The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

July - August 2009 Notes

July 29, 2009

I wondered what the "official" reason would be given regarding this resignation.  Word on the street has it the Behaine, Carol and Melissa Asvestas went to the coast without Laura Mireles, resulting in a strained relationship, seeing how Behaine was allegedly sleeping with Melissa Asvestas and Laura Mireles.  If true, then this entire board is really screwed up! 

Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 13:25:22 -0700
From: mocoviejo@...
To: carol@...

Due to my heavy schedule at school, effecftive immediately I am resigning as treasurer and as a general member from the WAO Board of Directors. Carol and I have discussed my decision and all its particulars at length. I wish all of you continued success with your countless hours of service to the care and well being of these exotic animals.


A.   Laura Mireles

Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 14:04:48 -0500
From: carol@...
To: SMatthes@...
CC: karenmaxfield@...; michelleanthonycryer@...; chris61@..; andrewbehaine@...; mocoviejo@...; rasvestas@...
Subject: [Fwd: RESIGNATION]Laura Mireles

Dear Board members and Laura,

After a lengthy discussion with Laura I believe that she has
unfortunately for us made a wise decision. I as I am sure all board
members are saddened but understand that her job must come first.
I am recommending a board meeting for the 15th August around 2pm if it
is good for everyone.

We can re-organize duties of the remaining board. Even though Chris has
been unable to attend due to family illness and personal medical
problems, I think it wise to keep him on as a member at large and he
could attend board meetings telephone conference. when necessary.
We still have 5 board members and a member at large. I dont think we
need to add anyone else at this time unless of course the board thinks
otherwise. These are the things we need to discuss.

Of course I would like to thank Laura for her serving on the board and
also mabye down the road when things settle down for her she can come
back on board.


Carol A.

From: karenmaxfield@...
To: carol@...
Subject: RE: [Fwd: RESIGNATION]Laura Mireles
Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 18:54:52 -0500

Hey Carol

I have just been so darn busy! I will mark August 15th for a meeting at 2:00. If you are okay with it, I will get the tortoises then as well.

Thanks lady,
August 7, 2009

Carol files a lawsuit against the Editor of the San Antonio Lightning.  I have no doubt she's doing this to get to the source who is providing him with all the information...

August 17, 2009

Subject:RE: WAO Press Conference
From:Shari StClair
Date:Monday, August 17, 2009 9:54 AM

Have not heard of a press conference.  Do you have details on where and time?


From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 2:44 PM
To: Shari StClair
Subject: Re: WAO Press Conference


Current Bog:  Asvestas declined to discuss the suit with the Current, but said that she will hold a press conference at WAO's Leslie Road facility next Thursday, where we would receive a packet with the autopsy report for Vi Vi and the cougars.

What about all the tiger deaths?  There were at least four adult tiger deaths from Jan - July 2009.  Will she have necropsy reports for the tigers as well?

----- Original Message -----
From: Kristina Brunner
To: Shari StClair
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 2:20 PM
Subject: WAO Press Conference

Greetings Shari!

Did you receive an invite to the WAO press conference on Thursday? And if so, will you be attending? 

Lightning Rod: RG Griffing draws a libel suit from the Wild Animal Orphanage

When it comes to headlines, no local watchdog has a sharper bite than the San Antonio Lightning's RG Griffing, and as those headlines are sometimes the story itself, it was only a matter of time before someone hired a lawyer.

And sure enough, last week, Carol Asvestas, executive director of the Wild Animal Orphanage in Bexar County, decided she'd had enough of being called "The Lyin' Queen," and accused of running an "animal Auschwitz."

In the complaint, Asvestas alleges that Griffing's negative reporting on her wildlife refuge has caused a drop in donations to the 26-year-old nonprofit, which, according to its website and, houses 500 or so animals (including 300 primates) on a 10-acre ranch near Helotes, and another 120-acre property in northwest Bexar County. According to the organization's 990 tax returns on GuideStar, WAO's total revenue in 2005 was almost $1.4 million, in 2006 just over $1.7 million, and in 2007 only $1.16 million. A 2008 990 was not available.

