The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

June - July 2007

June 1, 2007

From: Lynn Cuny <>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Fri, June 1, 2007 9:39:35 AM
Subject: RE: WAO Update

Hi Kristina,

I finally heard back and no one I checked with can do it.


From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:13 PM
To: Lynn Cuny
Subject: WAO Update

Greetings Lynn :

I learned today that the USDA decided to place the Talley Road facility under the WAO's exhibitor's permit.  I was also told the USDA/APHIS inspectors are on the property. 

Sadly, I learned the WAO wants special permission from the State to continue burying animals at Talley Road , presumably because she does not want to maintain records of dead animals.  One step forward...two steps back...

Has anyone volunteered to take a tour at the WAO?  I hate to go to a private investigator again because it cost so much...any help you can provide me in this area would really be appreciated...thanks!   k 

Why is it so hard to find volunteers from other animal organizations willing to help me document the problems with animal care at the WAO?  All these animal organizations tell me they have known all about the WAO’s activities for years, but not one group is willing to step up to the plate and help me!  What gives?

June 7, 2007

From: "aidforanimalsinc@"
To: kbrunner@...
Cc: AidForAnimalsInc@
Sent: Thu, June 7, 2007 10:50:15 AM
Subject: Re: Hi, Kristina

I talked to Susan.  She said a guy was handling my letter and is supposed to call me either this afternoon or tomorrow.  She was interested enough to ask me some questions.  I told her I knew, from the papers, that there was an existing investigation.  She said, "Well, since you already know that....." and she admitted that there was, but she didn't tell me anything about it, but talked to me longer asking more questions.  She said they were very interested in my letter and the more claims they had, the better it would be for a case.  She sounded encouraging.  Let's hope this isn't more smoke blowing.  I want them to explain to me how they bought that Talley Road property with donated funds to WAO, but were able to annex it from WAO.  That makes absolutely no sense.  I do not understand how it was legal in the least.

Anyway, I will be sure and fill you in when they call me back.  Keep all your appendages crossed.  Oh..I also mentioned how disappointed I was to hear there was a much bigger, formal investigation of Primarily Primates when WAO was much worse.  She didn't offer any comments on that.  Anywho.  We'll see where this goes.


From: kbrunner@...
To: aidforanimalsinc@
Sent: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 4:46 pm
Subject: Re: Hi, Kristina

Greetings Jeanette!

I haven't heard a peep from the OAG.  I would recommend calling the person he suggested, the more voices that speak up for the animals, the better.  Sadly, the OAG doesn't want to hear from me until after the case is closed - all I can do is send them any additional evidence sent my way.  Maybe this woman can give you some additional information regarding the on-going case (ie. when it might close so the information can be reviewed by the public under Texas Open Records Act!)...

Rumor has it the USDA/APHIS incorporated the Talley Road facility under the WAO's current exhibitor's license.  I heard inspectors are or have been on the property. All of this is heard through third hand information, so I don't know exactly what is happening with the USDA either.  The waiting is the hardest part right now.  Please keep me informed if you hear anything of interest from the OAG...many thanks!   k

----- Original Message -----

From: aidforanimalsinc@
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: Hi, Kristina

I just received a call from the criminal division of the AG office.  The guy said he referred my letter to the Charitable division and gave me the name of a woman to call there.  I told him I'd already written to them, but he said call anyway..even though...she probably would not be the one to handle the case in the charitable division.  LOL!  He said charges from the charitable division would be more severe anyway than criminal charges for cruelty to animals.  This call is the only response I've had from my letters so far.

I don't guess you've heard anything, have you?

Hope you are doing well.


[Today's comment:  How disappointing that the OAG continued to strike a "deal" with the WAO in light of all the evidence this Office received regarding the "illegal" operations of the WAO.  The WAO case was much worse than the PPI case and ironically, PPI is still alive and well and the WAO is closed forever.  Unbelieveable.]

June 7, 2007

From: "GatorBaiterR@
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Thu, June 7, 2007 10:47:51 PM
Subject: Fwd: Open Records Request for The Animal Sanctuary of tthe United States othe...

