The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

December 2006 (continued) - January 2007

December 20, 2010
From: Kristina Brunner  
Sent: Wed, December 20, 2006 7:38:54 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Update
Greetings Cindy!

I sure hope he can get hired - now that adult probation stopped sending CS workers to the WAO, I'm sure they are looking for workers (paid or unpaid).  The more information the USDA is forced to deal with, the better chance the remaining animals will have - thank you very much for your assistance in this case.

You should be receiving the OAG reports in just a few minutes.  What is scary is how much newsletters cost the WAO and how much feed and vet care cost the WAO.  You can see where the most money was spent....enjoy....k

LCA SIU  wrote:

Hi Kristina,
The first step is for our investigator to get hired by Carol of course. Go ahead and forward those reports, I would like to see them. 
It does sound like the USDA is getting ready to file a complaint. It would be great if we could get more stuff to turn over. 

----- Original Message -----
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Update

Dear Cindy!

This is great news!  Okay, here is the latest information Dawn provided me regarding the recent WAO inspection earlier this month.

From what I understand, two individuals from USDA/APHIS, Dr Gibbens and his supervisor, went to the WAO right after the first freeze in December.  After they left, Sue (with Animal Protection) sent an e-mail to Dr. Pannell requesting the status of the inspection.  Not surprisingly, Dr. Pannell referred Sue to the main USDA/APHIS office, but did say in her e-mail the USDA/APHIS was investigating the death of the monkeys.  Sue thought this meant they found found additional deaths.  I explained the USDA/APHIS has a good case against the WAO for the death of the five primates that died last year and I'm sure this is what she meant by her comments.

Anyway, contact was finally made with Dr. Mahoney out of New York.  He is listed on the WAO Board of Advisors.  Dr. Mahoney was given basic information on what is happening at the WAO.  Dr. Mahoney called Carol and demanded to know what is going on at the WAO.  From what I understand (this is all 3rd hand account), Carol denied the monkeys froze to death and claimed she is taking care of the primates at both facilities.  Apparently this year, she has bought heaters for the monkeys that are living in the small squeeze-back cages.  The other primates have towels, blankets and hay in their monkey boxes.  At Talley Road there is also supposedly dog sized "igloos" for the primates located in each main enclosure.  Assuming all this is true, the animals received the most weather protection this year than any other year I can remember.

The most progress I have made lately is on the financial side of the house.  We received the 2nd version of the WAO's 990.  If you or the investigator is interested to see the report and my comments to the Texas OAG and BBB Wise Giving, let me know and I'll shoot you over a copy.  Let's just say what I read was stunning.

My biggest fear is the USDA will fine the WAO for the death of the animals and then move on.  My hope is now centered on the Texas OAG -- with all the evidence I've sent this Office, I don't see how they cannot move in and take receivership.

Dawn said the USDA/APHIS region director told her he has received so much information pertaining to the WAO, that he is going to cut off the flow of information so charges can be filed.  I just hope their charges will have some teeth because too many animals have died already.

Let me know if I can help you or the investigator in any way - I look forward to hear from you soon - in the meantime - Merry Christmas! 



[Present Day:  Boy was I naïve!  Placing my hope on the Texas OAG was foolish because while I was investigating this case, the Attorney General Assistant was trying to make a “deal” with the WAO’s attorney to end this case!]

Kristina Brunner
Monday, December 18, 2006 7:53 PM
Blankenship, Mark
E-mail Confirmation

Dear Mr. Blankenship:

This is just a short message to confirm receipt of the two e-mails I sent you recently pertaining to the WAO financial status.  Did you receive it okay? 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions at (210) 647-1789.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Merry Christmas ~


December 22, 2006
Fro"Blankenship, Mark" <>
To: Kristina Brunner
SenFri, December 22, 2006 8:32:29 AM
SubRE: E-mail Confirmation
Thanks for your message.  We have received your recent emails, are studying the issues you have raised, and will be following up with the organization after the holidays.  Please accept our wishes for a wonderful Christmas and an enjoyable New Year -  

 Give with Confidence SM

When you see this Seal on a charity’s website, direct mail appeal, or other publications, you can be sure that the charity meets the Alliance ’s rigorous Standards for Charity Accountability.

For more information about the Charity Seal program and for a current list of Seal participants, visit

Present day:  To read correspondence between WAO and its attorney at the time, check out all the Big Reveal postings on Let Your Heart Take Courage blog!

January 3, 2007
Kristina Brunner
James Anthony <>; Chris Krhovjak <>
Mark Blankenship <>
Wed, January 3, 2007 6:23:27 PM
Wild Animal Orphanage – WAO Vehicle Description List

January 3, 2007

Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trusts Section
RE:  Wild Animal Orphanage – WAO Vehicle Description List

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office.  

Additional information pertaining to the Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); Chimp Aid; Cat Haven; Feral Cat Rehab Center; and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society was recently brought to my attention.  I believe this additional information warrants a continued investigation into the referenced charity for diversion of charitable trust funds from their intended purpose and/or gross mismanagement resulting in a significant financial loss or other substantial harm to the citizens of Texas. 

After reviewing the 2005 990, Schedule 1 and Schedule 2, I noticed several discrepancies.  Therefore, I compiled information pertaining to the WAO vehicles and attached it to this e-mail.   This may or may not be a complete list of all the WAO vehicles as of 1/3/07.  Therefore, I am forwarding it to your Office for review and consideration.

