The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

January - February 2006 Notes

January 7, 2006
I asked the Katrina/Rita cat volunteer how many cats were left prior to the Emergency Board Meeting.  Mary Ann told me only 197 cats were left.  The WAO was still using sand in the cats’ liter pans.  The volunteer was happy I brought three bags of "real" cat litter.  So what ever happened to the $20,00 donated by PetsMart for the hurricane cats?  Why wasn't the money used to purchase cat liter?

Dr. Henry was the only invited guest to show up for the meeting.  Carol tried to keep the vets away by telling them the meeting was rescheduled for Monday instead of Saturday.  Fortunately, I called the vets on the Friday before the meeting to confirm their attendance.  Dr. Lambert said she could not attend, but Dr. Henry would be able to attend the meeting.  Dr. Ehrlund told me she was NOT coming and that I should not call her again without first going through Carol.  Then she hung up on me!

Ron Asvestas was shocked to see Dr. Henry at the WAO.  He told the vet that he could not be present for the meeting after all.  As I passed Dr. Henry, I told him that the Asvestas' did not want him to be there.  Ron told Dr. Henry that he could remain outside in case his testimony was required.  I was relieved that he stayed outside the entire 1 hr and 15 min meeting. Below is the WAO Emergency Board Meeting Minutes that the WAO does not want you to see:

The document below was given to me during the Emergency Board Meeting by Carol Asvestas.  This document was prepared with the help of Brandon Prill, Norma Lagutchik, Michelle Reininger, Mary Reininger, and Laura Mireles:

[Present Day:  Carol Asvestas and the board of directors, in an attempt to "cover their collective asses" decided to create two documents:  (1) a memo describing a fictitious account of what transpired at the emergency board meeting and (2) a second "regular" board meeting which I did not know about until well after this event transpired--clearly I was NOT invited to participate.  The documents posted below are predominantly unsupported by the events RECORDED and then transcribed into the true board meeting minutes posted above.  After reviewing these two documents, I now know that  the unknown person to me in the room during the Emergency Board Meeting was not a new WAO employee, rather it was MICHELLE CRYER who sat in the room, watching the board meeting events.  She KNEW about all the WAO problems I brought forth to the Board and she was obviously complicit and certainly responsible for the decline of the WAO from that point of time on.  She was NEVER an innocent party.  She was clearly a willing participant!  It looks like the WAO Board of Directors wanted to cover-up my allegations and if I had not gone to the authorities when I did, no one today would have ever known the truth as to what transpired that day.  And on top of all the other lies told, Cryer claimed she was a volunteer at the WAO?  Really? Since when?  She worked during the work week as a vet tech, and I volunteered at the WAO every weekend; I never saw her "volunteering" at the WAO and the workers told me she NEVER helped them, so what's up with this lie?  Doesn't she mean she and her husband made money off the WAO animals by illegally transporting animals starting in 2005 and ending in 2009?  I would not call that "volunteering," would you?]

WAO Board Meeting - Regular - 010706 

January 10, 2006
Received WAO letter terminating my association with them at my workplace!  It was sent to me via courier and left at the receptionist's desk  What a joke as I had already quit the board!

What is interesting is that Michelle Cryer did not sign this letter, even though she was already a board member according to the second board meeting minutes, to which I was not invited to attend (and would not have since I resigned from my board of director positions!).  Cryer attended both the Emergency Board Meeting and the second board meeting, so why wasn't she listed on the letter?  Interesting...  I guess Carol Asvestas and crew (WAO board directors) did not want me to know that Michelle Cryer was in the room with us all on that fateful day.  These people are devious and morally bankrupted!  Thank God I am no longer part of this corrupt group!

Spoke with Ann from the Municipal City Court about submitting an open records request to see if any moving violation tickets were assigned to the Asvestas since Ron and Carol  drove WAO vehicles without valid driver licenses.
Spoke with Adult Probation to confirm whether or not community service (CS) workers were still working at the WAO.  She remembers  hearing that the workers were no longer available to work at the WAO due to misuse of the CS workers.  She indicated the CSR Supervisor would contact me.
January 11, 2006
Called INS and spoke with employee to determine if Carol Asvestas was legally in the country as she made reference to the fact that she thought her Visa expired years ago.  I gave him Carol’s AKA (Bice and Asvestas), DOB, and country of origin.  He said he had no records on either name in the system.  I asked if she was in the country illegally.  He said he needed to transfer me to someone else who could help me further.

