to attend.
In parting, Dr. Ehrlund suggested I find out if there was an attorney that is a WAO donor willing to help the board.

What a strange comment.
December 24 - 31, 2005
Sent out Board Meeting Notice to all board members.  Karen Maxfield’s email address was invalid, so I left her a voice message on her Nextel cell phone.  I also carbon copied Mary and Michelle Reininger regarding the board meeting notice.  I received an email from Sumner requesting the purpose of the meeting.  I asked him to call me.
Spoke with Sumner Matthes twice today.  Explained the situation.  He seemed more concerned that I would speak with the media or other outside law enforcement/animal agencies, than my animal care concerns.  After assuring him that I wasn’t planning on going to outside agencies at this time, he seemed to “relax.” 
Sumner asked me twice if I was the one who called Texas Parks & Wildlife.  After assuring him it was another party (I did not give him Sandra’s name), twice, he finally agreed that this was an in-house matter that needed to be resolved quickly.  He also wanted to know if a report was written based on the TP&W visits.  I told him, since I did not initiate the visit, I had no idea if a report was written, nor did I ask for a status report.
I discussed the following items with Sumner during our telephone conversations:

Cats from MS and LA: 50-75% either died or were dying due to a highly contagious Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI). According to Dr. Lambert and Dr. Henry, the cats were not properly quarantined when they arrived at the WAO;

Lack of proper nutrition as the tigers were fed chicken only for the last several months which would eventually lead to renal failure;

WAO did not purchase fruits/veggies for the bears and monkeys for over one year, instead produce was provided as "treats" by visitors and workers;

Several monkey deaths (animals that froze to death and then a cover-up story was provided by Carol;

Lying about the death of Rex (baby lion featured on “Growing Up Lion” by Carol;

Sick lion and liger living on the WAO property;

Decision to put down Bubba and Princess despite their good health; decision made by Carol;

Improper use of funds received from various agencies in support of Hurricane Katrina/Rita (with such large donations, why were the hurricane cats forced to eat cheap cat food and use common garden sand instead of cat liter?
Where did the "hurricane" money go? Vehicles for the Asvestas’ family? Apartment house for the Asvestas? Was WAO money used for the Asvesetas’ personal use?

Why cannot the workers speak freely with Texas Parks & Wildlife officials, media, and other interested parties? What is the WAO hiding?

Bottom-line – my concern for the care of the animals. Sumner said once we finished our conversation he would immediately call Carol to find out what was going on. Sumner told me that he would call me back with the results of this conversation with Carol. I asked if he would email his concerns to all the board members so everyone would be kept in the loop as to what was going on.
I told Sumner that the WAO problems were bigger than me, the Board, Ron and Carol, and that our only concern should be the care and treatment of the WAO animals. Sumner agreed.  Sumner never called me back, nor did I receive an email from him.
On December 23, 2005, Mary and Michelle Reininger came over my house for dinner (take-out pizza).  We discussed the WAO case.  I updated them on what I learned and how this case was affecting my health.  They were not surprised in what I learned because they already knew about the WAO issues and were able to fill in some of the gaps I had regarding Rex’s death and the problems with the animal records.  Before they left, I learned the "feral" cats at Talley Road did not have any cat food and the primates, including the chimps, have not received produce from the WAO in a long time.  Mary & Michelle confirmed they bought produce for the chimps out of their own pockets when they had the money.  I gave them the supply of produce and cat food originally intended for the Leslie Rd animals.  We exchanged Christmas presents and then they left for the evening.

From: M & M <mandm@...
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Fri, December 23, 2005 10:50:05 PM
Subject: Dancing Dog Video

Hi Kristina,

I've attached the video I was telling you about that has the dancing golden retreiver and his owner.

Thanks for having us over tonight and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!


From: Kristina Brunner
To: Wild Animal Orphanage <>; kmax@...; mocoviejo@...; smatthes@...
Sent: Sat, December 24, 2005 10:36:03 AM
Subject: Emergency Board Meeting
Greetings Fellow Board Members:

On January 7, 2006, 2:00pm at the Wild Animal Orphanage, I have called an emergency board meeting. 

Board members, board advisors, and key staff are encouraged to attend this important meeting. 