Since Mr. and Ms. Asvestas failed to obtain driver licenses in 2006, I am not sure who is driving the recently acquired expensive vehicles (i.e. a second “Eddie Bauer” Ford Explorer and F350s).  I would not be surprised to learn the WAO’s Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Correspondence Secretary were not made aware of these recent purchases, made by the Asvestas, until after the they were made--if at all.

While serving as volunteer and board member, I was not aware the WAO owned so many vehicles listed on the 2005 990 (Schedule 1 or 2), to include the vehicles not listed on the 2005 non-profit tax return. 

Based on this additional information, I urge you to continue investigating the WAO for alleged mismanagement and diversions of charitable assets which the WAO received from the generosity of donors, including our Texan citizens.  I respectfully request the Texas Attorney General’s Office assume temporary custodianship and remove the current owner/operators of Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); Chimp Aid; Cat Haven; Feral Cat Rehab Center; and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society, until such time new management can be established.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at (210) 647-1789 if you require additional information regarding this case.  Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.

                                                                        Very Respectfully,
                                                                        Kristina M. Brunner

January 13, 2007
Courtney H.
Kristina Brunner
Sat, January 13, 2007 7:49:46 PM
Re: WAO Newsletter
Hey Kristina,
See attached.  I tried to block out my name and address in case you needed this document for public consumption.  If it didn't cover it, please do not use it without covering my name and address.  Thanks!
PS - It only attached three of four pages so there'll be one more email.

Kristina Brunner  wrote:

Greetings Courtney!

I heard there were two types of solicitations out there -- a newsletter and a small card.    I'm curious to see which one you got...could you scan it and e-mail it to me, that would be great!   The WAO is ASUS...she uses so many dba's it's card to keep up!

Thanks, Courtney!!   k

Courtney H. wrote:

Hey Kristina,
I just received a solicitation from the Wild Animal orphanage asking for money!  However, above WAO is listed Animal Sanctuary of the United States - are they doing business under another name?  At any rate, I can drop this in the mail to you if you want it or scan it and email it to you - just let me know when you get a chance.  Thanks!
January 17, 2007
Kristina Brunner
Tue, January 16, 2007 4:31:41 PM
Re: Inclement Weather at the WAO
Thank you very much, Dr. Pannill.  I really appreciate you checking on the big cats, birds, wolves, and monkeys.  I have no doubt the water lines froze yesterday and will probably thaw out over the weekend - I'm not sure the animals can live that long without running water.

Again, many thanks, and I hope you have a safe trip -

Kind Regards -

Kristina wrote:

I plan to get out to Leslie Road to check on things as soon as it is safe
to travel there.
Right now they are telling people to stay at home. I live north of San

Dr. Pannill

Kristina Brunner
Robert Gibbens
Elizabeth C. Pannill
Monday, January 15, 2007 6:49 PM
Re: Inclement Weather at the WAO

Here is a weather update in San Antonio.  I hope the WAO had the foresight to bring in all the birds and the baboon living in the transporter.  I am also concerned about the wolves because when I last visited Talley Road, there were no dog "igloos" for the wolves to seek cover -- just a lot of trees in the enclosure.

Freezing Rain, High 38°, Low 35°
Freezing Rain, High 40°, Low 28°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 42°, Low 28°
Mostly Cloudy, High 40°, Low 35°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 53°, Low 35°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 56°, Low 44°

Kristina Brunner wrote:

Dear Dr. Gibbens:

Please have someone check on the WAO animals.  This is expected to be the worse weather week and I am concerned about the primates living at both facilities.  I am also concerned the big cats may not survive unless they have hay in their dens because the weather has been very cold and wet.  After terrible weather, it was not uncommon to lose a cougar or two because there were not enough "igloos" for all the cats and the unlucky ones were forced to endure the cold and rain without shelter.  The wooden structure in the cougar "compound" can only accommodate a handful of cougars at one time, so with 19 cougars (that was how many were left in December 2005), there was obviously not enough shelters for all the cougars. 

Any assistance you could provide these animals would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


Rain, High 45°, Low 35°
Freezing Rain, High 35°, Low 32°
Freezing Rain, High 35°, Low 28°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 42°, Low 31°
Mostly Cloudy, High 50°, Low 35°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 57°, Low 37°
Mostly Cloudy with Showers, High 56°, Low 44°
Kristina Brunner;;
Wed, January 17, 2007 6:07:33 PM
FOIA/Texas Open Records Request

US Department of Agriculture/APHIS
Attention:  Debora L. Leilich

Texas Department of State Health Services
Attention:  Dr. Catherine Tull

Texas Parks and Wildlife
Attention:  Open Records Manager

Date:  January 17, 2007
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request/Open Records Request

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552 and Texas Open Records Act.

I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me: Inspection  and licensing reports pertaining to the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS) and Chimp Aid (f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), a division of Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO);  and Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA) located at 3511 Talley Road, Lot 6, San Antonio, Texas 78254 only.