January 12, 2006

Called the INS again and this time I was told to submit a FOIA request.

January 15, 2006

From: Kristina Brunner
To:     TMinchew1@...
Sent:  Sun, January 15, 2006 1:10:29 PM
SubjecAnimal Water Bowls

Hi Terry,

Could you do me a huge favor...  Could you remind the animal caretakers to check and clean the water bowels at least once a week.  Now that I can no longer take care of this responsibility, someone else will need to do this job.  The water bowels need to be cleaned out thoroughly, especially during the summer months because the algae will clogg up the water line.  During the summer months I recommend the bowels be checked daily because they can go bone dry quickly if the lines get clogged up.  If the bowels aren't cleaned at least once a week, the animals will end up drinking a black slimy liquid.  The only reason why I came out weekly was to make sure the bowels were clean and worked properly.  I worry about the animals drinking filthy water... 

I'm sorry for disturbing you and I hope you don't mind the brief intrusion...take care of yourself...k

January 17, 2006

I sent the following package (above) to Karen Maxfield as I believed she was the most "reasonable" person at the Emergency Board Meeting.  I sent it to her certified mail, receipt requested.
January 31, 2006

If people only knew the truth about the "victims of the storms":

WAO and IFAW Move Hundreds of Rescued Animals
by sanchopanza, 01/31/06 2:04 PM

San Antonio Experts Join IFAW to Move Hundreds of Rescued Animals
9/11/2005 12:04:00 PM

To: City and State desks

Contact: Chris Cutter of International Fund for Animal Welfare, 508-744-2066

GONZALES, La., Sept. 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Animal experts from the San Antonio-based Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) are today departing for Gonzales, La., where they will collect more than 200 dogs and other animals rescued by the International Fund for Animal Welfare's (IFAW -- ) 
Emergency Relief Team.

The IFAW team has rescued the animals over the last few days from flooded out areas of New Orleans, using boats and skilled water rescue experts.

WAO and IFAW will use the WAO Humane Train convoy of animal truck trailers to collect the animals, specially designed and operated vehicles set up to carry both large and small animals. The animals are expected to be moved on Monday to the Houston SPCA, where IFAW has assisted the staff there to set up a temporary shelter at an unused Volkswagen car dealership. The facility is set up and vets are on stand-by to receive the incoming animals.

IFAW's team, working with Code-3 Associates, is currently searching a list of more than 300 addresses where animals are reported to be stranded. To date more than 3,500 requests have been fielded, by rescuers, from people looking for lost pets in the New Orleans area alone. The list of requests is being maintained by the Louisiana ASPCA and compiled by various organizations and agencies around the country that have collected data from concerned pet owners. (IFAW Missing Pet Database -- ).

IFAW and Code-3 Associates are part of a larger cooperating group of animal rescue groups working under the authority of Louisiana agencies (USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services) with home searches permitted by the Louisiana State Police. Teams disperse out to grid locations across the New Orleans area each morning at approximately 7 am and are required to leave the rescue areas before the 5:30 pm curfew.