Please RSVP.  Thank you and Merry Christmas to All....k

Kristina Brunner
Vice President
Board Chair Person

From: Kristina Brunner
To: mandm@...
Sent: Sat, December 24, 2005 11:00:08 AM
Subject: Fwd: Emergency Board Meeting

Note: Forwarded message is attached.

Greetings M & M!

Attached is the notice I just sent out to the Board Members.  So far, Sumner is the only respondent.  He says he talks to Carol almost every day and demanded to know what the meeting was all about...  I'm guessing Carol doesn't tell him everything that goes on around here...let the games begin...wish me luck...I asked him to call me so I could fill him in on the issues...k

 [Present Day:  I always wondered why I never received a response to my email directed at Mary and Michelle.  During the Emergency Board Meeting, I found out why (see below):

Staff Meeting - 122705

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: kmaxtx@...; mocoviejo@...; smatthes@...
Sent: Fri, December 30, 2005 8:16:13 AM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting
Greetings Board Members:

Since there was no announcement for a Board Meeting to be held prior to the end of this year, it is imperative that everyone attend this meeting, if all possible. 

This includes staff members and Board Advisors.  Animal care technicians and professionals are in the best position to describe the "health" of the Wild Animal Orphanage and it is important that everyone's concerns are addressed.  Therefore, this will not be a closed session as I have invited Staff and Advisors to attend this meeting.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Kristina Brunner
Vice President
Board Chairperson

Carol Asvestas <> wrote:

Dear board members,

This meeting will be held at the WAO at 2pm on the 7th of January 2006 as requested by Kristina Brunner.

Sumner Matthes was going to fly down for the meeting, however due to flights and health reasons he will be attending via conference call.

The staff will all attend the meeting after the board has met to discuss organizational matters.

Although this meeting was called on an emergency basis, due to the fact that I had already called for a board meeting to be held the last week of  December, we will, now combine the meetings on the 7th and address the emergency issues prior to our usual board meeting.

Thank you all

Carol Asvestas

From: Carol Asvestas
To: Kristina Brunner  
kmaxtx@...; mocoviejo@...; smatthes@...
Sent: Fri, December 30, 2005 11:36:14 AM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting

Dear Kristina,

I have conferred with the board members and they agree that the emergency board meeting will be held first. Your concerns can be discussed at this time with the staff present.

The regular board meeting will be held after the emergency meeting. No one has a problem with that. Our bylaws do not require that staff members or advisory board members attend board meetings, however, I have let our advisers know about this emergency meeting, if they chose to come they will be welcome to sit in. I have also invited our veterinarians and the same applies to them.

Because I confer with every board member on a regular basis there is absolutely no need to make written announcements for board meetings. I advised every board member that we needed a meeting before the end of the year, therefore, as agreed by the majority of the board we will now have our regular meeting on the same day as the emergency meeting in order to avoid having two meetings within a two week period. We will have a quorum as required, so if you chose not to attend the regular meeting we will all understand. The regular board meeting will be held at 3pm after the 2pm emergency meeting.

Carol Asvestas

From: Carol Asvestas
To: Kristina Brunner  
Cc: kmaxtx@...; mocoviejo@...; smatthes@...; rocher@...
Sent: Fri, December 30, 2005 4:20:33 PM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting

Dear Kristina,

I believe the board members all have a copy of the bylaws.

If you do not have a copy of the by laws you can get one when you come on the 7th or I can fax you a copy if you wish. Please e-mail me your fax number.

There is nothing to respond to Kristina, you requested an emergency board meeting your request has been fulfilled. Please be here at 2pm on the 7th of January 2006.


Carol Asvestas

Kristina Brunner wrote:
Dear Carol:

Before I respond to this e-mail, could you please e-mail a copy of the by-laws to all Board Members so we can review the rules and conditions of the WAO Board Meetings before Saturday's Meeting. 

Thank you.

Kristina M. Brunner
Vice President
Board Chairperson

From: Kristina Brunner
Cc: kmaxtx@...; mocoviejo@...; smatthes@...; rocher@...
Sent: Fri, December 30, 2005 4:44:07 PM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting
Dear Carol:

I have never received or seen a copy of the by-laws and would very much like to have a copy.  If you would be so kind, make a copy of the by-laws and place it in my box behind the door for pickup.  I will send my representative to pick up the package at 12:00 (noon).  Thank you.