Primate Sanctuary of the US, located at 3511 Talley Road, ( website claims:

PSA is a division of The Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), which is licensed under the USDA and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. ASUS and PSA are inspected regularly. The PSA has been designed using the guidelines established by the Texas Department of Health. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission was also consulted with regards to waste management. PSA and ASUS have inplemented the standard requirements of the Texas Department of Health, USDA and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Chimp Aid, located at 3511 Talley Road, website claim: ( Sanctuary

The sanctuary was designed and constructed under the guidance of the Texas Department of Health. This department inspects the facility regularly.
Based on these statements made by ASUS/PSUS and ASUS/ Chimp Aid’s web sites (statements which private owners, universities, and medical laboratories base their decision on placing primates at the Talley Road facility), I respectfully request the above stated inspection and licensing reports be sent to me electronically to kbrunner@...

In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use.

I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Kristina M. Brunner

Kristina Brunner
"Tull, Catherine" <>
Thu, January 18, 2007 6:04:46 PM
RE: FOIA/Texas Open Records Request
Dear Dr. Tull:

Thank you for responding so quickly.  Since you have never conducted a written inspection of the Talley Road facility, will your department be asking the WAO to remove the false information on the Chimp Aid website whereas the web site claims you inspect the facility "regularly?"

"Tull, Catherine" <> wrote:
Dear Kristina Brunner,

I never conducted a written inspection on either of these facilities.  I accompanied Dr. Elizabeth Pannill (USDA-APHIS) on several of her inspections.  To my knowledge, these facilities were never licensed by the Department of State Health Services, and the Zoonosis Control division did not provide any "guidelines" for their design.  I did assist Carol Asvestis by explaining how a 'Standard Operating Procedure' should be written.

Catherine Tull, D.V.M., M.P.H.
DSHS Region 8, Uvalde TX

January 19, 2007
Kristina Brunner
James Anthony <>; Chris Krhovjak <>
Mark Blankenship <>;
Fri, January 19, 2007 7:12:16 PM
WAO - Newsletter - Bubba - January 2007

VIA E-MAIL:     

January 19, 2007

Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trusts Section
RE:  Wild Animal Orphanage – WAO Vehicle Description List

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this letter as an addendum to the original complaint letter previously submitted to your Office.  

Additional information pertaining to the Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); Chimp Aid; Cat Haven; Feral Cat Rehab Center; and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society was recently brought to my attention.  I believe this additional information warrants a continued investigation into the referenced charity for diversion of charitable trust funds from their intended purpose and/or gross mismanagement resulting in a significant financial loss or other substantial harm to the citizens of Texas. 

This month, Ms. Courtney Helfrecht, from Atlanta, Georgia, received the “Emergency Appeal Update” on Bubba the White Tiger (attached).  This same newsletter was originally posted on the WAO’s website in July 2006, and subsequently removed at the end of August 2006.  There are some very serious misrepresentations made in this newsletter which I would like to discuss:

1.         Bubba, the white tiger, arrived at the WAO on April 5, 2005 (attached press release).  He was accompanied by 6 cougars (several which have passed away); 8 Servals (which most, if not all, are dead); and 4 tigers.  Including Bubba, 18 animals arrived at the WAO in good condition from Pasco County, Florida.  I saw Bubba the following weekend after his arrival and he was not in “critical condition” as the WAO claimed.  (Note:  Critical condition is defined by the Wikipedia encyclopedia as “high risk of death within 24 hours.”He seemed a little on the thin side, but otherwise in good condition.  I learned that he had hip problems from the WAO staff, but it did not seem to stop him – from the very first day I met him, I observed the tiger walking, sitting, standing, and laying down in a normal fashion and from what I could see, without any pain.  Being such a large tiger, living in the small quarantine cage for over a year, I was unable to observe him run or jump. I learned in December 2005, an emergency newsletter appeal was mailed out to the public.  The newsletter stated “Bubba the white tiger is in critical condition” and “he needs surgery immediately!” Concerned that a false story was sent out to the public I contacted the WAO’s veterinarians.  Dr. Henry and Dr. Lambert did not know anything about Bubba.  Dr. Ehrlund, on the other hand, was aware of the Bubba case.  I was told by Dr. Ehrlund in December 2005, she visited Bubba only once in Sept/Oct 2005.  She said she observed Bubba in his cage for approximately one hour to determine his health condition.  I asked when she planned to perform surgery on Bubba’s hip and she told me that his hip was non-operable and that it was “as good as it was going to get.”  When I asked for a copy of the visit report, Dr. Ehrlund refused to give me a copy, stating even though I was the Vice President of the WAO at that time, she would only turn the report over to Ms. Asvestas and no one else.  When I confronted the WAO Board of Directors concerning Bubba’s “critical condition,” Ms. Asvestas told us that Texas A&M veterinarians would perform the surgery.  When I told the Board that Dr. Ehrlund already diagnosed the tiger and that he had a non-operable condition, Ms. Asvestas told the Board A&M would perform the surgery even though the veterinarians never saw the tiger.  Dr. Ehrlund saw Bubba in May 2006 and reported, again, that his hip problems could not be corrected by surgery, however; Bubba could live a near normal life in his present condition.  Dr. Ehrlund also reported there were no “pins” in Bubba’s legs.  Needless to say, the Texas A&M veterinarians did not perform surgery on Bubba.  The “Update” paragraph states “after weeks of intensive care, Bubba finally regained his strength enough to allow us to sedate him and take him to the veterinarian…”  Bubba was never in “intensive care” -- Bubba lived behind the office building in “quarantine” for over a year and his care never varied from the same type of care the other tigers received at the WAO.  (Note:  The Free Dictionary by Farlex defines intensive care as “continuous and closely monitored health care that is provided to critically ill patients.”)