Does this mean that they do not represent the WAO? I THINK THEY ARE A BUNCH OF ASSES

From: Bill Aleshire
To: GatorBaiterR@;
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 7:32 PM
Subject: RE: Open Records Request for The Animal Sanctuary of tthe United States other DBA

Dear Ms. Bryant,

    Please do not submit such requests regarding ASUS to the law firm of Riggs & Aleshire.  Our law firm is not responsible for accepting, reviewing, or processing such requests.  Contacting this law firm is in no way a substitute for contacting ASUS.  You are hereby put on notice that Riggs & Aleshire is not obligated to, and will not, take any action regarding any future communication you send to us regarding ASUS.

Bill Aleshire
Riggs & Aleshire, P.C.
700 Lavaca, Suite 920
Austin</=pan>, Texas 78701
512 457-9838 phone
512 457-9066 fax

From: ""
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Thu, June 7, 2007 7:43:14 PM
Subject: Open Records Request for The Animal Sanctuary of tthe United States other DBA

United States Animal Protection
1200 Chastain Road
Kenneswaw, GA. 30144

VIA E-Mail and

Mr. Bill Aleshire
700 Lavaca, Suite 920
Austin, Texas 78701

Re:  Request for Open Records
Dear Mr. Aleshire

This request is for The Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS) and all other DBA names.

This letter is a formal request made under the Texas public records Act to obtain access to the 2006 financial records to include:  2006 Annual Report (Mission Statement, Board of Director's Meetings, Board of Directors Listing, Key Staff Members, Financial Reports, and Program Service Accomplishments), 2006 990's (to include any requests sent to the IRS for filing extentions or amendments to a filed report), and the independent audit of the 2006 financial report.

We believe this information is of public interest. And would ask that you waive all fees.  However, we are prepared to pay reasonable search and retrieval fees if necessary. Should your estimate of those fees exceed $50, including the cost to mail the requested records to the address above, please advise us of the costs before they are incurred by calling 828-489-1311

If our request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of theTexas public records Act. I will also expect you to release all segreable portions of otherwise exempt material.

Please feel free to call me at the number above if you have any questions about this request. We look forward to hearing from you within 10 days in accordance with the Texas Public Records Act.


Susan P. Bryant    
(Member, United States Animal Protection)

Susan P. Bryant
520 Gilreath Loop Rd.
Horse Shoe, N.C. 28742

C.C.  Sent E-Mail

June 8, 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Brunner
To: aidforanimalsinc@
Sent: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 12:31 pm
Subject: Re: Fwd: Wild Animal Orphanage Investigation, San Antonio, TX
By chance, was the site called US Animal Protection? 
I think you can also find an entry at  This is a very big deal because once you are on this site, you do not come off! 
If the site you responded to was not USAP, could you let me know...I'd be interested to see what is out there.... (:   k

aidforanimalsinc@ wrote:
I get noticies from Google about any new developments with WAO.  I got one today from the website for Shelter Reform or something like that, where they posted the story with your news coverage about WAO.  I sent them the following.  I figured more awareness won't hurt.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeannette Ferro
Cc: KsAPigButt@; AidForAnimalsInc@
Sent: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 8:42 am
Subject: Wild Animal Orphanage Investigation, San Antonio, TX

