The blog covers the period from December 17, 2005 - April 30, 2010. The information in this blog was brought over from my handwritten notes, various documents, and email accounts which transpired during this period.

Friday, October 1, 2010

April 14, 2006 - April 29, 2006 Notes

April 14, 2006

According to Norma, Rachelle knew all about her inclusion on the WAO's website as the sanctuary's "in-house vet" and was concerned she would get in trouble if reported to the authorities, thereby jeopardizing her green card status.

Rachelle Farvour Letter to TBVME

Yeah, right it was a "mistake."  The same "mistake" was printed in all WAO out-going marketing material and Carol Asvestas knew Favour was not performing duties as a "vet" else why did she give her duties as an animal caretaker and pay her such a low rate of pay as opposed to that of a true vet?  Not a mistake.  This was done intentionally, in my opinion, to deceive donors as well as individuals wishing to place animals, such as college/university retired primates, at the WAO. Not to mention Asvestas' ability to use Favour to purchase controlled substances such as Ketamine without having to go with a "real" vet.

April 16, 2006

Rachel G. Favor (now married) no longer WAO’s in-house vet per the WAO’s website.

April 17, 2006

Mary Ann working on her signed statements.  Finally – spoke with Scott Huddleston.  I’m meeting him tomorrow after 5:00pm.

April 18, 2006

I spoke with Dr. Pannill.  She told me my complaint was being taken very seriously.  Since I submitted a large package, it was taking a while for her office to go through all the documentation.  She asked if I would send two statements as to what I observed at the Talley Rd facility (tours and animal movement).

I spoke with the IRS special agent and gave him an update that he should receive information from Joan (TOPS) and the Kronkosty Foundation.

I was unable to make the Express-News meeting with the reporter as I got lost!  He said he could come see me during my lunch tomorrow.

I found lots of stuff on the Internet regarding the WAO’s missing animals!

April 19, 2006

After work I went to the Express-News building and met Scott outside.  I gave him the package and left.

I spoke with Rita from In Defense of Animals.  She told me 11 monkeys are scheduled to be relocated from Colorado University to the WAO.  She needs my help in stopping the transfer.  After a long and detailed conversation, I agreed to Fed-Ex her a package of material she needed to see right away.

I just got off the phone with Lisa (PETA).  She wants a small write-up and pictures of what I saw at the WAO.

I spoke with Mary Ann earlier today.  She wants to send me her statement via mail.  She also said that Ron offered her beer at the WAO towards the end of the day when she volunteered in the cat area. 

Mary Ann decided at the last minute that she was afraid that WAO or Best Friends might sue her; therefore, I do not believe she will submit a signed statement to me after all.

April 20, 2006

Lots of e-mail traffic on the Colorado University case (IDA & PETA).  I mailed the package to Rita today.  I also sent Rita more info via email – photographs and web links.

April 21, 2006

I spoke with my attorney today, giving him an update on the case.
I spoke with Ann, (Texas Board of Pharmacy) and give her an update on Rachel Farvour – Rachel was no longer listed on the WAO’s website as its in-house vet.  Instead, she was listed as a WAO animal care technician.

I spoke with the WAO’s former bookkeeper.  I updated her on the status on the case, including the new information pertaining to the Colorado University monkeys, my visit with the Express-News reporter, and the County Gonzales animals.

I sent an email to PETA and IDA – we must stop Carol from getting the CU monkeys.

April 22, 2006

I spoke with Rita (IDA) – she is meeting with CU representatives and she plans to take the package with her.  Rita pointed out the Rachel Farvour was listed on ACE’s website as an advisor.   I doubt Rachel even knew she was listed as an advisor on this site.

I sent an email to Scott (Express-News) with an update on the CU and Gonzales cases. 

I learned from Rita that Linda Howard wanted to speak with me.  Apparently, Linda told Rita that “whatever I told her (Rita) must be true.”  Rita also said Linda did not ask to join the WAO’s Board of Advisors.   She said Carol just put her name out there.