As early as October 2007, Griffing was questioning the fate of animals at WAO -- including as many as 100 pit bulls that may have been euthanized at the refuge and a large pack of unaccounted-for potbellied pigs -- and relaying dark and worrisome anonymous whistleblower tales. Earlier this year, Griffing wrote that federal authorities were investigating the refuge, and that there were reports of mass graves on its property. His citations, when he offers them, tend to be vague and /or anonymous.

Griffing says simply, "We stand behind our story."

Most recently, Griffing broke the news in mid-July that a young white Bengal tiger named Vi Vi, who was donated to WAO this spring, had died. In subsequent stories he reported that as many as eight cougars and a lion-tiger mix had also died this year. He cited the total number of confirmed animal deaths at WAO at 13 in the past 12 months.

Griffing wrote that he sought comment from Asvestas, with no luck, and obtained independent confirmation of Vi Vi's death from the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory.

At some point last month, Asvestas posted a note on the WAO website, dated simply July 2009, acknowledging Vi Vi's passing. "She died of pre-existing medical problems from poor nutrition when she was being cared for by her former owner," she wrote. "The damage sustained when she was very young could not have been undone. She did not suffer. She passed quickly."

In the same note, Asvestas promised to post a "complete veterinarian report on 'Vi Vi' within the next week." That report would help to answer some questions, including why a March 3, 2009 Associated Press story reported that veterinarian Loretta Ehrlund "says Vivi [sic] appears to be in good health."

Asvestas declined to discuss the suit with the Current, but said that she will hold a press conference at WAO's Leslie Road facility next Thursday, where we would receive a packet with the autopsy report for Vi Vi and the cougars. Veterinarian Ehrlund will be present, she says.

How many cougars have died this year, we asked?

"Off-hand, I don't know," said Asvestas.

August 19, 2009

I am honored to be asked to review RG's upcoming posting to make sure spelling/grammar looks okay...

Subject:Typos fixed.
From:San Antonio Lightning RG GRIFFING (
Date:Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:57 PM

Thanks. Check for more if you can.

Please Correct Errors In Law Suit Complaint
A Courtesy From RG Griffing, Editor/Publisher San Antonio Lightning
8-19-2009 Updated for spelling corrections

Attention: Eric R Turton
1900 Tower Life Building, 310 St Mary's
San Antonio Texas

 Dear Sir:

This is to follow up on our telephone conversation of Tuesday, August 18th, 2009.
As I indicated, I am representing myself pro se in these procedings.
Do not consider this an answer to your complaint (2009CV12843) as those documents will not arrive until timely; according to the due date listed on the complaint. 

This is being sent as a courtesy, due to some obvious errors in the complaint concerning business address, ownership and business status of the San Antonio Lightning Newspaper.

I do not want to cost the Court valuable time and effort in correcting these errors, and am keeping the Court apprised at all times, even before my official answer.

I also gently remind you that Texas laws provide that:
"The Court will attempt to accommodate pro se parties, consistent with the rights of other parties. Accordingly, every effort should be made to ensure that pro se parties, are fully notified and informed of all proceedings, so as to avoid expensive and time consuming rescheduling. The Court's indulgence of pro se parties' lack of sophistication will generally require a high degree of caution by attorneys to see that their own positions are procedurally defensible. Provisions should be made for a record in all proceedings involving a pro se, and adequate time scheduled therefore."
I must admit that I was surprised that no "demand letter" was ever sent to us. I suppose that is simply a courtesy, too, and not required.

If further service of legal papers are requied, then please call ahead, and I will meet your service representative, at a proper address, as I did originally.

I do respectfully demand that you correct the above mentioned errors contained in the complaint in question, to clarify to the Court and others that the information is available in the public records.

I also request that you admonish Ron Asvestas and Carol Asvestas or their agents not to act on physical threats which were voiced to us as The Lightning was attempting to get reaction to our various stories. Aggravated assault, is both criminal and a civil matter, as you know.

Thank you for your kind attention.


RG Griffing 
San Antonio Lightning

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