IF you respond, please email me at KsAPigButt@
I am Jeannette Ferro, President and founder of Nanny's Fannys, Mini Pig & Animal Rescue, Inc., incorporated in Metairie, LA, and President and founder of Aid For Animals, Inc., which I closed in October of last year.  I've been rescuing over 15 years, and had the Aid For Animals, Inc online fundraising program for close to 5 years.
In October of 2000, I happened to see on the news where the sheriff's office and animal control confiscated some 98+ pigs from a man in St. Tammany Parish.  The idiot had gotten a pair of pigs 2 years prior thinking he could make a fortune breeding and selling mini pigs.  The pigs continued to multiply out of control, and the elderly man could not afford to feed them.  Being in tact and hungry, they broke out of the inadequate confines and began ruting up the yards and gardens of all the neighbors.
The news said the pigs would be adopted out to the public and for people to call if they wanted to adopt.  I could see that the majority of these pigs were inbred and not healthy.  I knew they not only would not make good companion animals, but was afraid they would suffer even more trauma if adopted out to just anyone who came by wanting them.  I contacted the animal control shelter and asked them to give me time to find permanent sanctuary placements for them, and that they were not suitable for public adoption.  The shelter director told me the news reporters were wrong.  The shelter had no intentions of adopting the pigs out to anyone.  He had intended to kill them all.  I can't remember everything now, but I did manage to get word to the news media.  The shelter director was not pleased.
Long story short, I managed to gain a lot of public support locally and away from home.  I raised close to $10,000 for the rescue that took 3 months to complete.
The director of the American Sanctuary Association, Vernon Weir, was helping me try to find homes for all of these pigs.  I say 98+ because most of the 58 females were pregnant. (With the donations, I paid to have the 40 males neutered.)  He said that Carol Asvestas, then one of the ASA sanctuary members, had told him she would take the pigs.  I thought it was strange that a sanctuary who took in large exotics would agree to take in mini pigs and was a little hesistant, to say the least.  I had found places from NY to FL and to Washington State, WY, and all over to take the pigs already, but the transport to all these places would have been too cost prohibitive.  I had no volunteers to help with transport.  Carol gave me the name of a professional animal transporter, Ric Hayward, out of Weatherford, TX, whom she had used on occassion, and Ric gave me a price of $1,500 to take them all to San Antonio to WAO.
Carol assured me she had several acres on her annexed Talley Road property that she would fence in and build a "nice barn", and where the pigs could live out their lives.  I was thrilled for one reason in particular and one of the things that bothered me was having to separate these animals.  The security of the closeness of their own little herd was the only stability and safety net these animals had ever had.  Being wild, they had never been socialized with humans.  I knew they would be far less stressed and would have a better chance of survival both physically and emotionally if they could remain together.  Carol ever went so far as to describe the "green pastures and shade trees" the pigs could enjoy in their "own private, secured acreage".  She assured me she would not adopt them out, but they would live out there lives there.  It was too good to be true.  I have a copy of a news coverage where Angela Hill with WWL, Channel 4 in New Orleans interviewed me, and me telling her and the viewers about the wonderful new home that the "babies"...(all animals are my "babies") would have to "live out the rest of their lives "together".
After fighting to keep the pigs alive while they were at the animal control shelter, (the director and his kennel manager hating the pigs....that was another nightmare I had to suffer in silence on top of all the other stress b/c if I said anything publicly, I fear he would have killed them) and all the sleepless nights and not being able to eat worrying about them being warm enough and having enough hay bedding and food and surviving their shelter ordeal, I cried so much from stress and worry....when that truck pulled out of the shelter the morning of January 1, 2001, I couldn't help but cry with relief for the sheer fact that they had survived the 3 months at the shelter and they were finally going to a safe place to where they would forever be cared for properly and would have nothing to worry about or fear again for the rest of their lives.  Carol was very convencing about how much she loved animals and cared for them.......
I called often and asked about the pigs.  I repeatedly asked for photographs of them, their area, and the "beautiful new barn".  Carol always promised, but never sent any photos.  Carol said she and Rod discussed them taking the pigs and they decided they would need $4,500 up front to erect the fencing and build the barn.  I sent the $4,500 ahead of the pigs arrival.  I sent her a *very long* email about the proper care and needs of the pigs.  She assured me she had caregivers familiar with the care of mini pigs.  This, again, did not make any sense with her being a large exotic animal facility, but I had no reason to doubt her at that time so I let it go.  I never stopped worrying, but I didn't badger her about it.
I'm a nurse and Carol knew at the time that I had a live-in resident patient plus my elderly mother that I cared for and was not able to go to San Antonio to see the pigs.  She often told me I was welcomed and one time that she was going to find a way that I could go there.  That was just another one of her many lies.
Sorry, I said "long story short", but this isn't so short.  About, I'm guessing from memory, she told me to sent about half or a little less of the pigs to one of her board members who lived close to her.  She said she could go and check on them any time she wanted to.  I was upset, but she said she told me in the beginning that she would place the pigs if she could find a suitable home, but that she would not adopt them out to the public.  That was NOT what she told and ASSURED me!  I continued to call and continued to ask about the babies and her pat answer was always, "They're fine!"  I thought it odd that she never had little stories or anything specific to tell me.  I know, having rescued pigs myself, how very much like human children these animals are and how they can get into things and, yes, at times, cause trouble or get into trouble with their insatiable curiosity and activities.  All I could ever get out of her was, "They're fine!"  I began to hear stories about her taking in animals, always with up front funding, and then the animals would have to be put down *by Carol* b/c they came up with this illness or the other.  Seems like a lot of her animals suffered "kidney or liver" problems.  Carol told me on several occassions that "she had to put them down."  That was another issue that I've asked the authorities is how can she legally have drugs in her possession and is she legally qualified to euthanize or even sedate animals on her own.  I spoke to a previous worker who said she kept a box of meds, it was never locked as it should legally have been, and anyone could have had access to any of the controlled substance drugs.  He said Carol often sedated the exotics b/c she had a fetish about moving them around "like other women would often change their furniture placement".  He said some were over sedated and died  and some were undersedated and got lose.  I began to hear all kinds of stories.  Each time I tried getting information out of Carol about the pigs, and pushed too hard, she would threaten to sue me.  I tried to make her think others were inquiring about the pigs, and "we" both needed to provide concrete proof that the pigs were OK so "we" could stop the rumors.  She, of course, wanted names, which I couldn't/wouldn't give her, and we went back to the "I'll sue" threats.