February 1, 2006

Received an email from Mary Ann to call her regarding the WAO cats.  She told me that the Dallas SPCA took approximately 75 cats last week.  She also told me that Carol told Terry Minchew not to spend too much time finding the Hurricane Katrina/Rita cats’ owners. 
Mary Ann joined Best Friends and was using Pet Finder to help reunite pets and owners.  Mary Ann remembered one particular person inquiring about the possibility that her cats was taken to the WAO.  The 63 years old woman submitted a query regarding her missing Calico named Samantha to the WAO.  The elderly woman told Mary Ann that she lived in the attic for 6 days, with her cats, before she was rescued from the flood waters.  She was saved, but her four cats were left behind.  She was able to find three of the cats, but her Samantha was still missing.
When Mary Ann asked Terry for the WAO's reunification instructions, Terry told Mary Ann that owners must send the WAO pictures of their lost pets before they can be returned to them—even if the flood waters destroyed the owners home and possessions.  Mary Ann said she was told this 3 – 4 times by Terry.
Mary Ann came to the conclusion that Carol did not want Terry to find the cats’ owners as she did not want Mary Ann to post the cats’ pictures and physical details on the Internet.  Mary Ann reported to me that she experienced a lot of resistance to reunite pets with owners.  Phone calls and emails from concerned pet owners were not returned in a timely fashion, often going without a response for days.
Mary Ann reported that the hurricane cat situation was cloaked in secrecy.  Many of the cats did not have BCF numbers.  Those taken to the Dallas SPCA had no papers or BCF numbers.  Mary Ann concluded that Terry sided with Carol regarding how to handle the so-called “reunification” process as she did not oppose Carol's instructions.
Mary Ann told Terry about Samantha (BFC #1862 ?).  Terry contacted Kathy, Samantha's owner, that the WAO does not have her cat.  Then later in the course of the conversation, Terry told Kathy that her cat was deemed “wild” and was placed at the WAO’s wild cat center (Talley Road).  Terry went on to call her cat “feral.”  Later, Kathy called Mary Ann very upset, saying that her cat was a “sweet little Calico and was not feral.  How could WAO let her cat go like that?”
According to Mary Ann as told to her by Terry, Norma refused to give out antibiotics to the sick cats (Clavamox).   Mary Ann said 36 cats were euthanized.  Mary Ann report there were approximately 280 cats left at the WAO (SBP = 44 cats; BFC = 202 cats; 12+ unknown origin).  Some of the cats had no identification numbers or information packets.

Terry told people we have volunteers helping reunite owners and pets.  Mary Ann said that Terry really meant outside agencies were helping reunite pets and owners, not WAO.
February 2, 2006
Mary Ann and I had a long discussion about the Hurricanes Katrina/Rita cats.
Mary Ann learned that Samantha arrived at the WAO in October 2005, not November 2005.
Mary Ann reported that Sara (Stealth) spoke to a woman with Best Friends (case worker), Tamara Flick about the WAO problems. 
Mary Miller from Atlanta, GA, was Mary Ann’s coordinator with Best Friends.  Mary Ann sent an email to Mary asking her to call her back regarding the WAO cat problems.
Mary Ann reported there were not very many cats left at the WAO and there was one puppy (originally there were 10 pups) left in the cage.
Mary Ann reported 20 cats were shipped to Mississippi.  She also reported three ladies from Best Friends visited the WAO (this was per Terry talking to Mary Ann).
Mary Ann told me the WAO signed a contract instructing the WAO not to adopt out the hurricane cats until authorized to do so.  WAO jumped the gun when it dispersed the cats to Mississippi and the Dallas SPCA.
The WAO recently updated with Samantha’s (#1852) information saying the cat was found in a "green house."  Only Carol or Best Friends can make updates to the on-line record. 
Mary Ann told me that Terry would not allow her to take pictures of the hurricane cats and post them to the Internet.  Terry told Mary Ann she had to seek Carol’s permission in order to do so.
Mary Ann asked Terry what happened to Samantha.  Terry apparently showed her a business card from Cedar Hills Sanctuary and told her that Samantha was sent to this sanctuary. 
Then Terry told Mary Ann that Samantha either went to Cedar Hills in Mississippi or to the Dallas SPCA.
Mary Ann told me she learned that 50-75 hurricane cats went to the Dallas SPCA (SPCA of Texas) exactly one week ago, last Thursday.
Mary Ann asked Terry again where Samantha went and Terry told her that the cat was sent to Cedar Hills.
Mary Ann asked Terry if there were any sick hurricane cats in the WAO’s “clinic.”  Terry told her no.  Mary Ann said Terry lied to her because when she went into the "clinic" she found more sick cats.   
Mary Ann learned that 21 cats were sent to Cedar Hills and 50-75 cats went to the SPCA of Texas (Dallas).  Per Terry, 36 Katrina/Rita cats were euthanized.  At this time there were approximately 100 cats left at the WAO. 
Mary Ann told me that Terry told her that Cedar Hills would not give up Samantha, that Cedar Hills was a place for cats that are old and hard to place.  She was told “It’s gone, it’s there, it’s staying there, so don’t bother to contact Cedar Hills.”
Mary Ann told me she confronted Terry regarding Carol releasing cats on and in front of the Leslie Road premise and she wanted the real story about what happened to Samantha.  Mary Ann informed Terry that Kathy called her after speaking with Terry, and that Kathy was very upset that her pet was classified as “feral” and taken to the "wild cat center."  Mary Ann said Terry looked surprised that she spoke with Kathy again.  Terry knew that Mary Ann suspected her of lying to Kathy as she knew the cat was not taken to Talley Road.
Mary Ann told Terry that she would be back the next day to help her care for the cats and to take pictures of them so she could upload their photos on the Internet (for reunification purposes).  Terry told her “I don’t want you back here.”
Address the cats were sent to:            Cedar Hills Animal Sanctuary
                                                                84 Sanctuary Loop
                                                                Caledonia, MS 39740
                                                                (662) 356-6636

February 3, 2006

I called the Dallas SPCA located on Industrial Blvd.  Christian said they did not receive cats.  I had previously left a voice message for him to return my call on February 2, 2006. 