April 24, 2006

I spoke with Linda today, and she gave me an update on what she learned from Carol Asvestas today:

Carol’s reaction to the various agencies visiting the WAO:

“I have been sick from “all this Kristina Brunner shit.” I was also referred constantly as “that bitch.”
All employees were forced to sign statement of non-compete/non-disclosure.

Carol discussed with Linda the OSHA and Texas Board of Veterinarian Medicine visits–Carol was ordered to remove Rachael Farvour from the website as an“in-house”vet.
Linda told me that:

Norma was out for “Norma” and Brandon was useless and lazy;
Apparently Norma and Brandon are having a sexual relationship on the WAO property and Norma is also having an affair with Ron Asvestas;

Terry and her fiancé Mike have been seen partying with Carol;
Linda told me that Norma killed Josh, a pata monkey, with a leathal dose (drug unknown) because Carol did not want to seek medical treatment. Josh was suffering from an infection located in his private parts. This happened during the same time Carol was fund raising for Murphy (chimp).

Carol drank heavily after the Emergency Board meeting. For approximately 5 days, Carol drank herself unconscious. Apparently during one of her drinking binges, she attacked Ron’s motorcycle, severely damaging it.
Carol allegedly told the animal caretakers that if “if you have a problem using sand in the litter boxes, you can leave right now.”

Carol told Linda that there was no reason to give monkeys “heat accessory.” However, Dr. Mahoney told Carol that the monkeys needed heat to maintain ambient temperatures. Apparently, Carol told Dr. Mahoney that he was wrong.

Carol told Linda that every employee was required to signed affidavits stating my allegations against Carol, Ron, and the WAO was not true.

Linda told me she would take pictures or at least try and learn the fate of the tigers living in the quarantine area.
Linda told me that Carol put her name on the board of advisors without her permission. She plans to gain access to the website and remove her name, herself, since despite numerous requests, Carol refused to do so.

I am apparently a curse word at the WAO. Linda stated the IRS visited Carol. I checked with Special Investigator Gamez and he confirmed he sent a message to the Civil Division regarding the WAO. He was surprised they moved so fast.

Linda told me Carol stated to two board advisors that I was schizophrenic, a drug user, and I had a mental breakdown.
I emailed Dr. Mahoney with my side of the WAO story. I told him I was not a schizophrenic drug user who had a mental break down. Rather I was a whistleblower. I blind copied PETA, IDA, and ASA on the message. It should be interesting to see how he responds. (FOR THE RECORD, I NEVER RECEIVED A RESPONSE FROM DR. MAHONEY. I TRIED CALLING HIM, BUT HE NEVER RETURNED MY CALLS EITHER.)

I spoke with Carol Fisher at the Texas Board of Pharmacy. Since the WAO is not a licensed facility, the “alleged” criminal acts are out of her jurisdiction. I tried telling her this was something that the Board should pursue. Carol Fisher said she was the director of enforcement. I asked for a return letter with a carbon copy to the Texas Board of Veterinarian Medicine. She said she could send this letter for my records to me.

April 25, 2006

I sent an email to Linda Howard covering the material we discussed yesterday.  I also asked her how the WAO meeting went today.  No response to my email yet.  I also have not received a response from Dr. Mahony.

According to Rita, the meeting at Colorado University’s Attorney Bonner went well.  She told me that the attorney may contact me sometime soon.  He requested the pictures I took on 12.17.05.  I emailed the photos to him with a carbon copy to Rita. 

I spoke with Special agent Gamez to confirm he received my fax.  He did.
I also spoke briefly with Scott and the San Antonio Express-News.

April 26, 2006

From: Linda J. Howard <>
To: 'Kristina Brunner'
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: WAO update

Hi Kristina,

Carol said she's sick and cancelled so I haven't been there yet this week.  I'm trying to reschedule a time to go.

What's "funny" about the non-disclosure agreement is that it's like an admission of guilt.  If things were above-board, there would be no need for something like that!  Animal sanctuaries aren't producing materials that would be trade secrets.

The web sites are working now.  The server may have been temporarily down.