Then I heard through someone else, that a volunteer worker saw Ron with a truck, and all the pigs were loaded up and taken off just a few months after their arrival at WAO.  They claimed they asked where the pigs were going, and Ron gave an ugly answer, as was usually the case when anyone asked or questioned any caring of any of the animals, and wouldn't tell them where the pigs were going.
I also found out from Ric Hayward, who delivered more exotics to Carol just a couple or few ...can't remember his exact words, after he brought the pigs there, that he inquired to her about the pigs.  He told me she said, "I got rid of them."  He said he asked what she meant and all she would say was to repeat, "I got rid of them" and wouldn't say more.
I've talked to Dr. Elizabeth Panel, the AG investigator for that area, and she has admitted that she didn't have access to the Talley Road property....since that area was annexed from the other side and original part of WAO.  Shortly after purchasing the Talley Road property, Carol had it annexed and closed off to the public and AG inspectors.  My question has always been how was it legal to purchase the additional property with public WAO funding, them have it "annexed" and prohibit inspectors or anyone else from that property and the animals kept there, yet it is still owned by the *public charity* WAO, and still funded by public donations to WAO and has always housed rescued animals who came with and were cared for with public, private, and even government donations?  I've heard ALL KINDS of stories about how funded money has been handled at WAO, but have never gotten any answers as to how it can be so or why no one has done anything about it.  I do know from my involvement with another sanctuary, Pigs, a Sanctuary, up in W.V, when Dale Rifle and Jim ...what's his name were the founders and directors....and I began to receive horror reports of what was going on there, that the IRS investigated them and did nothing and supposedly found nothing.  Theft WAS there, however, and the board members finally decided to fire Jim and Dale.  If I had had any say in the matter, they would all be behind bars and the sanctuary be turned over to someone who would run it appropriately.  Unfortunately, that was not the case, and even more animals suffered after as a result, and as far as I know, could still be.  My point, is what kind of audit is the IRS doing on these places?!?  I bought audio copies of speeches that Jim and Dale gave two years before they were fired that they gave at the welfarist's annual convention, the first one, I believe was in PA, and the second one in AZ, I think.  Anyway, by the second convention, Jim and Dale had become aware that I was holding up my promise to bring them down, and they say in their speech, "There's a woman in LA that says we're killing pigs.  We're not killing pigs.  SHE'S killing pigs!  We don't care if she lives in a trailer.  We want to take every thing she owns from her."  They proceeded to admit they were scared to death about being audited by the IRS, but as it turned out, the "IRS told us they weren't there to hurt us.  They were there to help us."  And, sure enough, they certainly did.  I don't understand this.
At any rate, I want to know, once and for all, what and where Carol did with those poor pigs.  Something should also be done about the money she received for the care of those pigs.  The $4,500 she received for the "beautiful barn" and "the fencing of the several acers", the additional $500 I sent out of my personal funds after their arrival, the $1,500 she told me she got from the sale of 3 pieces of jewelry I sent her for funds for the pigs, as well as a $5,000 donation from a "Lindsay" person who had a "Foundation" that Carol thanked in one of her mail out newsletters for the "$5,000" that this person and her foundation "donated that helped save these 102+ pigs".  She didn't mention me in the newsletter.  It sounded like this Lindsay woman was responsible for their rescue. 
The money should be paid back to someone....I don't know how that should be determined, but that's not my main concern.  I want to know for certain what happened to those babies and have Carol tell me, preferably to my face, what she did with them and that she has lied to me about them all this time.  As far as I'm concerned, Ron and Carol Asvestas need to face and be sentenced with criminal charges and that sanctuary be turned over to someone who will properly run it.  It scares me to death to know and hear about so many sanctuaries that are harming rescued animals and stealing public funds.  Something serious needs to be done to stop this.  I fear the consequences to all the animals, both human and nonhuman, that will suffer dire consequences if the public stops providing funding for their support.  I have a lot of opinions and ideas about public charities, but that is my worst fear and biggest concern.  It would be disastrous and so many would suffer more than they already are.
I was put in touch with Kristina Bruner and she has helped me as to how to file formal complaints and with who in TX.  I had sent Kristina copies of everything I had.  After hurricane Katrina and helping as many as I could for a year and a half after the storm, I moved to TN to be with other pig rescuers.  I don't like it here though.  I am seriously considering moving back to my home located just outside Baton Rouge.  About the only thing stopping me is worrying about the stress and toll it will have on my babies.
Thank you for your time.  I apologize for being so lengthy.  I am for real.  I am not a nut case.  I'm a 58 year old single nurse and animal advocate/rescuer.  I also fight for the rights and protection of the elderly, children, handicapped persons, and anyone else who can't defend themselves.
Jeannette Ferro
Please, if you reply, reply to KsAPigButt@.  This form you have will probably use the twinlakes email, and that one doesn't work well and I seldom use it.  jferro@ or com...I can't even remember.
aidforanimalsinc@ wrote:
The google email is in my KsAPigButt@ account.  I'll forward the link to you.  I can't remember what the site was.
Chris just called me.  He said he couldn't tell me anything b/c it is an ongoing investigation, but my complaint was included.  I asked him how I would know when the investigation was completed and the outcome.  He said anyone who filed a complaint would get a written notice by mail letting each one know what happened and the outcome, and you could also, at that time, call up or ask for the public records.  He said he could not tell me if there has been any substantial progress made to date.
Guess we just sit and wait.  VERY frustrating, as usual.
From: Kristina Brunner 
To: aidforanimalsinc@
Sent: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 6:10 pm
Subject: Re: Wild Animal Orphanage Investigation, San Antonio, TX