I called the SPCA located on McKinney this date.  I heard one of the workers call out  and ask the other workers in the room if their facility received the cats from the WAO.  I heard someone yell back that the cats were at the SPCA located on Industrial Blvd.

Mary Ann told me she called Cedar Hills and learned that 43 cats arrived from the WAO.  She was told that the cats were delivered to Cedar Hills by a big guy from the WAO last Saturday.
Mary Ann learned from Cedar Hills that 50 cats were delivered to the Dallas SPCA (SPCA of Texas).    Mary Ann told me that Cedar Hills Sanctuary told her that there were 167 cats left at the WAO before the transfers.  She was told that Cedar Hills wanted to reunite cats and their owners.

Mary Ann was told by Kaye McElory (Cedar Hills) that the WAO told her they only euthanized 19 cats.  She also told Mary Ann that Samantha was not at Cedar Hills. 

I spoke with Cynthia (Sheriff’s Office) regarding whether or not she knew of someone willing to take pictures of the animals on tour and ask questions regarding animal care.

February 4, 2006

Mary Ann called me to let me know that she was traveling to Dallas.  I let her know that I tried to find someone to help her obtain photos of the remaining WAO cats.  Mary Ann told me that she got an email from Mary (Cedar Hills) saying that CD with the former WAO cats’ pictures will be mailed to her. 

Mary Ann mentioned to me that a big guy was introduced to her sometime in December 2005.  She was told that he was from Dallas and he would be taking the WAO hurricane cats to Dallas sometime next month.  She believes he may be from the Dallas SPCA.  When I asked Mary Ann to confirm when she met him, she blew up and said she didn’t want to answer any more questions until I answered some of her questions first.  I said go ahead and ask your questions.   She asked if the big guy possibly be a WAO contractor.  I said no, that I thought she was talking about the cat delivery person that went to Cedar Hills—that the person delivering the cats to this location was a big man.  I explained to her that is why I need to be allowed to ask her follow-up questions because she had a tendency to jump around in her recollections to me and so I must be allowed to ask these questions for clarification purposes. 

Mary Ann started yelling at me, so I asked her several times to hold down her voice and not yell at me.  She yelled back I always interrupted her, which was absolutely not true.  In fact, I’ve been afraid to ask her too many questions because she has yelled at me once before!

Mary Ann kept yelling at me and I had trouble hearing each word because I had to pull the phone away from my face due to the volume of the yelling.  I finally told her to go to Dallas.  She yelled back that she wasn’t talking to me until there was silence on the phone.  So I hung up on her.  Whether or not I hear from her again is up to Mary Ann, but I won’t be yelled at just because I’m asking important questions regarding the Hurricane Katrina/Rita cats. I think the stress of this case is getting to us all.  So many missing animals.  So many dead animals.  It's no wonder we're upset.

February 6, 2006

I may have a lead regarding potbellied pigs taken to the WAO several years ago.  Still waiting for the signed certified mail card from Karen Maxfield acknowledging the package I sent her. 

Mary Ann called me to let me know she spoke with Christian from the Dallas SPCA and gave him BCF number 1852.  She was told that the cats were either adopted or euthanized over the weekend.  He would not give her the number of cats they received from the WAO; how many were adopted to good homes; and how many were euthanized. Sadly, there were no more WAO cats alive at the SPCA of Dallas.

She told me when she got home she emailed Christian a picture of Samantha (#1852) along with the Calico’s owner information.

Mary Ann learned that Best Friends contacted Carol to inform her of Mary Ann's concerns.  Carol flatly denied Mary Ann’s allegations.  Frances from Best Friends is supposed to investigate the WAO.