2.         Bubba was never in “intensive care”, attached to any machines, or received any life saving medications.  I learned in August 2006 Bubba was moved from quarantine to an enclosure recently vacated when four tigers were moved from Leslie Road to Talley Road.  The newsletter claims Bubba will be joined by a 3-legged tiger named Marjan.  Marjan is one of the New Jersey tigers brought to the Talley Road location.  It would be in violation of USDA regulations for Marjan to join Bubba at Leslie Road facility and it is my understanding the plan to move Marjan and other animals from Talley Road to Leslie Road was cancelled prior to October 2006.  The WAO newsletter claims “they will both need ongoing medical care and special attention.”  The assertion that Bubba will need ongoing medical care and special attention is ridiculous since Bubba never received any special care in the past.  According to Dr. Ehrlund, Bubba’s degenerative joint disease in his hip does not cause him undue hardship, and should he experience pain in the future, he could be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to keep him comfortable.

3.         In a newsletter sent to individuals throughout the Unites States in October and again in November 2006, the WAO claimed to still be in New Orleans rescuing animals.  The WAO also claimed to be caring for 350 hurricane Katrina animal orphans.  This newsletter stated the sanctuary rescued over 360 animals bring their numbers to 800 animals.  The January 2007 newsletter stated the WAO rescued over 400 animals bring the numbers to approximately 800 animals.  On October 16, 2006, Ms. Russell from California contacted Ms. Asvestas inquiring about the Orphan of the Storm newsletter.  Ms. Asvestas first told her she had 800 animals, then said 600 animals and is getting 200 Katrina cats “next week.”  In November 2006, I discovered the the WAO was considering taking in 20 cats from Louisiana (Lakeview cats) – not 200 cats.

4.         The October/November 2006 and January 2007 newsletters claim not to use a direct mail company – the WAO claims the newsletters are “produced at the sanctuary by volunteers.”  This statement is false.  Newsletters are not produced at the WAO by volunteers.  The newsletter (proof) is sent to a designer and then sent back to Ms. Asvestas for approval.  Once Ms. Asvestas approves the proof, the newsletter is then mass produced and then sent to a mailing distribution center.  Addresses are obtained from a mailing list brokerage used by non-profit organizations, like the WAO – called Names in the News.  The addresses are printed directly on the newsletters prior to mailing.  In December 17, 2005, I asked for a copy of the Bubba newsletter and was told by WAO office staff there were no newsletters in the office and no one in the office saw the latest one mailed out to the public.  The only part of the newsletter they saw was the detachable portion that accompanied donations (attached). 

5.         The appeals newsletter says “please help us help Bubba, he depends on you for his survival!  Please send him your tax-deductible contribution today.”  There is no special account set up for Bubba’s “new enclosure” or for his ongoing medical care.   Donated funds sent to the WAO are placed in a general account and then spent on other “projects.”

I believe the Bubba “Emergency Appeal Update” newsletter constitutes as mail fraud and should be investigated immediately.  Based on this additional information, I urge you to continue investigating the WAO for alleged mismanagement and diversions of charitable assets which the WAO received from the generosity of donors, including our Texan citizens.  I respectfully request the Texas Attorney General’s Office assume temporary custodianship and remove the current owner/operators of Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO); Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); Chimp Aid; Cat Haven; Feral Cat Rehab Center; and Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society, until such time new management can be established.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at (210) 647-1789 if you require additional information regarding this case.  Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.

                                                                        Very Respectfully,   
                                                                        Kristina M. Brunner
January 22, 2007

I received USDA/APHIS FOIA material.  Carol clearly hid from the board the fine levied against the WAO for failing to provide post-surgical care for the male tiger that died at the WAO.

USDA Settlement Agreement 2005

The case file

I haven't logged in for awhile.  I've made contact with the BBB Wisegiving last year and continue to send OAG & BBB updates.

I learned today Dr. Pannill visited the WAO after the freeze (1/14/ - 1/17/07 freeze dates).  During the freeze, there was heavy ice and sleet.  Temperatures remained in the upper 20s.

Dr. Pannill told me:

There were heat sources in all monkey enclosures.  The heaters were attached to the monkey boxes (which contained blankets and towels);

Freddie (Baboon) and the Bayer research primates were brought into the office/clinic building and provided heat;

Igloos in monkey cages had blankets and towels;

Dr. Pannill unable to visit the Talley Road property since this was a "visit" and not an inspection;

Dr. Pannill said she was unable to account for all the cougars and monkeys since this was only a "visit;"

I learned that USDA/APHIS consulted with a primatologist to find out whether or not the primates, living in South Texas, required heat.  The USDA/APHIS served the WAO a letter ordering the facility to provide heat to primates living at the Leslie property (Talley is not covered by USDA) if the temperature drops below 45F degrees, as per AWA regulations.  Finally!!  Some progress made!

The large Helotes mulch fire (huge fire in a mulch hill) blew smoke over the WAO for the last several days.  Dr. Pannill did not observe any ill affects on the animals, however, people in the area reported to the media they were feeling ill.

Dr. Pannill reported Carol now has two large propane heaters which she will use if temperatures drop below 52F degrees.