It is very frustrating indeed... I've heard the same line for over a year now, but at least your information is included for the record and hopefully he can get a resolution on your complaint.  My gut feeling is something will come out sometime in July or August.  I can't imagine it going on  much longer than that.  The PPI case was much shorter than this case! 
As to the USAP - I am indeed familiar with this organization.  You probably won't hear from the President for awhile because she is in the field.  I don't know when she will be back, but I am sure she will contact you upon her return.  I will let her know that you and I have been corresponding and that I am familiar with your situation.  Dawn, the President, has been most instrumental in getting the USDA/APHIS onto the Talley Road property.  She has also put me in contact with folks that have helped me obtain information regarding the WAO.  Rest assured, there are a lot of people familiar with this case and we are all working hard to save the animals.  Like you said, the waiting can be frustrating!  Here is the link I spoke of earlier: .  This is a reputable database and now that the WAO is on it, people may think twice before sending their animals to San Antonio!  k

aidforanimalsinc@ wrote:
The google email is in my KsAPigButt@ account.  I'll forward the link to you.  I can't remember what the site was.
Chris just called me.  He said he couldn't tell me anything b/c it is an ongoing investigation, but my complaint was included.  I asked him how I would know when the investigation was completed and the outcome.  He said anyone who filed a complaint would get a written notice by mail letting each one know what happened and the outcome, and you could also, at that time, call up or ask for the public records.  He said he could not tell me if there has been any substantial progress made to date.
Guess we just sit and wait.  VERY frustrating, as usual.
From: aidforanimalsinc@
To: kbrunner@
Cc: AidForAnimalsInc@
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Wild Animal Orphanage Investigation, San Antonio, TX