Mary Ann shared with me an incident that occurred on November 28, 2005:  Carol, upset with many of the cats that did not want to leave the cat carriers when they first arrived, dumped them in front of the WAO make-shift hurricane rescue cat building.  Apparently she was stopped by Ron and asked why she was just letting the cats go.  Carol told him that she deemed them “wild” and she did not want them in the cat building.  Ron told her to load the cats onto the back of his pick-up truck and he would take and release them at Talley Road.

February 7, 2006

I spoke with Cynthia from the Sheriff's Office.  She has old pictures and files from the 1980's pertaining to Ron and Carol Asvestas.  She also gave me the name and number of the Animal Defenders League investigators – I need to follow-up with this group.

Today I made contact with an IRS investigator and explained the situation.  He will look into this case and contact me later to establish an appointment date and time.

February 8, 2006

Mary Ann called to tell me that Ron, with Terry and Carol present, called her to let her know that she was no longer welcomed at the WAO and that she was not to discuss WAO business with anyone else.  Ron also told her to take down the cat/owner reunification website that she created.  The last time Mary Ann saw Terry was on February 2, 2006.

Mary Ann was able to learn that Cedar Hills had 3 cats euthanized -- that left 43 hurricane cats left at Cedar Hills. 

According to the Best Friends Hurricanes Katrina/Rita inventory list, 239 cats were taken to WAO.

50 cats were taken to SPCA of Dallas on January 27, 2006.  Mary Ann and I believe that the Dallas SPCA director called Ron and Carol on Monday to let them know that Mary Ann was making inquires into the cats taken to Dallas.  It was that same day, Mary Ann was told not to return to the WAO (February 6, 2006).

February 10, 2006
Learned from the WAO’s ex-bookkeeper that:
1.   Carol showed her pictures of Carol and others partying at an out-of-state bar.  Pictures included semi-nude men.  The bookkeeper was given the impression these pictures were taken with a WAO-paid-for camera.  She also was given the impression WAO funds were used, supposedly while “inspecting” other animal sanctuaries, for recreational diversions;
2.   The bookkeeper was instructed to write her name as the payee on WAO checks, instructed to cash the checks, then give the monies to Carol (money laundering);
3.   The bookkeeper was instructed to use her vehicle to run errands for the WAO and Carol and was not reimbursed for the use of her vehicle, even though there were several WAO paid-for vehicles available for use;
4.   The bookkeeper was a witness to the events following the son getting into a car accident (WAO vehicle).  She heard the son and Ron Asvestas’ working out a plan to provide false information to the insurance company.  Ron decided to place the son, Aaron, on WAO payroll for the day he was in the accident, so the insurance would cover him as a covered employee;
5.   The bookkeeper witnessed the Asvestas’ removing cash from the register.  The removed cash was not tracked nor was it replaced at the end of the day;
6.   The adult Asvestas’ children used pre-signed WAO checks for their personal use and did not provide the bookkeeper with receipts;
7.   The bookkeepers smelled alcohol on Ron’s breath when she showed up for work;
8.   The bookkeeper observed both Ron and Carol driving WAO vehicles and it was well known in the office the Asvestas’ did not possess driver’s licenses.

February 12, 2006

Well, I sent my complaint letter to the Texas Attorney General's Office.  I pray this agency can help me save the WAO animals:

February 13, 2006
Spoke with Kathy McDermott from Best Friends.  She called me last Thursday and so I returned her call.  We discussed the problems at the WAO relating to the hurricane cats; the relocation of the cats (Cedar Hills and SPCA of Texas) and the lack of reunification actions taken by the WAO staff; the cats’ highly contagious illness; and how donated monies were not going towards the hurricane cats’ care and upkeep.
February 14, 2006
Spoke with Joan of TOPS.  She request information which I had in my possession to be sent right away.  I mailed the information to her via UPS.
February 15, 2006
Learned about 208 cats from Comfort, Texas (retirement home for cats).  Before I left the WAO, I remembered seeing a crematorium in the WAO’s storage area around August 2006.  I never knew the SPCA of Texas (Dallas) sent the cats to the death at the WAO.
February 16, 2006
Spoke with Joan (TOPS) – she believes Carol was born in South Africa?
February 19, 2006
Spoke with Mary Ann.  Provided her with a timeline of events as she conveyed them to me.  She said she’d send me all email traffic between herself and Best Friends regarding problems at WAO.
February 21, 2006
Marilyn from Stealth said WAO is working hard to reunite the animals with their owners.  Mary Ann told her now they are pro-unite.  She told Marilyn the situation at the WAO.  Stealth apparently working with shelters currently being sued by the owners of missing pets. 
In commenting about the WAO, Marilyn apparent said “They had a volunteer too zealous and took this too serious. “  Marilyn told Mary Ann not to worry about the WAO. 
Amy said all the WAO PDFs are feral.  Mary Ann told her not true.  Mary Ann told her that she had a spreadsheet showing each cat’s disposition.  She told her that the WAO took no responsibility for the cats in their possession.
Mary Ann told me that Terry Minchew was sick the first week of the January 2006.  Apparently, Terry thought she might have cat fever from a scratch she received from one of the hurricane cats.
I learned Carol may be using a couple of alias names:  Suzanne Marsh and Cynthia Lambert.
February 22, 2006
Contacted Texas US Fish and Wildlife to ask if the investigator could check on the animals living in the quarantine area.  Investigator Jumper said he would stop by early the following morning.
Spoke with the former bookkeeper to let her know that someone from the DOL Wage Dept may be calling her for a statement.  She said she was willing to talk to investigators regarding what she saw or heard at the WAO.

February 25, 2006
Spoke with Mary Ann.  She told me that volunteers from Best Friends are requesting an investigation into the WAO’s activities.  I was told to expect a request from Best Friends for a statement.
February 27, 2006

From: Mary Miller <mlmiller@...>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Mon, February 27, 2006 6:56:33 PM
Subject: Re: WAO concerns
OOPS! Thank you, Kristina.


----- Original Message -----
From: Kristina Brunner
To: Mary Miller
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: WAO concerns

Dear Mary,

I would be more than happy to assist Best Friends locate any missing cats placed at the WAO.  I will work on the report and send it to you since I do not have Kathi McDermott's e-mail address.


Mary Miller <mlmiller@...> wrote:

Dear Kristina,

As you know, Best Friends has placed over 200 Katrina cats for fostering at

Some questions have been raised about the subsequent re-location of those
cats.  It is very important to us that we know where all the cats we rescued are
and that they are receiving proper care.

I believe you have spoken to Kathi McDermott; she has told me she would be
grateful if you could send her a brief written report regarding the issues
mentioned above.

Kathi is hoping to ! resolve things quickly so it would be much appreciated if
you can send this information to her by Weds, March 1. We very much appreciate
your help in our attempts to gain a clear picture of the situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I am NOT a Best
Friends staff member, just a volunteer, so I may not be able to answer all
of your questions, but I would be glad to do my best.


Mary Miller
Best Friends Lost and Found Volunteers Coordinator (706) 583-0212
"Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible; and suddenly
you are doing the impossible."--St. Francis

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tue, February 28, 2006 9:50:43 PM
Subject: BFC and WAO

Greetings Kathi

Here is the report you requested.  I also include attachments pertaining to this case.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  Thank you for your time and attention to this matter!


kathim < > wrote:
I am out of my office and will return on Wednesday March 1. I will respond to you as soon as possible upon my return.


Kathi McDermott
Community Program Manager
Best Friends Animal Society

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: automated response

Greetings Ms. McDermott:

This is just a quick follow-up e-mail to determine if you received my e-mail and statement okay.  Could you please advise me on the status of this inquiry?  Your response is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!


Kristina Brunner

From: Kathi McDermott <>
To: Kristina Brunner

Sent: Mon, March 6, 2006 10:40:38 PM
Subject: Wild Animal Orphanage

Yes, I did receive your report, and I am in the process of trying to sort through everything.  I hope I can have a response for you within two weeks.  It is going to take some time to fully review the status of the cats we sent there.

Thank you for providing the information.  I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.


Kathi McDermott
Community Program Manager
Best Friends Animal Society
5001 Angel Canyon Road
Kanab, Utah 84741

A better world through kindness to animals

February 28, 2006
Spoke with Investigator Jumper (Fish & Wildlife).  He visited the WAO on an unofficial capacity.  He said he saw the lion with the mane (Sabu).  He told me he could not remember seeing the ligers (Beauty & Beast).  He wasn't sure about any new construction near the ligers’ enclosure.  He did say many of the animals looked thin to him.  He did not inquire about Jake or any of the animals living in the quarantine area. 

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