I thanked Dr. Pannill for going out in the cold weather to check on the animals.  She thanked me for staying on the case and for my dedication for the animals.  I told her I was very happy the WAO received the USDA "heat" letter and that the monkeys are now receiving heat for the first time ever in the history of the WAO.  Dr. Pannill encouraged me to contact her if I hear anything else concerning the animals.

During the course of our conversation, I got the impression the USDA may be trying to tie both the Leslie and Talley Road properties under one exhibitor's license.  We also talked about the dog show she was getting her dog ready for the obstacle course. 

I received an email from Martin Bowles.  Carol was never a registered nurse in England.  Big surprise.

From: Martin Bowler <Martin.Bowler@NMC-UK.ORG>
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Fri, January 26, 2007 5:13:37 AM
Subject: RE: Registered Nurse Confirmation

Thank you for your Email.

I have tried all of these names in our data base and the date of birth and
it is not giving me any results. Which would make me think that she is not a
registered nurse in the UK.

You could ask her if she has a PIN card or PIN number as we issue these to
all nurses and midwifes. If she doesn't she is definitely not a registered

If she does give you a number could you send it with this email trail to
william.broadbent@  <mailto:william.broadbent@   as I am away from tomorrow for 10 days.

Kind regards,

Martin Bowler
Registration Officer
Overseas Administration Team
Nursing and Midwifery Council
23 Portland Place
Tel: 0207 333 6600
Fax: 0207 333 6635
E-Mail :

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: 26 January 2007 00:21
To: Martin Bowler
Subject: RE: Registered Nurse Confirmation

Dear Martin Bowler:

Thank you very much for your response.  I appreciate you looking into the
person in question.  Here is her information:

First Name:  Carol
Last Name:  Adriani (maiden name)
                    Bice (former married name)
                    Asvestas (current married name)
Date of Birth:  April 19, 1952

Again, thank you for your assistance in this matter and I look forward to
your reply.

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner
San Antonio, Texas USA

Martin Bowler <Martin.Bowler@NMC-UK.ORG> wrote:

Thank  you for your Email.

If she is not registered with us then I am afraid that she is not a
registered general nurse.
Can you please let me have the following details and I will check on this
for you.

First name.
Last name.
Date of birth.

I will then check in case she has lapsed registration with us.

Kind regards,
Martin Bowler
Registration Officer
Overseas Administration Team
Nursing and Midwifery Council
23 Portland Place
Tel: 0207 333 6600
Fax: 0207 333 6635
E-Mail :

-----Original Message-----
From: mailto:kbrunner@...
Sent: 12 January 2007 22:06
Subject: Registered Nurse Confirmation

I hope you can assist me with a most unusual question.

In the United States, a woman claims she completed seven years of in-house
training (equivalent of doing college course for nursing she says) with
Bromham Hospital in 1974. She never completed any college course work in
England. She claims she was registered with the actual hospital and this
now qualifies her to carry the title of "registered nurse" in the United
States and England. When asked where she completed her college work, the
woman claims "nursing is very different" in England. She says a "person
starts off as an aide and then goes on to work in an actual hospital". She
claims to have come to the US for "proper nursing."

Is there anyway to verify this information? I did not see this person's name
on the NMC (Search the Register) web site. Can this person represent
herself as a "registered nurse" in England and the United States if she is
not listed on your site? Thank you very much for your assistance.

Kind Regards

Kristina Brunner
Texas, USA

January 28, 2007

I met Theresa and Steve today at Jim's restaurant early this morning.  I gave them additional touring information regarding what they should be looking for at the Leslie Road facility.  After paying for our early morning breakfast, I gave them $20 for the cost of the WAO tour.  The plan was for Theresa to ask questions about the animals while video taping the tour. Steve would take still pictures of the animals, specifically any problem areas he thought was note worthy.  Unfortunately, the video camera was turned off when Theresa was in the parking lot, so there is no video of the tour.  I have not received the photos as I am waiting for Steve to send them to me.  Theresa mentioned she did see heaters on the monkey boxes, however; she and Steve did not recall seeing or hearing about Sabu or Lulu while on tour.  I'm waiting for Theresa's report so I can send a report to the USDA/APHIS.

January 29, 2007

The WAO made changes to the Primate Sanctuary of the Amercia web page pertaining to licensing -- it has finally been removed!  I notified the USDA, Texas Parks & Wildlife, and Dr. Tull.  Unfortunately, the WAO's Chimp-Aid web page still shows "Texas Health Department conducts frequent inspections" which I now know is a blatant lie.  I also noticed the WAO added another "mail clerk."

January 30, 2007

Kristina Brunner
Tue, January 30, 2007 6:56:46 PM
Re: Bubba

Greetings Laurie!

Wow!  You got the Bubba newsletter!  Unbelievable.  Can you sign and date it and drop it in the mail for me!  You are terrific!! 

Since you plan to call the WAO (210-688-9038), you may want to ask:

You got the Bubba newsletter for the first time, so you don't know why he was in critical condition.  Can you tell me why he was in critical condition -- how did the WAO save his life -- did he need special medication and treatment?

How is he doing today?  Does he need special medicine/treatment daily?
When will the 3-legged tiger move in with Bubba?  When and where will Bubba's new cage be built?

I think these questions are general enough not to arouse any suspicion.  It should be very interesting to hear what is said about Bubba!