Did I tell you what Chris said about the Talley Road property and the animals?  He said there was a loop hole in the TX laws that allows any sanctuary or public place to keep animals on property and not be inspected as long as the property isn't open to public access.  I asked him what about animal protection for those animals.  He said the inspector still couldn't legally go on the property as long as the property can't be accessed by the public.  But, and I know this doesn't have anything to do with Chris or his department, what about humane investigators and the animal protection laws for TX?  Can't they have access to the property?  They can go on private property owned by individuals or other businesses.  What's the difference?  Any way you can ask around and check on that?  That "loop hole" in the TX law needs to be fixed also.  Would one of your state reps or senators be willing to do that for us?


From: kbrunner@
To: aidforanimalsinc@
Sent: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 10:57 am
Subject: Re: Wild Animal Orphanage Investigation, San Antonio, TX

Chris is wrong.  According to Texas law HB1362, the local government has the right to inspect the property w/a vet in tow at any time, but a minimum of once per year.  Right now, the Talley Road and Leslie Road facilities are in violation of this law.  I'm working on this...  But the good news is I heard the USDA/APHIS recently included the Talley Road facility under the WAO's exhibitor's license.  That means USDA inspectors can now access the property at any time.  I believe inspectors have been at the Talley Road facility, but I am not able to confirm this directly from the USDA at this time...k

Subject:Re: Wild Animal Orphanage Investigation, San Antonio, TX
Date:Saturday, June 9, 2007 2:14 PM

Well, I hope it wasn't Dr. Elizabeth Panel that did the inspection.  We can kiss that inspection goodbye, if so.  Still, that isn't Chris' concern.  He wouldn't be interested in that unless he could tie it in with misappropriation of funds.  Wonder if that's a possibility?  Shouldn't be a problem, I would think with all that Carol and Ron does.

Much later:  

"He said anyone who filed a complaint would get a written notice by mail letting each one know what happened and the outcome, and you could also, at that time, call up or ask for the public records."

So the OAG/Charitable Trust Division lied.  I was told at the beginning of the case that I would be notified in writing on the final disposition of the case when it ended and apparently Jeanette was told the exact same thing.  Then when the case came to a final close once the land and assets were sold, I received notice that NO ONE from the Texas OAG would email me to let me know the final disposition of this case.  Sounds like a major cover-up to me!   Again, what are they hiding from the public?  The same public that pays their salaries and benefits?

June 9, 2007

From: Courtney…
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Sat, June 9, 2007 10:51:56 AM
Subject: Re: Another WAO Newsletter

Here's the newsletter.  Sorry the file's a bit big but I wanted you to have the complete document.  Like last time, I blacked out my name and address but if you ever need it, I'm happy to provide it.  I hate to say it, but I'm not sure the animals they are showing are still alive - I thought at least one of them had died... Hopefully, I'm wrong.  At any rate, please let me know if you need anything else!


June 21, 2007 
From:  Kristina Brunner
To: "" <>
Sent: Thu, June 21, 2007 9:20:05 AM
Subject: Re: Follow-up on the Animal Sanctuary , dba The Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Dr. Gibbens: 
This is wonderful news!  Thank you for checking on Zabu and Jake - I truly appreciate your assistance in this matter -
Kind Regards, 
From: ""
To: "kbrunner@...
Sent: Thu, June 21, 2007 9:15:42 AM
Subject: Re: Follow-up on the Animal Sanctuary , dba The Wild Animal Orphanage

Ms. Brunner:

Talley Road is now a regulated site under WAO's USDA license.  I will check with Dr. Pannill to see if she has any information on Jake and Zabu.