Kristina M. Brunner
Vice President
Board Chairperson

From: "TMinchew1@..."  
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Sat, December 31, 2005 6:54:14 AM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting

Hi Kris,

Carol has requested that we be present for a meeting... I am assuming it is this emergency meeting and so of course we will be there.

I hope you are well,

[Present Note:  Terry knew at the time she wrote this email what I would be up against, since she and the other caretakers were confronted by Ron and Carol Asvestas regarding my allegations of the Asvestas' mismanagement and misappropriation of funds and then knowingly after the "meeting" signed false statements on behalf of the Asvestas.  She could have warned me, but instead she and the other animal "caretakers" kept their mouths shut allowing me to take on the full brunt of the Asvestas' wrath during the January 7, 2006 Emergency Board Meeting.]

From: James Mahoney  
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Carol Asvestas  
Sent: Sat, December 31, 2005 11:19:30 AM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting Notification

Kristina M. Brunner
Vice President
Board Chairperson
Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Ms. Brunner,

I first saw the e-mail you had sent to Carol, dated 30 December 2005, and copied to me, last night.

This is to inform you that I would be unable to attend any meeting in Texas on January 7, 2006.  However, I would make myself available for a conference telephone call, with advance notice, if my involvement would be required.

Yours sincerely,

James Mahoney.

FromCarol Asvestas
To: James Mahoney <rocher@...
Cc: Kristina Brunner  
Sent: Sat, December 31, 2005 11:57:02 AM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting Notification
We will make sure you are included in the conference call. I hope you are well. I hope you had a great Xmas. Happy New Year.


Carol A.

[Present Day:  I learned later on that Dr. Mahoney was told by Carol Asvestas that his participation was not necessary.  Since he did not attend the meeting, I tried numerous times to contact Dr. Mahoney via email, but he refused to respond to my pleas for help. 

From: Kristina Brunner <kbrunner@...>
To:; kmaxtx@...; mocoviejo@...; smatthes@...; rocher@...
Sent: Sat, December 31, 2005 12:48:17 PM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting
Greeting Board Members:

I just received a copy of the San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre By-Laws (no creation date).  If you do not have a copy of the SAWEC by-laws, I encourage everyone to contact Carol for a copy.  I believe you will find it very interesting.  Carol did not provide me a copy of the revised WAO by-laws, so I assume it does not exist. 

As Board Chairperson, I would appreciate the courtesy of being carbon copied on future e-mails/discussions regarding Saturday's upcoming meeting.  Your consideration to this matter is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

From: Carol Asvestas <>
To: Kristina Brunner  
Cc: kmaxtx@...; mocoviejo@...; smatthes@...; rocher@...
Sent: Sat, December 31, 2005 1:40:24 PM
Subject: Re: Emergency Board Meeting

Dear Kristina and Board members,

The Bylaws have not been revised and were placed in affect when we incorporated in 1983.
We will see you on Saturday.

Thank you

Carol A.

I found out from a friend of mine that Carol Asvestas and the other board members conspired against me, communicating via email and telephone without including me in on important "organizational changes."  Behind my back, the decision was made to remove my name from the Internet and that Sumner Matthes would take my place as Vice President and Karen Maxfield would take over the Treasurer position.  All of this took place prior to the January 7, 2006 Emergency Board Meeting. 

I found this behavior disgusting, especially since it was in violation of the Texas Vernon Act.  I guess when you have unethical people operating and serving on the board of directors, one should not be surprised by the board of director's immoral behavior.

Sandra, concerned things were heating up, wanted to memorialize what actions she took in notifying the US Fish, Game, and Wildlife Office.  Sandra also encouraged me to resign from ACE as she had submitted her resignation to Carol Asvestas, as ACE's former board director.

Memo - Sandra Ruedrich - 011806 (Letter date reflects date this letter was printed and added to the blog--not actual date written) 

[Note:  ACE (Animal Center of Excellence) was a sanctuary accreditation (like ASA and GFAS) group that Carol Asvestas and Sumner Matthes created when both individuals left ASA.]

I still cannot believe this is all happening.  Just last year I participated in so many community events, championing the WAO to all who would listen, and now I know I'll probably never see the WAO animals ever again.  I pray this is all worth it.


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