Be in touch and I'll let you know when I go there and who is in the "quarantine" area.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:33 PM
To: Linda J. Howard
Subject: WAO update

Greetings Linda:

I cannot get what you told me out of my mind.  I am still shocked at how Josh was killed and I cannot get over how the workers were forced to sign that horrible 5-page non-disclosure statement you sent me.  I've been in HR for a lot of years, and I have never seen such a threatening "statement" - especially for an animal sanctuary. Normally these statements are for large companies - like MicroSoft - trying to protect trade secrets, not for a small animal sanctuary. Yikes!   I was saddened to learn that the workers were also forced to give a false avidavit.  This could get them into a lot of trouble if the WAO decides to sue someone in the future, because eventually, the truth will come out.  The environment there must be absolutely terrible and these workers have no other place to go.  I know a few believe that if they leave, something terrible will happen to the animals.  What I don't think they understand is that terrible things have already happened to the animals.  Thank goodness you contacted Patt Nordyke at the TFHS and kept Carol from getting onto the Board.  I noticed that Cindy Carroccio's name is still on the list of Board Members.  You did good....  I know that Carol is your friend, but in this case, I appreciate that you care enough for the animals to protect them from future harm.

If the workers ever want to talk to someone, they can talk to OSHA.  The non-disclosure statement does not stop the workers from talking to this Federal agency.  OSHA will also keep whatever said to them in the strictest of confidence.  At least it is one place they can go for help if they ever need it. There is no time limit.

I also wanted to follow-up to see how your meeting went at the WAO.  Did you happen to see the animals in quarantine.  Are the animals okay?  Is my name still a curse word there?  I cannot get over how she's telling folks that I'm a schizophrenic, with a drug problem, that had a mental breakdown last year.  What an absolute joke!  I noticed, in the civil disposition on file at the Bexar County Courthouse, she also claimed a former employee used drugs.  I'm willing to bet, this information could be construed as slanderous.  You should read the civil suit file sometime.  I found it to be most interesting and shocking.  If you need information regarding the file location, let me know and I'll give you the information.  You can also find the file name on the Bexar County website - but you will have to go in person to read the file.   It is a permanent record filed at the BC Courthouse - District Clerk Filing Section.

If you can get word to Terry, and you feel she can keep your confidence, please let her know that I am still trying to help the animals and I appreciated her support while I was still there.  She is absolutely right, the monkeys are "second-class citizens" and they do need help before any more animals die needlessly.  She knows how to reach me, in case she needs any help.

Again, thanks for your support and information.  You are right, something must be done for the benefit of the animals.  Only the animals count and their health and well-being must take precedence over any other consideration.  I know it may be hard to believe, I do not hate anyone at the WAO - I am just extremely saddened at all the lies told to me and all the needless deaths that could have been prevented.

I know I asked you if you would help me publicly, and I understand why you cannot at this time - it make sense - however, if you can think of anything that will help the animals or any future animals that may be forced to live there, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I stand ready to help you!  k

April 29, 2006

I spoke with the former bookkeeper.  She was at Petsmart today and learned that Stray Cat Adoption of Texas had ties with the WAO.  She saw an animal cage with a WAO label on it.  She was in a hurry to leave the store because she had to go to work, but she briefly told the Petsmart manager her recent experience with the WAO. 

I went to the same Petsmart store and spoke with Claire.  Claire is a volunteer with SCAT.  Claire told me that any cat not adopted is taken to the WAO so they can take the cats to their ‘Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center’ at Talley.  I explained to Claire that I used to volunteer at the WAO and the cats are not taken to a ‘rehabilitation center,’ rather the cats are dumped at Talley and are expected to fend for themselves.  Claire was shocked and she told me that the SCAT owner was probably not aware of what happened to the SCAT cats.  I suggested that SCAT demand to be taken to Talley to see this so-called ‘Feral Cat Rehab Center’ for them selves.  She said she would pass on the information to the SCAT owner.

I prepared letters for the Texas Parks & Wildlife game wardens to be mailed Monday.

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