Robert M. Gibbens, DVM
Director, Western Region
USDA, APHIS, Animal Care
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg B
Ft. Collins, CO 80526


06/20/2007 06:27 PM    
    Robert M Gibbens/CO/APHIS/USDA@USDA
    Re: Follow-up on the Animal Sanctuary , dba The Wild Animal Orphanage
Greetings Dr. Gibbens:

Please forgive me for contacting you again for an update on the WAO case.  It has been several weeks since my last inquiry and I was wondering if there is an update on the case.

Rumor has it the USDA/APHIS incorporated the Talley Road facility under the ASUS/WAO's exhibitor's permit.  Certainly if this information is correct, I am pleased inspectors can finally check on the animals at this facility.  Any information you can in part to me regarding the health and welfare of Jake and Zabu would be most appreciated.  Even though it's been over a year now since my first communication with your Office, I am still very concerned for the health and well-being of the WAO's animals.  Thank you for looking into this matter for me.

Kindest Regards,

Kristina Brunner

June 24, 2007

WAO really takes its board of directors' meeting seriously!  Take a peek:

June 25, 2007

From: Melissa Story <>
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Henry Karnei <>
Sent: Mon, June 25, 2007 8:47:04 AM
Subject: Re: Status of WAO Case

Ms. Brunner -

Thank you for your concern.  This has been an unusually busy (last six months) for us here at the TCEQ.  I appreciate your patience in all of this matter. 

To answer your question, the case is not closed.  The last I've have heard from the facility is that the Attorney for the WAO is no longer representing the facility.  By this action, it appears the contact's between the TCEQ and the WAO will be a little smoother without some of the formalities.  Although contact has not recently been made to the WAO, I plan to conduct a follow-up investigation to where I left off.  Once the investigation has been made, the agency will contact you.

Thanks again for your cooperation in this matter.

Melissa Story
Environmental Investigator
San Antonio Region Office
(210) 403-4071

>>> Kristina Brunner <kbrunner@...> 6/22/2007 >>>

Greetings Ms. Story:

It's been a while since my last inquiry and so I thought I'd drop a quick line to see if the ASUS/WAO case is closed yet...  I learned yesterday from the USDA/APHIS the Talley Road facility is now under the WAO's exibitor's license and inspectors have been to the property.  I was wondering if there has been any new developments on your end.

Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner

 June 26, 2007
I received word that the 2006 990 should be ready by the end of the month or beginning of next month.  I have a friend who has been inquiring at the WAO regularly, asking when the 2006 990 will be available to the public.

 July 6, 2007
From: "
To: kbrunner@...
Sent: Fri, July 6, 2007 1:00:52 PM
Subject: Kristina

I have a friend of mine in the big cat private owner crowd.  She and I have been friends for about 10 years and I trust her.  She lives near Las Vegas in Pahrumph.  She has some video (see below) to send to you, so I gave her your email address.  She is also the one who helped me identify the web site you wanted to know about.  Bear in mind that Zuzana is a private owner supporter--she and I disagree on several levels--but we have always respected each others point of view and can communicate based on that level.  By the way, she takes good care of her cats.

[Current Note:  And this begins my relationship with in trying to get the word out regarding the WAO investigation.  Thanks to Zuzana and her website, we were able to save a lot of animals from going to the WAO!]

July 27, 2007
After many days of gathering information pertaining to the Pahrump animals, I was finally able to send out this addendum to my original complaint to the OAG.  These animals deserve a voice and should not EVER be forgotten.

How could IFAW and WAO personnel allow a Sheriff Deputy to pose with the sedated tiger, weapon prominently displayed, joking that some people pay a lot of money to be photographed with a "downed" tiger?
In the next video, Carol Asvestas tried to show off her mad "darting skills" as she attempted to dart a black spotted leopard, while wearing high healed shoes.  There were two leopards darted on this day.  One went to the Austin Zoo and the other leopard simply disappeared.
Not a skinny cat living in mud as Carol claimed

One leopard placed in carrier and other placed in small cage
without protection from the sun

Carol holding court with IFAW and law enforcement personnel
Where did this leopard end up?

I apologize for the quality of the videos displayed below! 
The VCR tapes were well worn and over 5 years of age!

[Much later:  What is so heartbreaking is the animals seen in the videos, for the most part, are now dead--God rest their souls in Heaven.  Too bad the media never did follow-up stories on the Pahrump animals back in 2005-2006.]

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