Did you happen to receive my e-mail I sent on Sunday?  Just in case, here are the phone numbers you requested:

USDA:  Dr. Robert Gibbens:; Tel: (970) 494-7478
Texas Office of the Attorney General:  James L. Anthony:;
Tel:  (512) 475-4178 

Mr. Anthony received your newsletter to regarding the "Hurricane Cats" which you received in October 2006.

Let them know you got the Hurricane newsletter and the Bubba newsletter and you are hoping they are taking a serious look into this situation.

Good luck, Laurie!  I look forward to hearing how it went!  k

Laurie wrote:
Hi ...sorry I had to go last night...anyway I got the Bubba newsletter today...interesting...I am going to give WAO a call on Friday or Saturday and ask some questions. Anything  you particularily want me to ask?. Send me the numbers of the AG and the USDA and I will call them too. I will make notes when I call and send you info from WAO. Keep in touch...Laurie
So much for taking my concerns seriously!  Based on James Anthony's comments below, I wonder if I hit a nerve?
From: James Anthony <>
To: Christopher Krhovjak
Sent: Wed, January 31, 2007 9:47:21 AM
Subject: Re: Wild Animal Orphanage

Ms. Brunner:  Chris Krhovjak has previously advised you that the Attorney General's office is conducting its own investigation about which this office does not comment. 

James L. Anthony
Assistant Attorney General
Charitable Trusts Section
P. O. Box 12548    MC 010
Austin, Texas 78711-2548
(512) 475-4178  Office- Direct Dial
(512) 322-0578  Facsimile 
>>> Kristina Brunner  1/30/2007 7:02 PM >>> 
Dear Gentlemen:
  I am receipt of the Bubba newsletter from a family living in San Antonio, Texas last week and I learned this newsletter has been delivered to a woman in California just today.  Would you like me to e-mail you a copy of these newsletters with date/signatures?
 I am very concerned with what is happening at the WAO.  I learned more animals either allegedly died or have gone missing since last year.  Therefore, I need to know if you are taking this case seriously.  So far, I have not been called to make a statement or answer any questions.  Is there anything I can do to help this case move along?  Please advise soonest.
  Very Respectfully,
  Kristina Brunner
[Present Note:  Little did I know the above rude response from Mr. Anthony was sent to me as the OAG and WAO were hammering out a deal to essentially let the WAO off-the-hook with just a fine.  Mr. Anthony must have been wondering who “leaked” the deal information to me.  This attorney NEVER took this case seriously!  He didn't even want a copy of the Bubba newsletter!!  What attorney turns away incriminating evidence against the organization under review?  Not once during the entire five year investigation did ANYONE from the Texas OAG office interview me or allowed me to give a verbal whistle blower/witness statement regarding what I saw, heard, or read while at the WAO.  Instead, I have been treated with disrespect and disdain by Mr. Anthony.  The Texas OAG attorney treated the opposing counsel with a lot more courtesy and respect!  I mean, come on, he was on a first name basis with the two attorneys!!  Shameful.  Just shameful.]

January 31, 2007

Theresa's report on the tour she took on January 28, 2007:
From:  Theresa
To:  Kristina Brunner
Date:  Wed, January 31, 2007 1:25:15 PM
Subject: Visit to the WAO in San Antonio, TX

Jan. 28, 2007

I am writing this account of a visit made to the Wild Animal Orphanage, on Leslie Rd., San Antonio, TX. This information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. A video recording was supposed to be provided from this visit, however, the video recorder or the person operating it malfunctioned.

On Jan. 28, 2007 at 9:45a.m. I, Theresa J Barbour and my friend, Steve L. Orum arrived at the WAO (Wild Animal Orphanage) and parked next to the dumpster. I looked in the wooden fence in front of us and did not observe or hear any animals in it. Walking past that fence there was a pen with a chain link fence which housed a small black pony.

We went in the door that was marked as an entry for the tours. We were greeted by a young Hispanic woman who appeared from the office. She informed us that it would be 15 minutes or so and then the tour would start. She told us we could wait out on the deck. Steve asked to use the restroom and was told to use the one out on the deck. Then she told him to make sure we didn't go down the ramp or pass the rope.

The girl from the office walked out into the compound and came back about 5 minutes later to tell us the tour would start soon. From the deck we were able to observe 3 bears, and 2 tigers. We took pictures from here. The closest bear was also the biggest bear. We found out later that this was Boris a Russian Grizzly. Boris looked to be a good weight and was doing a disturbing amount of head weaving. The other 2 bears were American grizzlies. They were in separate cages but could touch and sniff one another. We took pictures of the 2 tigers we could see from the deck. One was a bengal and the other was Bubba the white tiger. We took pictures of them as well, Bubba was hard to see as there was a lot of brush in the way. We were able to see Bubba again at the end of the tour.

The tour guide came, his name was Mike. He was tall, blonde, had dreadlocks. He told me he had worked with a different facility before WAO, and at that facility he worked with primarily primates. He said he was new as a tour guide.

We saw Boris the Russian grizzly first. He told me that he ate some fish, chicken and other meats and they give him some fresh fruits and veggies, the other thing I was surprised to hear was that he eats bread.  Well we did not see any of this. I asked if it was feeding time and that was why Boris was doing so much headweaving. He said yes, and that he had learned to dance like this for his food where he had been housed before.

The next cages were 2 smaller American Grizzlies. They were pacing but appeared to be healthy as well. Mike said they were rescues that had come from Michigan recently. At almost every single cage we were told that these animals were coming from private owners that either found out they couldn't handle or afford the animals or that they were from private owners or other facilities that had abused or neglected them.

After the 3 cages with 3 bears we were shown a bengal tiger. Then a cage with some birds. The bird cage was covered on 3 sides with tarps. I made a comment about how cold they must have been the night before because it was barely above freezing when we were there. The tour guide said they probably were cold. I did not see any source of heat for them. And I could only see one bird on the door and could hear one other in the back of the cage. I could not tell what either bird was. The tour guide said they had several different types. He was unsure of what kinds were there. Before Mike came to the deck to give us a tour I had seen him in the area.

After the birds were the monkeys. The first cage was the rhesus macaque, then the capuchin's, then another type. The capuchin's worried me because one was missing quite a bit of hair on it's right side, one had lost an arm and one had lost a back leg. The tour guide was unsure of how either would have happened. They had food that was on the outside of their cages. Mike explained that this was for enrichment purposes. To give them something to do. They would reach through and pick up what they wanted to eat. There was 1 elderly monkey, or that's what Mike told us she was, that looked like she had a skin problem. She was in the middle cage I believe.

Then we were led to see the cougars. There were 16 cougars, 1 looked to be very sick. We were told it was simply old. It was darker color than any of the others and very thin. It was lying down and never got up while we were there. Its eyes were goopy, meaning that they had discharge. And it had a runny nose. Mike did tell us it was a male.

I asked if we were keeping him from feeding the animals. Mike said no the primates were already done and that the others were used to it and would wait. I asked him if there were individual keepers for different kinds of animals he said no. Mike told me there are 4 caretakers on the Leslie Rd. property and 5 at Tally Rd. He said they normally had 3 people at a time there to take care of the animals, we however, only saw him. (The girl from the office never did anything with the animals.)

 He said they are funded all from donations, sometimes if a zoo or something want us to take animals they donate money or equipment or cages, etc............Mike said. I commented on how hard that must be. And said they must do a lot of fundraising, he said yes it was a full time job.

I asked if they were paid staff or a volunteer run org. He said both, but right now they have no volunteers working at the facility. He said that the WAO had about 600 animals currently. I asked if the breed or sell any of the animals. Mike said no they alter all animals as soon as they get there. Non are ever sold, Mike told us.

Next we looked at the last pen in the first side, on the left, it had several tigers and one female lion. He said they were raised together, and that a private owner had given up these animals.  They all appeared to be healthy.

Next we looked back at a tiger; he was in the last cage on the right in the first row. I asked if Carol knew how to plan ahead by knowing who would die and being able to plan for more animals to come in? He said he wasn't sure. I asked what they do when an animal dies. He said they call a renderer to come get it. I aksed what the procedure was if the animal was infected with  HIV or any other contagious disease. Mike said there was another place that dealt with bio-haz. waste that they would have get it. 

Next was a cage with 2 monkeys, 1 male and 1 female. Mike told us they were new to the WAO also. Then there were 4 birds. The 2 we could see were green and blue and I believe parrots, then Mike said there was another pair but they normally stayed in the nesting box.

The next part of the compound was the blue building which I was told was empty. There were cages attached to this building that were empty. I asked if that was the hospital area. Mike said that it had been home to a cat population they had taken in. He said most were ferral. I asked about the perimeter fence. He said it went around the entire property. I said well that wouldn't keep the monkeys in. Mike informed me that Carol lived right nextdoor and would know if something was wrong.

Across from the blue building were 3 cages with 2 bobcats, 1 serval, and 1 caracas. All were lying down and the serval and caracas were in their houses.  

We were shown a cage with 2 ring-tailed lemurs, 1 mail and 1 female. I asked if they were also spayed or neutered. He said yes every animal was altered. 

We saw more tiger cages. I estimated approx. 40 tigers on the Leslie Rd. property. One cage had 2 bengals and one of them was just moaning. I really didn't recognize this sound as being a typical tiger sound. I think this tiger was actually moaning from discomfort. One of these tiger cages had a dead raccoon lying in it. It did not appear to have been mauled, there were no visible bite marks or blood. So, cause of death of that raccoon was unknown.

After seeing 1 more cage with 2 bengals, we saw Bubba and Princess. Bubba laid down the entire time we were there. And Princess was limping badly. Mike told me he believed Princess and Bubba had the same problem with their hips/back. Mike said Princess had recently been to the vet. Princess appeared to be in a great deal of pain. Watching her lay down made me want to cry.
We went back up to the deck and there was a family waiting for a tour. Mike said goodbye to us and took the family for the tour. Still not feeding the other animals.

We were watched by the gal in the office as we used the restrooms and wandered back through the office area to leave. When we opened the outer door there was another man. He was a big man of African-American heritage. He was cleaning windows and had a Ford truck. It was a large extended cab truck and was pulling a very long trailer with a cage and several other pieces and parts like he was doing maintenance.

At this point I realized the video-recorder may not have been working properly. We left at this point.

**I will send you the pics. in separate e-mails. If you put them in numerical order. This will tell you where the animals were along the way. Steve took digital images of every animal in the facility. I cannot attach them all here so will be sending in seperate e-mails. 

When I reviewed the photos, I noticed several animals were missing and there were new animals living enclosures of the missing animals.  

Much Later:  in light of what happened to In-Sync Exotics in 2013 where over 12 tigers tigers died from canine distemper transmitted from raccoons, it's a miracle something similar did not occur at the WAO!

From: Kristina Brunner 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 6:08 PM
To:; Tull, Catherine;
Subject: FOIA/Texas Open Records Request 
US Department of Agriculture/APHIS
Attention:  Debora L. Leilich

Texas Department of State Health Services
Attention:  Dr. Catherine Tull

Texas Parks and Wildlife
Attention:  Open Records Manager

Date:  January 17, 2007
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request/Open Records Request

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552 and Texas Open Records Act.

I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me: Inspection  and licensing reports pertaining to the Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. (PSUS) and Chimp Aid (f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), a division of Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre, d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO);  and Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA) located at 3511 Talley Road, Lot 6, San Antonio, Texas 78254 only.

Primate Sanctuary of the US,  located at 3511 Talley Road, (, website claims:


PSA is a division of The Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), which is licensed under the USDA and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. ASUS and PSA are inspected regularly. The PSA has been designed using the guidelines established by the Texas Department of Health. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission was also consulted with regards to waste management. PSA and ASUS have inplemented the standard requirements of the Texas Department of Health, USDA and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Chimp Aid, located at 3511 Talley Road, website claim: 

The Sanctuary
The sanctuary was designed and constructed under the guidance of the Texas Department of Health. This department inspects the facility regularly.
Based on these statements made by ASUS/PSUS and ASUS/ Chimp Aid’s web sites (statements which private owners, universities, and medical laboratories base their decision on placing primates at the Talley Road facility), I respectfully request the above stated inspection and licensing reports be sent to me electronically to kbrunner@.  

In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use.

I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Kristina M. Brunner

"Tull, Catherine" <> wrote:
Dear Kristina Brunner,
I never conducted a written inspection on either of these facilities.  I accompanied Dr. Elizabeth Pannill (USDA-APHIS) on several of her inspections.  To my knowledge, these facilities were never licensed by the Department of State Health Services, and the Zoonosis Control division did not provide any "guidelines" for their design.  I did assist Carol Asvestis by explaining how a 'Standard Operating Procedure' should be written.
Catherine Tull, D.V.M., M.P.H.
DSHS Region 8, Uvalde TX

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:05 PM
To: Tull, Catherine
Subject: RE: FOIA/Texas Open Records Request
Dear Dr. Tull:
Thank you for responding so quickly.  Since you have never conducted a written inspection of the Talley Road facility, will your department be asking the WAO to remove the false information on the Chimp Aid website whereas the web site claims you inspect the facility "regularly?" 

"Tull, Catherine" <> wrote:
Dear Ms. Brunner,
Dr. Elizabeth Pannill brought this to my attention in the past (perhaps over a year ago), and we managed to get WAO to remove the claim from the WAO web page.  It was removed once, however, since I don't regularly check web pages, it could have easily been reinstated.
Now with this email, Dr. Sidwa has been informed, and I will wait to see what he recommends for further action.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Catherine Tull, D.V.M., M.P.H.
DSHS Region 8, Uvalde TX

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:22 PM
To: Becky Beard
Cc: Open Records
Subject: RE: FOIA/Texas Open Records Request
Dear Ms. Beard:
I'm not sure what type of clarification I can provide regarding the "permits" the Animal Sanctuary of the United States, d/b/a Primate Sanctuary of the US and Chimp Aid.  I am concerned the ASUS may be providing inaccurate information on its website.  This quote was taken directly off the Primate Sanctuary of the US (About Us) web page:
PSA is a division of The Animal Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), which is licensed under the USDA and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. ASUS and PSA are inspected regularly. The PSA has been designed using the guidelines established by the Texas Department of Health. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission was also consulted with regards to waste management. PSA and ASUS have inplemented the standard requirements of the Texas Department of Health, USDA and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Question:  Is PSA licensed under the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department?
Question:  PSA claims TP&W conducts inspections regularly at PSA.  When did TP&W last conduct an inspection?  Do you have these inspection reports available?
Question:  Did the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department provide PSA and ASUS with "standard requirements" which were implemented at this facility?
I hope I was able to provide the additional information required.  Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter.
Kind Regards,
Kristina Brunner

Becky Beard <> wrote:
We have an Educational Display permit issued to Carol Asvestas, president of Wild Animal Orphanage (an organizational name you had listed in your previous email). There are no required TPWD inspections on Educational Display facilities. We also have Ms. Asvestas listed as a sub-permittee under a Rehabilitation permit issued to Karen Maxfield. However, the Rehab permit is issued to Ms. Maxfield so the initial game warden inspection was completed on her home facility, and it doesn’t list the WAO anywhere. Neither the Ed. Display nor the Rehab permit list Primate Sanctuary of the U.S. or Chimp Aid organizations. TPWD regulates native Texas wildlife only, so facilities holding chimps are not required to apply for a permit with TWPD. The Texas Administrative Code does list standard requirements for Educational Display and Rehabilitation permit holders, which can be found at$ext.viewtac
The regulations are listed under Title 31 - Natural Resources & Conservation, Part 2 - Texas Parks & Wildlife Department , Ch. 69 – Resource Protection, Subchapter C – Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits AND Subchapter J – Scientific, Educational, and Zoological Permits. 
I hope this helps. 
Becky Beard
Wildlife Permits Specialist
Wildlife Diversity Permits
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department

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